The London DMS was once the stronghold of the Big Bus London operation, but they were still alive and kicking in Philadelphia in July 2008. This model is seen on the city tour.
Seen on the flag bedecked Ben Franklin Parkway is another London DMS, numbered 365, with tourists waving from one Big Bus to another.
A Leyland B20 DMS, 355, is seen parked up at the Independence Mall State Park, one of the main terminals for the Big Bus Tour, where tourists go to view the Liberty Bell and the steps of Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence was declared.
This London DMS, numbered 305, is seen at the main downtown stop for the Big Bus Tour, the Marriott Convention Center. Unfortunately the bus is marooned somewhat awkwardly in the middle of the road, causing problems for other passing buses. It has also lost its maroon colours in favour of a red livery dedicated to the Eastern State Penitentiary. The MCW bodied Leyland Fleetline is believed to be former DMS1979 (KUC979P).
Still going strong in July 2017 was former London Transport MCW bodied Daimler Fleetline DM1787 (GHM787N), 375, in the Philadelphia fleet and wrapped for Corona. Picture ref B7405