Kenya Counties (original) (raw)

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A new constitution for Kenya was enacted on 2010-08-27. It provides for devolved county government. There are 47 counties, as shown in the table below. The counties became active on 2013-03-27. They coincide almost exactly with the districts of Kenya as they were configured in ~1989. President Kibaki has stated that the number of counties will be increased in the future if this division proves unsatisfactory.

Update 11 to Geopolitical Entities and Codes (GEC, formerly FIPS 10-4) is dated 2013-04-30. It assigns codes to the new counties. "Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes, Edition 2" (GENC), a U.S. standard that's supposed to correspond to ISO 3166-2, was issued on 2014-03-31. It gives codes for the new counties, different from the GEC codes. On 2014-10-30, ISO revoked the codes for the provinces and added codes for the new counties, which exactly match the GENC codes.

When ISO 3166-2 came out in a second edition, dated 2007-12-15, it unexpectedly changed the code for Western province from900 to 800.

Country overview:

Short name KENYA
ISO code KE
GEC code KE
Language English (en), Swahili (sw)
Time zone +3
Capital Nairobi

At the start of the 20th century, British East Africa included the territory of Kenya and Uganda, plus some parts of Congo, Ethiopia, and Somalia. Kenya was split off as a British colony on 1905-04-01, under the same administration as the Kenya Protectorate, a coastal strip about ten miles wide owned by the Sultan of Zanzibar and leased to the British. The tiny Witu Protectorate was also included. The name British East Africa continued in use as a geographical term. Kenya became independent on 1963-12-12.

Other names of country:

  1. Danish: Kenya
  2. Dutch: Kenia, Republiek Kenia (formal)
  3. English: Republic of Kenya (formal)
  4. Finnish: Kenia
  5. French: Kenya m
  6. German: Kenia n
  7. Icelandic: Ken�a
  8. Italian: Kenia, Kenya m
  9. Norwegian: Kenya, Republikken Kenya (formal)
  10. Portuguese: Qu�nia, Qu�nia (Brazil), Rep�blica f do Qu�nia m (formal)
  11. Russian: Республика Кения (formal)
  12. Spanish: Kenia, Rep�blica f de Kenya f (formal)
  13. Turkish: Kenya Cumhuriyeti (formal)
  14. Swahili: Jamhuri ya Kenya (formal)
  15. Swedish: Kenya

Origin of name:

after Mount Kenya, from Kikuyu kere-nyaga: Mountain of Whiteness

Primary subdivisions:

Kenya is divided into 47 counties.

County HASC ISO GEC KBS Population Area(km.�) Area(mi.�) Pr
Baringo KE.BA 01 KE10 BAR 555,561 11,015 4,253 RV
Bomet KE.BO 02 KE11 BMT 891,835 2,792 1,078 RV
Bungoma KE.BN 03 KE12 BGM 1,375,063 3,032 1,171 WE
Busia KE.BS 04 KE13 BSA 743,946 1,695 654 WE
Elgeyo Marakwet KE.EM 05 KE14 EGM 369,998 3,030 1,170 RV
Embu KE.EB 06 KE15 EBU 516,212 2,818 1,088 EA
Garissa KE.GA 07 KE16 GSA 623,060 44,175 17,056 NE
Homa Bay KE.HB 08 KE17 HMA 963,794 3,183 1,229 NY
Isiolo KE.IS 09 KE18 ISL 143,294 25,336 9,782 EA
Kajiado KE.KJ 10 KE19 KAJ 687,312 21,901 8,456 RV
Kakamega KE.KK 11 KE20 KAK 1,660,651 3,018 1,165 WE
Kericho KE.KR 12 KE21 KCO 590,690 2,158 833 RV
Kiambu KE.KB 13 KE22 KBU 1,623,282 2,543 982 CE
Kilifi KE.KF 14 KE23 KLF 1,109,735 12,610 4,869 CO
Kirinyaga KE.KY 15 KE24 KIR 528,054 1,479 571 CE
Kisii KE.KI 16 KE25 KSI 1,152,282 1,318 509 NY
Kisumu KE.KU 17 KE26 KIS 968,909 2,086 805 NY
Kitui KE.KT 18 KE27 KTU 1,012,709 30,497 11,775 EA
Kwale KE.KW 19 KE28 KLE 649,931 8,270 3,193 CO
Laikipia KE.LK 20 KE29 LKP 399,227 9,462 3,653 RV
Lamu KE.LM 21 KE30 LAU 101,539 6,273 2,422 CO
Machakos KE.MC 22 KE31 MCS 1,098,584 6,208 2,397 EA
Makueni KE.MK 23 KE32 MUE 884,527 8,009 3,092 EA
Mandera KE.MD 24 KE33 MDA 1,025,756 25,991 10,035 NE
Marsabit KE.MB 25 KE34 MAR 291,166 70,961 27,398 EA
Meru KE.ME 26 KE35 MRU 1,356,301 6,933 2,677 EA
Migori KE.MG 27 KE36 MIG 917,170 2,596 1,002 NY
Mombasa KE.MM 28 KE37 MBA 939,370 219 85 CO
Murang'a KE.MU 29 KE38 MRA 942,581 2,559 988 CE
Nairobi KE.NB 30 KE05 NBO 3,138,369 695 268 NA
Nakuru KE.NK 31 KE39 NKU 1,603,325 7,495 2,894 RV
Nandi KE.ND 32 KE40 NDI 752,965 2,884 1,114 RV
Narok KE.NR 33 KE41 NRK 850,920 17,933 6,924 RV
Nyamira KE.NM 34 KE42 NYI 598,252 899 347 NY
Nyandarua KE.NN 35 KE43 NDR 596,268 3,245 1,253 CE
Nyeri KE.NI 36 KE44 NER 693,558 3,337 1,288 CE
Samburu KE.SA 37 KE45 SMB 223,947 21,022 8,117 RV
Siaya KE.SI 38 KE46 SYA 842,304 2,530 977 NY
Taita Taveta KE.TT 39 KE47 TVT 284,657 17,084 6,596 CO
Tana River KE.TR 40 KE48 TAN 240,075 38,437 14,841 CO
Tharaka Nithi KE.NT 41 KE49 TNT 365,330 2,639 1,019 EA
Trans Nzoia KE.TN 42 KE50 TRN 818,757 2,496 964 RV
Turkana KE.TU 43 KE51 TUR 855,399 68,680 26,518 RV
Uasin Gishu KE.UG 44 KE52 USG 894,179 3,345 1,292 RV
Vihiga KE.VI 45 KE53 VHG 554,622 564 218 WE
Wajir KE.WJ 46 KE54 WJR 661,941 56,686 21,886 NE
West Pokot KE.WP 47 KE55 PKT 512,690 9,169 3,540 RV
47 counties 38,610,097 581,309 224,445
HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. ISO: Codes from ISO 3166-2. GEC: Codes from GEC. KBS: Codes used by the Kenya Bureau of Standards. Population: 2009-04-15 census. Pr: Former province containing this county.

Postal codes:

Kenya uses five-digit postal codes. Generally a space is inserted after the first digit. The first digit indicates the province, with some exceptions.

Further subdivisions:

See the Districts of Kenya page.

When there were seven provinces, they were subdivided into 40 districts.

Territorial extent:

Coast includes all the islands along Kenya's coast, such as Funzi, Wasini (Shimoni), and the Lamu Archipelago (Lamu, Pate, Manda, and others).

There are three sizable islands in Lake Turkana. North Island is entirely within Rift Valley, South Island is entirely within Eastern, and Central Island is split between the two.

The UN LOCODE page for Kenya lists locations in the country, some of them with their latitudes and longitudes, some with their ISO 3166-2 codes for their subdivisions. This information can be put together to approximate the territorial extent of subdivisions.

Origins of names:

  1. Nairobi: Masai for the cool place
  2. Rift Valley: contains the Kenyan section of the Great Rift

Change history:

  1. 1909: Kenya consisted of six provinces: Kenia, Naivasha, Nyanza, Seyide, Tanaland, and Ukamba.
  2. ~1913: Jubaland and Northern Frontier provinces added, probably annexed from Somaliland and Uganda, respectively; Kenia and Naivasha provinces enlarged, probably at the expense of neighboring provinces. Spelling of Kenia changed to Kenya.
  3. ~1922: Seyide and Tanaland provinces merged to form Coast. Name of Kenya province changed to Kikuyu. Masai province created, probably split from Ukamba.
  4. 1925-06-29: Transjuba (everything west of the Juba River in modern Somalia) transferred from Kenya to Italian Somaliland.
  5. The divisions of Kenya at the time of the 1948 census were as follows, according to source [1].
Province Population Area(km.�) Capital
Central 2,104,910 77,705 Nyeri
Coast 501,121 64,074 Mombasa
Masai 67,130 39,451 Nairobi
Northern Frontier 187,451 302,464 Isiolo
Nyanza 1,866,677 28,751 Kisumu
Rift Valley 678,677 66,361 Nakuru
6 divisions 5,410,281 578,805
Province: except Masai, which was a district. Population: 1948-02-25 census.
  1. ~1955: Name of Masai district changed to Nairobi. Name of Northern Frontier changed to Northern. Southern province formed; its capital was Ngong.
  2. 1962: Kenya reorganized into Central, Coast, Eastern, Northern, Nyanza, Rift Valley, and Western regions, and the Nairobi area. By 1970 the status of the regions had changed to provinces.
  3. 1963: North-Eastern province formed from Northern and part of Coast.
Province HASC ISO FIPS Pc Population Area(km.�) Area(mi.�) Capital
Central KE.CE 200 KE01 1 4,383,743 13,191 5,093 Nyeri
Coast KE.CO 300 KE02 8 3,325,307 83,603 32,279 Mombasa
Eastern KE.EA 400 KE03 6,9 5,665,123 159,891 61,734 Embu
Nairobi Area KE.NA 110 KE05 0 3,138,369 684 264 Nairobi
North-Eastern KE.NE 500 KE06 7 2,310,757 126,902 48,997 Garissa
Nyanza KE.NY 600 KE07 4 5,442,711 16,162 6,240 Kisumu
Rift Valley KE.RV 700 KE08 2,3 10,006,805 173,854 67,125 Nakuru
Western KE.WE 800 KE09 5 4,334,282 8,361 3,228 Kakamega
8 divisions 38,610,097 582,648 224,960
Province: except Nairobi, which is an "area". HASC: Hierarchical administrative subdivision codes. ISO: Codes from ISO 3166-2. FIPS: Codes from FIPS PUB 10-4. Pc: First digit(s) of postal codes for province. Population: 2009-04-15 census.
  1. 2013-03-27: Kenya reorganized into 47 counties, which are shown in the main table above.

Other names of subdivisions:

  1. Homa Bay: Asego (Swahili)
  2. West Pokot: Pokot (variant)
  3. Central: Kati (Swahili)
  4. Coast: Pwani (Swahili)
  5. Eastern: Mashariki (Swahili)
  6. Nairobi Area: Federal Area, Nairobi City, Nairobi District (variant); Masai District (obsolete)
  7. North-Eastern: Kaskazini Mashariki (Swahili)
  8. Nyanza: Nyanza (Swahili)
  9. Rift Valley: Bonde la Ufa (Swahili)
  10. Western: Magharibi (Swahili)

Population history:

Province 1962-08-15 1969-08-24 1979-08-25 1989-08-24 1999-08-24 2009-04-15
Central 1,334,900 1,676,000 2,345,833 3,116,703 3,724,159 4,383,743
Coast 741,100 944,000 1,342,794 1,829,191 2,487,264 3,325,307
Eastern 1,556,900 1,907,000 2,719,851 3,768,677 4,631,779 5,665,123
Nairobi Area 343,500 509,000 827,775 1,324,570 2,143,254 3,138,369
North-Eastern 268,900 246,000 373,787 371,391 962,143 2,310,757
Nyanza 1,634,100 2,122,000 2,643,956 3,507,162 4,392,196 5,442,711
Rift Valley 1,739,800 2,210,000 3,240,402 4,981,613 6,987,036 10,006,805
Western 1,014,500 1,328,000 1,832,663 2,544,329 3,358,776 4,334,282
Totals 8,636,300 10,943,000 15,327,061 21,443,636 28,686,607 38,610,097

Notes: 1962 total includes 2,600 persons in transit at the time of the enumeration. 1962 figures proleptic to post-1963 boundaries.


  1. [1] Encyclop�dia Britannica World Atlas, 1957 edition.
  2. [2] L'�valuation des effectifs de la population des pays Africains, Tome I. Groupe de D�mographie Africaine, Paris, 1982.
  3. [3] Kenya Open Data is the source for 2009 census data (retrieved 2011-12-31).
  4. [4] (dead link).
  5. [5] National Atlas of Kenya, 3rd ed. Survey of Kenya, 1970.
  6. [6] Central Bureau of Statistics census report (, dead link, retrieved 2004-01-10).