American 20th-21st Century Still Life Painting (original) (raw)

American 20th-21st Century Still Life Painting


This section of the Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO) catalogue Topics in American Art is devoted to the topic "American 20th-21st Century Still Life Painting." Articles and essays specific to this topic published in TFAO's Resource Library are listed at the beginning of the section. Clicking on titles takes readers directly to these articles and essays. The date at the end of each title is the Resource Library publication date.

Following are links to valuable online resources found outside our website. Links may be to museums' articles about exhibits, plus much more topical information based on our online searches.

Following online resources is information about offline resources including museums, DVDs, and paper-printed books, journals and articles.

(above: (above: Maude Drein Bryant,Calendulas and Asters, c. 1913, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

47 Resource Library articles and essays honoring the American experience through its art:

2008-2016 8

2004-2005 8

2001-2003 11

1998-2000 20

Also see Still Life Art: 18-19th Century,19-20th Century

(above: Soren Emil Carlsen,Study in Grey, 1906, oil on canvas, 86 x 97 cm, Dallas Museum of Art, Munger Fund. Image and text source: Wikimedia Commons - public domain)

From other wesbites:

Alvin Ross: A Centennial Exhibition is a 2020 exhibit at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum which says: "At the heyday of Abstract Expressionism, Alvin Ross was an anomaly; his precise, finely-wrought still-life paintings, done on a small scale, were the antithesis of the large, impetuously brushed evocations of the Expressionist vein rampaging around him. Ross was a thoughtful artist, an historian as well as a student of art. His frequent trips abroad confirmed his sense of the past, and his use of realism in a period dominated by abstraction in art." Accessed 4/21

Beautiful Decay was a 2016 exhibit at the Danforth Museum of Art, which says: "More than a bowl of fruit or a vase of flowers, a still life conveys ideas that go beyond the arrangement of objects and the temporal moment that is captured. Still life compositions represent our thoughts on mortality, the passage of time, our organic nature, or connections to ourselves, family, and the world around us. A still life is actually rather "unstill" in that its subject is often constantly changing.... Through paintings, drawings, photographs, and mixed media installation, the exhibition invites viewers to expand their definition to explore both the traditional and untraditional still life." Accessed 11/16 Also see "Danforth's 'Beautiful Decay' takes a close look at the natural world" By Keith Powers in 5/8/16. Accessed 11/16

Beth Van Hoesen: Still Life is a 2018 exhibit at the Monterey Museum of Art which says: "Beth Van Hoesen: Still Life features prints and drawings by the late Bay Area artist. This exhibition will feature enigmatic works focused on figures, still lifes, and highly patterned domestic scenes. Many of these works have not previously been displayed, and most were generously given to the MMA by the E. Mark Adams and Beth Van Hoesen Adams Trust in 2013." Also see biography from FAMSF, biographyin Wikipedia, 5/8/09 article in_The Oregonian._ Accessed 5/18

_George Mauersberger: Pastel Drawings 1991- 201_6 is a 2017 exhibit at the Butler Institute of American Art which says: "One of Cleveland's best in capturing details of every day still life's, George Mauersberger has been exploring genres using pastels since 1991 during his fourth year of teaching drawing at Cleveland State University." Also see artist's website. Accessed 4/17

Isabella Kirkland: Stilled Life, an exhibit held February 22 2014 - May 18 2014 at the Dayton Art Institute. Includes brochure and links to video and articles. Accessed August, 2015

Janet Fish: An American Master is a 2007 exhibit at the Lehigh University Art Galleries Accessed 2/19

Once & Again: Still Lifes by Beth Lipman is a 2016 exhibit at the Hunter Museum of American Art which says: "Finding inspiration in European master paintings, Beth Lipman (b. 1971) draws links between past and present in her large-scale, three-dimensional glass sculptures, expanding beyond still life to incorporate elements of portraiture and the landscape." Accessed 8/18

Poetical Fire: Three Centuries of Still Lifes was a 2011 exhibit at the Sheldon Museum of Art. Viewers may download the exhibition catalog. Accessed 1/17

Suitable Subjects, Contemporary Still Lifes, an exhibit held May 21 - August 16, 2013 at the Grace Museum. Includes exhibit brochure. Accessed August, 2015.

Wayne Thiebaud: American Memories, an exhibit held February 23-June 1, 2014 at the Laguna Art Museum. Includes gallery photos. Accessed February, 2015.

DVD/VHS videos:

Important Information Inside: John F. Peto and the Idea of Still-Life Painting is a 28 minute National Gallery of Art video which "Explores Peto's art in the context of his native Philadelphia and The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where he trained. Live footage shows the artist's home and studio in Island Heights, New Jersey. Peto's studio is much the same today as during the artist's life; it expresses the artist's temperament in its design and in his collections of objects--the very forms found in his paintings." This program is available in the DVD collection: American Art, 1785­1926: Seven Artist Profiles.This DVD is lent free of charge through the National Gallery of Art's Division of Education (go to NGA Loan Materials) Description source: Amon Carter Museum Teacher Resource Center

Go to Still Life Art: 18-19th Century, 19-20th Century, 20-21st Century

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Resource Library is a free online publication of nonprofitTraditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO). Since 1997, Resource Library and its predecessor Resource Library Magazine have cumulatively published online 1,300+ articles and essays written by hundreds of identified authors, thousands of other texts not attributable to named authors, plus 24,000+ images, all providing educational and informational content related to American representational art. Texts and related images are provided almost exclusively by nonprofit art museum, gallery and art center sources.

All published materials provide educational and informational content to students, scholars, teachers and others. Most published materials relate to exhibitions. Materials may include whole exhibition gallery guides, brochures or catalogues or texts from them, perviously published magazine or journal articles, wall panels and object labels, audio tour scripts, play scripts, interviews, blogs, checklists and news releases, plus related images.

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