Bornemanite Mineral Data (original) (raw)
General Bornemanite Information
Molecular Weight = 908.83 gm
Potassium 0.43 % K 0.52 % K2O
Barium 10.58 % Ba 11.81 % BaO
Sodium 13.66 % Na 18.41 % Na2O
Titanium 12.12 % Ti 20.22 % TiO2
Manganese 1.81 % Mn 2.34 % MnO
Niobium 7.16 % Nb 10.24 % Nb2O5
Silicon 12.36 % Si 26.44 % SiO2
Phosphorus 3.41 % P 7.81 % P2O5
Hydrogen 0.08 % H 0.69 % H2O
Oxygen 37.15 % O
Fluorine 1.25 % F 1.25 % F
______ ______
100.00 % 99.21 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Late hydrothermal mineral.
Approved IMA 1975
Yubileinaya (Jubilee) alkalic pegmatite, Mt. Karnarsut, Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Link to Location Data.
Named or Irina Dimitrievna Borneman-Starynkevich (1890-), Russian mineralogist, Institute of Ore Deposits, Moscow. She was a student of the mineralogy of the Khibiny and Lovozero ma ssifs.
Bornemanite Image
Bornemanite Comments: Pale yellow or peach colored, massive bornemanite. Location: Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, Russia.Scale: Picture size 5 mm. © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix |
Bornemanite Crystallography
a:b:c =0.7721:1:6.7345
a = 5.498, b = 7.12, c = 47.95, Z = 4; beta = 88.4° V = 1,876.31 Den(Calc)= 3.22
Monoclinic - DomaticH-M Symbol (m) Space Group: I11b
By Intensity(I/Io): 3.44(1), 8.04(1), 24.1(1),
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| | Ferraris G , Belluso E , Gula A , Soboleva S V , Ageeva O A , Borutskii B E , The Canadian Mineralogist , 39 (2001) p.1665-1673, A structure model of the layer titanosilicate bornemanite based on, seidozerite and lomonosovite modules | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Physical Properties of Bornemanite
{001} Perfect
Light yellow.
3.47 - 3.5, Average = 3.48
Transparent to Translucent
Aggregates - Made of numerous individual crystals or clusters.
Platy - Sheet forms (e.g. micas).
3.5-4 - Copper Penny-Fluorite
Optical Properties of Bornemanite
CI meas= 0.148 (Poor) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC)
CI calc= 0.078 (Fair) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2166,KPDmeas= 0.2001,KC= 0.2349
Ncalc = 1.76 - 1.82
Biaxial (+), a=1.682-1.683, b=1.687-1.695, g=1.718-1.72, bire=0.0360-0.0370, 2V(Calc)=46-72, 2V(Meas)=66.
pale yellowish brown.
Calculated Properties of Bornemanite
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=3.07 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Bornemanite =3.22 gm/cc.
Fermion Index = 0.04
Boson Index = 0.96
PEBornemanite = 58.51 barns/electron
U=PEBornemanite x relectron= 179.62 barns/cc.
GRapi = 5.90 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Bornemanite per GRapi unit = 16.94 (%)
Estimated Radioactivity from Bornemanite - barely detectable
Bornemanite Classification (56)Sorosilicate Si2O7 Groups and O, OH, F. and H2O
(56.04)with [Si2O7] with phosphate, water
(56.04.02)Bornemanite Group Bornemanite BaNa3{(Na,Ti)4[(Ti,Nb)2O2Si4O14](F,OH)2}•PO4 I11b m Bykovaite! BaNa{(Na,Ti)4[(Ti,Nb)2(OH,O)3Si4O14](OH,F)2}•3H2O I11b 2
09.BE.50 09 - SILICATES (Germanates)
09.B - Sorosilicates
09.BE -Si2O7 groups with additional anions;
09.BE.50 Bornemanite BaNa3{(Na,Ti)4[(Ti,Nb)2O2Si4O14](F,OH)2}•PO4 I11b m
09.BE.50 Shkatulkalite! {(Na,Mn,Ca,[])4[Nb2(O,H2O)4Si4O14](OH,F)2}•2(H2O,[]) P 2,Pm,P 2/m Mono
09.BE.50 Bykovaite! BaNa{(Na,Ti)4[(Ti,Nb)2(OH,O)3Si4O14](OH,F)2}•3H2O I11b 2
Other Bornemanite Information
NAME( Dana8) PHYS. PROP.(AmMin, Vol 97, p 1512) OPTIC PROP.(Dana8)
Links to other databases for Bornemanite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - EUROmin Project
4 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
5 - GeoScienceWorld
6 - Google Images
7 - Google Scholar
8 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
9 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
10 - MinDAT
11 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
12 - Online Mineral Museum
13 - QUT Mineral Atlas
14 - Ruff.Info
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Dana No: Strunz No: 09.BE.50