Index for my COLLECTING VINTAGE CINEMATOGRAPHICA pages (original) (raw)
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Click for details of various cameras and projectors: List of 3000 cameras and projectors
I conceived this index before I could trace an adequate search engine for my site. Now that I found one (Atomz), I recommend you to search my site also by typing in keywords below:
Single/straight 8mm Movex camera
Amateur film
Apparatebau Freiburg, see 'Lytax'
Amigo, Gustav, 35mm model A camera
Bell & Howell
35mm Standard Cinematograph camera (1912)
Filmo 75 16mm camera, three models (image)
Filmo 57 16mm projector (1923 -31, image)
Bibliography, see 'Literature'
Bi�vres annual photographica market
Bolex, see Paillard Bolex
Bonds Ltd., see Kinora
Books, see 'Literature'
List of more than 1100 cameras and projectors
first motorised (Bell & Howell, 1912 )
first motorised 16mm camera (Victor)
first 16mm optical sound camera (RCA-Victor)
Cameras (buying/selling), see also 'cinematographica'
Cameras Projectors Ltd., London (Midas)
Celluloid (see Nitrate)
Chrono de Poche, see Gaumont
Cinemascope - 55 widescreen size
Cinematography, see 'movie making'
info on/manuals for cameras/projectors
for sale by readers on my billboard
queries by readers (Billboard)
read this before offering equipment for sale
not wanted/high shipping costs
Collecting, see also 'cinematographica' (for buying/selling)
historical equipment, films, milestones
Collectors (see also 'collecting')
Comicscope toy slide projector
Cook, W.B. see New Premier Pathescope
Corbett/Fitzsimmons fight 63mm film
image of relative 63mm filmstrip
Davsco Professionel Kino 35mm camera (image)
Debrie, Andr�
Dickson,W.K.L., orders film from Eastman
Duplex, see 'Path�'
Eastman Kodak
order for cine film from Edison
Ebay auctions
Contribution to standardization 35mm
Filmstrip of 1890 ('Monkeeyshine')
Projecting Kinetoscope #K 3015 (after 1902, image)
Home Kinetoscope 22mm projector
Eight mm (see also single, straight, super 8mm)
Single/straight (streight) 8 (1936)
Equipment (where to buy/sell), see 'Cinematographica'
Ernemann (Heinrich)
Ernemann Kino projector (1903)
model A 35mm camera (1908,image)
Kinox 1 35mm projector (image)
Felix the cat (animated image)
inflammable nitrate versus safety film
where to buy unexposed 8/9,5/16mm for use
Film sizes: (See also 'Sizes')
image of three 9�mm film strips cut from 35mm
15mm Gaumont/Demeny Chrono de Poche (1900)
56mm Magnafilm (Paramount, 1930)
55,625mm Cinemascope - 55 (1955)
63,5mm Natural Vision (R.K.O., 1926)
63mm (Corbett/Fitzsimmons fight)
65mm Vitascope (Warner Bros., 1930)
65mm Todd-AO film frame (image)
70mm Grandeur (20th Century Fox, 1929)
Filming, see 'movie making'
Filmo, see Bell & Howell
The Big Reel (film collectors magazine)
Format (see 'Sizes' and 'Film sizes')
Freiburg, Apparatebau, see Lytax
Gaumont & Cie, Etabl. L�on Ernest
Chrono de Poche (15mm, 1900) camera
Chrono de Poche 15mm camera (image)
Geyer 16mm camera and projector (1926)
Glass plate devices
Association Francaise. History of early cinema (French)
Library of Congress: Early motion pictures 1897-1916
All about Siegmund Lubin, the American film pioneer (1851-1923)
Quellen zur (Deutsche) Filmgeschichte
Hobby, see 'collecting/collectors'
Home movies, see also 'making movies'
Huet & Cie Cinephot disc camera
Japanese Rola and Sakura cameras
Kamm, Leo and his Kammatograph
D-64 200 W. 16mm projector (1936?)
A-75 500 watt 16mm projector (1938?)
Kodak, Eastman
Gerald McKee on Kodascope model A
Chronology of Eastman Kodak motion picture film (1910-1996)
Kodacope model D projector manual
Kinetoscope, Edison Home (22mm)
camera for "1" paperfilm (image)
Lido (Path�) 9,5/4,75mm cam/proj.
Literature on vintage apparatus and history
Publications of Deutsches Film Museum)
Pre-cinema and Early film publishers "The Projectionbox"
Lubin, Siegmund, the American film pioneer (1851-1923)
1895 35mm camera/projector (image)
Lytax 35mm camera (image, 1920?)
Magazines on movie (collecting)
'Amateur Cine Enthusiast' monthly magazine (UK)
Van Houten magic lantern postcard
Magnafilm 56mm widescreen size(1930)
Monaco (Path�) 9,5/4,75mm projector
Movie making
Processing your own Movie film
Mutoscope of the Biograph Company
Eadweard Muybridge, Father of the Motion Picture
Natural vision widescreen (1926)
Newmann & Sinclair, 35mm Auto kine camera of 1946 (image)
Nine Five (=9�mm)
Nitrate film
early nitrate film thin and fragile
Paillard Bolex
History and model characteristics
three of their first 16mm cameras
Panoramica 70mm widescreen(1914)
Parvo, Le, camera, see 'Debrie'
taken over by Kodak late twenties
Advertising sign (late twenties?)
- Same - but of a stylised design (late thirties?)
35mm printer around 1900 (image)
'Professionel' 35mm camera (image)
'Professionel' 35mm camera (1908)
Studio 35mm camera (1906, image)
Baby camera and projector (image)
prototype(?) Baby projector (image)
Baby 9�mm printer (around 1928, image)
widescreen 4 3/4mm duplex (1955)
Duplex Lido camera and Monaco projector
- Bolex conversion to super 16. Visit Animato's site.
New premier Pathescope 28mm projector
Rex 17�mm sound projector
Lido duplex 9�/4,75mm camera
Princess 9,5mm projector
9,5mm Pathescope silent film catalogue
9,5mm Pathescope sound film catalogue
Paul, Robert
Pelicule format standard = 35mm
Powers 35mm projector (1905)
Prestwich projector around 1898
Prices (see also 'value', 'wanted', 'sale, for',)
still moderate
Projectors (buying/selling), see 'Cinematographica'
List of more than 1100 projectors and cameras
suppliers of projection lamps
suppliers of parts/belts
repair of
Ben van Beek's 16/35mm projection pages
Radiquet & Massiot projection mechanism around 1897 (image)
RCA - Victor first optical sound 16mm camera
Regular 8mm (before 1965) see: Eight mm
Rola K.N.W. Tokyo, Cine, Japanese imitation Path� 9,5mm camera
Safety film
tri-acetate replaces nitrate film
Siemens, three of their 16mm cameras
Simplex Pockette camera manual
Single 8mm
Sizes (film)(see also 'Film sizes' for different widths)
smalfilm/schmalfilm = substandard size (see filmsizes)
Sixteen millimeter
first Victor 16mm electric 16mm camera
BKSTS: The Moving Image Society (wall-charts)
Western Electric sound-on-disc system
RCA - Victor first optical sound 16mm camera
Straight/streight/single 8mm (prewar)
Super 8mm
Super 16mm
Uncle Sam toy projector cum gramophone
Universal 35mm projector (image)
Univex single(straight) 8mm camera
Value of cameras/projectors (queries)
Victor Animatograph Co.
first 16mm electric 16mm camera
How film is transferred to video
Vox, Path� 9�mm sound projector
Warwick (?) 35mm projector (around 1900, image)
Western Electric sound-on-disc system
Wittnauer Cine-Twin camera/projector
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Created 13 September 1998, latest revision: 6 July 2006
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