List of vintage movie cameras, projectors etc., part 3 (K (original) (raw)

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Kaawe (Kannengiesser, Aders & Wehler GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Kalart Victor Corp.,Plainville, USA (see Victor)

Kalee: Kershaw Projector Co., London/Kershaw & Sons Ltd./New Century Film Service, Leeds, Great Britain

Kamera- und Kinowerke, DDR, see here

Kamikaze 16 MM Film Projector Factory, Japan, which advertise themselves as "Manufacturer of Minikawa's High Class Cinematograph"

Kearton, Cherry Ltd., London, UK (see Aeroscope

Keero, Great Britain

Keystone Mfg. Co., Boston, USA ('since 1919')
Began to sell their equipment through Paramount Mfg. Co, Warren Mfg. Co. and Sears Roebuck. Keystone' was bought out in 1965 by Berkey. Subsequently in 1991 Keystone stock and brand names were bought by Concord Camera Corp. Avenel, NY, USA.
Note: I cannot make head nor tail out of their numbering system. (Some were also sold by other department stores like Macy's under different model numbers ) Keystone Camera's

Keystone, Ferrule & Nut Co., Burlington, USA

KIEVSKIY GOSUDARSTVENNIY ZAVOD AVTOMATIKI imeni G. I. PETROVSKOGO = Kiev State-run Automatics Works named after G. I. Petrovskiy until 1983, Kiev, Ukraine, (formerly USSR)


Kinak Motion Picture Co., New York, USA

Kinap / Odesskiy P/O Kinap, Odessa (P/O Proizvodtsvenniy Obyedineniye: Production Amalgamation), Ukraine, USSR

Kinemo Kit, Los Angeles, USA ???

Kineres, Germany

Kineto Ltd., London (1907 - 23)

(Known for the production scientific and interest films)

Kinetograph (Schlicker)

Kinn, Cin� / Laboratoires J.Giguet, Maul�on-Soule, France

Kinograph, Manchester, N.H., USA

Kinokam Co., The, Great Britain

Kinor (see Moskinap)

Kinora/Bonds Ltd./ Kinora Co. Ltd., London, UK (See also Lumi�re 1896. Incorporating Mutoscope patent by Herman Casler. Also marketed by the British Mutoscope & Biograph Co.Ltd. and Warwick Trading Co.Ltd., London)


Klangfilm G.m.b.H, Germany

Kleine Optical Co., Chicago, USA.
Probably only distributor of cinematographic equipment early 1900.

Klix Mfg. Co., Chicago, USA

Knega Co. Inc., Washington DC, USA

(I'm not sure about the manufacturers of this camera. It was advertised in Jenkins and Depue's Handbook of 1908. But Knega were also the publishers of that book?!)

Knetsch, Breslau, Germany

. See also Lehmann & Knetsch

Knittel, Bruno, Dresden, Germany

Kodak Co., Eastman, Rochester, USA


Kodel Electric & Mfg. Co. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

Konica/Konishiroku Photo Industry Co.Ltd., Tokyo, Japan (marketed Rokuohsha, Tokyo cameras)

Kopil/Kobayashi Seiki Seisakujo Ltd., Japan

Krasnagorsk / KMZ (Krasnogorskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod (Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant), Krasnagorsk, USSR

Krasnagorsk logo. See also here

Kretzschmar, Fridolin (Deutsche Kinematographen Werke), Dresden, Germany.

Manufacturer of the first German substandard cine camera, component of a whole system. (Available were: a lamphouse to convert the camera into a projector and a printer) Ernemann bought the Kretzschmar patent. The Kinematograph was the forerunner of Ernemann Kino I and Kino II. See also here (click)

Kunert, Werner, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Kymograph Cameras, Grass Instruments Co./Grass Medical Co., Quincy, USA

Kynko / Chas Wright Ltd. , Great Britain


La Belle Industries, Wisconsin, USA

The Lackner Co. Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

LaFayette Instrument Co.., USA

Lambda Co., USA

Lamy, Milan, Italy

Lancaster & Son, J., Birmingham, Great Britain

Lapierre Frères, France

Lang Manufacturing Works, Olean, N.Y., USA

Lee & Turner see Darling

Lehmann, A., F�rth, Germany

Leitz GmbH, Ernst, Wetzlar, Germany

(see Leitz Kinowerke below)

Leitz Kinowerke GmbH., Germany

(After 1929 manufactured by by AEG, Berlin. See Leitz above))

Le Seul, see Courvoisier

Levèque SA, Pierre, Pau, France

Leybold, Cologne, GermanyManufacturer of carbon arc light burners 1898 - ?

Liesegang, Eduard, D�sseldorf/Hauff GmbH, Stuttgart, (West-) Germany

Linhof, Dipl. lng., Munich, Germany

Linnett, J.B.

Lion / Vitascope, Japan

L�ffel, Leipzig, Germany (1926 - 1933)

Lubin, S., Philadelphia, USA.

Lytax-Werke - Apparatebau Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany


Maggard Bradely Co. Inc., Morehead, KY, USA

Mamiya Camera Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Mansfield Ind. Inc.Chicago, USA (see Argus, Baskon and Remington)

Marlowe Camera Co., Chicago, USA

Mashpriborintorg VO (Vnestorgnaya Obyedineniye = foreign amalgamation = export organization), USSR

. See also Lomo

J.N.Maskelyne, London, Great Britain

G. Massiot, Paris, France

Maurer, J.A. Inc., Los Angeles/New York, USA

(Formerly Berndt-Maurer Corp. until early forties)

Micro Cine/Kern, Aarau, Switzerland. See also Hauser, Philippe & Probst, Edouard

Midget Movies / Capitol Projector Corp. New York, USA

Miller Cine Co Ltd., Gloucester, Great Britain

D.B. Milliken Co., Arcadia, Cal., USA

Minolta Camera Co.Ltd., Japan

M.I.P. / M�canique Industrielle de Pr�cision, Paris, France (1928 - 1966)

. Merger of Continsouza and Aubert in 1928. In 1937 the following firms joined: Jean Carpentier, Pascal Carpentier, Andr� Joly, Pierre No�l et Jacques Brunon. Many take-overs in following years.

Mirographe, Paris, France

Mitchell & Kenyon, Blackburn, Great Britain

Mitchell Camera Corp., Glendale/West-Hollywood, CA,USA

Mollier, Etablissements , Paris, France

Molteni, A., Paris, France

Monarch Film Service, Memphis, TN, USA

Morexa, Soci�t� des Cam�ras, Paris, France

Mortier & Ch�ri-Rousseau, France

Mortleigh Camera Co.Ltd., Great Britain

Moskinap (Moskovskiy Zavod Kinoapparaturiy (Moscow Plant of Cine Apparatuses)), Moscow, Russia

(lenses manufactured at Lomo plant, Leningrad, newer generation lenses at JSC Optika plant). See also RafCamera

Motiograph Inc., Chicago, USA (Took over in 1935 Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co.)

In 1951 Motiograph started manufacturing Victor Animatograph 16mm sound projectors

Movette Camera Corp.(also 'Movette Incorporated'), Rochester, N.Y., USA

Moviecam F. G. Bauer Filmtechnik GesmbH, Vienna, Austria, now owned by Arri . Also known for Moviescope widescreen format.

Movie Jecktor Co.Inc., New York, USA

Movie Komics/Allied Mfg. Co./Russakow Can Co. , Chicago, USA

Movie Star Camera Co., Chicago, USA

Movieland Toy Marvel, see Pordell

Moviematic/General Moviematic Camera Inc., New York, USA. For Moviematic projector see below.

Moy, Ltd., Ernest Francis (Moy & Bastie), London, Great Britain

Muggard Bradley, Morehead, Kentucky, USA

Müller, Leonhard

Multido, France

Mupi S.R.L., Florence, Italy

Mutoscope/ International Mutoscope Reel Co. Inc., New York, USA
(see also the wonderful danish site and the British Mutoscope site)

MW Toy Co.

Myers Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, USA


NAC Inc., Japan

Nanjing Cine Equipment Manufactory, China

Natco Inc., Chicago, USA

National, France

National Cine Laboratories, New York, USA

Negretti & Zambra, Electric Gyroscope Kinematograph Camera Co.Ltd.,London, GB (See Electric Gyroscope K. Co.Ltd.)

Nertney T.J. Mfg. Co., Ottawa, Ill., USA

Nett, Toni, Stuttgart, Germany


(See Lomo)

Newall Engineering Co., Great Britain

Newman & Guardia Ltd., London, Great Britain

Newman & Sinclair Ltd., London, Great Britain

Nihon Cine Industry Co Ltd., Japan

NIKFI (Scientific Cinema-Photo Research Institute) Moscow, BKTsK (Central Cine Apparatus Design Bureau), St. Petersburg, USSR.

Nikon/Nippon Kogaku K.K., Tokyo, Japan

Nippon Cine Industries Co. Ltd., Japan

Nippon Eigaki & Co., Japan These cameras were also produced during and after WW2

Nippon Koki Kogyo Co.Ltd., Osaka, later Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan


NIZO / Niezoldi & Krämer GmbH (Nizo), Munich, Germany

(NIZO became the camera make of Braun AG in 1962)Nizo cameras

Noris/Plank (Click here)

Norske Smalfilmapparater A/S, Oslo, Norway.

Northridge Research, USA.


Oehmichen (Soci�t� d'�tude et de perfectionnement des inventions Oehmichen, Sepio), Valentigney & Paris, France

Ofag AG, Heidelberg, Germany (1922-25)

O.G.C.F., France

Olag, Berlin, Germany

Old Delft / De Oude Delft, Delft, Netherlands

Olikos, see Cin�ma Plaques, Ste. de

Olympus Optical Co., Tokyo, Japan

Onorato Isacco Torino,

Optica GmbH, Berlin, Germany/Bing Werke

(1921 - 1926)

Optical Radiaton Corp. , India

Optikotechna, Prag, Czechoslowakia (Meopta?)

Optigraph, see Enterprise Optical Co.

Optisch Mechanische Industrie-Anstalt G�rlitz, Schlesien, Germany

OSSA, Spain

Oude Delft, Netherlands

Oxberry, USA

Oxford (see Loveless & Hunter)

Ozaphan, Germany

for German Ozaphan cellophane films (See also Agfa, Noris and Siemens)

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Created: 26 September 1998; latest addition 21 April 2023
I cannot take any responsibility for the data supplied in this list.

© Michael Rogge 2023


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