000_addme_000 - Profile (original) (raw)

on 25 March 2005 (#6565893)

1. This is a community for finding livejournal friends. Ljers of all ages may join this community.

2. Please treat this community and all its members with respect.

3. Do not make posts/comments which mock/stalk/hurt or otherwise abuse anyone in this community.

4. You may post a picture as long as:
a) It is not sexually explicit or contain nudity of any nature
b) You must place images/photos/pictures/graphics behind an lj-cut. The code for this is <*lj-cut* text="insert title of cut here"*>type your text here, or add the url of your pic (remove the *s)

5. Due to some of our members being under the age of 18, do not make posts/comments of a sexual nature.

6. Do not post links to any website outside of livejournal.

7. Do not treat this community as your personal journal. Do not post memes.

8. Do not promote any community. This is a place to promote your personal journal only.

9. As rule number 6 says "do not post links to any website outside of livejournal" this includes myspace! This is a journal adding community-NOT a myspace one!

If you have any problems/questions/complaints please drop me an e-mail at justliloleme at bonbon dot net. Please ensure you include your livejournal username.


Many thanks to _jamielee for our new layout!

add me, add me communities, adding communities, adding friends, adding new friends, adults, aim, aim friends, alabama, alaska, alternative, aol, arkansas, ashlee simpson, babies, baby, beaches, boy, boyfriends, boys, california, canada, central, chat, children, clearwater, clubs, colorado, communities, computers, country, crazy, dad, dads, daytona, daytona beach, dragons, email, emo, england, europe, fairies, fairy, fairys, florida, food, friend finder, friending communities, friends, friendship, funk, gainesville, gay, gays, germany, girl, girlfriends, girlmom, girls, guys, hanging out, happy, hawaii, hiphop, hot, icons, idaho, illinois, indiana, internet, iowa, jacksonville, kansas, kids, lesbian, lesbians, livejournal, lj addicts, lj friends, long island, love, maine, make friends, making friends, making new friends, meeting new people, men, mississippi, missouri, mom, moms, montana, msn, msn friends, music, myspace, nebraska, nevada, new friends, new jersey, new mexico, new york, north, north carolina, north dakota, ocala, ohio, old people, old school, online friends, orgeon, orlando, pensacola, people, punk, r&b, rap, rhode island, rock, sad, sex, sexy, south, south dakota, talahassee, talking online, tampa, teen, teenagers, teens, tennessee, texas, the blood brothers, the oc, tv, uk utah, united kingdom, usa, washington, washington dc, whatever, women, yahoo, yahoo friends, young people

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