100_fruit - Profile (original) (raw)

on 14 October 2004 (#4831790)

100 Fruit - a Furuba Drabble Challenge Community

100 Fruit, v.4.0

Community Information
100 Fruits is a drabble challenge community. In other words, we the moderators (gravitykills and spinshadow) will challenge the members to write exactly 100 words of fiction on a specific topic. No more, no less. At the end of the week, we'll close the topic and post up a poll so the members can vote on which drabble they liked best. The Favourite of the week gets . . . a Jumbo-Sized Bucket of Nothing.
Sorry if that's a disappointment, but watch, if we promised some sort of banner, we'd lose interest in doing them before the first month was over, so....


Kira: gravitykills :: mikilicious_babe @ hotmail.com
NemKess: nemkess :: nemkess @ livejournal.com
Selah: spinshadow :: spinshadow @ livejournal.com

Drabble & Community Rules
1. Theme is posted every Saturday. Probably at stupidly early hours of the morning, since Kira and Selah are both nightowls.
2. Similarly, polls are posted late Friday night. And by late, think 11pm-12am Pacific. ;) Voting will last until the following Friday, when the next poll is posted, at which point we'll pass out buckets of nothing. You thought that was a joke, didn't you?
3. Drabbles are to be exactly 100 words. We really mean it this time. Yes, Kira and Selah both have written "drabbles" far longer than that, but for the sake of this community, stick to the 100 word mark. We're not going to be anal and double check you, so a little leeway's assumed, but still....
4. Spoilers and Sexual Conduct MUST be cut. If you don't, we'll delete your post and give you spankings. Not the fun kind, either.
5. Multiple entries welcome! If you feel inspired, by all means, go for it! Spread your creations out over the week or post them all at once. If you're posting more than two, though, please use a cut-tag.
6. There is NO ... #6. You knew that was coming, didn't you?
7. Off-topic posts will be deleted. There are plenty of other communities for discussing every facet imaginable. This comm is all drabbles all the time, okay? This doesn't mean you can't post non-challenge drabbles, in fact we're all for non-challenge drabbles. But if it isn't a drabble, please post it somewhere else.
8. Play nice. It may be silly to think I need to say this, but no flaming.

Need a posting template? Try this one on for size.

In the Subject Line

[challenge/nonchallenge] (title)

In the Body

Characters/Pairing (optional)
Warnings: (ie, spoilers)

If you have any problems, let one of the moderators know.

Other Communities
For more than just drabbles. If your community has been left off this list (and apologies if that's the case) or you feel it's in the wrong category, let us know and we'll fix that.

General: cogitoergofruba | fruits_basket | fruits_basket_ | fruits_basket2 | furuba_cosplay | furuba_manga | tohrusbaka_neko | zodiac_boiz
Fanfiction: furuba_fiction | furuba_rabu | furuba_yuri
Character-Centric: altar_of_akito | hatsuharu_fans | whensnowmelts | yotcf | yotr_fanclub
Icons/Graphics: fb_stillness | furuba_awards | furuba_graphics
Pairings: catnmouse | hatoyame | toriru

akito, ayame, drabble, drabble challenges, fanfic, fanfiction, fruits basket, furuba, haru, hatori, hatsuharu, hiro, isuzu, juunishi, kagura, kisa, kureno, kyo, momiji, rin, ritsu, shigure, sohma, tohru, yuki