108_sugarcubes - Profile (original) (raw)
on 19 September 2005 (#8335313)
... The name was random. Anyway.
OKAY, the point? Suikoden has a lot of characters. Many of them get thrown together to LIVE for a span of months, sometimes years. Many of them are underdeveloped, having just enough to give us a look at their personality. Some have less than that. We all see them differently, and barring what Konami says happened or doesn't happen, views on what is "IC" for a character and what is not will change. This comm is for members of the fandom to discuss THEIR personal views on the game series, its characters, and events, without being screamed "OOC!" at because their opinion is not the same as someone else's. I would also like to encourage people to post their work and recieve polite concrit on their writing, grammar, and development, rather than being scared away.
Please note that this does not mean that I am justifying random things, like Geddoe running around in a tutu, Jacques and Lucia suddenly deciding they want to make babies, or Salome deciding he wants to quit the knights and live as a crossdressing exotic dancer. That's not my intent. Rather, I am of the belief that experience changes a person, and thus a character also, and with 108 of them living together, there's bound to be some interesting things happening, including "random pairings" to an extent.
However, I believe that for these situations and pairings to work, they have to be exocuted with reasoning and depth. I don't encourage the mindset of "It just happened because they're pretty together and I say so!", but I do think that if handled with proper care, a 'fic centering around an unconventional pair or event could be worth reading.
So, the rules.
1. Is of course, to respect each other. If you disagree with someone, politely tell them WHY. Hold a discussion rather than bringing the "My opinion is canon and yours is not" attitude.
2. When giving concrit, if you have issues with characterization, explain your reasons. Tell them if it isn't developed enough, or if it's jumping the gun too soon, but try not to say "It isn't possible because they never showed signs of it happening in the game."
3. If you are posting a fic, or your post is otherwise long, please use an LJ-cut. If you don't know how, you can look it up in the faq or ask someone nicely.
4. Flaming and Trolling will not be tolerated.
Thanks, and have fun!
108 stars, 12th unit, budehuc, chris lightfellow, concrit, crystal valley, dunan, fanfiction, fire bringer, flik, four destroyers, geddoe, gremio, harmonia, hugo, jowy, leknaat, luc, riou, sasarai, silverberg, stars of destiny, suikoden, suikoden 2, suikoden 3, suikoden 4, suikoden card stories, suikoden ii, suikoden iii, suikoden series, suikogaiden, suikogaiden vol1, suikogaiden vol2, tenkai, tir mcdohl, toran, true runes, viktor, writing, zexen knights