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On January 31st, 2006 05:02 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:


You're smart, sexy, and never take yourself too seriously. And you've got nice boots. I've had a crush since we first met.

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On January 31st, 2006 05:32 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:

Ari, I'll love you forever. I just don't know if I can stay in this relationship forever.

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On January 31st, 2006 07:07 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:


antonstrout, you bacon-scarfing attention ho, this one's for you...you great big sexy hot beast of a man...


A Worshipful Fan

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On January 31st, 2006 10:47 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:

Amante Donne

You have offered so much support and friendship this year, and it's still only January.
Thanks for being there for me, it's been appreciated.
Love always.

Re: Amante Donne

Wow, someone pointed this out to me this morning, i never knew the community existed. I am truly honoured to be mentioned :D, thankyou. I think i may having an inkling who this is, and thanks again

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You just generally rock. I'm very glad to have you in my life, and am equally happy that you have kitanzi and other loves in yours.

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[User Picture]

alias_treefrog ... here's to another 10 years of frustrating and loving each other. Partnership's never easy ... but neither's being green.


Your not-so-anonymous crusher -

Draconis Leona

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[User Picture]

aiyume ... I love you, I miss you. One of these days I'll get this timing thing right, I swear. Know that even if you're not on my phone, or in my LJ, you're still in my heart.

Not-so-anonymous crusher -

Draconis Leona

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[User Picture]

anaughtie ... late night chats and long-distance emails and touching each other's hearts, make mine go a little pitter-patter every time I hear from you.

Maybe someday, I'll meet you in person ... I don't think it could ever spoil what we've got.

Your Mistress Purr

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[User Picture]

My love. May we spend enternity as blissfully as we have spent these past years. Marry me.

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On January 31st, 2006 08:05 pm (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:

A.G., You touched my heart in a way I haven't known in a very long time and brought love back into my life much sooner than I thought possible. For this, I am eternally grateful. If only we could be together... -A

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