To get together and show our support for the band 30STM
30 SECONDS TO MARSABOUT:If you are a fan of the band "30 Seconds To Mars" then this place is for you, articles, news, pictures, you name it! We have it here. Feel free to join no restrictions, BUT as with all communities in order for this place to be in decent shape, we've put up some guidelines (I don't want to use the word "rules" we're all adults, yes?), be sure to read up.Release date for "This Is War": GO BUY IT NOW!POSTING GUIDELINES:01. Feel free to post anything 30 STM stuff.02. Any images larger than 400 x 400 in width & height, please put them behind an LJ-cut.03. State your source (credits) if you're posting images/news and whatnot.04. Keep this place clean, no slash, fanfictions and weird things like that.05. Community promotion is ok, but don't go overboard and I'd prefer if it's 30STM related.06. All entries submitted will be FRIENDS-LOCK, just submit, this place has been set to auto-lock.GRAMMAR & THE WAY WE WRITE ONLINE_Please don't netspeak. That's all I ask.GRAPHICS & IMAGESTAKE NOTE: Fan-Exclusive Pictures & Fan-Created Graphics.Do not take any images/pictures/graphics from this community and spread them all over the internet and/or passed them as your own, some of the images you see here are exclusives to the member who posted it, (like concert pictures, self-scanned images, graphics, wallpapers etc). And if you ever downloaded/saved any of them (icons/wallpapers) from this community to your hard disk, it's only polite to leave a thank you comment and said that you took them and also provide credits to the respective owner.There has been a couple of issues where member-exclusive images were taken from here and later shared at other sites, that is not right. If we found out the person who did this belong in this community, we will not hesitate to ban you forever from this place.KEEP THEM TO A MINIMUM PLEASE..._Icons, wallpapers, fanart and the likes are always welcome BUT KEEP THEM TO A MINIMUM, no spamming! Please do not submit those, "xXx characters is/are love" bullshit; we don't give two craps about who you love, we care more about quality submissions, "friends only" banner/graphic irritates me also. Not to be a jerk or anything, but it has to be said.Please also state whether or not you require any form of credits to whoever is taking/using your graphics. I don't handle icon/graphics dramas very well...**PLEASE TAG...**Please tag your post, this is a better and efficient way, of searching certain topics/subjects in this community, and yes, don't make up your own tags, see what tags are available over here. You are allowed to add your own, if nothing relevant is available, please keep it in line with your topic though._IMAGE HOSTING SERVICE/SITE_01. Photobucket02. Imageshack (allows multiple uploads)03. TinypicOFFICIAL:01. Website02. MyspaceSOURCES & INFORMATION:01. Vh102. MTV03. Rock Is Life04. Jared Leto Online05. 30 Seconds To Mars OfficialCOMMUNITY LINKS:01. Articles/Interviews/Videos/Fansites Archive02. 30STM Daily's Picture GalleryAFFILIATES:01. natalie_fans02. stan_inc03. westwick_dailyDISCLAIMER:This community exists, as a place for fans of the band 30 Seconds To Mars to come together and discuss any aspect of the band. No profits or whatsoever are gained from this project, and absolutely NO copyright infringement intended.NOTEThis community is locked. Forever, the content inside of this place will never see the light of day and yes, you will have to join, this is not a gimmick to make this community have 1 million members, it's just that sometimes we post images that we do not want outsiders to come by and take away, you get the idea.Creator & Maintainer/Assistant: nine_am/lilithlotrCredit: Layout code by refuted / fruitstyle (current layout)Questions & Comments Etc:nine_am ( FIREFOXFor optimal browsing experience, use FireFox!