Hans Dorsch | Aalborg University (original) (raw)
Videos by Hans Dorsch
Last but least the final chapter on Grundtvig and his contemporaries
4th of 4 videos on NFS Grundtvig and education
the 2nd video in a series of 4
A brief account of H C Ørsted's impact on and influence from a revolution inspired society
As previously stated this is a thorough description of one of the people that in Denmark is calle... more As previously stated this is a thorough description of one of the people that in Denmark is called one of our founding fathers.
The first of 4 videos on one of the main contributors to a Danish national philosophy as well as ... more The first of 4 videos on one of the main contributors to a Danish national philosophy as well as the "Folkehøjskole" - system, which is translated into English as Folk High School. This, however, does not really cover the term.
Read more at http://www.hojskolerne.dk/the-danish-folk-high-school
a video on H C Ørsted
the first video in a series of 4, covering Grundtvig from an educational perspective.
3rd of 4 on Grundtvig
a one-off video on the Tokai university and their connection with Grundtvig and his ideas of educ... more a one-off video on the Tokai university and their connection with Grundtvig and his ideas of education
A brief account of a brilliant Japanese role model, who was inspired by Grundtvig to reform post-... more A brief account of a brilliant Japanese role model, who was inspired by Grundtvig to reform post-WW2 Japan.
Grundtvig and his impact on the Danish Education system
Drafts by Hans Dorsch
Never judge a book by its cover, 2019
The importance of cross-cultural knowledge when seeking to assess and evaluate people from cultur... more The importance of cross-cultural knowledge when seeking to assess and evaluate people from cultures not closely related to the culture of the assessor. Or Never judge a book by its cover The following is a part's hearing used in connection with a lawsuit involving a Japanese citizen in a conflict with a Danish citizen. For reasons of confidentiality, I cannot disclose places, dates, or names of the present case. Conclusion Quite contrary to any other, normal article, as an exception, I shall begin with the
Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues ... more Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues to be discussed as well as the need for further research. The following article will show that globalization in current day and age is unconsciously perceived as harmonization, standardization, regimentation, uniformities in other words universalism as an unidentified ideal. In this article, I aim to demonstrate some of the unseen or perhaps rather unaddressed problems of a globalized world of science that seem to be widely ignoired, perhaps due to the presence of a " forgotten " agenda that seems to hold the risk of promoting the very conditions it claims to oppose and hinder. I argue that we need to alter the " Wicked Ways of the West " if we are to truly embrace a globalised world without counter forces and without reaction , and that we could do so by applying all cultures different from our own to a cultural and acientific black-box, containing elements of cultural psychology, social psychology, social science, including sociology and history with a touch of economy.
Papers by Hans Dorsch
Pergamentet, 2014
This short article, published in the student magazine for History at Aalborg University app 2014,... more This short article, published in the student magazine for History at Aalborg University app 2014, was not originally published in this form but in a very much more uninspiring form....well....still very fine article, written by Carsten Hjorth Lange, illustration and layout by Hans Dorsch about Roman warships.
The Issue of Schooling...or How to Tame a Horse, 2018
The issue of schooling is being thoroughly analyzed by a number of excellent scholars in this spe... more The issue of schooling is being thoroughly analyzed by a number of excellent scholars in this special issue. It is a very comprehensive analytical work which I intend to take into a commentary consideration in this brief article. Schooling is a matter of great and recent concern not the least from a political point of view, where schooling seems to take on a specific role that deals with not only schooling as a normativity but also schooling as the absolute forming of students. Despite ongoing disagreements on what kind of schooling may prove the best as well as the correct form of education as a whole, in this paper I argue that relevant science may have a pretty good idea as to how to apply schooling in such a way as to ensure that teaching is applied equally efficient. It is, however, slightly more difficult to see how this very same science and the above-mentioned knowledge finds its way into educational policies not to mention finding its way into the classroom. I argue, that schooling is not (surprisingly and not only) society's tool for data delivery and data interpretation, but also (and perhaps rather) some certain specific actors of society's tool for culturalization. This thereby changes schooling from being an educational tool only, a mere transfer of data and a formation of students into a political tool, thus creating a notion of schooling being more or less synonymous with a different kind of formation, a formation of a quite specific nature to suit quite specific properties. I claim these properties to be of an economic, market oriented and universalist nature. I therefore wish to draw attention to two aspects of interest: the oddity of science's position in this matter, where science appears to have plausible answers as to how the best possible The following constitutes a comprehensive commentary to schooling as a term with many faces, as demonstrated by a line of brilliant scholars in this special issue. This paper may seem slightly drifting away from its role as a commentary article. However, I base my commentary on two articles especially; Åsta Birkeland and Siv Ødemotland (2018) and their article on their educational exchange with Chinese kindergarten on one hand and Thomas Szulevicz' article (2018) on the perhaps improper marriage between psychology and (what he refers to as) neoliberal schools.
Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues ... more Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues to be discussed as well as the need for further research. The following article will show that globalization in current day and age is unconsciously perceived as harmonization, standardization, regimentation, uniformities in other words universalism as an unidentified ideal. In this article, I aim to demonstrate some of the unseen or perhaps rather unaddressed problems of a globalized world of science that seem to be widely ignoired, perhaps due to the presence of a " forgotten " agenda that seems to hold the risk of promoting the very conditions it claims to oppose and hinder. I argue that we need to alter the " Wicked Ways of the West " if we are to truly embrace a globalised world without counter forces and without reaction , and that we could do so by applying all cultures different from our own to a cultural and scientific black-box, containing elements of cultural psychology, social psychology, social science, including sociology and history with a touch of economy.
Book Reviews by Hans Dorsch
Det Sorteste Hjerte, 2012
a book review of the book Det Sorteste Hjerte by Ulrik Langen
med lov skal land bygges, 2014
Med lov skal land bygges… ...men ville enhver nøjes med sit eget og lade andre nyde samme ret, da... more Med lov skal land bygges… ...men ville enhver nøjes med sit eget og lade andre nyde samme ret, da behøvede man ikke nogen lov. Men ingen lov er jaevngod at følge som sandheden, men hvor man er i tvivl om, hvad der er sandhed, der skal loven vise sandheden (Jyske Lov, 1241). således lyder de første linjer i jyske lov, forfattet på foranledning af Valdemar Sejr i 1241, og med denne lov ratificeredes overgangen fra et retssystem, baseret på blodhaevn, muligheden for at svaerge på egen uskyld og betaling af mandebod i drabssager, til et system, baseret på 1 vidneudsagn og bevisførelse og en anden myndighed. Valdemars lov blev en vigtig forankring i dansk retspleje, og den var åbenbart et stykke kvalitetsarbejde, for Jyske Lov var i Sønderjylland gaeldende helt frem til år 1900. Den gode konge ville nok have fundet anledning til at rotere en anelse i sin grav, havde han vaeret vidne til naervaerende sag, omhandlende udviklingen af retssikkerheden i enevaeldens Danmark i tiden omkring Christian 7 og hans søn kronprins Frederik (den senere Frederik 6.), altså i perioden ca 1750 til og med enevaeldens ophør 1849. Det er i denne periode Ulrik Langens bog det Sorteste Hjerte finder sted. Langen har udset sig en aktør i datidens København, en herre, Michael Brabrand, der i kraft af sin påståede åbenmundethed og sin manglende respekt for øvrigheden pådrog sig systemets vrede i en sådan grad, at mistede alt det, han troede sikkert, herunder familie, hus, formue og-efter datidens standarder uopretteligt-sin aere. At Ulrik Langen vaelger netop denne historie at fortaelle om haenger sandsynligvis sammen med, at denne historie er veldokumenteret, og at denne historie har vaeret behandlet af andre forskere før ham. I bogens efterskrift naevnes, at H. P. Giessing i sin bog Kong Frederik den 2 Sjettes Regjeringshistorie fra 1850 fortaeller om sagerne mod Brabrand og Holm (én af Brabrands gode venner, Kancelliråd). Giessing tager i sin bog afstand fra Holm og Brabrand og støtter sig således alene på den officielle fremstilling af sagen. Edvard Holm er en anden 3 1 Mandebod var en bøde for manddrab, som blev anvendt i Danmark i middelalderen og renaessancen. Mandeboden blev betalt til den draebtes slaegtninge i tre dele (såkaldte sale). Den første tredjedel skulle drabsmanden betale personligt, de to øvrige dele (de såkaldte aettesale) skulle betales af henholdsvis drabsmandens faedrene og mødrene slaegtninge (historie.dk) 2 H.P. Giessing, Hans Peter Giessing , 30.9.1801-24.9.1877, historisk forfatter. Født i Bogense, død i Kbh. (Pauls), begravet sst. (Ass.) (Den Store Danske) 3 Edvard Holm, 1833-1915, dansk historiker, professor ved Københavns Universitet 1867-99 (Den Store Danske)
By law, land must be built, 2020
The case of Mr Brabandt and how he lost just about everything in a court case that clearly demons... more The case of Mr Brabandt and how he lost just about everything in a court case that clearly demonstrated the abuse of a legal system, infected by intrigues and corruption is set described by Ulrik Langen in this excellent book. It takes place around the late 1750s until the late 1790s
Last but least the final chapter on Grundtvig and his contemporaries
4th of 4 videos on NFS Grundtvig and education
the 2nd video in a series of 4
A brief account of H C Ørsted's impact on and influence from a revolution inspired society
As previously stated this is a thorough description of one of the people that in Denmark is calle... more As previously stated this is a thorough description of one of the people that in Denmark is called one of our founding fathers.
The first of 4 videos on one of the main contributors to a Danish national philosophy as well as ... more The first of 4 videos on one of the main contributors to a Danish national philosophy as well as the "Folkehøjskole" - system, which is translated into English as Folk High School. This, however, does not really cover the term.
Read more at http://www.hojskolerne.dk/the-danish-folk-high-school
a video on H C Ørsted
the first video in a series of 4, covering Grundtvig from an educational perspective.
3rd of 4 on Grundtvig
a one-off video on the Tokai university and their connection with Grundtvig and his ideas of educ... more a one-off video on the Tokai university and their connection with Grundtvig and his ideas of education
A brief account of a brilliant Japanese role model, who was inspired by Grundtvig to reform post-... more A brief account of a brilliant Japanese role model, who was inspired by Grundtvig to reform post-WW2 Japan.
Grundtvig and his impact on the Danish Education system
Never judge a book by its cover, 2019
The importance of cross-cultural knowledge when seeking to assess and evaluate people from cultur... more The importance of cross-cultural knowledge when seeking to assess and evaluate people from cultures not closely related to the culture of the assessor. Or Never judge a book by its cover The following is a part's hearing used in connection with a lawsuit involving a Japanese citizen in a conflict with a Danish citizen. For reasons of confidentiality, I cannot disclose places, dates, or names of the present case. Conclusion Quite contrary to any other, normal article, as an exception, I shall begin with the
Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues ... more Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues to be discussed as well as the need for further research. The following article will show that globalization in current day and age is unconsciously perceived as harmonization, standardization, regimentation, uniformities in other words universalism as an unidentified ideal. In this article, I aim to demonstrate some of the unseen or perhaps rather unaddressed problems of a globalized world of science that seem to be widely ignoired, perhaps due to the presence of a " forgotten " agenda that seems to hold the risk of promoting the very conditions it claims to oppose and hinder. I argue that we need to alter the " Wicked Ways of the West " if we are to truly embrace a globalised world without counter forces and without reaction , and that we could do so by applying all cultures different from our own to a cultural and acientific black-box, containing elements of cultural psychology, social psychology, social science, including sociology and history with a touch of economy.
Pergamentet, 2014
This short article, published in the student magazine for History at Aalborg University app 2014,... more This short article, published in the student magazine for History at Aalborg University app 2014, was not originally published in this form but in a very much more uninspiring form....well....still very fine article, written by Carsten Hjorth Lange, illustration and layout by Hans Dorsch about Roman warships.
The Issue of Schooling...or How to Tame a Horse, 2018
The issue of schooling is being thoroughly analyzed by a number of excellent scholars in this spe... more The issue of schooling is being thoroughly analyzed by a number of excellent scholars in this special issue. It is a very comprehensive analytical work which I intend to take into a commentary consideration in this brief article. Schooling is a matter of great and recent concern not the least from a political point of view, where schooling seems to take on a specific role that deals with not only schooling as a normativity but also schooling as the absolute forming of students. Despite ongoing disagreements on what kind of schooling may prove the best as well as the correct form of education as a whole, in this paper I argue that relevant science may have a pretty good idea as to how to apply schooling in such a way as to ensure that teaching is applied equally efficient. It is, however, slightly more difficult to see how this very same science and the above-mentioned knowledge finds its way into educational policies not to mention finding its way into the classroom. I argue, that schooling is not (surprisingly and not only) society's tool for data delivery and data interpretation, but also (and perhaps rather) some certain specific actors of society's tool for culturalization. This thereby changes schooling from being an educational tool only, a mere transfer of data and a formation of students into a political tool, thus creating a notion of schooling being more or less synonymous with a different kind of formation, a formation of a quite specific nature to suit quite specific properties. I claim these properties to be of an economic, market oriented and universalist nature. I therefore wish to draw attention to two aspects of interest: the oddity of science's position in this matter, where science appears to have plausible answers as to how the best possible The following constitutes a comprehensive commentary to schooling as a term with many faces, as demonstrated by a line of brilliant scholars in this special issue. This paper may seem slightly drifting away from its role as a commentary article. However, I base my commentary on two articles especially; Åsta Birkeland and Siv Ødemotland (2018) and their article on their educational exchange with Chinese kindergarten on one hand and Thomas Szulevicz' article (2018) on the perhaps improper marriage between psychology and (what he refers to as) neoliberal schools.
Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues ... more Globalization as a dominant agenda of virtually everything leaves out some very important issues to be discussed as well as the need for further research. The following article will show that globalization in current day and age is unconsciously perceived as harmonization, standardization, regimentation, uniformities in other words universalism as an unidentified ideal. In this article, I aim to demonstrate some of the unseen or perhaps rather unaddressed problems of a globalized world of science that seem to be widely ignoired, perhaps due to the presence of a " forgotten " agenda that seems to hold the risk of promoting the very conditions it claims to oppose and hinder. I argue that we need to alter the " Wicked Ways of the West " if we are to truly embrace a globalised world without counter forces and without reaction , and that we could do so by applying all cultures different from our own to a cultural and scientific black-box, containing elements of cultural psychology, social psychology, social science, including sociology and history with a touch of economy.
Det Sorteste Hjerte, 2012
a book review of the book Det Sorteste Hjerte by Ulrik Langen
med lov skal land bygges, 2014
Med lov skal land bygges… ...men ville enhver nøjes med sit eget og lade andre nyde samme ret, da... more Med lov skal land bygges… ...men ville enhver nøjes med sit eget og lade andre nyde samme ret, da behøvede man ikke nogen lov. Men ingen lov er jaevngod at følge som sandheden, men hvor man er i tvivl om, hvad der er sandhed, der skal loven vise sandheden (Jyske Lov, 1241). således lyder de første linjer i jyske lov, forfattet på foranledning af Valdemar Sejr i 1241, og med denne lov ratificeredes overgangen fra et retssystem, baseret på blodhaevn, muligheden for at svaerge på egen uskyld og betaling af mandebod i drabssager, til et system, baseret på 1 vidneudsagn og bevisførelse og en anden myndighed. Valdemars lov blev en vigtig forankring i dansk retspleje, og den var åbenbart et stykke kvalitetsarbejde, for Jyske Lov var i Sønderjylland gaeldende helt frem til år 1900. Den gode konge ville nok have fundet anledning til at rotere en anelse i sin grav, havde han vaeret vidne til naervaerende sag, omhandlende udviklingen af retssikkerheden i enevaeldens Danmark i tiden omkring Christian 7 og hans søn kronprins Frederik (den senere Frederik 6.), altså i perioden ca 1750 til og med enevaeldens ophør 1849. Det er i denne periode Ulrik Langens bog det Sorteste Hjerte finder sted. Langen har udset sig en aktør i datidens København, en herre, Michael Brabrand, der i kraft af sin påståede åbenmundethed og sin manglende respekt for øvrigheden pådrog sig systemets vrede i en sådan grad, at mistede alt det, han troede sikkert, herunder familie, hus, formue og-efter datidens standarder uopretteligt-sin aere. At Ulrik Langen vaelger netop denne historie at fortaelle om haenger sandsynligvis sammen med, at denne historie er veldokumenteret, og at denne historie har vaeret behandlet af andre forskere før ham. I bogens efterskrift naevnes, at H. P. Giessing i sin bog Kong Frederik den 2 Sjettes Regjeringshistorie fra 1850 fortaeller om sagerne mod Brabrand og Holm (én af Brabrands gode venner, Kancelliråd). Giessing tager i sin bog afstand fra Holm og Brabrand og støtter sig således alene på den officielle fremstilling af sagen. Edvard Holm er en anden 3 1 Mandebod var en bøde for manddrab, som blev anvendt i Danmark i middelalderen og renaessancen. Mandeboden blev betalt til den draebtes slaegtninge i tre dele (såkaldte sale). Den første tredjedel skulle drabsmanden betale personligt, de to øvrige dele (de såkaldte aettesale) skulle betales af henholdsvis drabsmandens faedrene og mødrene slaegtninge (historie.dk) 2 H.P. Giessing, Hans Peter Giessing , 30.9.1801-24.9.1877, historisk forfatter. Født i Bogense, død i Kbh. (Pauls), begravet sst. (Ass.) (Den Store Danske) 3 Edvard Holm, 1833-1915, dansk historiker, professor ved Københavns Universitet 1867-99 (Den Store Danske)
By law, land must be built, 2020
The case of Mr Brabandt and how he lost just about everything in a court case that clearly demons... more The case of Mr Brabandt and how he lost just about everything in a court case that clearly demonstrated the abuse of a legal system, infected by intrigues and corruption is set described by Ulrik Langen in this excellent book. It takes place around the late 1750s until the late 1790s
Med Lov skal land bygges, 2014
Med lov skal land bygges… ...men ville enhver nøjes med sit eget og lade andre nyde samme ret, da... more Med lov skal land bygges… ...men ville enhver nøjes med sit eget og lade andre nyde samme ret, da behøvede man ikke nogen lov. Men ingen lov er jævngod at følge som sandheden, men hvor man er i tvivl om, hvad der er sandhed, der skal loven vise sandheden (Jyske Lov, 1241). således lyder de første linjer i jyske lov, forfattet på foranledning af Valdemar Sejr i 1241, og med denne lov ratificeredes overgangen fra et retssystem, baseret på blodhævn, muligheden for at sværge på egen uskyld og betaling af mandebod i drabssager, til et system, baseret på 1 vidneudsagn og bevisførelse og en anden myndighed. Denne bog er et øjebliksdokument, der beskriver, at ikke bare love men dens håndhævelse er livsvigtige elementer i menneskers ret.