Tomi Dahlberg | Åbo Akademi (original) (raw)

Papers by Tomi Dahlberg

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Mobile Value Services Minitrack

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Mobile Services for Everyday Life

Proceedings of the ... Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapter III.Consumer and Merchant Adoption of Mobile Payment Solutions

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Research paper thumbnail of System-Enabled Service Innovation: Analyzing the Design Processes in Mobile Payment Services

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Research paper thumbnail of Trust Issue in Mobile Payments

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Research paper thumbnail of HICSS 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, January 4-7, 2006

IEEE Computer Society, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Why and How do Municipal areas Govern Interorganizational ICT Cooperation: Indeed, "the Emperor has no Clothes

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are significant for the development and producti... more Information and communication technologies (ICT) are significant for the development and production of municipalities’ services and activities. Yet, municipalities typically operate their ICT independently with only limited resources. Limited resources are a key incentive for inter-municipal ICT cooperation. We investigated, how inter-municipal ICT cooperation was executed and governed in 20 Finnish municipal regions including 144 actual municipalities. As the theoretical background, we reviewed Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource Based View theories, and the literature on IT governance practices. These theories and literature were used to identify theory-proposed ICT cooperation benefits and governance practices. We then compared theory-proposed benefits and practices empirically to those perceived in the actual regions. Finally, we used Granovetter’s social network theory to understand the empirical findings on ICT cooperation benefits and IT governance practices. Our find...

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Federation with a Governance of Data Framework Artifact as the FederationTool - Case on Clinical Breast Cancer Treatment Data

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Rarity of ISD Method Selection - Bounded Rationality and Functional Stupidity

No single information systems development method (ISDM) suits to all information systems developm... more No single information systems development method (ISDM) suits to all information systems development (ISD) projects. Despite of this, ISDM selection has received limited attention in earlier research. This raises the question are ISDM selection decisions rare in practice as well, and if so, what are the reasons. We used the bounded rationality and functional stupidity theories to investigate ISDM selection decision- making behavior, and interviewed 31 IS professionals working in the borderline between IS clients and suppliers. We examined their experiences about ISDM selection within both types of organizations. We discovered that the ISDM selection decisions of ISD projects are seldom discussed, that the ISDM selection behavior of client and supplier organizations differ, and that the bounded rationality and functional stupidity theories are descriptively useful. In addition to these research contributions, our study shows that there are theoretical and practical reasons to develop better ISDM selection guidelines for ISD projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Socio-Technical Punctuated Equilibrium Model Enhanced with Social Network Theory

International Journal on It/business Alignment and Governance, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Success of IT Deployment

International Journal on It/business Alignment and Governance, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework for the Corporate Governance of Data – Theoretical Background and Empirical Evidence

Business, management and education, Jun 29, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Selection, Adaption and Use of IS and Business Development Methods in Digitalization Projects

Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A method and / or "part of the apparatus '' of the portable electronic device (PDA)" for the preparation of

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Research paper thumbnail of Hajaantuneesta hajautettuun : Dokumenteista dataan, toimijakeskeisyydestä yhteentoimiviin ekosysteemeihin

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Research paper thumbnail of Kuinka kuluttajat maksavat tulevaisuudessa vuonna 2040 : näkökohtia rahasta ja maksamisen ekosysteemistä

Tiivistelmä Kuluttajien käyttämät maksupalvelut, -välineet ja maksutavat ovat muuttuneet lähes tä... more Tiivistelmä Kuluttajien käyttämät maksupalvelut, -välineet ja maksutavat ovat muuttuneet lähes täydellisesti viimeisen 25 vuoden aikana vuodesta 1990 vuoteen 2015 niin paikan päällä tehtyjen ostosten maksamisessa kuin laskujen etämaksamisessa. Muutokset ovat todennäköisesti vähintään yhtä suuria tulevien 25 vuoden aikana vuoteen 2040 mennessä. Kansantaloustieteen rahateorioiden kuvaamat rahan tehtävät ja maksupalvelumarkkinoiden osapuolten muodostaman maksamisen ekosysteemin intressit vaikuttavat kuluttajien maksamisen muutoksiin. Muina vaikuttavina tekijöinä artikkelissa tarkastellaan kuluttajien merkityksen kasvamista, mobiili- ja biometristen teknologioiden vaikutusta, Bitcoinin kaltaisia kryptovaluuttoja sekä tiedosta maksamista tietoräjähdyksen seurauksena. Digitaalisen tiedon määrä voi jopa kasvaa jopa yli 33 miljoonaa kertaa nykyistä suuremmaksi vuonna 2040. Artikkelissa ennakoidaan älymaksamisen kehittymistä uudeksi maksujärjestelmäksi mobiiliteknologioiden, biometristen teknologioiden, tiedosta maksamisen, kryptovaluuttojen sekä robottien ja ohjelmoitavien automaattien perustalle. English Abstract Payment services, instruments and methods used by consumers have changed almost entirely during the last 25 years, from the year 1990 to the year 2015. This has happened both for payments made at the point of sales and for remote payments. Changes will most likely to be at least equally significant during the next 25 years up to the year 2040. The roles of money depicted in economics, in the various money theories, as well as the interests of the payment service market actors will have influences on changes in consumers’ payment behaviour. This article addresses as the other influencing factors the growing power of consumers, the impacts of mobile and biometric technologies, crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, and payments for data services, which are expected to emerge as the result of data explosion. The volume of digital data could increase by as much as over 33 million times over its current volume by the year 2040. This article anticipates that smart payments will emerge as a novel payment system. The basis of the smart payments will constitute of mobile technologies, biometric technologies, payments for data services, crypto currencies as well as robots and programmable automatic devices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Osaavatko suomalaiset yritykset ja julkishallinnon organisaatiot johtaa IT- projekteja ja kyberturvaa? Kalvoja IT-ja digitalisointibarometri 2020 -kysely- tutkimuksen tulosten esittelemiseksi ja keskusteluun tulosten syventämiseksi ICT Leaders Finland ry Mikä on IT-ja digitalisointibarometri -kys...

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Research paper thumbnail of Presentation slides to Mobile Payments in the Light of Money Theories - Means to Accelerate Mobile Payment Service Acceptance at ICEC 2015 conference

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Research paper thumbnail of Presentation slides to How Business Strategy and Changes to Business Strategy Impact the Role and the Tasks of CIOs - An Evolutionary Model HICSS 2016 CIO article slide presentation at Hicss 2016 by Dahlberg-Hokkanen-Newman

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Federation in the Era of Digital, Consumer-Centric Cares and Empowered Citizens

Well-Being in the Information Society. Fighting Inequalities, 2018

Breast cancers, similar to any other types of cancers or diseases, need treatments and other acti... more Breast cancers, similar to any other types of cancers or diseases, need treatments and other actions that generate medical and patient data. As the owner of the data about him-/herself, a patient has the right to get and inspect all basic, treatment and other data recorded about her/him. However, this data is typically in the form of inconsistent data entries, such as medical reports, x-ray and other images, blood test admission notes and results, medication history and diagnoses, and is provided to the patient “as is”. The structure, format and meanings of these data entries differ enormously. Thus, when a patient is given access to all data stored about her/him, (s)he usually lacks capabilities and tools to handle the data, and to use the data for her/his benefit. Still, patients are expected to be able to act on the basis of the data available to them, for example, to make appointments or to bring laboratory test results with them. In a previous study, we made the data of similarly different medical and patient ISs interoperable to the cancer specialists of breast cancer cases by using shared attributes as the linkage between data storages. In this conceptual article, we apply our federative approach to contemplate from the patient’s point of view, how data available to a patient could be made interoperable. We explain the theoretical background of the federative approach and related tools within the mentioned breast cancer case and in general. We then describe how the federative approach could be used in the context of digitalized citizen/patient services, empowered citizens and patient/citizen-centric care. With this article we contribute to research by developing the federative approach further and by explaining how (medical and patient) data can be made interoperable to patients/citizens. Our results suggest means to support citizens and digitalized healthcare service intermediaries as well as patient empowerment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Mobile Value Services Minitrack

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to the Minitrack on Digital Mobile Services for Everyday Life

Proceedings of the ... Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Chapter III.Consumer and Merchant Adoption of Mobile Payment Solutions

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Research paper thumbnail of System-Enabled Service Innovation: Analyzing the Design Processes in Mobile Payment Services

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Research paper thumbnail of Trust Issue in Mobile Payments

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Research paper thumbnail of HICSS 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, January 4-7, 2006

IEEE Computer Society, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Why and How do Municipal areas Govern Interorganizational ICT Cooperation: Indeed, "the Emperor has no Clothes

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are significant for the development and producti... more Information and communication technologies (ICT) are significant for the development and production of municipalities’ services and activities. Yet, municipalities typically operate their ICT independently with only limited resources. Limited resources are a key incentive for inter-municipal ICT cooperation. We investigated, how inter-municipal ICT cooperation was executed and governed in 20 Finnish municipal regions including 144 actual municipalities. As the theoretical background, we reviewed Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource Based View theories, and the literature on IT governance practices. These theories and literature were used to identify theory-proposed ICT cooperation benefits and governance practices. We then compared theory-proposed benefits and practices empirically to those perceived in the actual regions. Finally, we used Granovetter’s social network theory to understand the empirical findings on ICT cooperation benefits and IT governance practices. Our find...

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Federation with a Governance of Data Framework Artifact as the FederationTool - Case on Clinical Breast Cancer Treatment Data

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Rarity of ISD Method Selection - Bounded Rationality and Functional Stupidity

No single information systems development method (ISDM) suits to all information systems developm... more No single information systems development method (ISDM) suits to all information systems development (ISD) projects. Despite of this, ISDM selection has received limited attention in earlier research. This raises the question are ISDM selection decisions rare in practice as well, and if so, what are the reasons. We used the bounded rationality and functional stupidity theories to investigate ISDM selection decision- making behavior, and interviewed 31 IS professionals working in the borderline between IS clients and suppliers. We examined their experiences about ISDM selection within both types of organizations. We discovered that the ISDM selection decisions of ISD projects are seldom discussed, that the ISDM selection behavior of client and supplier organizations differ, and that the bounded rationality and functional stupidity theories are descriptively useful. In addition to these research contributions, our study shows that there are theoretical and practical reasons to develop better ISDM selection guidelines for ISD projects

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Research paper thumbnail of Socio-Technical Punctuated Equilibrium Model Enhanced with Social Network Theory

International Journal on It/business Alignment and Governance, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Success of IT Deployment

International Journal on It/business Alignment and Governance, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Framework for the Corporate Governance of Data – Theoretical Background and Empirical Evidence

Business, management and education, Jun 29, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Selection, Adaption and Use of IS and Business Development Methods in Digitalization Projects

Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A method and / or "part of the apparatus '' of the portable electronic device (PDA)" for the preparation of

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Research paper thumbnail of Hajaantuneesta hajautettuun : Dokumenteista dataan, toimijakeskeisyydestä yhteentoimiviin ekosysteemeihin

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Research paper thumbnail of Kuinka kuluttajat maksavat tulevaisuudessa vuonna 2040 : näkökohtia rahasta ja maksamisen ekosysteemistä

Tiivistelmä Kuluttajien käyttämät maksupalvelut, -välineet ja maksutavat ovat muuttuneet lähes tä... more Tiivistelmä Kuluttajien käyttämät maksupalvelut, -välineet ja maksutavat ovat muuttuneet lähes täydellisesti viimeisen 25 vuoden aikana vuodesta 1990 vuoteen 2015 niin paikan päällä tehtyjen ostosten maksamisessa kuin laskujen etämaksamisessa. Muutokset ovat todennäköisesti vähintään yhtä suuria tulevien 25 vuoden aikana vuoteen 2040 mennessä. Kansantaloustieteen rahateorioiden kuvaamat rahan tehtävät ja maksupalvelumarkkinoiden osapuolten muodostaman maksamisen ekosysteemin intressit vaikuttavat kuluttajien maksamisen muutoksiin. Muina vaikuttavina tekijöinä artikkelissa tarkastellaan kuluttajien merkityksen kasvamista, mobiili- ja biometristen teknologioiden vaikutusta, Bitcoinin kaltaisia kryptovaluuttoja sekä tiedosta maksamista tietoräjähdyksen seurauksena. Digitaalisen tiedon määrä voi jopa kasvaa jopa yli 33 miljoonaa kertaa nykyistä suuremmaksi vuonna 2040. Artikkelissa ennakoidaan älymaksamisen kehittymistä uudeksi maksujärjestelmäksi mobiiliteknologioiden, biometristen teknologioiden, tiedosta maksamisen, kryptovaluuttojen sekä robottien ja ohjelmoitavien automaattien perustalle. English Abstract Payment services, instruments and methods used by consumers have changed almost entirely during the last 25 years, from the year 1990 to the year 2015. This has happened both for payments made at the point of sales and for remote payments. Changes will most likely to be at least equally significant during the next 25 years up to the year 2040. The roles of money depicted in economics, in the various money theories, as well as the interests of the payment service market actors will have influences on changes in consumers’ payment behaviour. This article addresses as the other influencing factors the growing power of consumers, the impacts of mobile and biometric technologies, crypto currencies such as Bitcoin, and payments for data services, which are expected to emerge as the result of data explosion. The volume of digital data could increase by as much as over 33 million times over its current volume by the year 2040. This article anticipates that smart payments will emerge as a novel payment system. The basis of the smart payments will constitute of mobile technologies, biometric technologies, payments for data services, crypto currencies as well as robots and programmable automatic devices.

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Research paper thumbnail of Osaavatko suomalaiset yritykset ja julkishallinnon organisaatiot johtaa IT- projekteja ja kyberturvaa? Kalvoja IT-ja digitalisointibarometri 2020 -kysely- tutkimuksen tulosten esittelemiseksi ja keskusteluun tulosten syventämiseksi ICT Leaders Finland ry Mikä on IT-ja digitalisointibarometri -kys...

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Research paper thumbnail of Presentation slides to Mobile Payments in the Light of Money Theories - Means to Accelerate Mobile Payment Service Acceptance at ICEC 2015 conference

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Research paper thumbnail of Presentation slides to How Business Strategy and Changes to Business Strategy Impact the Role and the Tasks of CIOs - An Evolutionary Model HICSS 2016 CIO article slide presentation at Hicss 2016 by Dahlberg-Hokkanen-Newman

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Research paper thumbnail of Data Federation in the Era of Digital, Consumer-Centric Cares and Empowered Citizens

Well-Being in the Information Society. Fighting Inequalities, 2018

Breast cancers, similar to any other types of cancers or diseases, need treatments and other acti... more Breast cancers, similar to any other types of cancers or diseases, need treatments and other actions that generate medical and patient data. As the owner of the data about him-/herself, a patient has the right to get and inspect all basic, treatment and other data recorded about her/him. However, this data is typically in the form of inconsistent data entries, such as medical reports, x-ray and other images, blood test admission notes and results, medication history and diagnoses, and is provided to the patient “as is”. The structure, format and meanings of these data entries differ enormously. Thus, when a patient is given access to all data stored about her/him, (s)he usually lacks capabilities and tools to handle the data, and to use the data for her/his benefit. Still, patients are expected to be able to act on the basis of the data available to them, for example, to make appointments or to bring laboratory test results with them. In a previous study, we made the data of similarly different medical and patient ISs interoperable to the cancer specialists of breast cancer cases by using shared attributes as the linkage between data storages. In this conceptual article, we apply our federative approach to contemplate from the patient’s point of view, how data available to a patient could be made interoperable. We explain the theoretical background of the federative approach and related tools within the mentioned breast cancer case and in general. We then describe how the federative approach could be used in the context of digitalized citizen/patient services, empowered citizens and patient/citizen-centric care. With this article we contribute to research by developing the federative approach further and by explaining how (medical and patient) data can be made interoperable to patients/citizens. Our results suggest means to support citizens and digitalized healthcare service intermediaries as well as patient empowerment.

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Research paper thumbnail of IT Investment Consistency and Other Factors Influencing the Success of IT Performance

IT Business Value (ITBV) research generally proposes that various “good” IT governance and manage... more IT Business Value (ITBV) research generally proposes that various “good” IT governance and management practices influence positively IT performance. Yet, this claim has proved hard to verify with empirical data. In this study we first identified and analyzed factors that are seen to influence IT deployment success, then hypothesized about the relationships among and between these factors and finally integrated the hypotheses into a research model. We then empirically evaluated the hypotheses and the entire research model. The consistency of IT investments as the response to the cyclical behavior of the economy is a novel factor introduced in this study to the ITBV research. Special attention was also placed on the perceived importance of IT to business, business-IT alignment and IT management. We used survey data of 212 responses collected from CxOs during an economic recession to test the hypotheses and the model for path coefficients and indirect effects.
Empirical results confirmed that all research model factors influenced positively IT deployment success. Moreover, high values in the perceived importance of IT, business-IT alignment and the quality of IT management were discovered to be antecedents to the consistency of IT investments, and when that was achieved, the impact was positive on IT deployment success.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Integrated Framework for IT Governance and the Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument

Our paper presents a new IT governance framework and introduces an assessment tool designed to me... more Our paper presents a new IT governance framework and introduces an assessment tool designed to measure its effectiveness. The framework builds on the integration between the structural and processes perspectives of IT governance, business-IT alignment, and senior executives' needs. The framework is aimed to help board members, general managers, business line and IT executives to understand, measure, and manage IT governance in their respective organizations as a part of corporate governance. In the paper, special attention is paid to the conceptual validation of the framework and respective assessment instrument.

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Research paper thumbnail of Towards an Integrative, Multilevel Theory for Managing the Direct and Indirect Impacts of IT Project Success Factors

Practitioners and researchers have identified numerous variables that impact IT project success. ... more Practitioners and researchers have identified numerous variables that impact IT project success. Rather than adding new variables, we attempted to reduce them to a more generic model. First, we identified potential factors, hypothesized about the relationships between the factors and then integrated the hypotheses into a research model. In addition to project level factors, we identified IT, business, and environment level factors. The model is thus multilevel but also integrative as it hypothesizes about the relationships between the model factors. Finally, we empirically evaluated the hypotheses and the research model. We used survey data of 249 CxOs for the empirical evaluation. Results confirmed that the research model factors contributed directly and indirectly on the success of IT projects. According to our findings, a favorable financial situation, highly-perceived importance of IT, and good IT and IT project competencies have especially significant positive impacts on IT project success.

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Research paper thumbnail of Longitudinal Study on the Expectations of Cloud Computing Benefits and an Integrative Multilevel Model for Understanding Cloud Computing Performance

Cloud computing, a term introduced ten years ago, has proliferated rapidly both in developed and ... more Cloud computing, a term introduced ten years ago, has proliferated rapidly both in developed and developing economies. Benefit expectations have impacted the rapid usage increase of this technology. We investigated with a five-year longitudinal survey changes in the expectations regarding cloud computing. We also crafted an integrated multilevel model to understand how cloud expectations and cloud readiness influence cloud computing deployment and performance combined with five IT business value (ITBV) factors. We tested empirically the crafted hypotheses and the research model using survey data collected from approximately 200+200 randomly selected business and IT executives in 2014 and 2015. Empirical results confirmed that our research model explained approximately one half of cloud computing performance for both years.

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