abortion_info - Profile (original) (raw)

on 26 December 2002 (#826895)

News articles relating to abortion

abortion_info features links and articles pertaining to abortion.

001. This is a heavily pro-choice slanted community.
002. Only maintainers can update here, but all members all welcome to comment.
003. If you think you have a "debate," then take it to abortiondebate. This is your only warning.
004. The posts find here are articles found through various news sources. The news sources are noted on each post.
005. This journal is updated as often as the maintainer can do so.

If you have any questions or would like to become a maintainer, please contact drunkenatheist @ drunkenatheist @ livejournal.com with your username and questions. Thanks.

1973, abort, abortion, abortion rights, activism, adoption, anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-life, birth control, birth control pills, birth defects, boycotting, boycotts, bra burning, broken condoms, bumper stickers, bush, castration, celibacy, child abuse, child support, childfree, children, cider house rules, civil rights, clinics, clinton, coathangers, condoms, conservatives, contraceptives, crisis pregnancy centers, deadbeat dads, death, delivery, depo, domestic abuse, embryos, emergency contraception, ept, families, females, feminism, foster care, gay adoptions, gloria steinem, hospitals, human rights, intercourse, iud, labor, liberals, libertarians, life, making love, menstruation, miscarriage, ms magazine, naral, national organization for women, natural family planning, no kidding, orthotricycline, penis, politics, pregnancy, pro-abortion, pro-child, pro-choice, pro-death, pro-life, pro-woman, prochoice, prolife, protests, queen anne's lace, rape, religion, reproduction, reproductive rights, ru-486, ru486, sex, sterilization, tubal ligation, unplanned pregnancy, unprotected sex, vasectomy, virginity, women, women's liberation, women's rights, zygote