add_partykids - Profile (original) (raw)

on 1 March 2005 (#6305808)

This is a place for partykids (ravers, DnB headz, trance lovers...mainly anyone who loves EDM) to meet one another! & Please, promote promote & *gasp* promote!!


1. Read the above paragraph, make sure that this community is right for you. If not check out one of the many other add me communities.
2. Don't be an asshole...unless the person really deserves it.
3. Don't talk about how awesome you are, I will ban you, that's just stupid.
4. Grammar is your friend, use it.
5. Promote.
6. DO NOT disable comments on your post or make it friends only. If you do I will delete the post and delete you from the community.

Feel free to contact me on my journal or at

add me, aim, aol, boys, chat, computers, email, friends, girls, icq, internet, livejournal, love, men, msn, music, sex, talking on the phone, talking online, tv, women, yahoo