addictedbeauty - Profile (original) (raw)

on 26 February 2004 (#2337861)

Your moderators...We say what goes...Be nice to us...On this community

we are god

A boy & A girl

Being beautiful has never been so harsh. Very elite group of people, who fight against ugly. If your ugly, go on apply for this community it will make us laugh. =) Also we can be as brutal as we like.
Fill in the application form below.

Five faveroute bands-
Four faveroute films-
Three people you think are hot-
Two of your talents/ reasons to be accepted-
One bad point-

Show us your face.
*At least four photo's here*

Brownie points if you know the mods.
Be harsh and brutal if you get accepted.
If you dont get accepted dont be a pussy or whine about it.And dont join again.
Accepted and unaccepted

alternitive, attractive, beauty, blunt, brutal, honesty, judging, looks, models, people, pretty, retro, sexy, vintage

общество, кино