addmeveg - Profile (original) (raw)
on 26 January 2010 (#24979411)
Add Me Vegan / Vegetarian
Find Vegan and Vegetarian Friends!
Hello and welcome to Add Me Veg, an active community to find vegetarian and vegan friends on livejournal!
I love my omnivore friends, but sometimes its nice to chat with a fellow veg*n, swap recipes, discuss dinner ideas, and share ideals about animal welfare and animal protection and for the love of all that is good, not have to explain yourself about your dietary choices (unless you wish to). Interested omnivores are allowed in too, the idea is that not all vegans or vegetarians are fundamentalist extremists, (trying to convert someone never worked look at history), infact some of us V's are actually very nice and will freely exchange ideas.
Perhaps your girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/family member is vegetarian/vegan and you'd like another veggie perspective despite being omnivore yourself? You are most welcome here!
Live and Let Live.
This community aims to be a bit more interactive than the traditional 'add me' communites.
Don't just post your ad and go, come on in, post some more, put your feet up and have a drink with us!
Don't forget to check the tags of members that have already posted! Feel free to browse for your preferred age range, location and so on.
All new posts are members only. So if you want in, click on 'join community'. This is to avoid drama, snark and general ugliness. This area is safe, friendly and protected!
Not sure how to get started? This is a guide, it isn't compulsory. Feel free to introduce yourself however you would like!
Name / Nickname:
Political affiliation:
Veggie status: (Are you vegetarian/vegan/interested omnivore,how long have you been veggie?)
Relationship status?:
Looking for: (Type of friends/journals you are interested in friending)
Other interests:
About my journal: (Tell us a bit about what we’ll find in your journal, how often you update, etc)
I’d also like to say: (Anything else you want to tell us about yourself, your lifestyle, personality, etc)
Vegetarian and Vegan Communities:
Drama-Free notices never seem to stop drama erupting, but I'll put one in anyway. Play nice, we're all of similar ideology. :)
RULES? We haz 'em:
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