Uğur Tatlısumak | Adnan Menderes University (original) (raw)

Books by Uğur Tatlısumak

Research paper thumbnail of Bilginlerin Tutsaklığı Eski Çağlardan Günümüze Bilginin ve Mantığın Patronajı

Bilginlerin Tutsaklığı Eski Çağlardan Günümüze Bilginin be Mantığın Patronajı, 2022

Neredeyse her gün bilimin kutsallığı ile ilgili haberler dinliyoruz. Bilime değer verilmeli! liya... more Neredeyse her gün bilimin kutsallığı ile ilgili haberler dinliyoruz. Bilime değer verilmeli! liyakat olmalı! gibi büyük sözler işitiyoruz. Ancak bilimin ve entelektüel bu zümrelerin patronları kimdir? Bu patronlar, ne istiyorlar, bilgiye, bilime ve her şeyden önce akla nasıl şekil veriyorlar? Bunları hiç konuşmuyoruz. Tarihte bilim insanları neden saraylarda yaşamaya zorlanmış, saraylarda yaşamak istemeyen bilim insanları neden katledilmiştir? Peygamberlerin akıl, bilgi, adalet ve inanç üzerinde yükselen bir bilincin ve onun da üzerinde yükselen bir hayatın inşa edilmesi için mücadele ettiklerini neden konuşmuyoruz? İslam dünyası neden bilgi üretememektedir? Neden meyve ağaçları değil de hep dikenler sulanmaktadır? İşte tüm bu sorunların tartışılması ve çözümlerinin bulunması, yalnızca İslam coğrafyasının değil tüm insanlığın, bilgiye tahakküm eden bilimsel (!) despotik güçlerden kurtuluşu için de gereklidir. Bu güçlerin, toplumları kontrol etmek için geçmişten günümüze uyguladıkları taktiklerin ve stratejilerin neler olduğunu öğrenmek, bize öğretilenlerden farklı bir tarihî ve felsefî bakış açısı kazanmak isteyenler! O halde, kitabın kapağını çevirin ve okumaya başlayın.
Patronaj, Depatronaj, Akıllar Alemleri Teorisi, Patrimonyal Sistem, Epistemoloji, Ulema.
- key concepts –
Patronage, Depatronage, Theory of Minds of Realms, Patrimonial System, Epistemology, Ulama.


Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e Hatırat Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2022

Political memories, in this sense, are not simply works written by the author for his own perpetu... more Political memories, in this sense, are not simply works written by the author for his own perpetual perpetuation, defense and confession. At the same time, Memories are also one of the manipulative means that used by the imperialist states to inject ideas into the intelligentsia they want to influence. If the strategic goals, political and economic conflicts that the imperialists want to achieve are ignored, the covering over the orientalist memories can not be removed. Because some Orientalists who worked for the imperialists have used frontal cultural identities. Moving on from this problem, We analyzed the memoirs of Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov who served as Russian Ambassador to Iran between 1845-1854. His work as called Asrar-i Paydayish-i Mazhab-i Bab Ve Baha Der Iran Yaddashtha-yi Kinyaz Dalquraki and Yaddashtha-yi Kinyaz Dalquraki was reprinted in Tehran in 1970 and partially translated into Turkish. A comparative memoirs study was carried out in order be able to understand the methods of manipulative work of the imperialist states. For this purpose, the great orientalist Edward Granville Browne's memories called as "A Year Amongst The Persians" and his other related works has also been reviewed. Relations between Orientalist Edward Granville Browne, Harry St. John Bridger Philby and Thomas Edward Lawrence and societal manipulations attempted to be realized through memories were analyzed. George Nathaniel's work as named Iran which is the story of Curzon's Iran impressions has also been studied by interested parties. It is aimed to raise the strategic thinking ability of the society. Beliefs are not the goal of this study. This study will provide a modest contribution to the increasingly prevalent strategic history work of today.
Key Words: Orientalism, Manipulation, Ecopolitics, Strategic History.

Siyasî hatıratlar, yazarların sadece kendi isimlerini ebedileştirdikleri, savunmalarını yaptıkları ve günahlarını çıkarttıkları eserler değildir. Hatıratlar, aynı zamanda emperyalist devletler tarafından, etki altına almak istedikleri entelijansiyaya, fikir üfürmede kullanılan manipülatif araçlardan biridir. Eğer emperyalist güçlerin stratejik hedefleri, siyasî ve iktisadî çatışmaları göz ardı edilirse, oryantalist hatıratların üzerindeki paravan örtü kaldırılamaz. Çünkü emperyalistlerin hesabına çalışan kimi oryantalistler, farklı paravan kültürel kimlikler kullanmışlardır. Bu problem üzerinden hareket ederek, 1845-1854 yılları arasında Rusya’nın İran Büyükelçisi olarak görev yapan Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov’un, 1970 yılında Tahran’da basılan ve Türkçeye de kısmen çevrilen “Asrar-i Paydayish-i Mazhab-i Bab ve Baha Der Iran” Yaddashtha-yi Kinyaz Dalquraki adlı hatıratını ele aldık. Emperyalist devletlerin manipülatif çalışma yöntemlerini anlayabilmek için mukayeseli bir hatırat çalışması yapıldı. Bu amaçla, bu dönemin büyük oryantalisti Edward Granville Browne’un A Year Amongst The Persians adlı hatıratı ve konuyu aydınlatıcı diğer eserleri de incelendi. Oryantalist Edward Granville Browne, Harry St. John Bridger Philby ve Thomas Edward Lawrence arasındaki ilişkiler ve hatıratlar üzerinden gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılan toplumsal manipülasyonlar analiz edildi. George Nathaniel (Lord) Curzon’un İran izlenimlerini aktardığı İran adlı eseri de ilgili taraflarıyla incelendi. Bu çalışmayla toplumun stratejik düşünme yeteneğinin yükseltilmesi hedeflenmiştir. İnançlar, bu çalışmanın hedefi değildir. Ayrıca bu çalışma, günümüzde önemi gittikçe artan stratejik tarih çalışmalarına da mütevazı bir katkı sunacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Oryantalizm, Manipülasyon, Ekopolitik, Stratejik Tarih.


JASSS The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (

Scarcity of analyst and comparative history studies is striking in today's scien- tific work. On... more Scarcity of analyst and comparative history studies is striking in today's scien- tific work. On the other hand, it seems that the history of information salesmanship has become increasingly prominent and widespread. It is certain that new frameworks and perspectives are needed to come out of this narrow framework, to develop our under- standing of history, and to facilitate the solution of social problems. For this purpose, we put it on the table the feasibility of applying the "new power equation" which we tried to develop in the study of history and in the solution of social events. Of course, we do not invent the "power equation" for the first time. It is also possible to see the power equa- tion formulated in various formulas from other sources. However, the epistemology and knowledge patronage that we have presented are ignored in these power equations. However, a power equation based on epistemology and knowledge patronage is a de- velopment formula and strategic mind that our country needs for centuries. This equa- tion will not only develop a new perspective, but it will also reveal how much the islam- ic societies still misunderstand modernity in the past and the present. In the power equa- tions having been applied so far, the ignorance of epistemology and the patronage of knowledge have caused the implementation of wrong development methods and the adoption of wrong strategies. From another angle, are the wrong power equations, an idea having been thrown into our minds and a perception management for centuries by the colonial powers? In the history, with the change of power and definition of power, although the elements of the power equation have changed, the uptrend of knowledge and nations that valued it has never changed. This study aims to shed light on the fail- ures of Ottoman modernization with this equation and to give a kind of equalization projector function. Also with the help of this equation, the deficiencies and failures of Ottoman modernization in the face of Japanese and Russian modernization will be tried to be explained briefly in terms of knowledge patronage. It is worth mentioning that this formula is not entirely a claim in solving matter of development and an absolute under- standing of the power systems. Along with all the missing, It is an improvable formula. The power equation will provide a systematic and analytical look at history and events.
Keywords: Power Equation, Development, Epistemology, Knowledge Patron- age, Modernization


Asos Journal The Journal of Academic Social Science (Akademik Sosyal araştırmalar Dergisi, 2016

There are various central powers acting inn the basis of social relations in every period of hist... more There are various central powers acting inn the basis of social relations in every period of history. Those powers are locomotive powers activating society and individuals and motivate them. Patronage and depatronage terms are powers that drive great interest circle of the society and provide social action. Patronage and depatronage terms are not known clearly in Turkey; and generally, they are used wrongly. Such an important point is not known clearly in term so what patrimonial systems are understood clearly. Therefore, political system analyzes are not done accurately; state-society and individual relations are not solved perfectly. We live problems at introduction and knowing our created political system. Development and data-indexed patronage policies are not applied so our human resources are not assessed adequately so we live various structural problems like not progressing and producing adequately. So, we draw attention to a big social problem, in other mean patronage problem in this modest study. First of all, it should be understood what patronage and depatronage terms are and why they are at the center of social relations to open a small door to make understand patronage problem of the society. Therefore, firstly the matter was considered conceptually and an important social problem was made agenda. Also, it has to be stated that we made gain a new term to social sciences and term, “depatronage” is used scientifically in this article for the first time.
Keywords: Patronage, Depatronage, Political Power, Development.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Foundatıons And Wage System As A Political Vehicle On The Scientific Productivity Of Ulema (SİYASAL BİR ARAÇ OLARAK VAKIFLARIN VE MAAŞ SİSTEMİNİN ULEMANIN İLMÎ ÜRETKENLİĞİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ)

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universtiy Journal of Social Sciences), 2020

This study shows that the foundations and the salary system are not merely a means charity and li... more This study shows that the foundations and the salary system are not merely a means charity and liveli- hood. Every institutional structure and system has political aims in the background of unspoken as well as the purpose of ensuring public order. In fact, each system is a symmetric or asymmetric sharing of forces within it- self. The political reasons behind the origins of foundations in the Islamic world have been investigated. The inf- luence and power of foundations gran- ted to the Islamic scholars has been weakened by the increase of secular systems and institutions. This chan- ged the direction of the weight scale in the power-ulema relations. What kind of consensus did the rulings have with the ulama determining the number of foundations and salary policy? How has this secret agreement affected the scientific activities of the ulama? Why is the rise and decline of religious sci- ences and positive sciences concur- rent? How did foundations and salary policy affect scientific productivity? In this study, these critical questions are examined.
Key Words: Ulama, Foundations, Pat- ronage, Salary System, Scientific Productivity.

Research paper thumbnail of “The Effect of the Lesser Evil Idea” in Cultural Psychology’s Formation of the Middle Eastern, Islamic Communities and Its Reflections in Cultural, Social Fields (Ortadoğu İslam Halklarının Kültürel Psikolojilerinin Oluşumunda “Ehven-i Şer” Düşüncesinin Etkisi..)

TİDSAD Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Turk & Islam World Social Studies) , 2015

If human is the one founding civilizations, the fundamental dynamism generating human is certainl... more If human is the one founding civilizations, the fundamental dynamism generating human is certainly the experienced psychological depth. Societies are the resultants of their hosted individuals. Individuals are the ones, who make, write history. Manners to raise individuals, ideals of the perceived and presented world form cultural characteristics of the societies. Such communities, nations of this nature transform their psychological structures, genetic, cultural codes from generation to generation, as if they are their biological genes. Those cultural codes take part in the central of the most important factors forming societies’ political, economical and religious structures. This case in the modern science of behavior is represented by the concept of archetypes. In this study, we interdisciplinary worked on “The Lesser Evil Idea”, that fairly figures in the nature of Islamic communities’ ideas, nearly affected any political, cultural, social thoughts and on its reflections in cultural, political, economical psychology by receiving support from inputs of history and psychology.

Key Words: Cultural Psychology, Lesser Evil Idea, Manipulation, Political Power.



This study contains an interview of Mahir Kaynak and interview's analysis in January 1998. This i... more This study contains an interview of Mahir Kaynak and interview's analysis in January 1998. This interview with Mahir Kaynak has not been published anywhere, because of February 28 postmodern military coup. In this interview, the closing of Refah Party, the military coups, fundamental issues of the Middle East, execution of Adnan Menderes and USA involvement in this execution is handled. In the analysis of the military coups, impact of foreign policy, the economic goals and conflicts of the great powers are generally do not handled. Actually the secret key point is here. That’s why, it is not possible to success military coups without external support. Deep and realistic analyzes in the world of Turkish academia and politics are needed more than ever. In this respect, his global readings still maintain their validity today. In the words of Mahir Kaynak, the analyst is not an augur who informs the invisible. Only East-West analyzes are insufficient to explain nowadays developments. The execution of the late Adnan Menderes and the activities of the great powers in Turkey have tried to be analyzed.
Keywords: English Left, Military Coup, Middle East, Fuzzy Analysis, Political Economy



This article is an attempt to understand intellectual imperialist projects in Turkish and Islamic... more This article is an attempt to understand intellectual imperialist projects in Turkish and Islamic world. The imperialist intellectuals are an social engineers of the most equipped imperial era in history. This era is an era where the hand holding the gunpowder holds the pencil too. Contrary to general belief, orientalist studies do not only originate from an interest and curiosity for Islamic Eastern civilization. Undoubtedly, the deciphering of imperial aims and relations in the background will open up completely a different window. When those relationships between Edward G. Browne, Redhouse, Harry J. Bridger Philby, Thomas E. Lawrence and Moses Alami were examined, the great imperial painting will appear more clearly. Deciphering imperialist intellectualism is possible by performing a deconstruction of it. Because the new civilization was an ink and gunpowder civilization. Understanding the imperialist world is possible by revealing the close relations between those who master ink and those who dominate the gunpowder. Contrary to popular belief, ink did not always object to gunpowder. So far humanity has been concerned with who produces knowledge. But the question is, who fills that ink in that pen and who governs the knowledge?
This study seeks to answer these questions through this prototypes.
Key Words: Edward G. Browne, Orientalism, Occidentalism, Intellectual Imperialism, British Caliphate.
Extended Summary
This study is an attempt to deconstruct intellectual imperialism on orientalist Edward Granville Browne. Imperialist intellectuals have not explored the Islamic world solely with a personal curiosity. They are perhaps the most equipped imperialist social engineers of history. Because this age era is an era where the hands holding the gunpowder hold the pencil and the hands holding the pencil hold the gunpowder. There are goals that are not shown behind the works of the orientalist imperialist intellectuals. Leading intellectuals, intelligence workers, politicians, orientalists, travelers, dictionary writers, etc. of this period. When their personalities are brought together, an imperialist picture emerges behind the relations that seem like coincidence. It is as if an upper mind has brought these people together in a goal.
The bourgeoisie was patrons of ink and gunpowder. This new conceptual alliance was sowing seeds of a new imperial civilization. To illuminate this problematic, Relations between Edward Granville Browne, James William Redhouse, Harry St. John Bridger Philby, Thomas Edward Lawrence and Musa Alami was scrutinized. In the later stages of the study, a large imperial picture emerged.
The way to stand against intellectual imperialism is not to denigrate it, but to understand it. For this reason, a deconstruction of imperialism needs to be done. There is a great accumulation of knowledge behind imperialism. Intellectual imperialism has a very deep and specific structure. In order for this structure to be resolved, it is necessary to empathize with it. In this sense, the Islamic world has not been able to perform a deep and radical deconstructing of Western thought. Because the Islamic world is in a great cacophony of thought and was unable to face a real confrontation with himself and his history.
The Islamic world lives in an illusion of fiction which is set up by past political powers. It has deep fears in the nightmares of the past, the complexity of the present and the uncertainty created by the future. The Islamic world covers up these fears with a morphine-like fatalistic approach. The Islamic world has fallen behind in the race of civilization and has lost a lot of time.
Islamic world cannot develop concepts and discourses that will cure the problems of world humanity. For this reason, the Islamic world needs to reflect on the causes of the rise rather than exploring the causes of decline and collapse. However, the Islamic world must first overcome the effects of imperialist intellectualism, which prevents from thinking about what it has to think about. Islamic world must also understand that these negative effects on the Islamic world are not only created by the West. This study is a limited study focused on the negative effects of intellectual Western imperialism on the Islamic world. In this study, it is focused on how intellectual imperialists create a belief, manage the perceptions and thoughts of societies.
The answer to the question of who governs and give directions of knowledge reveals the relationship of imperialism with intellectuals. In other words, the word that blood flows where the ink does not flow losed validity now. Because those who dominated the scientist made great wars in the world. This study tries to shed light on all these difficult questions. Of course, this work is open to criticism. The difference between conspiracy theory and scientific theory is that scientific theory is based on solid evidence and solid reasoning. Such studies will also help the Turkish and Islamic world to know itself better. Thus, the Islamic world will have words to say meaningfully not only to its own problems but also to the problems of the world.
In this respect, this study will make a different contribution to both oxidentalist history and international relations studies.

Research paper thumbnail of THE USA-ENGLAND ECONOMIC CONFLICTS-COUPS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LEFT (ABD-İngiltere Ekonomik Çatışmasının 1960 Darbesi Üzerindeki Etkisi)

Uluslararası Darbe II Sempozyumu, 2018

In the analysis of military coups, the economic conflicts of the imperial states and the impacts ... more In the analysis of military coups, the economic conflicts of the imperial states and the impacts of the conflicts on military coups are generally ignored. Coup readings focused on ideology is to reduce the causes of coups to purely ideological reasons. In fact, military coups are organized by global forces for the purpose of directing the economy of a country. In developing countries it is almost impossible for a coup to reach success without external support. Military coups are a reflection of the economic conflicts of global powers in interior of a country. Ideology has been transformed into a tool to conceal the global bosses who rule the world. The United States has seized the UK's power sources with operations done globally in those years. Britain has lost almost all its foothold to the United States. In this study, the effects of the economic conflict between the USA and the UK on the military coups were discussed.
Are the coups done by an external support? Or does external forces invent an opposing wings inside to make a coup? Although two questions seemingly identical, point to the existence of very different power centers in deep. If it is not possible for a coup to succeed without an external support, it is not possible for external forces to carry out a coup without finding an inside support too. The realization of the coups is possible by the creation of artificial ideological polarizations. But the main issue for external forces that organize the coup is not ideology, but the determination of which global power the economic resources of that country should be controlled by.
Just as there is a period of physical preparation of a coup, there is a period of ideological preparation of the coup. The integration of intellectual movements perceived as a threat into the system and the redefinition of ideological concepts are the period of ideological preparation. In this sense, the theorists and studies redefining the ideological paradigm of left were supported by USA and England. At first, the New Left ideology built against the Soviets was then used by Britain against US expansionism. However this left is not the Russian left but the European left. This is a left creation project against the left and a right creation project against right. The project is to create a wolf unique to the enemy's own ideology, to eat it. This strategy of the United Kingdom is one of the rare achievements that must be included in the Cold War strategies of the World.
This study aimed at revealing how events can be seen different when looking at matters via a strategic mind, not with ideological windows.

Keywords: New Left, Military Coups, Soviet Marxism, Capitalism.
􏰯􏰵􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰴􏱊 􏰯􏰵􏰳􏰬􏰰􏰰􏰬􏰽􏰳􏰧􏰩􏰰 􏰱􏰴􏰭􏰬􏰱􏰬􏰵􏰳􏰨 􏰷􏰬􏰮􏰽􏰬􏰯􏰭􏰬􏰅 􏰩􏰨 􏰩 􏰳􏰾􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳 􏰯􏰵􏰳􏰴 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰨􏰹􏰨􏰳􏰬􏰱 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰮􏰬􏰅􏰬􏱊􏰯􏰵􏰯􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰴􏱊 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏰽􏰴􏰵􏰽􏰬􏰷􏰳􏰨 􏰩􏰮􏰬 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰷􏰬􏰮􏰯􏰴􏰅 􏰴􏱊 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏰷􏰮􏰬􏰷􏰩􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵􏰊 􏱔􏰵 􏰳􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰨􏰬􏰵􏰨􏰬􏰐 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰳􏰾􏰬􏰴􏰮􏰯􏰨􏰳􏰨 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏰨􏰳􏰧􏰅􏰯􏰬􏰨 􏰮􏰬􏰅􏰬􏱊􏰯􏰵􏰯􏰵􏰿 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏰷􏰩􏰮􏰩􏰅􏰯􏰿􏰱 􏰴􏱊 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏱬􏰬􏰮􏰬 􏰨􏰧􏰷􏰷􏰴􏰮􏰳􏰬􏰅 􏰻􏰹 􏱠􏱇􏰼 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏱒􏰵􏰿􏰰􏰩􏰵􏰅􏰊 􏰼􏰳 􏱊􏰯􏰮􏰨􏰳􏰐 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱕􏰬􏱬 􏰣􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰹 􏰻􏰧􏰯􏰰􏰳 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱇􏰴􏰭􏰯􏰬􏰳􏰨 􏱬􏰩􏰨 􏰳􏰾􏰬􏰵 􏰧􏰨􏰬􏰅 􏰻􏰹 􏱅􏰮􏰯􏰳􏰩􏰯􏰵 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏱠􏱇 􏰬􏱈􏰷􏰩􏰵􏰨􏰯􏰴􏰵􏰯􏰨􏰱􏰊 􏱁􏰴􏱬􏰬􏰭􏰬􏰮 􏰳􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰯􏰨 􏰵􏰴􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰡􏰧􏰨􏰨􏰯􏰩􏰵 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰻􏰧􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱒􏰧􏰮􏰴􏰷􏰬􏰩􏰵 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳􏰊 􏱂􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰯􏰨 􏰩 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰽􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰷􏰮􏰴􏱑􏰬􏰽􏰳 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏰩 􏰮􏰯􏰿􏰾􏰳 􏰽􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰷􏰮􏰴􏱑􏰬􏰽􏰳 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏰮􏰯􏰿􏰾􏰳􏰊 􏱂􏰾􏰬 􏰷􏰮􏰴􏱑􏰬􏰽􏰳 􏰯􏰨 􏰳􏰴 􏰽􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳􏰬 􏰩 􏱬􏰴􏰰􏱊 􏰧􏰵􏰯􏱪􏰧􏰬 􏰳􏰴 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰬􏰵􏰬􏰱􏰹􏱄􏰨 􏰴􏱬􏰵 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰹􏰐 􏰳􏰴 􏰬􏰩􏰳 􏰯􏰳􏰊 􏱂􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰨􏰳􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰹 􏰴􏱊 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱠􏰵􏰯􏰳􏰬􏰅 􏱜􏰯􏰵􏰿􏰅􏰴􏰱 􏰯􏰨 􏰴􏰵􏰬 􏰴􏱊 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰮􏰩􏰮􏰬 􏰩􏰽􏰾􏰯􏰬􏰭􏰬􏰱􏰬􏰵􏰳􏰨 􏰳􏰾􏰩􏰳 􏰱􏰧􏰨􏰳 􏰻􏰬 􏰯􏰵􏰽􏰰􏰧􏰅􏰬􏰅 􏰯􏰵 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱉􏰴􏰰􏰅 􏱨􏰩􏰮 􏰨􏰳􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰯􏰬􏰨 􏰴􏱊 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱨􏰴􏰮􏰰􏰅􏰊
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􏱜􏰬􏰹􏱬􏰴􏰮􏰅􏰨􏱙 􏱕􏰬􏱬 􏰣􏰬􏱊􏰳􏰐 􏰦􏰯􏰰􏰯􏰳􏰩􏰮􏰹 􏱉􏰴􏰧􏰷􏰨􏰐 􏱇􏰴􏰭􏰯􏰬􏰳 􏰦􏰩􏰮􏱈􏰯􏰨􏰱􏰐 􏱉􏰩􏰷􏰯􏰳􏰩􏰰􏰯􏰨􏰱􏰊

Papers by Uğur Tatlısumak

Research paper thumbnail of Tari̇hsel Olaylarin Ve Uluslararasi İli̇şki̇leri̇n Anali̇zi̇nde 'Yeni̇ Güç Denklemi̇'Ni̇n

The journal of academic social science studies, 2017

Uygulanması‛ isimli bildirinin genişletilmiş ve verilerinin güncellenmiş halidir. Uğur Tatlısumak... more Uygulanması‛ isimli bildirinin genişletilmiş ve verilerinin güncellenmiş halidir. Uğur Tatlısumak değişmemiştir. Bu çalışmayla amaçlanan, Osmanlı modernleşmesinin başarısızlıklarına, bu denklemle ışık tutmak, bir nevi denkleme projektör görevi vermektir. Ayrıca bu denklemin yardımıyla, Osmanlı modernleşmesinin, Japon ve Rus modernleşmesi karşısındaki eksiklikleri, başarısızlıkları bilgi patronajı açısından da kısaca ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır. Şunu belirtmekte fayda var ki, bu formül, kalkınma sorununu çözme ve güç sistemlerini tamamen anlama iddiasında değildir. Tüm eksikleriyle beraber, geliştirilebilir bir formüldür. Güç denklemi, tarihe ve olaylara sistematik ve analizci bir şekilde bakmamıza olanak sağlayacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Si̇yasal Ve Toplumsal İli̇şki̇leri̇n Güç Merkezi̇: Patronaj Ve Depatronaj Kavramlari

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇yasal Bi̇r Araç Olarak Vakiflarin Ve Maaş Si̇stemi̇ni̇n Ulemanin İlmî Üretkenli̇ği̇ Üzeri̇ndeki̇ Etki̇si̇

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 29, 2020

Bu çalışma, vakıfların ve maaş sisteminin sadece bir hayır ve geçim aracı olmadığını göstermekted... more Bu çalışma, vakıfların ve maaş sisteminin sadece bir hayır ve geçim aracı olmadığını göstermektedir. Her kurumsal yapının ve sistemin kamu düzeninin sağlanması amacının yanında, arka planda söylenmeyen politik amaçları da vardır. Gerçekte her sistem, kendi içinde simetrik ya da asimetrik bir güçler paylaşımıdır. İslam dünyasında vakıfların ortaya çıkış nedenlerinin arkasındaki politik nedenler araştırılmıştır. Ulemaya bahşedilen vakıfların, toplum üzerindeki etkisi ve gücü seküler sistemlerin ve kurumların artmasıyla zayıflamıştır. Bu durum, iktidar-ulema ilişkilerinde ağırlık terazisinin yönünü değiştirmiştir. İktidarlar, vakıfların sayısını ve maaş politikasını belirlerken ulema ile nasıl bir konsensüs içindeydi? Bu örtülü anlaşma, ulemanın ilmî faaliyetlerini ne yönde etkilemiştir? Neden dinî bilimler ile pozitif bilimlerin yükselişi ve gerilemesi eş zamanlıdır? Vakıflar ve maaş ABSTRACT: This study shows that the foundations and the salary system are not merely a means charity and livelihood. Every institutional structure and system has political aims in the background of unspoken as well as the purpose of ensuring public order. In fact, each system is a symmetric or asymmetric sharing of forces within itself. The political reasons behind the origins of foundations in the Islamic world have been investigated. The influence and power of foundations granted to the Islamic scholars has been weakened by the increase of secular systems and institutions. This changed the direction of the weight scale in the power-ulema relations. What kind of consensus did the rulings have with the ulama determining the number of foundations and salary policy? How has this secret agreement affected the scientific activities of the ulama? Why is the rise and decline of religious sciences and positive sciences concurrent? How did foundations and salary 1 Bu makale, 4-5 Aralık 2019 tarihinde Sakarya Üniversitesi, Osmanlı Araştırmaları Merkezi'nin ev sahipliğinde düzenlenen Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezginin anısına Osmanlı Bilimi Sempozyumu'nda sunulan "Osmanlı Vakıflarının ve Maaş Sisteminin Ulemanın İlmî Üretkenliği Üzerindeki Etkisi", adlı özet bildirinin verilerinin genişletilerek güncellenmiş halidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Ortadoğu İslam Halklarinin Kültürel Psi̇koloji̇leri̇ni̇n Oluşumunda "Ehven-İ Şer" Düşüncesi̇ni̇n Etki̇si̇, Tari̇hsel Kökleri̇ Kültürel-Sosyal Alanlardaki̇ Yansimalari

The Journal of Turk-Islam World Social Studies, 2015

THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISL... more THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISLAMIC COMMUNITIES AND ITS REFLECTIONS IN CULTURAL, SOCIAL FIELDS Özet Medeniyetleri oluşturan insansa, insanı oluşturan temel dinamizmin onun yaşadığı psikolojik derinlik olduğu kesindir. Toplumlar barındırdığı bireylerin bileşkeleridir. Tarihi yapan, yazan bu bireylerdir. Bu bireylerin yetiştirilme tarzları, algılamaları toplumların kültürel karakterini oluşturur. Bu şekilde toplumlar, uluslar, bu psikolojik yapılarını, genetik kültür kodlarını sanki birer biyolojik genler gibi nesilden nesile aktarırlar. Bu kültürel kodlar, toplumun siyasal, ekonomik, dini yapılarına şekil veren en önemli etkenlerin merkezinde yer alır. Modern Davranış bilimlerinde bu durum arketip kavramıyla ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada İslam toplumlarının düşünce dünyasında büyük yeri olan siyasi, kültürel, sosyal düşüncenin birçok alanına etki etmiş olan " Ehveni Şer Düşüncesi " ve bunun kültürel, siyasi, iktisadi psikolojiye yansımaları üzerine, tarih ve psikoloji bilimlerinden yardım alınarak konu irdelenmeye çalışıldı. Abstract If human is the one founding civilizations, the fundamental dynamism generating human is certainly the experienced psychological depth. Societies are the resultants of their hosted individuals. Individuals are the ones, who make, write 1 Memur., Konya Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Selçuk Ün. Tarih. Doktora Öğrencisi,ugurtatlisumak@yahoo.com

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇yasal Bi̇r Araç Olarak Vakiflarin Ve Maaş Si̇stemi̇ni̇n Ulemanin İlmî Üretkenli̇ği̇ Üzeri̇ndeki̇ Etki̇si̇

Bu calisma, vakiflarin ve maas sisteminin sadece bir hayir ve gecim araci olmadigini gostermekted... more Bu calisma, vakiflarin ve maas sisteminin sadece bir hayir ve gecim araci olmadigini gostermektedir. Her kurumsal yapinin ve sistemin kamu duzeninin saglanmasi amacinin yaninda soylenmeyen arka planinda politik amaclari da vardir. Gercekte her sistem kendi icinde simetrik ya da asimetrik bir gucler paylasimidir. Islam dunyasinda vakiflarin cikis nedenleri arkasindaki politik nedenler arastirilmistir. Ulemaya bahsedilen vakiflarin, toplum uzerindeki etkisi ve gucu sekuler sistemlerin ve kurumlarin artmasiyla zayiflamistir. Bu durum, iktidar-ulema iliskilerinde agirlik terazisinin yonunu degistirmistir. Iktidarlar, vakiflarin sayisini ve maas politikasini belirlerken ulema ile nasil bir konsensus icerisindeydi? Bu ortulu anlasma ulemanin ilmi faaliyetlerini ne yonde etkilemistir? Neden dini bilimler ile pozitif bilimlerin yukselisi ve gerilemesi es zamanlidir? Vakiflar ve maas politikasi ilmi uretkenligi nasil etkilemistir? Bu calismada, bu onemli ama bir o kadar da kritik sorunlarin ...

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlı uleması ve patronaj ilişkisi

Research paper thumbnail of Ortadoğu İslam Halklarinin Kültürel Psi̇koloji̇leri̇ni̇n Oluşumunda " Ehven-İ Şer " Düşüncesi̇ni̇n Etki̇si̇, Tari̇hsel Kökleri̇; Kültürel-Sosyal Alanlardaki̇ Yansimalari

Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi /The Journal of Turk & Islam World Social Studies, 2015

THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISL... more THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISLAMIC COMMUNITIES AND ITS REFLECTIONS IN CULTURAL, SOCIAL FIELDS Özet Medeniyetleri oluşturan insansa, insanı oluşturan temel dinamizmin onun yaşadığı psikolojik derinlik olduğu kesindir. Toplumlar barındırdığı bireylerin bileşkeleridir. Tarihi yapan, yazan bu bireylerdir. Bu bireylerin yetiştirilme tarzları, algılamaları toplumların kültürel karakterini oluşturur. Bu şekilde toplumlar, uluslar, bu psikolojik yapılarını, genetik kültür kodlarını sanki birer biyolojik genler gibi nesilden nesile aktarırlar. Bu kültürel kodlar, toplumun siyasal, ekonomik, dini yapılarına şekil veren en önemli etkenlerin merkezinde yer alır. Modern Davranış bilimlerinde bu durum arketip kavramıyla ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada İslam toplumlarının düşünce dünyasında büyük yeri olan siyasi, kültürel, sosyal düşüncenin birçok alanına etki etmiş olan " Ehveni Şer Düşüncesi " ve bunun kültürel, siyas...

Research paper thumbnail of Bilginlerin Tutsaklığı Eski Çağlardan Günümüze Bilginin ve Mantığın Patronajı

Bilginlerin Tutsaklığı Eski Çağlardan Günümüze Bilginin be Mantığın Patronajı, 2022

Neredeyse her gün bilimin kutsallığı ile ilgili haberler dinliyoruz. Bilime değer verilmeli! liya... more Neredeyse her gün bilimin kutsallığı ile ilgili haberler dinliyoruz. Bilime değer verilmeli! liyakat olmalı! gibi büyük sözler işitiyoruz. Ancak bilimin ve entelektüel bu zümrelerin patronları kimdir? Bu patronlar, ne istiyorlar, bilgiye, bilime ve her şeyden önce akla nasıl şekil veriyorlar? Bunları hiç konuşmuyoruz. Tarihte bilim insanları neden saraylarda yaşamaya zorlanmış, saraylarda yaşamak istemeyen bilim insanları neden katledilmiştir? Peygamberlerin akıl, bilgi, adalet ve inanç üzerinde yükselen bir bilincin ve onun da üzerinde yükselen bir hayatın inşa edilmesi için mücadele ettiklerini neden konuşmuyoruz? İslam dünyası neden bilgi üretememektedir? Neden meyve ağaçları değil de hep dikenler sulanmaktadır? İşte tüm bu sorunların tartışılması ve çözümlerinin bulunması, yalnızca İslam coğrafyasının değil tüm insanlığın, bilgiye tahakküm eden bilimsel (!) despotik güçlerden kurtuluşu için de gereklidir. Bu güçlerin, toplumları kontrol etmek için geçmişten günümüze uyguladıkları taktiklerin ve stratejilerin neler olduğunu öğrenmek, bize öğretilenlerden farklı bir tarihî ve felsefî bakış açısı kazanmak isteyenler! O halde, kitabın kapağını çevirin ve okumaya başlayın.
Patronaj, Depatronaj, Akıllar Alemleri Teorisi, Patrimonyal Sistem, Epistemoloji, Ulema.
- key concepts –
Patronage, Depatronage, Theory of Minds of Realms, Patrimonial System, Epistemology, Ulama.


Osmanlı'dan Cumhuriyet'e Hatırat Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2022

Political memories, in this sense, are not simply works written by the author for his own perpetu... more Political memories, in this sense, are not simply works written by the author for his own perpetual perpetuation, defense and confession. At the same time, Memories are also one of the manipulative means that used by the imperialist states to inject ideas into the intelligentsia they want to influence. If the strategic goals, political and economic conflicts that the imperialists want to achieve are ignored, the covering over the orientalist memories can not be removed. Because some Orientalists who worked for the imperialists have used frontal cultural identities. Moving on from this problem, We analyzed the memoirs of Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov who served as Russian Ambassador to Iran between 1845-1854. His work as called Asrar-i Paydayish-i Mazhab-i Bab Ve Baha Der Iran Yaddashtha-yi Kinyaz Dalquraki and Yaddashtha-yi Kinyaz Dalquraki was reprinted in Tehran in 1970 and partially translated into Turkish. A comparative memoirs study was carried out in order be able to understand the methods of manipulative work of the imperialist states. For this purpose, the great orientalist Edward Granville Browne's memories called as "A Year Amongst The Persians" and his other related works has also been reviewed. Relations between Orientalist Edward Granville Browne, Harry St. John Bridger Philby and Thomas Edward Lawrence and societal manipulations attempted to be realized through memories were analyzed. George Nathaniel's work as named Iran which is the story of Curzon's Iran impressions has also been studied by interested parties. It is aimed to raise the strategic thinking ability of the society. Beliefs are not the goal of this study. This study will provide a modest contribution to the increasingly prevalent strategic history work of today.
Key Words: Orientalism, Manipulation, Ecopolitics, Strategic History.

Siyasî hatıratlar, yazarların sadece kendi isimlerini ebedileştirdikleri, savunmalarını yaptıkları ve günahlarını çıkarttıkları eserler değildir. Hatıratlar, aynı zamanda emperyalist devletler tarafından, etki altına almak istedikleri entelijansiyaya, fikir üfürmede kullanılan manipülatif araçlardan biridir. Eğer emperyalist güçlerin stratejik hedefleri, siyasî ve iktisadî çatışmaları göz ardı edilirse, oryantalist hatıratların üzerindeki paravan örtü kaldırılamaz. Çünkü emperyalistlerin hesabına çalışan kimi oryantalistler, farklı paravan kültürel kimlikler kullanmışlardır. Bu problem üzerinden hareket ederek, 1845-1854 yılları arasında Rusya’nın İran Büyükelçisi olarak görev yapan Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov’un, 1970 yılında Tahran’da basılan ve Türkçeye de kısmen çevrilen “Asrar-i Paydayish-i Mazhab-i Bab ve Baha Der Iran” Yaddashtha-yi Kinyaz Dalquraki adlı hatıratını ele aldık. Emperyalist devletlerin manipülatif çalışma yöntemlerini anlayabilmek için mukayeseli bir hatırat çalışması yapıldı. Bu amaçla, bu dönemin büyük oryantalisti Edward Granville Browne’un A Year Amongst The Persians adlı hatıratı ve konuyu aydınlatıcı diğer eserleri de incelendi. Oryantalist Edward Granville Browne, Harry St. John Bridger Philby ve Thomas Edward Lawrence arasındaki ilişkiler ve hatıratlar üzerinden gerçekleştirilmeye çalışılan toplumsal manipülasyonlar analiz edildi. George Nathaniel (Lord) Curzon’un İran izlenimlerini aktardığı İran adlı eseri de ilgili taraflarıyla incelendi. Bu çalışmayla toplumun stratejik düşünme yeteneğinin yükseltilmesi hedeflenmiştir. İnançlar, bu çalışmanın hedefi değildir. Ayrıca bu çalışma, günümüzde önemi gittikçe artan stratejik tarih çalışmalarına da mütevazı bir katkı sunacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Oryantalizm, Manipülasyon, Ekopolitik, Stratejik Tarih.


JASSS The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (

Scarcity of analyst and comparative history studies is striking in today's scien- tific work. On... more Scarcity of analyst and comparative history studies is striking in today's scien- tific work. On the other hand, it seems that the history of information salesmanship has become increasingly prominent and widespread. It is certain that new frameworks and perspectives are needed to come out of this narrow framework, to develop our under- standing of history, and to facilitate the solution of social problems. For this purpose, we put it on the table the feasibility of applying the "new power equation" which we tried to develop in the study of history and in the solution of social events. Of course, we do not invent the "power equation" for the first time. It is also possible to see the power equa- tion formulated in various formulas from other sources. However, the epistemology and knowledge patronage that we have presented are ignored in these power equations. However, a power equation based on epistemology and knowledge patronage is a de- velopment formula and strategic mind that our country needs for centuries. This equa- tion will not only develop a new perspective, but it will also reveal how much the islam- ic societies still misunderstand modernity in the past and the present. In the power equa- tions having been applied so far, the ignorance of epistemology and the patronage of knowledge have caused the implementation of wrong development methods and the adoption of wrong strategies. From another angle, are the wrong power equations, an idea having been thrown into our minds and a perception management for centuries by the colonial powers? In the history, with the change of power and definition of power, although the elements of the power equation have changed, the uptrend of knowledge and nations that valued it has never changed. This study aims to shed light on the fail- ures of Ottoman modernization with this equation and to give a kind of equalization projector function. Also with the help of this equation, the deficiencies and failures of Ottoman modernization in the face of Japanese and Russian modernization will be tried to be explained briefly in terms of knowledge patronage. It is worth mentioning that this formula is not entirely a claim in solving matter of development and an absolute under- standing of the power systems. Along with all the missing, It is an improvable formula. The power equation will provide a systematic and analytical look at history and events.
Keywords: Power Equation, Development, Epistemology, Knowledge Patron- age, Modernization


Asos Journal The Journal of Academic Social Science (Akademik Sosyal araştırmalar Dergisi, 2016

There are various central powers acting inn the basis of social relations in every period of hist... more There are various central powers acting inn the basis of social relations in every period of history. Those powers are locomotive powers activating society and individuals and motivate them. Patronage and depatronage terms are powers that drive great interest circle of the society and provide social action. Patronage and depatronage terms are not known clearly in Turkey; and generally, they are used wrongly. Such an important point is not known clearly in term so what patrimonial systems are understood clearly. Therefore, political system analyzes are not done accurately; state-society and individual relations are not solved perfectly. We live problems at introduction and knowing our created political system. Development and data-indexed patronage policies are not applied so our human resources are not assessed adequately so we live various structural problems like not progressing and producing adequately. So, we draw attention to a big social problem, in other mean patronage problem in this modest study. First of all, it should be understood what patronage and depatronage terms are and why they are at the center of social relations to open a small door to make understand patronage problem of the society. Therefore, firstly the matter was considered conceptually and an important social problem was made agenda. Also, it has to be stated that we made gain a new term to social sciences and term, “depatronage” is used scientifically in this article for the first time.
Keywords: Patronage, Depatronage, Political Power, Development.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Foundatıons And Wage System As A Political Vehicle On The Scientific Productivity Of Ulema (SİYASAL BİR ARAÇ OLARAK VAKIFLARIN VE MAAŞ SİSTEMİNİN ULEMANIN İLMÎ ÜRETKENLİĞİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ)

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universtiy Journal of Social Sciences), 2020

This study shows that the foundations and the salary system are not merely a means charity and li... more This study shows that the foundations and the salary system are not merely a means charity and liveli- hood. Every institutional structure and system has political aims in the background of unspoken as well as the purpose of ensuring public order. In fact, each system is a symmetric or asymmetric sharing of forces within it- self. The political reasons behind the origins of foundations in the Islamic world have been investigated. The inf- luence and power of foundations gran- ted to the Islamic scholars has been weakened by the increase of secular systems and institutions. This chan- ged the direction of the weight scale in the power-ulema relations. What kind of consensus did the rulings have with the ulama determining the number of foundations and salary policy? How has this secret agreement affected the scientific activities of the ulama? Why is the rise and decline of religious sci- ences and positive sciences concur- rent? How did foundations and salary policy affect scientific productivity? In this study, these critical questions are examined.
Key Words: Ulama, Foundations, Pat- ronage, Salary System, Scientific Productivity.

Research paper thumbnail of “The Effect of the Lesser Evil Idea” in Cultural Psychology’s Formation of the Middle Eastern, Islamic Communities and Its Reflections in Cultural, Social Fields (Ortadoğu İslam Halklarının Kültürel Psikolojilerinin Oluşumunda “Ehven-i Şer” Düşüncesinin Etkisi..)

TİDSAD Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Turk & Islam World Social Studies) , 2015

If human is the one founding civilizations, the fundamental dynamism generating human is certainl... more If human is the one founding civilizations, the fundamental dynamism generating human is certainly the experienced psychological depth. Societies are the resultants of their hosted individuals. Individuals are the ones, who make, write history. Manners to raise individuals, ideals of the perceived and presented world form cultural characteristics of the societies. Such communities, nations of this nature transform their psychological structures, genetic, cultural codes from generation to generation, as if they are their biological genes. Those cultural codes take part in the central of the most important factors forming societies’ political, economical and religious structures. This case in the modern science of behavior is represented by the concept of archetypes. In this study, we interdisciplinary worked on “The Lesser Evil Idea”, that fairly figures in the nature of Islamic communities’ ideas, nearly affected any political, cultural, social thoughts and on its reflections in cultural, political, economical psychology by receiving support from inputs of history and psychology.

Key Words: Cultural Psychology, Lesser Evil Idea, Manipulation, Political Power.



This study contains an interview of Mahir Kaynak and interview's analysis in January 1998. This i... more This study contains an interview of Mahir Kaynak and interview's analysis in January 1998. This interview with Mahir Kaynak has not been published anywhere, because of February 28 postmodern military coup. In this interview, the closing of Refah Party, the military coups, fundamental issues of the Middle East, execution of Adnan Menderes and USA involvement in this execution is handled. In the analysis of the military coups, impact of foreign policy, the economic goals and conflicts of the great powers are generally do not handled. Actually the secret key point is here. That’s why, it is not possible to success military coups without external support. Deep and realistic analyzes in the world of Turkish academia and politics are needed more than ever. In this respect, his global readings still maintain their validity today. In the words of Mahir Kaynak, the analyst is not an augur who informs the invisible. Only East-West analyzes are insufficient to explain nowadays developments. The execution of the late Adnan Menderes and the activities of the great powers in Turkey have tried to be analyzed.
Keywords: English Left, Military Coup, Middle East, Fuzzy Analysis, Political Economy



This article is an attempt to understand intellectual imperialist projects in Turkish and Islamic... more This article is an attempt to understand intellectual imperialist projects in Turkish and Islamic world. The imperialist intellectuals are an social engineers of the most equipped imperial era in history. This era is an era where the hand holding the gunpowder holds the pencil too. Contrary to general belief, orientalist studies do not only originate from an interest and curiosity for Islamic Eastern civilization. Undoubtedly, the deciphering of imperial aims and relations in the background will open up completely a different window. When those relationships between Edward G. Browne, Redhouse, Harry J. Bridger Philby, Thomas E. Lawrence and Moses Alami were examined, the great imperial painting will appear more clearly. Deciphering imperialist intellectualism is possible by performing a deconstruction of it. Because the new civilization was an ink and gunpowder civilization. Understanding the imperialist world is possible by revealing the close relations between those who master ink and those who dominate the gunpowder. Contrary to popular belief, ink did not always object to gunpowder. So far humanity has been concerned with who produces knowledge. But the question is, who fills that ink in that pen and who governs the knowledge?
This study seeks to answer these questions through this prototypes.
Key Words: Edward G. Browne, Orientalism, Occidentalism, Intellectual Imperialism, British Caliphate.
Extended Summary
This study is an attempt to deconstruct intellectual imperialism on orientalist Edward Granville Browne. Imperialist intellectuals have not explored the Islamic world solely with a personal curiosity. They are perhaps the most equipped imperialist social engineers of history. Because this age era is an era where the hands holding the gunpowder hold the pencil and the hands holding the pencil hold the gunpowder. There are goals that are not shown behind the works of the orientalist imperialist intellectuals. Leading intellectuals, intelligence workers, politicians, orientalists, travelers, dictionary writers, etc. of this period. When their personalities are brought together, an imperialist picture emerges behind the relations that seem like coincidence. It is as if an upper mind has brought these people together in a goal.
The bourgeoisie was patrons of ink and gunpowder. This new conceptual alliance was sowing seeds of a new imperial civilization. To illuminate this problematic, Relations between Edward Granville Browne, James William Redhouse, Harry St. John Bridger Philby, Thomas Edward Lawrence and Musa Alami was scrutinized. In the later stages of the study, a large imperial picture emerged.
The way to stand against intellectual imperialism is not to denigrate it, but to understand it. For this reason, a deconstruction of imperialism needs to be done. There is a great accumulation of knowledge behind imperialism. Intellectual imperialism has a very deep and specific structure. In order for this structure to be resolved, it is necessary to empathize with it. In this sense, the Islamic world has not been able to perform a deep and radical deconstructing of Western thought. Because the Islamic world is in a great cacophony of thought and was unable to face a real confrontation with himself and his history.
The Islamic world lives in an illusion of fiction which is set up by past political powers. It has deep fears in the nightmares of the past, the complexity of the present and the uncertainty created by the future. The Islamic world covers up these fears with a morphine-like fatalistic approach. The Islamic world has fallen behind in the race of civilization and has lost a lot of time.
Islamic world cannot develop concepts and discourses that will cure the problems of world humanity. For this reason, the Islamic world needs to reflect on the causes of the rise rather than exploring the causes of decline and collapse. However, the Islamic world must first overcome the effects of imperialist intellectualism, which prevents from thinking about what it has to think about. Islamic world must also understand that these negative effects on the Islamic world are not only created by the West. This study is a limited study focused on the negative effects of intellectual Western imperialism on the Islamic world. In this study, it is focused on how intellectual imperialists create a belief, manage the perceptions and thoughts of societies.
The answer to the question of who governs and give directions of knowledge reveals the relationship of imperialism with intellectuals. In other words, the word that blood flows where the ink does not flow losed validity now. Because those who dominated the scientist made great wars in the world. This study tries to shed light on all these difficult questions. Of course, this work is open to criticism. The difference between conspiracy theory and scientific theory is that scientific theory is based on solid evidence and solid reasoning. Such studies will also help the Turkish and Islamic world to know itself better. Thus, the Islamic world will have words to say meaningfully not only to its own problems but also to the problems of the world.
In this respect, this study will make a different contribution to both oxidentalist history and international relations studies.

Research paper thumbnail of THE USA-ENGLAND ECONOMIC CONFLICTS-COUPS AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW LEFT (ABD-İngiltere Ekonomik Çatışmasının 1960 Darbesi Üzerindeki Etkisi)

Uluslararası Darbe II Sempozyumu, 2018

In the analysis of military coups, the economic conflicts of the imperial states and the impacts ... more In the analysis of military coups, the economic conflicts of the imperial states and the impacts of the conflicts on military coups are generally ignored. Coup readings focused on ideology is to reduce the causes of coups to purely ideological reasons. In fact, military coups are organized by global forces for the purpose of directing the economy of a country. In developing countries it is almost impossible for a coup to reach success without external support. Military coups are a reflection of the economic conflicts of global powers in interior of a country. Ideology has been transformed into a tool to conceal the global bosses who rule the world. The United States has seized the UK's power sources with operations done globally in those years. Britain has lost almost all its foothold to the United States. In this study, the effects of the economic conflict between the USA and the UK on the military coups were discussed.
Are the coups done by an external support? Or does external forces invent an opposing wings inside to make a coup? Although two questions seemingly identical, point to the existence of very different power centers in deep. If it is not possible for a coup to succeed without an external support, it is not possible for external forces to carry out a coup without finding an inside support too. The realization of the coups is possible by the creation of artificial ideological polarizations. But the main issue for external forces that organize the coup is not ideology, but the determination of which global power the economic resources of that country should be controlled by.
Just as there is a period of physical preparation of a coup, there is a period of ideological preparation of the coup. The integration of intellectual movements perceived as a threat into the system and the redefinition of ideological concepts are the period of ideological preparation. In this sense, the theorists and studies redefining the ideological paradigm of left were supported by USA and England. At first, the New Left ideology built against the Soviets was then used by Britain against US expansionism. However this left is not the Russian left but the European left. This is a left creation project against the left and a right creation project against right. The project is to create a wolf unique to the enemy's own ideology, to eat it. This strategy of the United Kingdom is one of the rare achievements that must be included in the Cold War strategies of the World.
This study aimed at revealing how events can be seen different when looking at matters via a strategic mind, not with ideological windows.

Keywords: New Left, Military Coups, Soviet Marxism, Capitalism.
􏰯􏰵􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰴􏱊 􏰯􏰵􏰳􏰬􏰰􏰰􏰬􏰽􏰳􏰧􏰩􏰰 􏰱􏰴􏰭􏰬􏰱􏰬􏰵􏰳􏰨 􏰷􏰬􏰮􏰽􏰬􏰯􏰭􏰬􏰅 􏰩􏰨 􏰩 􏰳􏰾􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳 􏰯􏰵􏰳􏰴 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰨􏰹􏰨􏰳􏰬􏰱 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰮􏰬􏰅􏰬􏱊􏰯􏰵􏰯􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰴􏱊 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏰽􏰴􏰵􏰽􏰬􏰷􏰳􏰨 􏰩􏰮􏰬 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰷􏰬􏰮􏰯􏰴􏰅 􏰴􏱊 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏰷􏰮􏰬􏰷􏰩􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵􏰊 􏱔􏰵 􏰳􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰨􏰬􏰵􏰨􏰬􏰐 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰳􏰾􏰬􏰴􏰮􏰯􏰨􏰳􏰨 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏰨􏰳􏰧􏰅􏰯􏰬􏰨 􏰮􏰬􏰅􏰬􏱊􏰯􏰵􏰯􏰵􏰿 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏰷􏰩􏰮􏰩􏰅􏰯􏰿􏰱 􏰴􏱊 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏱬􏰬􏰮􏰬 􏰨􏰧􏰷􏰷􏰴􏰮􏰳􏰬􏰅 􏰻􏰹 􏱠􏱇􏰼 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏱒􏰵􏰿􏰰􏰩􏰵􏰅􏰊 􏰼􏰳 􏱊􏰯􏰮􏰨􏰳􏰐 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱕􏰬􏱬 􏰣􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰹 􏰻􏰧􏰯􏰰􏰳 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱇􏰴􏰭􏰯􏰬􏰳􏰨 􏱬􏰩􏰨 􏰳􏰾􏰬􏰵 􏰧􏰨􏰬􏰅 􏰻􏰹 􏱅􏰮􏰯􏰳􏰩􏰯􏰵 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏱠􏱇 􏰬􏱈􏰷􏰩􏰵􏰨􏰯􏰴􏰵􏰯􏰨􏰱􏰊 􏱁􏰴􏱬􏰬􏰭􏰬􏰮 􏰳􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰯􏰨 􏰵􏰴􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰡􏰧􏰨􏰨􏰯􏰩􏰵 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰻􏰧􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱒􏰧􏰮􏰴􏰷􏰬􏰩􏰵 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳􏰊 􏱂􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰯􏰨 􏰩 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰽􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰷􏰮􏰴􏱑􏰬􏰽􏰳 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰰􏰬􏱊􏰳 􏰩􏰵􏰅 􏰩 􏰮􏰯􏰿􏰾􏰳 􏰽􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳􏰯􏰴􏰵 􏰷􏰮􏰴􏱑􏰬􏰽􏰳 􏰩􏰿􏰩􏰯􏰵􏰨􏰳 􏰮􏰯􏰿􏰾􏰳􏰊 􏱂􏰾􏰬 􏰷􏰮􏰴􏱑􏰬􏰽􏰳 􏰯􏰨 􏰳􏰴 􏰽􏰮􏰬􏰩􏰳􏰬 􏰩 􏱬􏰴􏰰􏱊 􏰧􏰵􏰯􏱪􏰧􏰬 􏰳􏰴 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰬􏰵􏰬􏰱􏰹􏱄􏰨 􏰴􏱬􏰵 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰹􏰐 􏰳􏰴 􏰬􏰩􏰳 􏰯􏰳􏰊 􏱂􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰨􏰳􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰹 􏰴􏱊 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱠􏰵􏰯􏰳􏰬􏰅 􏱜􏰯􏰵􏰿􏰅􏰴􏰱 􏰯􏰨 􏰴􏰵􏰬 􏰴􏱊 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏰮􏰩􏰮􏰬 􏰩􏰽􏰾􏰯􏰬􏰭􏰬􏰱􏰬􏰵􏰳􏰨 􏰳􏰾􏰩􏰳 􏰱􏰧􏰨􏰳 􏰻􏰬 􏰯􏰵􏰽􏰰􏰧􏰅􏰬􏰅 􏰯􏰵 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱉􏰴􏰰􏰅 􏱨􏰩􏰮 􏰨􏰳􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰯􏰬􏰨 􏰴􏱊 􏰳􏰾􏰬 􏱨􏰴􏰮􏰰􏰅􏰊
􏱂􏰾􏰯􏰨 􏰨􏰳􏰧􏰅􏰹 􏰩􏰯􏰱􏰬􏰅 􏰩􏰳 􏰮􏰬􏰭􏰬􏰩􏰰􏰯􏰵􏰿 􏰾􏰴􏱬 􏰬􏰭􏰬􏰵􏰳􏰨 􏰽􏰩􏰵 􏰻􏰬 􏰨􏰬􏰬􏰵 􏰅􏰯􏱊􏱊􏰬􏰮􏰬􏰵􏰳 􏱬􏰾􏰬􏰵 􏰰􏰴􏰴􏰫􏰯􏰵􏰿 􏰩􏰳 􏰱􏰩􏰳􏰳􏰬􏰮􏰨 􏰭􏰯􏰩 􏰩 􏰨􏰳􏰮􏰩􏰳􏰬􏰿􏰯􏰽 􏰱􏰯􏰵􏰅􏰐 􏰵􏰴􏰳 􏱬􏰯􏰳􏰾 􏰯􏰅􏰬􏰴􏰰􏰴􏰿􏰯􏰽􏰩􏰰 􏱬􏰯􏰵􏰅􏰴􏱬􏰨􏰊
􏱜􏰬􏰹􏱬􏰴􏰮􏰅􏰨􏱙 􏱕􏰬􏱬 􏰣􏰬􏱊􏰳􏰐 􏰦􏰯􏰰􏰯􏰳􏰩􏰮􏰹 􏱉􏰴􏰧􏰷􏰨􏰐 􏱇􏰴􏰭􏰯􏰬􏰳 􏰦􏰩􏰮􏱈􏰯􏰨􏰱􏰐 􏱉􏰩􏰷􏰯􏰳􏰩􏰰􏰯􏰨􏰱􏰊

Research paper thumbnail of Tari̇hsel Olaylarin Ve Uluslararasi İli̇şki̇leri̇n Anali̇zi̇nde 'Yeni̇ Güç Denklemi̇'Ni̇n

The journal of academic social science studies, 2017

Uygulanması‛ isimli bildirinin genişletilmiş ve verilerinin güncellenmiş halidir. Uğur Tatlısumak... more Uygulanması‛ isimli bildirinin genişletilmiş ve verilerinin güncellenmiş halidir. Uğur Tatlısumak değişmemiştir. Bu çalışmayla amaçlanan, Osmanlı modernleşmesinin başarısızlıklarına, bu denklemle ışık tutmak, bir nevi denkleme projektör görevi vermektir. Ayrıca bu denklemin yardımıyla, Osmanlı modernleşmesinin, Japon ve Rus modernleşmesi karşısındaki eksiklikleri, başarısızlıkları bilgi patronajı açısından da kısaca ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır. Şunu belirtmekte fayda var ki, bu formül, kalkınma sorununu çözme ve güç sistemlerini tamamen anlama iddiasında değildir. Tüm eksikleriyle beraber, geliştirilebilir bir formüldür. Güç denklemi, tarihe ve olaylara sistematik ve analizci bir şekilde bakmamıza olanak sağlayacaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Si̇yasal Ve Toplumsal İli̇şki̇leri̇n Güç Merkezi̇: Patronaj Ve Depatronaj Kavramlari

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇yasal Bi̇r Araç Olarak Vakiflarin Ve Maaş Si̇stemi̇ni̇n Ulemanin İlmî Üretkenli̇ği̇ Üzeri̇ndeki̇ Etki̇si̇

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jun 29, 2020

Bu çalışma, vakıfların ve maaş sisteminin sadece bir hayır ve geçim aracı olmadığını göstermekted... more Bu çalışma, vakıfların ve maaş sisteminin sadece bir hayır ve geçim aracı olmadığını göstermektedir. Her kurumsal yapının ve sistemin kamu düzeninin sağlanması amacının yanında, arka planda söylenmeyen politik amaçları da vardır. Gerçekte her sistem, kendi içinde simetrik ya da asimetrik bir güçler paylaşımıdır. İslam dünyasında vakıfların ortaya çıkış nedenlerinin arkasındaki politik nedenler araştırılmıştır. Ulemaya bahşedilen vakıfların, toplum üzerindeki etkisi ve gücü seküler sistemlerin ve kurumların artmasıyla zayıflamıştır. Bu durum, iktidar-ulema ilişkilerinde ağırlık terazisinin yönünü değiştirmiştir. İktidarlar, vakıfların sayısını ve maaş politikasını belirlerken ulema ile nasıl bir konsensüs içindeydi? Bu örtülü anlaşma, ulemanın ilmî faaliyetlerini ne yönde etkilemiştir? Neden dinî bilimler ile pozitif bilimlerin yükselişi ve gerilemesi eş zamanlıdır? Vakıflar ve maaş ABSTRACT: This study shows that the foundations and the salary system are not merely a means charity and livelihood. Every institutional structure and system has political aims in the background of unspoken as well as the purpose of ensuring public order. In fact, each system is a symmetric or asymmetric sharing of forces within itself. The political reasons behind the origins of foundations in the Islamic world have been investigated. The influence and power of foundations granted to the Islamic scholars has been weakened by the increase of secular systems and institutions. This changed the direction of the weight scale in the power-ulema relations. What kind of consensus did the rulings have with the ulama determining the number of foundations and salary policy? How has this secret agreement affected the scientific activities of the ulama? Why is the rise and decline of religious sciences and positive sciences concurrent? How did foundations and salary 1 Bu makale, 4-5 Aralık 2019 tarihinde Sakarya Üniversitesi, Osmanlı Araştırmaları Merkezi'nin ev sahipliğinde düzenlenen Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezginin anısına Osmanlı Bilimi Sempozyumu'nda sunulan "Osmanlı Vakıflarının ve Maaş Sisteminin Ulemanın İlmî Üretkenliği Üzerindeki Etkisi", adlı özet bildirinin verilerinin genişletilerek güncellenmiş halidir.

Research paper thumbnail of Ortadoğu İslam Halklarinin Kültürel Psi̇koloji̇leri̇ni̇n Oluşumunda "Ehven-İ Şer" Düşüncesi̇ni̇n Etki̇si̇, Tari̇hsel Kökleri̇ Kültürel-Sosyal Alanlardaki̇ Yansimalari

The Journal of Turk-Islam World Social Studies, 2015

THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISL... more THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISLAMIC COMMUNITIES AND ITS REFLECTIONS IN CULTURAL, SOCIAL FIELDS Özet Medeniyetleri oluşturan insansa, insanı oluşturan temel dinamizmin onun yaşadığı psikolojik derinlik olduğu kesindir. Toplumlar barındırdığı bireylerin bileşkeleridir. Tarihi yapan, yazan bu bireylerdir. Bu bireylerin yetiştirilme tarzları, algılamaları toplumların kültürel karakterini oluşturur. Bu şekilde toplumlar, uluslar, bu psikolojik yapılarını, genetik kültür kodlarını sanki birer biyolojik genler gibi nesilden nesile aktarırlar. Bu kültürel kodlar, toplumun siyasal, ekonomik, dini yapılarına şekil veren en önemli etkenlerin merkezinde yer alır. Modern Davranış bilimlerinde bu durum arketip kavramıyla ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada İslam toplumlarının düşünce dünyasında büyük yeri olan siyasi, kültürel, sosyal düşüncenin birçok alanına etki etmiş olan " Ehveni Şer Düşüncesi " ve bunun kültürel, siyasi, iktisadi psikolojiye yansımaları üzerine, tarih ve psikoloji bilimlerinden yardım alınarak konu irdelenmeye çalışıldı. Abstract If human is the one founding civilizations, the fundamental dynamism generating human is certainly the experienced psychological depth. Societies are the resultants of their hosted individuals. Individuals are the ones, who make, write 1 Memur., Konya Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Selçuk Ün. Tarih. Doktora Öğrencisi,ugurtatlisumak@yahoo.com

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇yasal Bi̇r Araç Olarak Vakiflarin Ve Maaş Si̇stemi̇ni̇n Ulemanin İlmî Üretkenli̇ği̇ Üzeri̇ndeki̇ Etki̇si̇

Bu calisma, vakiflarin ve maas sisteminin sadece bir hayir ve gecim araci olmadigini gostermekted... more Bu calisma, vakiflarin ve maas sisteminin sadece bir hayir ve gecim araci olmadigini gostermektedir. Her kurumsal yapinin ve sistemin kamu duzeninin saglanmasi amacinin yaninda soylenmeyen arka planinda politik amaclari da vardir. Gercekte her sistem kendi icinde simetrik ya da asimetrik bir gucler paylasimidir. Islam dunyasinda vakiflarin cikis nedenleri arkasindaki politik nedenler arastirilmistir. Ulemaya bahsedilen vakiflarin, toplum uzerindeki etkisi ve gucu sekuler sistemlerin ve kurumlarin artmasiyla zayiflamistir. Bu durum, iktidar-ulema iliskilerinde agirlik terazisinin yonunu degistirmistir. Iktidarlar, vakiflarin sayisini ve maas politikasini belirlerken ulema ile nasil bir konsensus icerisindeydi? Bu ortulu anlasma ulemanin ilmi faaliyetlerini ne yonde etkilemistir? Neden dini bilimler ile pozitif bilimlerin yukselisi ve gerilemesi es zamanlidir? Vakiflar ve maas politikasi ilmi uretkenligi nasil etkilemistir? Bu calismada, bu onemli ama bir o kadar da kritik sorunlarin ...

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlı uleması ve patronaj ilişkisi

Research paper thumbnail of Ortadoğu İslam Halklarinin Kültürel Psi̇koloji̇leri̇ni̇n Oluşumunda " Ehven-İ Şer " Düşüncesi̇ni̇n Etki̇si̇, Tari̇hsel Kökleri̇; Kültürel-Sosyal Alanlardaki̇ Yansimalari

Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi /The Journal of Turk & Islam World Social Studies, 2015

THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISL... more THE EFFECT OF THE LESSER EVIL IDEA” IN CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY’S FORMATION OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN, ISLAMIC COMMUNITIES AND ITS REFLECTIONS IN CULTURAL, SOCIAL FIELDS Özet Medeniyetleri oluşturan insansa, insanı oluşturan temel dinamizmin onun yaşadığı psikolojik derinlik olduğu kesindir. Toplumlar barındırdığı bireylerin bileşkeleridir. Tarihi yapan, yazan bu bireylerdir. Bu bireylerin yetiştirilme tarzları, algılamaları toplumların kültürel karakterini oluşturur. Bu şekilde toplumlar, uluslar, bu psikolojik yapılarını, genetik kültür kodlarını sanki birer biyolojik genler gibi nesilden nesile aktarırlar. Bu kültürel kodlar, toplumun siyasal, ekonomik, dini yapılarına şekil veren en önemli etkenlerin merkezinde yer alır. Modern Davranış bilimlerinde bu durum arketip kavramıyla ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada İslam toplumlarının düşünce dünyasında büyük yeri olan siyasi, kültürel, sosyal düşüncenin birçok alanına etki etmiş olan " Ehveni Şer Düşüncesi " ve bunun kültürel, siyas...