Mateusz Jakubiak | AGH University of Science and Technology (original) (raw)
Papers by Mateusz Jakubiak
The article presents issues related to the use of modern methods of stimulating the growth of som... more The article presents issues related to the use of modern methods of stimulating the growth of some plant species, using a coherent light of low power lasers. This method can be helpful in carrying out activities related to biological reclamation of degraded brownfields. Biological reclamation is based on the introduction of vegetation in the form of trees, shrubs, grasses and other herbaceous plants.
Conducted interdisciplinary researches have shown that the laser light stimulation of plants seeds and seedlings can not only accelerate their growth but also increase resistance to pollution and other stress factors as well as adjusting the degree of accumulation of some metals such as Pb or Cd in the tissues. The application of this new environmental engineering technique can significantly improve the process of biological reclamation.
Civil aviation is one of the fastest growing global industries. The intense stimulation of econom... more Civil aviation is one of the fastest growing global industries. The intense stimulation of economic development and employment growth in the sector and associated sectors are positive effects of air transport expansion. Aviation, as every type of transport, is responsible for a number of negative external effects that are not neutral to the environment. Risks associated with air transport are mainly air pollution (especially greenhouse gases), excessive noise from aircrafts at airports and their surroundings, incidental soil and water pollution, waste generation with high share of hazardous wastes and change of land use.
The rapid growth of air traffic forces modernization and development of airports, especially these as important as Krakow Airport. Established development strategies allowing to maximize efficiency in economic terms not only should have an approval of the local community but also must take into account environmental issues. The paper presents an analysis of the growing influence of the air transport in Krakow on the environment. The methods of reducing the impact of aviation on the environment were also analyzed. Among others, inclusion of aircraft operators into the European Union Emissions Trading System was presented.
In temperate climate, which is characteristic for Poland, raised soil salinity is mainly caused b... more In temperate climate, which is characteristic for Poland, raised soil salinity is mainly caused by human activity, in particular by industry. Salinity appears when ground is polluted by salt or when soil has contact with water with raised salt contamination. Environmental salinification is mostly related to mining industry. Raised contamination of salt in surface soil layer occurs not only in the area of salt mines. Power resources mines as well as non-ferrous metals ores and minerals mines are sources of highly polluted mining water. This water contains mineral suspension and, usually, significant amount of chlorides and sulphides. Exploited seams require permanent draining. Drained water, however, is not suitable for further use due to its high contamination and is often being discharged to surface waters contributing to salinification of environment. It is necessary to carry out reclamation to reduce wastage on the areas with raised contamination of readily soluble inorganic salts in soil solution. One of the easiest but also time-consuming reclamation methods is phytoremediation. It is natural plants capability for disposal, fixation or degradation of pollutions. Implementation of new biotechnological methods allows to increase phytoremediation capabilities as well as salinity resistance of plants.
Szybko rozwijający się transport lotniczy jest jednym z sektorów, które oddziałuje na klimat ... more Szybko rozwijający się transport lotniczy jest jednym z sektorów, które oddziałuje na klimat poprzez emisję CO2. Dlatego też wdrożenie systemu kontroli emisji w lotnictwie uznano za kwestią kluczową dla Unii Europejskiej. Sektor lotnictwa został włączony do unijnego systemu handlu uprawnieniami do emisji (EU ETS) w 2012 roku. Wszystkie emisje pochodzące z cywilnych statków powietrznych przylatujących i odlatujących z portów lotniczych na ternie Unii Europejskiej są monitorowane i kontrolowane przez wydawanie zezwoleń na emisję. Głównym celem systemu EU ETS jest opłacalne ekonomicznie ograniczenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych. W pracy podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia ważnych punktów uzasadniających włączenie sektora lotnictwa cywilnego do EU ETS.
The rapidly growing air transport is one of the sectors that strongly affect the atmosphere by CO2 emissions. Therefore, the implementation of aviation emission control system was considered a key issue. The aviation sector was included into the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in 2012. All emissions from international civil aircraft arriving and departing within the European Union airports, are monitored and controlled by issuing of emission permits. The main aim of the EU ETS is the cost effective reduction of industrial greenhouse gas emissions. The paper attempts to clarify some of the important points of including civil aviation sector into the EU ETS.
Szybki rozwój technologiczny oraz obniżenie kosztów produkcji i eksploatacji sprawiły, że samocho... more Szybki rozwój technologiczny oraz obniżenie kosztów produkcji i eksploatacji sprawiły, że samochody osobowe stały się codziennym środkiem transportu dla społeczeństwa europejskiego. Aby ograniczyć zużycie energii i zasobów oraz zmaksymalizować recykling odpadów samochodowych stworzono ujednolicone ramy prawne dla UE, na których opiera się system recyklingu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji. Artykuł podnosi najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z recyklingiem pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji (PWE). Przedstawiono analizę obowiązujących wymogów prawnych, możliwości odzysku i recyklingu materiałów z PWE, a także najczęstszych problemów związanych ze zbieraniem i demontażem PWE.
Rapid technological development and reduction in cost of production and maintenance result in cars becoming a daily means of transportation for the European society. The increase in the amount of used cars has also raised of their impact on the environment. In order to reduce energy and resource consumption and maximize the recycling of end-of-life vehicles (ELV) in 2000 the harmonized legislation entered into force in the EU. The paper presents main issues of the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. The analysis of the legal requirements, possibilities of recovery and recycling of ELV, and the problems associated with the collection and dismantling of ELV are presented in the article.
Reduction of the amount of waste deposited in the landfill is one of the main aims of Krako... more Reduction of the amount of waste deposited in the landfill is one of the main aims of Krakow municipal waste management. The principles of sustainable development and the European Union regulations for sustainable waste management are the main guidelines of municipal waste management policy in Krakow. The paper presents issues related to the municipal waste management in Krakow. Analysis presented in the article shows municipal waste collection system and main installations for the waste management and processing. Installations for composting biodegradable waste, segregation of recyclable materials, alternative fuel processing and waste storage in the landfill are described as well as the municipal waste incineration plant – the largest of investments in the municipal waste management.
Ograniczenie ilości odpadów deponowanych na składowisku jest aktualnie kierunkiem priorytetowym gospodarki komunalnej w Krakowie. Polityka ta jest zgodna z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju i wytycznymi Unii Europejskiej dotyczącymi zrównoważonego gospodarowania odpadami. W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia zarządzania odpadami komunalnymi w Krakowie. Zaprezentowano system zbiórki odpadów komunalnych oraz najważniejsze instalacje służące do ich zagospodarowania i przetwarzania. Opisane zostały instalacje służące do kompostowania odpadów biodegradowalnych, segregacji surowców wtórnych, przetwarzania odpadów na paliwa alternatywne oraz składowania. Omówiona została również największa z realizowanych inwestycji w ramach gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi – Zakład Termicznego Przekształcania Odpadów.
In this paper an organic food delivery scheduling problem with time windows is presented. Descri... more In this paper an organic food delivery scheduling problem with time
windows is presented. Described issue seems to be very important in the field of
logistics in agriculture especially when organic food delivery to small shops,
restaurants or customers’ houses are considered. In this kind of services the
frequency and number of deliveries are significantly high and every producer and
client should be visited in the defined time window, therefore there is a strong need
for coordination of deliveries’ routes – every route begins with collecting goods
from farms and subsequently, products are being delivered to customers. In this
paper the organic food delivery scheduling problem is presented as a theoretical
problem for which a mix integer programming model was developed. The model
was employed for solving a small possible situation – computational experiment is
described and results are reported. Moreover, directions for further research are
The article presents issues related to the growth stimulation of some plant species, using a low ... more The article presents issues related to the growth stimulation of some plant species, using a low power laser light. This technology could be helpful in increasing the yield and germination energy as well as accelerating development and growth of plants. The presented experiment was part of a wider research on the effects of laser light on the different varieties of energetic willow (Salix sp.). The aim of this particular experiment was to ascertain whether the selected laser stimulation parameters of willow cuttings could enhance and accelerate the production of biomass without changing wood properties relevant to the energetic use. The Salix viminalis Turbo cuttings were used as biological material. Two devices were used as the sources of coherent light: laser - wave length: λ = 670 nm and laser diode - wave length: λ = 473 nm. Willows had been cultivated for two years. The willow shoots were collected after the second growing season. Wood samples of control and experimental groups were dried and the calorimetric analysis have been made. Additionally, the analysis of technical parameters as well as carbon, hydrogen and sulfur content of the harvested wood were carried out. The results clearly indicate that stimulation by low power lasers with parameters of irradiation properly chosen for the Salix viminalis Turbo can significantly speed up growth of plants without changing the chemical and technical characteristics and the calorific value of biomass.
In the second half of the twentieth century the problems related to waste disposal have become a ... more In the second half of the twentieth century the problems related to waste disposal have become a serious civilization challenge. Economic and technical development led to increased production of waste. The most important objective of the Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC on waste) is to break the link between economic growth and waste generation. The principles of sustainable development and the European Union regulations for sustainable waste management are the main guidelines for municipal waste management policy in Poland. According to the Directive, sustainable treatment of waste must follow the hierarchy which is listed in order of priority: prevention, preparing for reuse, recycling, other recovery e.g. energy recovery and disposal. A number of reforms were introduced in Poland according to the EU guidelines. New regulations organizing a new waste management system in the country were introduced in 2013. The local governments were responsible for the implementation of the new policy. Also, the local government of the city of Krakow had to reform municipal waste management. The paper presents issues related to the municipal waste management in Krakow. Analysis presented in the article shows municipal waste collection system and main installations for the waste management and processing. Installations for composting biodegradable waste, segregation of recyclable materials, alternative fuel processing and waste storage in the landfill are described as well as the municipal waste incineration plant - the largest of the investments in the municipal waste management.
Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń nad wpływem światła spójnego na materiał roślinny pozwalają n... more Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń nad wpływem światła spójnego na materiał roślinny pozwalają na sformułowanie stwierdzania, że możliwe jest dobranie parametrów naświetlania (energia promieniowania, moc, czas, sposób naświetlania), które powoduje zmianę zawartości pierwiastków w biomasie roślin grup doświadczalnych.
Grupy roślin doświadczalnych (Lemna minor, Iris pseudoacorus), poddano stymulacji światłem spójnym, wykorzystując w tym celu diody laserowe (λ-660 nm., λ=473 nm.) oraz laser argonowy (λ=514 nm). Stwierdzono zamiany zawartości wybranych pierwiastków, takich jak: Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, N, P w suchej masie roślin z poszczególnych grup doświadczalnych, w zależności od algorytmu naświetlania. Obserwacje prowadzono w czterech kolejnych okresach wegetacyjnych roślin. Dodatkowo stwierdzono istotne różnice w przyroście biomasy roślin z grup doświadczalnych w porównaniu z grupami kontrolnymi roślin nienaświtlonych.
Research results showed that stimulation of some plant species by coherent laser light caused changes of trace elements concentration in their tissues in relation to stimulation parameters (the type of diode, length of wave, time and power of radiation). The experimental groups of duckweed (Lemna minor) and yellow iris (Iris pseudoacorus) were irradiated with an argon gas laser (λ=514nm) and laser diodes (λ=660 nm., λ=473 nm). Changes of some elements concentration (Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, N, P) were observed in the dry matter during four grooving seasons. It was found significant differences between biomass from experimental groups.
Słowa kluczowe: stymulacja laserowa, biotechnologia, hydrofity, bioremediacja.
Interdisciplinary studies have pointed out many possible uses of laser biotechnology in environm... more Interdisciplinary studies have pointed out many possible uses of laser
biotechnology in environmental engineering and agriculture. A number of previous
research studies on the application of low intensity laser stimulation of different
biological material proved, that effects of photostimulation may increase biomass
production, yield and germination energy. Laser stimulationmay also increase
plants resistance to environmental pollutions and unfavorable environmental
factors. Methodmay be used also for more efficient sewage treatment process, soil
reclamation and increase of bioremediation abilities. Application of laser
biotechnology might be use in environmental engineering technologies, according
to ideas of sustainable development.
The article presents issues related to the use of modern methods of stimulating the growth of som... more The article presents issues related to the use of modern methods of stimulating the growth of some plant species, using a coherent light of low power lasers. This method can be helpful in carrying out activities related to biological reclamation of degraded brownfields. Biological reclamation is based on the introduction of vegetation in the form of trees, shrubs, grasses and other herbaceous plants.
Conducted interdisciplinary researches have shown that the laser light stimulation of plants seeds and seedlings can not only accelerate their growth but also increase resistance to pollution and other stress factors as well as adjusting the degree of accumulation of some metals such as Pb or Cd in the tissues. The application of this new environmental engineering technique can significantly improve the process of biological reclamation.
Civil aviation is one of the fastest growing global industries. The intense stimulation of econom... more Civil aviation is one of the fastest growing global industries. The intense stimulation of economic development and employment growth in the sector and associated sectors are positive effects of air transport expansion. Aviation, as every type of transport, is responsible for a number of negative external effects that are not neutral to the environment. Risks associated with air transport are mainly air pollution (especially greenhouse gases), excessive noise from aircrafts at airports and their surroundings, incidental soil and water pollution, waste generation with high share of hazardous wastes and change of land use.
The rapid growth of air traffic forces modernization and development of airports, especially these as important as Krakow Airport. Established development strategies allowing to maximize efficiency in economic terms not only should have an approval of the local community but also must take into account environmental issues. The paper presents an analysis of the growing influence of the air transport in Krakow on the environment. The methods of reducing the impact of aviation on the environment were also analyzed. Among others, inclusion of aircraft operators into the European Union Emissions Trading System was presented.
In temperate climate, which is characteristic for Poland, raised soil salinity is mainly caused b... more In temperate climate, which is characteristic for Poland, raised soil salinity is mainly caused by human activity, in particular by industry. Salinity appears when ground is polluted by salt or when soil has contact with water with raised salt contamination. Environmental salinification is mostly related to mining industry. Raised contamination of salt in surface soil layer occurs not only in the area of salt mines. Power resources mines as well as non-ferrous metals ores and minerals mines are sources of highly polluted mining water. This water contains mineral suspension and, usually, significant amount of chlorides and sulphides. Exploited seams require permanent draining. Drained water, however, is not suitable for further use due to its high contamination and is often being discharged to surface waters contributing to salinification of environment. It is necessary to carry out reclamation to reduce wastage on the areas with raised contamination of readily soluble inorganic salts in soil solution. One of the easiest but also time-consuming reclamation methods is phytoremediation. It is natural plants capability for disposal, fixation or degradation of pollutions. Implementation of new biotechnological methods allows to increase phytoremediation capabilities as well as salinity resistance of plants.
Szybko rozwijający się transport lotniczy jest jednym z sektorów, które oddziałuje na klimat ... more Szybko rozwijający się transport lotniczy jest jednym z sektorów, które oddziałuje na klimat poprzez emisję CO2. Dlatego też wdrożenie systemu kontroli emisji w lotnictwie uznano za kwestią kluczową dla Unii Europejskiej. Sektor lotnictwa został włączony do unijnego systemu handlu uprawnieniami do emisji (EU ETS) w 2012 roku. Wszystkie emisje pochodzące z cywilnych statków powietrznych przylatujących i odlatujących z portów lotniczych na ternie Unii Europejskiej są monitorowane i kontrolowane przez wydawanie zezwoleń na emisję. Głównym celem systemu EU ETS jest opłacalne ekonomicznie ograniczenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych. W pracy podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia ważnych punktów uzasadniających włączenie sektora lotnictwa cywilnego do EU ETS.
The rapidly growing air transport is one of the sectors that strongly affect the atmosphere by CO2 emissions. Therefore, the implementation of aviation emission control system was considered a key issue. The aviation sector was included into the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in 2012. All emissions from international civil aircraft arriving and departing within the European Union airports, are monitored and controlled by issuing of emission permits. The main aim of the EU ETS is the cost effective reduction of industrial greenhouse gas emissions. The paper attempts to clarify some of the important points of including civil aviation sector into the EU ETS.
Szybki rozwój technologiczny oraz obniżenie kosztów produkcji i eksploatacji sprawiły, że samocho... more Szybki rozwój technologiczny oraz obniżenie kosztów produkcji i eksploatacji sprawiły, że samochody osobowe stały się codziennym środkiem transportu dla społeczeństwa europejskiego. Aby ograniczyć zużycie energii i zasobów oraz zmaksymalizować recykling odpadów samochodowych stworzono ujednolicone ramy prawne dla UE, na których opiera się system recyklingu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji. Artykuł podnosi najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z recyklingiem pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji (PWE). Przedstawiono analizę obowiązujących wymogów prawnych, możliwości odzysku i recyklingu materiałów z PWE, a także najczęstszych problemów związanych ze zbieraniem i demontażem PWE.
Rapid technological development and reduction in cost of production and maintenance result in cars becoming a daily means of transportation for the European society. The increase in the amount of used cars has also raised of their impact on the environment. In order to reduce energy and resource consumption and maximize the recycling of end-of-life vehicles (ELV) in 2000 the harmonized legislation entered into force in the EU. The paper presents main issues of the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. The analysis of the legal requirements, possibilities of recovery and recycling of ELV, and the problems associated with the collection and dismantling of ELV are presented in the article.
Reduction of the amount of waste deposited in the landfill is one of the main aims of Krako... more Reduction of the amount of waste deposited in the landfill is one of the main aims of Krakow municipal waste management. The principles of sustainable development and the European Union regulations for sustainable waste management are the main guidelines of municipal waste management policy in Krakow. The paper presents issues related to the municipal waste management in Krakow. Analysis presented in the article shows municipal waste collection system and main installations for the waste management and processing. Installations for composting biodegradable waste, segregation of recyclable materials, alternative fuel processing and waste storage in the landfill are described as well as the municipal waste incineration plant – the largest of investments in the municipal waste management.
Ograniczenie ilości odpadów deponowanych na składowisku jest aktualnie kierunkiem priorytetowym gospodarki komunalnej w Krakowie. Polityka ta jest zgodna z zasadami zrównoważonego rozwoju i wytycznymi Unii Europejskiej dotyczącymi zrównoważonego gospodarowania odpadami. W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia zarządzania odpadami komunalnymi w Krakowie. Zaprezentowano system zbiórki odpadów komunalnych oraz najważniejsze instalacje służące do ich zagospodarowania i przetwarzania. Opisane zostały instalacje służące do kompostowania odpadów biodegradowalnych, segregacji surowców wtórnych, przetwarzania odpadów na paliwa alternatywne oraz składowania. Omówiona została również największa z realizowanych inwestycji w ramach gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi – Zakład Termicznego Przekształcania Odpadów.
In this paper an organic food delivery scheduling problem with time windows is presented. Descri... more In this paper an organic food delivery scheduling problem with time
windows is presented. Described issue seems to be very important in the field of
logistics in agriculture especially when organic food delivery to small shops,
restaurants or customers’ houses are considered. In this kind of services the
frequency and number of deliveries are significantly high and every producer and
client should be visited in the defined time window, therefore there is a strong need
for coordination of deliveries’ routes – every route begins with collecting goods
from farms and subsequently, products are being delivered to customers. In this
paper the organic food delivery scheduling problem is presented as a theoretical
problem for which a mix integer programming model was developed. The model
was employed for solving a small possible situation – computational experiment is
described and results are reported. Moreover, directions for further research are
The article presents issues related to the growth stimulation of some plant species, using a low ... more The article presents issues related to the growth stimulation of some plant species, using a low power laser light. This technology could be helpful in increasing the yield and germination energy as well as accelerating development and growth of plants. The presented experiment was part of a wider research on the effects of laser light on the different varieties of energetic willow (Salix sp.). The aim of this particular experiment was to ascertain whether the selected laser stimulation parameters of willow cuttings could enhance and accelerate the production of biomass without changing wood properties relevant to the energetic use. The Salix viminalis Turbo cuttings were used as biological material. Two devices were used as the sources of coherent light: laser - wave length: λ = 670 nm and laser diode - wave length: λ = 473 nm. Willows had been cultivated for two years. The willow shoots were collected after the second growing season. Wood samples of control and experimental groups were dried and the calorimetric analysis have been made. Additionally, the analysis of technical parameters as well as carbon, hydrogen and sulfur content of the harvested wood were carried out. The results clearly indicate that stimulation by low power lasers with parameters of irradiation properly chosen for the Salix viminalis Turbo can significantly speed up growth of plants without changing the chemical and technical characteristics and the calorific value of biomass.
In the second half of the twentieth century the problems related to waste disposal have become a ... more In the second half of the twentieth century the problems related to waste disposal have become a serious civilization challenge. Economic and technical development led to increased production of waste. The most important objective of the Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC on waste) is to break the link between economic growth and waste generation. The principles of sustainable development and the European Union regulations for sustainable waste management are the main guidelines for municipal waste management policy in Poland. According to the Directive, sustainable treatment of waste must follow the hierarchy which is listed in order of priority: prevention, preparing for reuse, recycling, other recovery e.g. energy recovery and disposal. A number of reforms were introduced in Poland according to the EU guidelines. New regulations organizing a new waste management system in the country were introduced in 2013. The local governments were responsible for the implementation of the new policy. Also, the local government of the city of Krakow had to reform municipal waste management. The paper presents issues related to the municipal waste management in Krakow. Analysis presented in the article shows municipal waste collection system and main installations for the waste management and processing. Installations for composting biodegradable waste, segregation of recyclable materials, alternative fuel processing and waste storage in the landfill are described as well as the municipal waste incineration plant - the largest of the investments in the municipal waste management.
Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń nad wpływem światła spójnego na materiał roślinny pozwalają n... more Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń nad wpływem światła spójnego na materiał roślinny pozwalają na sformułowanie stwierdzania, że możliwe jest dobranie parametrów naświetlania (energia promieniowania, moc, czas, sposób naświetlania), które powoduje zmianę zawartości pierwiastków w biomasie roślin grup doświadczalnych.
Grupy roślin doświadczalnych (Lemna minor, Iris pseudoacorus), poddano stymulacji światłem spójnym, wykorzystując w tym celu diody laserowe (λ-660 nm., λ=473 nm.) oraz laser argonowy (λ=514 nm). Stwierdzono zamiany zawartości wybranych pierwiastków, takich jak: Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, N, P w suchej masie roślin z poszczególnych grup doświadczalnych, w zależności od algorytmu naświetlania. Obserwacje prowadzono w czterech kolejnych okresach wegetacyjnych roślin. Dodatkowo stwierdzono istotne różnice w przyroście biomasy roślin z grup doświadczalnych w porównaniu z grupami kontrolnymi roślin nienaświtlonych.
Research results showed that stimulation of some plant species by coherent laser light caused changes of trace elements concentration in their tissues in relation to stimulation parameters (the type of diode, length of wave, time and power of radiation). The experimental groups of duckweed (Lemna minor) and yellow iris (Iris pseudoacorus) were irradiated with an argon gas laser (λ=514nm) and laser diodes (λ=660 nm., λ=473 nm). Changes of some elements concentration (Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, N, P) were observed in the dry matter during four grooving seasons. It was found significant differences between biomass from experimental groups.
Słowa kluczowe: stymulacja laserowa, biotechnologia, hydrofity, bioremediacja.
Interdisciplinary studies have pointed out many possible uses of laser biotechnology in environm... more Interdisciplinary studies have pointed out many possible uses of laser
biotechnology in environmental engineering and agriculture. A number of previous
research studies on the application of low intensity laser stimulation of different
biological material proved, that effects of photostimulation may increase biomass
production, yield and germination energy. Laser stimulationmay also increase
plants resistance to environmental pollutions and unfavorable environmental
factors. Methodmay be used also for more efficient sewage treatment process, soil
reclamation and increase of bioremediation abilities. Application of laser
biotechnology might be use in environmental engineering technologies, according
to ideas of sustainable development.