Donderskamp Airstrip Airport - SMDK - Airport Guide (original) (raw)

Latitude: 05-21-01.386N (5.350385)
Longitude: 056-21-46.9692W (-56.363047)
Magnetic Variation: 17.6 W (as of January 2025 from WMM2020 model)
Time Zone: UTC -3.0 (Standard Time)UTC -3.0 (Daylight Savings Time)
Airport Status: Operational
Type: Airport
Traffic Pattern Altitude (MSL): 1000 feet (305 m)

Based Aircraft

Annual Operations (as of )

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Dist (NM) ID Morse Code Name Type Freq True Hdg Mag Hdg
70.7 ZY Zanderij VOR-DME 114.30 85 103

Navigational Aid (NAVAID) distances from the airport are listed in Nautical Miles (NM).

Dist (NM) Name (Airport IDs) True Hdg Mag Hdg Fuel Grade


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Runway Summary

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SMDK Airport Runway Details