alemyrddin (original) (raw)


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This journal is friends only, save for a few exceptions (fics and some review posts).

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To Queen jenthegypsy and lostpuffin, who asked for Desmond, I humbly offer a small picspam of him (sometimes in the form of Henry Ian Cusick, the actor). I hope you like it!

( pics hereCollapse )

Mood: accomplishedaccomplished


Title: The Tennessee Moon
Characters: Jack, Sawyer.
Words: 850
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine. And Kinky Boots isn't either.
Spoilers: None. It's completely AU.
Summary: Two strangers meet in the night.
A/N: A belated offering for previous Queen janie_tangerine, who requested crossdressing, and for Queen inthekeyofd, who requested white. Inspired and adapted (i.e. blatantly stolen, ha!) from the initial scenes of "Kinky Boots", the film. I meant this to be the beginning of a longer fic, using other scenes from the movie, but since I don't know how long that will take - or even if I will able to do it - I'm posting this in the meantime.
Also, it's unbetaed, so feel free to point out any errors.

( The air was thick and humid, prone to rain again on a whim.Collapse )

Mood: busybusy


Title: Blood ties
Characters: Kate, Aaron, Margo.
Words: 488
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
Spoilers: general s5
Summary: Mothers and their choices.
A/N: A belated offering for previous Queen angeldylan628, who requested families and the second generation, and for Queen kellysparrow, who requested Kate. I hope you enjoy this, even if I think it turned out a little creepy.

( What are you doing here?Collapse )

Mood: contemplativecontemplative


Title: Brilliant disguise
Characters: Miles, Hurley
Words: 100 exactly!
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
Spoilers: general s5
Summary: Hurley is truly a sci-fi geek. And he always has his heart in the right place.
A/N: For previous Queen eponine119, who requested OTPs and anti-OTPs. I wanted a crazy OTP and this came out... but in the end it's not really crazy and not really a pairing... I hope you enjoy it ayway! Also, for queen joyyjpg that wanted Miles. Hope you don't mind sharing!
Title from Springsteen's song.

( They watched Chang hurry away to start the evacuation.Collapse )

Mood: calmcalm


Title: Rub me raw
Character: Jack, mentions of Sawyer
Words: 250
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
Spoilers: general s5
Summary: Jack's first time. Half-crack, half-angst.
A/N: For previous Queen gottalovev, who loves first times. Title stolen from Warren Zevon's song.

( Jack had never considered himself a coward before.Collapse )

Mood: creativecreative


I know some of you must be!

( Spoilers for 15x17Collapse )

Mood: gigglygiggly


19 December 2008 @ 10:03 am

Two things that made me smile this morning.

The F.U.N. song, House style!

and a small, hilarious one-shot: The One with the British doctor
inspired by Hugh Laurie's appearance on Friends, which you can watch ( under the cutCollapse )

Mood: amusedamused


03 December 2008 @ 04:20 pm

but I still say it.

( House 5x10Collapse )


19 November 2008 @ 10:53 am

( the good: spoilers for House 5x08Collapse )

On the other hand, I'm glad that this is ER last season, because assisting to this slow agony is painful!

( the ugly: spoilers up to 15x07, the guest star episodeCollapse )

And finally, three video recs:

Hugh Laurie getting dunked for charity
As I said before, he rocks the tux!

Alternate version of House credits
This one is funny and very well done!

Working class hero (Jack)
Angsty video for Jack Shephard. I'm going to rec this one on crack_van too, because I find it really good. The song is really appropriate for Jack and the scenes the vidder chose are too, imo.