CHARACTER|ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos (original) (raw)


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VA: Chelsey Moore (English); Akari Kito (Japanese)


VA: Chelsey Moore (English); Akari Kito (Japanese)

Second Lieutenant, Prometheus
The protagonist of the story and a stand-in for the player. This Designed Human was created by Professor Julie to face off against the Meteoras, invaders of the surface. Lacking in emotions since a young age, she had no goals in life other than fighting her alien foes--at least, until she met the blind girl Coco.
Coco taught her what it meant to have human emotions, allowing Chloe to grow. Her peaceful days off the battlefield were shattered, however, when a Meteora devoured this newfound friend.
Chloe has fallen back onto her own goal, destroying the Meteoras, now with new motivation: Revenge.

Chloe Samplevoice

VA: Danii Meger (English); Kaya Okuno (Japanese)

Coco Coconoe

VA: Danii Meger (English); Kaya Okuno (Japanese)

Underground City Resident
The daughter of councilors of the underground city. A mysterious, blind, wheelchair-bound girl who suffered an enigmatic death two years ago when she was eaten by a Meteora.
She taught Chloe how to open her heart and treated her like a friend.
She also loved near-forgotten traditions and artifacts of the old world like singing and paper books.
The sunroom that Chloe looks after is filled with her memories.

Coco Samplevoice

VA: Grace Chan (English); Yumiri Hanamori (Japanese)


VA: Grace Chan (English); Yumiri Hanamori (Japanese)

Electronic Pop Star, AARC
An AARC (Artificial Augmented Reality Crystal) made in Coco's image after her death.
A pop star, she shines as a symbol of hope in the entertainment-bereft underground.
During battle, Noa provides control support for Chloe's battle robot, the Alto Makhia.
Although she looks like Coco, Noa has a completely different personality, leading Chloe to call her a fake and avoid her.

Noa Samplevoice

VA: Yui Ishikawa (English/Japanese)


VA: Yui Ishikawa (English/Japanese)

Unique Meteora
A unique Meteora that took on a human form after eating Coco.
The name "Anima," meaning "soul," was given by Aoba.
Anima is unusually aggressive towards Chloe, yet has eyes very reminiscent of Coco. Anima also opens up to Chloe from time to time, and shows great interest in the things Coco liked. This mysterious Meteora confuses Chloe to no end.

Anima Samplevoice

VA: Jesse Inocalla (English); Yusuke Kobayashi (Japanese)

Yamato Amanagi

VA: Jesse Inocalla (English); Yusuke Kobayashi (Japanese)

Second Lieutenant, Prometheus
A member of Prometheus and pilot of the Ares Makhia,
Yamato is the life of the party who never hides his emotions.
Hotheaded and prone to rushing into things, he often has to be helped in battle by Aoba.
Yamato became a Makhia pilot to follow after his father, who he lost to the Meteoras.
Feeling a strong sense of purpose in defending the underground city, he also looks up to Chloe as both a soldier and a comrade.

Yamato Samplevoice

VA: Adam Fedyk (English); Yoshihiko Aramaki (Japanese)

Aoba Iwaza

VA: Adam Fedyk (English); Yoshihiko Aramaki (Japanese)

First Lieutenant and Operator, Prometheus
As operator for Prometheus,
Aoba is in charge of communications during battles with the Meteoras.
He admires Prometheus's General Deiter.
Aoba's calm judgement during battle has won him the trust of Chloe and Yamato.
He's also very good at taking care of people, often cleaning up the messes of his reckless childhood friend, Yamato.
He's also been looking after Chloe, who has been depressed since the death of Coco.

Aoba Samplevoice

VA: Asia Mattu (English); Yu Serizawa (Japanese)


VA: Asia Mattu (English); Yu Serizawa (Japanese)

Special Research Officer and Technology Advisor, Prometheus
The Special Research Officer of the Anti-Meteora organization, Prometheus, and the scientific genius who designed the underground city.
This mad scientist has lived over two hundred years in her entirely cybernetic body.
A reclusive researcher, she does not often show herself on the city streets, but her contributions to the urban world cannot be underestimated.
She created Chloe, her masterpiece, through a long process of DNA manipulation with the sole purpose of fighting the Meteoras.
She has a great interest in the Meteoras as subjects for her research and often pushes the members of Prometheus toward the difficult task of capturing them.

Julie Samplevoice

VA: Chris Garnier (English); Show Hayami (Japanese)


VA: Chris Garnier (English); Show Hayami (Japanese)

Brigadier General and Base Ranking Officer, Prometheus
General of Prometheus.
He devises battle plans to use against the Meteoras and gives orders to Makhia pilots on the field.
He was promoted from operator to General when Julie saw his talents.
Few, however, know of his past.
Superior officer to Chloe, Yamato, and Aoba, his stern, cold demeanor commands their respect.

Deiter Samplevoice