altparent - Profile (original) (raw)

on 20 January 2001 (#44802)

Got kids, old or young, married or single, whoever you are, we all share a common interest - our children.

This is a little different. This community is not just designed to talk about breastfeeding or maternity wear. This is for all of you who don't fit the bill. Maybe you're pierced, tattooed, gay, straight, polyamorous, pagan, athiest, holistic, meat-eating, ride a motorbike, computer geek, working parent, listen to heavy metal, opera fan, had your brood young/old, vegan, single, married, widowed... maybe you're none of these things, but still don't feel like a soccer mom, or maybe you're even a soccer mom who does a damn fine job and wants to be proud without being preachy! The spectrum of real life parenting is broad, and if you feel like parenting is a happy challenge, rather than a burden or just an expected progression of your life - all these things make us different from the average parent, and all of them make you welcome here.

This place is for the discussion of our daily lives.

WARNING: altparent is not aligned in any way to any one particular parenting style, method or philosophy. The emphasis here is how we as individuals do things, no matter how different or similar we are to the next person. Any sharing of views between members is purely coincidental.

New members should go here and pick up a copy of the new members survey. Fill it out, and post it as a NEW entry when you're ready! The survey is by no means compulsory, but it is a nice easy way to introduce yourself to the rest of the community.

Many thanks to opalcat for the community user icon.


- Please read these before posting to the community!

  1. Any pictures must go behind an lj-cut tag, as should long, sensitive or non work-safe posts. Not knowing how to use lj-cut is no excuse - always read the FAQ first.

  2. User icons should be work-safe, ie. no obvious nudity, sexual content or offensive material.

  3. Do not use font or background colours, or change the font face or size. Changing any of these factors can do very strange things to other members' friends pages.

  4. Do not ban or screen comments. If you're willing to share your post with all the members of the community, you should be willing to hear their views in return.

  5. On topic subjects are anything to do with modern parenting, especially the alternative side of parenting. Off topic is everything else. Off-topic posts will be deleted instantly, no exceptions.

  6. There are some difficult topics to address on this community, namely breast vs. bottle, discipline, circumcision and abortion. Please approach these topics with caution - know your facts, and know what you're trying to achieve. Tactfully placed lj-cuts may come in handy.

  7. No spam, no advertising, no promotion. This means auctions, direct sale, events announcements, religious or political campaigning, charitable causes, chain letters, website or community promotions, etc. However, you may post reviews of products or services you have used for the benefit of other members. Remember to tell us why, not just what!

  8. Deliberately argumentative, hateful or unnecessarily harsh posts will be removed, as will posts involving personal insults about other members. Comments will not be removed, but may be screened or frozen if deemed imflammatory.

  9. We're not interested in mournful goodbyes. If you're leaving, do it quietly.

  10. Deleted journals will be periodically purged from the member list. If you reinstate your deleted journal, and find that you have been removed, you will need to re-join to regain posting access to the community.

  11. If you are the moderator of another community, please do not add this community as a member of your own without asking permission of the moderators.

  12. This community is moderated by tephramancy. If you have a query about the community, please contact me via email - []. I do not take kindly to posts asking for help or making complaints on this journal, or on my own personal journal. Email will reach me faster and is confidential. When emailing me, try to include as many facts, links and usernames as are necessary to understand the query. Feel free to email me for whatever reason, I am here to help!

  13. I reserve every right to refuse membership to trolls, fakers, drama queens, spammers, serial adders and any other malignant entity. I may also remove the membership of anyone who displays these characteristics. This is at my own discretion, but I won't do it without reason, so if you're curious, you can ask me.

  14. Three strikes and you're out.

adoption, alternative lifestyles, alternative parenting, asking questions, attachment parenting, babies, birth, body modification, bottlefeeding, breastfeeding, children, communities, computers, cooking, diapering, eating meat, education, extended families, fatherhood, feeding, formula feeding, fostering, friendship, games, getting on with life, going back to work, having fun, home life, kids, learning, love, marriage, monogamy, motherhood, movies, music, nutrition, parenting, parenting techniques, pets, photos, playing, polyamory, potty training, pregnancy, raising children, reading, religion, respect, schools, sex, single parenting, speaking out, speaking up, stay at home parenting, step-parenting, talking, teenagers, trying to conceive, vaccination, veganism, vegetarianism, writing