Mustafa Yeşilyurt | Amasya University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mustafa Yeşilyurt

Research paper thumbnail of Di̇ji̇tal Deneyleri̇n Fen Bi̇li̇mleri̇ Dersi̇nde Kullanilmasinin Öğrenci̇ Başarisina Etki̇si̇

Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

Fen Bilimleri dersi gibi doga bilimleri derslerinde deney yonteminin kullanilmasi gerekligi tarti... more Fen Bilimleri dersi gibi doga bilimleri derslerinde deney yonteminin kullanilmasi gerekligi tartisilmaz bir gercektir. Okullarda, cesitli nedenler ile deney yapma imkanlarinin kisitli oldugu durumlarda, teknolojinin getirmis oldugu yeni imkanlar sayesinde dijital deneyler, bu ihtiyaci karsilamada bir alternatif cozum olarak ortaya cikmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci, Ilkokul Fen Bilimleri dersinde kullanilan dijital deneylerin ogrenci basarisina etkisini arastirmaktir. Bu amacla arastirmada 4. Sinif Fen Bilimleri dersi ‘’Kuvvetin Etkileri’’ konusunun islenmesinde, egitim-ogretim ortaminda yaygin olan duz anlatim, soru-cevap yontemi kullanilarak ogretim ile dijital deneylerin kullanildigi ogretimin arasinda ogrenci basarisi acisindan farklilik olup olmadigini karsilastirmaktir. Verilerin analizinde, deneysel desen modeli icin on test- son test kontrol gruplu model kullanilmistir. Her bir gruptaki ogrencilerin on test puanlari ve son testte aldiklari puanlar belirlendikten sonra gruplar ...

Research paper thumbnail of Meta analysis of the computer aided studies in mathematics: A sample of Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Student Teachers' Attitudes about Basic Physics Laboratory

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2004

ABSRACT In this study an attitude questionnaire was developed and applied to identify student tea... more ABSRACT In this study an attitude questionnaire was developed and applied to identify student teachers’ interests and attitudes for basic physics laboratory. In physics laboratory practices run by a higher education institution a new attitude questionnaire was developed and applied twice in two terms by researchers to increase student teachers’ success during the experimental process was going on. To that end sufficient number of students were interviewed, the findings were supported and the results were discussed. Although these students were successfull in undertaking basic physics laboratory experiments, it was found that the students performed unfavorable attitudes against laboratory experiments. The study was completed by suggesting that students/pupils’ interests may be developed at earlier ages .

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Fen Laboratuari İçi̇n Tutum Anketi̇ Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇ Ve Uygulanmasi

... Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, KTÜ Fatih Eğitim Fakültesi, 23-25 Eylül, Trabzon, Bi... more ... Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, KTÜ Fatih Eğitim Fakültesi, 23-25 Eylül, Trabzon, Bildiriler Kitabı, s. 176-178. Gürel, H. (1986). ... Gürdal, A. (1991). İlkokul Fen Eğitiminde Laboratuar ve Araç Kullanımı. ... Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (12):44-56. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Adaylarinin Okul Deneyi̇mi̇ II Dersi̇ne İli̇şki̇n Görüşleri̇

... Ancak bu çalışmanın, yalnızca bir fakültede ve bir ders için yapılan değerlendirmeyi yansıttı... more ... Ancak bu çalışmanın, yalnızca bir fakültede ve bir ders için yapılan değerlendirmeyi yansıttığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Yeniden yapılanmanın bir boyutu olan fakülte-okul işbirliği konusunun da, kuşkusuz sistem bütünlüğü içinde ele alınmasına gereklilik vardır. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The meta-analysis of the studies measuring the effect of the concept map technique on the success

Energy Educ Sci Technol Part B, 2012

... The most important results among others in this research are that the use of concept map tech... more ... The most important results among others in this research are that the use of concept map technique has an important level of superiority compared to other techniques. Keywords: Concept map; Meta-analysis; Turkey © Sila Science. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction ...

Research paper thumbnail of Yükseköğretim temel fizik laboratuar uygulamalarında bütünleştirici yaklaşım

Research paper thumbnail of Bilgisayar Destekli Yabancı Dil Öğretim Çalışmalarının Meta Analizi: Türkiye Örneği

The aim of this study is to determine the oppurtunity or threat-based views/thoughts related with... more The aim of this study is to determine the oppurtunity or threat-based views/thoughts related with globalization in educators who have been abroad through European Union Education and Youth Programs (Comenius, Grundtvig, Study Visit, Leonardo Da Vinci, Erasmus). For this purpose, a total of 55 educators who have been abroad for such mission were recruited. All of these educators were given a 32-items scale entitled as “Determining the globalization -related opinions of educators who have been abroad”. Of the total 55 educators, 49 gave feedback. The scale consisted of 2 parts. Part I was designed to obtain personal information related to personal profile, whereas Part II contained globalization-related opportunity or treat-based items which were designed to reflect the opinions of educators who have been abroad for participating in mobility programs of education. As a result of qualitative and quantitative analyses conducted in our study, it was found that educators who have been abr...

Research paper thumbnail of The Meta Analysis of the Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Student Attitudes in Science and Mathematics

In the research the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes towards the lesson ... more In the research the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes towards the lesson in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics has been searched. In this research, studies which were made between 2002 – 2011 years in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education, and which include the comparison the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes with traditional methods, have been merged together. Fifty six appropriate studies for criteria’s were chosen and combined with the meta analysis method for 142 Master of Science and PhD thesis, and 45 articles. At the conclusion of the research, it data supply review that, computer aided instruction has a more effective influence in a positive way on the attitude of the students towards lesson in comparison with the traditional method in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education.

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Yabanci Di̇l Dersi̇ne Olan İlgi̇leri̇ne Yabanci Di̇l Öğretmeni̇ni̇n İleti̇şi̇m Beceri̇si̇ni̇n Etki̇leri̇

Research paper thumbnail of Meta-analysis of the computer assisted studies in physics: A sample of Turkey

... [7] Yilmaz, S. The Effect Of Information Processing Model Based Lesson On Preservice Science ... more ... [7] Yilmaz, S. The Effect Of Information Processing Model Based Lesson On Preservice Science Teachers' Achievement In Magnetism, Hacettepe Univ J Educ 2005; (28) 236-243. Page 9. M.Yesilyurt / EEST Part B Social and Educational Studies 3 (2011) 173-182 181 ...

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Işik Kavrami İle İlgi̇li̇ Düşünceleri̇


Research paper thumbnail of A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Laboratory Based Teaching on Students' Success

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between laboratory based teaching method... more The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between laboratory based teaching methods on science education and student success, by using meta-analysis. This paper used the research results which were reported from 2000 to 2012 years in Turkey which analyzing the effects of laboratory based teaching methods on student success. By the meta-analysis methods, one PhD dissertation, 17 Master’s theses and 12 published articles were the main sources of this paper used to demonstrate the influence of laboratory based teachings on science education. Thalheimer also showed that laboratory based teaching in a significant degree affects academic success. The results demonstrate that laboratory based teaching methods significantly influence academic success +2,8729 size.

Research paper thumbnail of High School Students’ Views About Heat and Temperature Concepts

International journal of environmental and science education, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Matematik Tutumlarına İlişkin Ölçek Geliştirilmesi

Bu calisma ilkogretim 3 ve 4. sinif ogrencilerinin matematik dersine karsi tutumlarini olcen ve b... more Bu calisma ilkogretim 3 ve 4. sinif ogrencilerinin matematik dersine karsi tutumlarini olcen ve bu olcumu sistem elestirisi icin yapan bir olcek gelistirerek, sistemin aksak yonlerini incelemek ve neden milli bir egitim sistemi edinmemiz gerektigi ile ilgili inceleme yapmaktir. Olcegin pilot calismasindan olusan bu calisma 94 ogrenciye uygulanmis olup veriler IBM SPSS 23 paket programi kullanarak analiz edilmistir. Olcek sonuclarina gore yapilan guvenirlik olcumu ve faktor analizinin sonrasinda ve oncesinde uzman goruslerine basvurulmustur. Bir takim eksiltmeler ve eklemeler sonucunda olcek son halini almistir. Calismada bu analizlere dair sayisal veriler bulunmaktadir. Sonuc olarak olcek 29 olcek maddesi ve 11 demografik maddeden olusmaktadir.

Research paper thumbnail of Matemati̇k Öğreti̇mi̇nde Kullanilan Di̇le İli̇şki̇n Öğrenci̇ Görüşleri̇

Matematik, egitim ve ogretimin en onemli temel alanlarindan biridir. Dil ise iletisim saglamada k... more Matematik, egitim ve ogretimin en onemli temel alanlarindan biridir. Dil ise iletisim saglamada kullanilan, sosyal hayatin en onemli ogelerinden biridir. Matematigi anlamak ve anlatmak dili iyi bilmeyi ve kullanmayi gerektirir. Ozellikle, dili yeni ogrenme ve gelistirme asamasinda olan ilkogretim birinci kademe ogrencileri icin matematikte dil kullanimi cok daha fazla onem arz eder. Buda bu dersi ogreten ogretmenlerin dili kullanma konusunda ne kadar donanimli olmalari gerektigi sonucunu ortaya cikarir. Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi birinci sinif ogrencileri ile mezuniyet asamasindaki dorduncu sinif ogrencilerinin matematik ogretiminde dile iliskin gorusleri arasindaki farklar, “matematik ogretiminde dil” olcegi kullanilarak t-testi yardimiyla karsilastirilmistir. Gruplarin, matematik ogretiminde dil kullanimi puanlari birinci sinif ogrencileri lehine farklilik gostermistir. Arastirmanin verileri Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Ilkogretim bolumu Matematik Anabilim Dalin...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Parental Attitude on Academic Performance at Primary School: Sample of Istanbul

Societies are engaged in establishing systems by setting various rules in order to be able to mai... more Societies are engaged in establishing systems by setting various rules in order to be able to maintain and develop their continuity. Education is one of the most important factors for society. With education, new generations are trained in terms of the characteristics and needs of the society. The future of this education is starting in the family environment and continuing in the state institutions. Throughout this process the learning’s realized by individuals are different and the achievements and failures are emerging. The surplus of individuals who are successful for the society is important. The reasons for the differences in success will undoubtedly vary for children. However, it can be seen that there are children who cannot learn in a positive environment as well as individuals who achieve great success despite being in a negative environment. This lead us to the idea that more important factors for the individual than environment and possibilities may be sufficient for suc...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Environmental Education Activities on Primary School Students’ Environmental Awareness and Visual Expressions

Qualitative Research in Education

The aim of this research is to improve environmental awareness in primary school students. For th... more The aim of this research is to improve environmental awareness in primary school students. For this purpose, the study was carried out within the scope of action research pattern from qualitative research patterns. The study group was determined by selecting easily accessible samples. The study group consisted of second year students attending a state primary school in Gungoren District of Istanbul in the 2018-2019 academic year. The data of the study were obtained by the students’ environmental pictures, observation forms and semi-structured interview forms. The data obtained were analyzed by content analysis. According to the findings of the research, it is determined that students who received environmental education, draw pictures enthusiastically and reflecting environmental awareness, also after interviews students gain awareness toward environment, empathized with nature and draw highly esthetically appreciated pictures.

Research paper thumbnail of Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Technologies on Primary School

Bahar 2021

The main purpose of this study is to show how much learning technologies increase the success in ... more The main purpose of this study is to show how much learning technologies increase the success in primary school with meta-analysis method. Advanced technologies such as virtual-augmented reality, animation-simulation, inverted classroom application, web-internet course applications, course and game teaching software, which are subject to experimental studies in computerized learning environments, have been included in this meta-analysis study, since they have features that can improve academic achievement. It is taken into account that having features such as; publication in a peer reviewed open-access magazines, the execution of the application by selecting the sample from the primary school in Turkey, listing the mean and standard deviation values and the number of sample group students for the final test, for the articles to be included in this research. It was concluded that advanced technology supported lesson applications in primary school have the ability to increase academic...

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul Programında Yer Alan Fizik Konularına İlişkin Genel Bilgiler, Özellikleri, Günlük Hayattaki Karşılıkları ve Kullanım Alanları

İlkokulda Temel Fen bilimleri

Research paper thumbnail of Di̇ji̇tal Deneyleri̇n Fen Bi̇li̇mleri̇ Dersi̇nde Kullanilmasinin Öğrenci̇ Başarisina Etki̇si̇

Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

Fen Bilimleri dersi gibi doga bilimleri derslerinde deney yonteminin kullanilmasi gerekligi tarti... more Fen Bilimleri dersi gibi doga bilimleri derslerinde deney yonteminin kullanilmasi gerekligi tartisilmaz bir gercektir. Okullarda, cesitli nedenler ile deney yapma imkanlarinin kisitli oldugu durumlarda, teknolojinin getirmis oldugu yeni imkanlar sayesinde dijital deneyler, bu ihtiyaci karsilamada bir alternatif cozum olarak ortaya cikmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci, Ilkokul Fen Bilimleri dersinde kullanilan dijital deneylerin ogrenci basarisina etkisini arastirmaktir. Bu amacla arastirmada 4. Sinif Fen Bilimleri dersi ‘’Kuvvetin Etkileri’’ konusunun islenmesinde, egitim-ogretim ortaminda yaygin olan duz anlatim, soru-cevap yontemi kullanilarak ogretim ile dijital deneylerin kullanildigi ogretimin arasinda ogrenci basarisi acisindan farklilik olup olmadigini karsilastirmaktir. Verilerin analizinde, deneysel desen modeli icin on test- son test kontrol gruplu model kullanilmistir. Her bir gruptaki ogrencilerin on test puanlari ve son testte aldiklari puanlar belirlendikten sonra gruplar ...

Research paper thumbnail of Meta analysis of the computer aided studies in mathematics: A sample of Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Student Teachers' Attitudes about Basic Physics Laboratory

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2004

ABSRACT In this study an attitude questionnaire was developed and applied to identify student tea... more ABSRACT In this study an attitude questionnaire was developed and applied to identify student teachers’ interests and attitudes for basic physics laboratory. In physics laboratory practices run by a higher education institution a new attitude questionnaire was developed and applied twice in two terms by researchers to increase student teachers’ success during the experimental process was going on. To that end sufficient number of students were interviewed, the findings were supported and the results were discussed. Although these students were successfull in undertaking basic physics laboratory experiments, it was found that the students performed unfavorable attitudes against laboratory experiments. The study was completed by suggesting that students/pupils’ interests may be developed at earlier ages .

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Fen Laboratuari İçi̇n Tutum Anketi̇ Geli̇şti̇ri̇lmesi̇ Ve Uygulanmasi

... Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, KTÜ Fatih Eğitim Fakültesi, 23-25 Eylül, Trabzon, Bi... more ... Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, KTÜ Fatih Eğitim Fakültesi, 23-25 Eylül, Trabzon, Bildiriler Kitabı, s. 176-178. Gürel, H. (1986). ... Gürdal, A. (1991). İlkokul Fen Eğitiminde Laboratuar ve Araç Kullanımı. ... Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (12):44-56. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Öğretmen Adaylarinin Okul Deneyi̇mi̇ II Dersi̇ne İli̇şki̇n Görüşleri̇

... Ancak bu çalışmanın, yalnızca bir fakültede ve bir ders için yapılan değerlendirmeyi yansıttı... more ... Ancak bu çalışmanın, yalnızca bir fakültede ve bir ders için yapılan değerlendirmeyi yansıttığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Yeniden yapılanmanın bir boyutu olan fakülte-okul işbirliği konusunun da, kuşkusuz sistem bütünlüğü içinde ele alınmasına gereklilik vardır. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The meta-analysis of the studies measuring the effect of the concept map technique on the success

Energy Educ Sci Technol Part B, 2012

... The most important results among others in this research are that the use of concept map tech... more ... The most important results among others in this research are that the use of concept map technique has an important level of superiority compared to other techniques. Keywords: Concept map; Meta-analysis; Turkey © Sila Science. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction ...

Research paper thumbnail of Yükseköğretim temel fizik laboratuar uygulamalarında bütünleştirici yaklaşım

Research paper thumbnail of Bilgisayar Destekli Yabancı Dil Öğretim Çalışmalarının Meta Analizi: Türkiye Örneği

The aim of this study is to determine the oppurtunity or threat-based views/thoughts related with... more The aim of this study is to determine the oppurtunity or threat-based views/thoughts related with globalization in educators who have been abroad through European Union Education and Youth Programs (Comenius, Grundtvig, Study Visit, Leonardo Da Vinci, Erasmus). For this purpose, a total of 55 educators who have been abroad for such mission were recruited. All of these educators were given a 32-items scale entitled as “Determining the globalization -related opinions of educators who have been abroad”. Of the total 55 educators, 49 gave feedback. The scale consisted of 2 parts. Part I was designed to obtain personal information related to personal profile, whereas Part II contained globalization-related opportunity or treat-based items which were designed to reflect the opinions of educators who have been abroad for participating in mobility programs of education. As a result of qualitative and quantitative analyses conducted in our study, it was found that educators who have been abr...

Research paper thumbnail of The Meta Analysis of the Effect of Computer Aided Instruction on Student Attitudes in Science and Mathematics

In the research the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes towards the lesson ... more In the research the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes towards the lesson in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics has been searched. In this research, studies which were made between 2002 – 2011 years in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education, and which include the comparison the effect of computer aided instruction on student attitudes with traditional methods, have been merged together. Fifty six appropriate studies for criteria’s were chosen and combined with the meta analysis method for 142 Master of Science and PhD thesis, and 45 articles. At the conclusion of the research, it data supply review that, computer aided instruction has a more effective influence in a positive way on the attitude of the students towards lesson in comparison with the traditional method in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics education.

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Yabanci Di̇l Dersi̇ne Olan İlgi̇leri̇ne Yabanci Di̇l Öğretmeni̇ni̇n İleti̇şi̇m Beceri̇si̇ni̇n Etki̇leri̇

Research paper thumbnail of Meta-analysis of the computer assisted studies in physics: A sample of Turkey

... [7] Yilmaz, S. The Effect Of Information Processing Model Based Lesson On Preservice Science ... more ... [7] Yilmaz, S. The Effect Of Information Processing Model Based Lesson On Preservice Science Teachers' Achievement In Magnetism, Hacettepe Univ J Educ 2005; (28) 236-243. Page 9. M.Yesilyurt / EEST Part B Social and Educational Studies 3 (2011) 173-182 181 ...

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Işik Kavrami İle İlgi̇li̇ Düşünceleri̇


Research paper thumbnail of A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Laboratory Based Teaching on Students' Success

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between laboratory based teaching method... more The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between laboratory based teaching methods on science education and student success, by using meta-analysis. This paper used the research results which were reported from 2000 to 2012 years in Turkey which analyzing the effects of laboratory based teaching methods on student success. By the meta-analysis methods, one PhD dissertation, 17 Master’s theses and 12 published articles were the main sources of this paper used to demonstrate the influence of laboratory based teachings on science education. Thalheimer also showed that laboratory based teaching in a significant degree affects academic success. The results demonstrate that laboratory based teaching methods significantly influence academic success +2,8729 size.

Research paper thumbnail of High School Students’ Views About Heat and Temperature Concepts

International journal of environmental and science education, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Matematik Tutumlarına İlişkin Ölçek Geliştirilmesi

Bu calisma ilkogretim 3 ve 4. sinif ogrencilerinin matematik dersine karsi tutumlarini olcen ve b... more Bu calisma ilkogretim 3 ve 4. sinif ogrencilerinin matematik dersine karsi tutumlarini olcen ve bu olcumu sistem elestirisi icin yapan bir olcek gelistirerek, sistemin aksak yonlerini incelemek ve neden milli bir egitim sistemi edinmemiz gerektigi ile ilgili inceleme yapmaktir. Olcegin pilot calismasindan olusan bu calisma 94 ogrenciye uygulanmis olup veriler IBM SPSS 23 paket programi kullanarak analiz edilmistir. Olcek sonuclarina gore yapilan guvenirlik olcumu ve faktor analizinin sonrasinda ve oncesinde uzman goruslerine basvurulmustur. Bir takim eksiltmeler ve eklemeler sonucunda olcek son halini almistir. Calismada bu analizlere dair sayisal veriler bulunmaktadir. Sonuc olarak olcek 29 olcek maddesi ve 11 demografik maddeden olusmaktadir.

Research paper thumbnail of Matemati̇k Öğreti̇mi̇nde Kullanilan Di̇le İli̇şki̇n Öğrenci̇ Görüşleri̇

Matematik, egitim ve ogretimin en onemli temel alanlarindan biridir. Dil ise iletisim saglamada k... more Matematik, egitim ve ogretimin en onemli temel alanlarindan biridir. Dil ise iletisim saglamada kullanilan, sosyal hayatin en onemli ogelerinden biridir. Matematigi anlamak ve anlatmak dili iyi bilmeyi ve kullanmayi gerektirir. Ozellikle, dili yeni ogrenme ve gelistirme asamasinda olan ilkogretim birinci kademe ogrencileri icin matematikte dil kullanimi cok daha fazla onem arz eder. Buda bu dersi ogreten ogretmenlerin dili kullanma konusunda ne kadar donanimli olmalari gerektigi sonucunu ortaya cikarir. Bu arastirmada, ilkogretim matematik ogretmenligi birinci sinif ogrencileri ile mezuniyet asamasindaki dorduncu sinif ogrencilerinin matematik ogretiminde dile iliskin gorusleri arasindaki farklar, “matematik ogretiminde dil” olcegi kullanilarak t-testi yardimiyla karsilastirilmistir. Gruplarin, matematik ogretiminde dil kullanimi puanlari birinci sinif ogrencileri lehine farklilik gostermistir. Arastirmanin verileri Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Ilkogretim bolumu Matematik Anabilim Dalin...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Parental Attitude on Academic Performance at Primary School: Sample of Istanbul

Societies are engaged in establishing systems by setting various rules in order to be able to mai... more Societies are engaged in establishing systems by setting various rules in order to be able to maintain and develop their continuity. Education is one of the most important factors for society. With education, new generations are trained in terms of the characteristics and needs of the society. The future of this education is starting in the family environment and continuing in the state institutions. Throughout this process the learning’s realized by individuals are different and the achievements and failures are emerging. The surplus of individuals who are successful for the society is important. The reasons for the differences in success will undoubtedly vary for children. However, it can be seen that there are children who cannot learn in a positive environment as well as individuals who achieve great success despite being in a negative environment. This lead us to the idea that more important factors for the individual than environment and possibilities may be sufficient for suc...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Environmental Education Activities on Primary School Students’ Environmental Awareness and Visual Expressions

Qualitative Research in Education

The aim of this research is to improve environmental awareness in primary school students. For th... more The aim of this research is to improve environmental awareness in primary school students. For this purpose, the study was carried out within the scope of action research pattern from qualitative research patterns. The study group was determined by selecting easily accessible samples. The study group consisted of second year students attending a state primary school in Gungoren District of Istanbul in the 2018-2019 academic year. The data of the study were obtained by the students’ environmental pictures, observation forms and semi-structured interview forms. The data obtained were analyzed by content analysis. According to the findings of the research, it is determined that students who received environmental education, draw pictures enthusiastically and reflecting environmental awareness, also after interviews students gain awareness toward environment, empathized with nature and draw highly esthetically appreciated pictures.

Research paper thumbnail of Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Technologies on Primary School

Bahar 2021

The main purpose of this study is to show how much learning technologies increase the success in ... more The main purpose of this study is to show how much learning technologies increase the success in primary school with meta-analysis method. Advanced technologies such as virtual-augmented reality, animation-simulation, inverted classroom application, web-internet course applications, course and game teaching software, which are subject to experimental studies in computerized learning environments, have been included in this meta-analysis study, since they have features that can improve academic achievement. It is taken into account that having features such as; publication in a peer reviewed open-access magazines, the execution of the application by selecting the sample from the primary school in Turkey, listing the mean and standard deviation values and the number of sample group students for the final test, for the articles to be included in this research. It was concluded that advanced technology supported lesson applications in primary school have the ability to increase academic...

Research paper thumbnail of İlkokul Programında Yer Alan Fizik Konularına İlişkin Genel Bilgiler, Özellikleri, Günlük Hayattaki Karşılıkları ve Kullanım Alanları

İlkokulda Temel Fen bilimleri