Amberprime (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inAmberprime Community's LiveJournal:

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

2:48 am

Running 10 miles Yeah, I signed up for The 10 mile run, not any wussy 5K walk.

I need to be able to finish 10 miles in 2 hours 20 minutes. My running speed is currently about 15 minute miles. I'll get pulled if I'm not doing about 15 minute miles. I would like to do 12 minute miles.

So I'm perusing running sites and magazines and have signed up for the virtual training program, but that starts on the 28th. So I need to bring myself up to distance and then up to speed.

I have 12 weeks to do this.

Any suggestions?

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007

9:31 pm

Monday, August 20th, 2007

10:18 pm

Food Review Kashi TLC Pumpkin Spice Flax isn't bad. It is a granola bar with undertones of pumpkin spice.

Servings have 6 g of protein and 4 of fiber and 6 of fat. 6% iron.

Not bad. TLC stands for tasty little crunchies and may be worth the extra .

9:25 pm

Not Down for the Count Today I felt a billion percent better.

Today I tried to get into my size 14 work pants and did, barely.

At the Dr. on Friday I was back up to 194.

Today I go "/passive" on my health and start getting active again. I did have a slugabed war followed by a week in bed. I'm not going to fight a crown this year, but I am going to get more capable which should result in my pants fitting better. I'll take a size 12 as a victory this year.

Today I walked to the grocery store and back, just to get up off of my sorry behind and move.

Distance (includes shopping) 2.83 km
Time: 36:42
Pace 12:56 min/km
Calories 246

Music: The OKGO Nike treadmill workout.

So it wasn't a violent or hard "/passive" move. The bonds of inertia have been broken though.

I will never workout on a treamill, unless there is some threat or I really have no other option. OKGO put out this treadmill workout and Damian Kulash is the coach. Now OKGO can dance on treadmills but almost w/out exception are sluggards in the exercise arena. The interval workout will work on roads. It helps if you are an OKGO fan.

"Now I bet you didn't do this workout in tight red pants or cuban heels. We can work on that next time." --DK

The first 2.83 km in the journey of a thousand km has been done. On Wednesday, I may try to run it, a bit. Running it would increase the distance I cover.

I didn't run it tonight, but the walk was good and it got me off of my tush and my mind back into a I can do this frame.

I spent a lot of my recovery time watching Dog Brother Videos. I have a goal of 'walking like a warrior all of my days.' Now I'm not as crazy as those guys. The techniques look good and the training will get my core in shape and help build the muscles and mindset needed to fight a 2008 crown.

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

10:21 pm

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

10:06 pm

Around the Block = Personal Best to Date Distance = 4.66 km
Time = 50:38 minutes
Pace = 10:50 min/km
Calories =405

This was my longest workout w/iPod and it congratulated me at the completion of "your longest workout to date."

So the neighborhood is good for walking off a candy bar. I walked it to get familiar. I'm still sweaty wreckage even with the lack of the hurty yellow disk of doom. I can do it at night, no worries, though there are a couple of patches that are darker than I might like and more wooded than I would prefer.

Now to start running this loop in the full light of day. Tomorrow. . .after 5 but before dark. Aveno baby grade 45 spf sunblock is on hand, I tan through it.

There are one or two songs that need to come off the workout playlist ---- too slow.

Now to drink water, schlep one or two more things to the attic, do a bit of cleaning, shower, then crash.

I work tomorrow. OT at Job 1.

Current Mood: pleased

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

9:40 pm

Body Fat Link that is very useful

My goal is 20% body fat. The high end of athletes. Getting solidly into athlete territory would rule, but baby steps. Per the tests at the health fair I'm at 40%. Way the heck out of shape. But I knew this. So it gives me a goal.

I'm a 183.5 # woman with 40% body fat: 183.5 * 0.4 = 73.4 # of fat

183.5 # - 73.4 # of fat = 110.1 # of lean body mass (in there somewhere)

To get to 20% body fat.

183.5 # * 0.2 = 36.7 # of body fat.

Therefore my goal weight should be 110.4 + 36.7 =147.1

So I need to lose 183.5 - 147.1 = 36.4

Doable. A baby step on getting me back into shape.

The three lbs I lost when I cut my hair have stayed off. I've started an exercise and food diary (field notebooks come in handy). I've added 3 meals to the rotation that have over 10g of fiber. I'm not eating them nearly enough, but I'll work on that some on Monday.

The fight practices I attended ruled and have inspired me to get to this more seriously. I practice I stand a chance of developing a fighting style. I develop a fighting style and I stand a chance of winning a fight or 3 at Crown.

That is my current goal, to make it to 5 fights in Crown. When I challenge in I tend to challenge one of the highest ranking guys I can, last time it was Duke Ragnarr. So I lose one automatically, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

Saturday, April 21st, 2007

6:39 pm

New Toy Nerdom Today I went to IKEA to get hangers for clothes and hangers for coats/badges/towels. While there I set my trusty ipod that talks to my shoes to work. Shopping at IKEA =

Distance: 2.33 km
Time: 47:43
Pace: 220.25 min/km
Calories 203

This did involve an extra trip to the parking lot as I had forgotten my wallet.

Oh and getting out of the house, is .7km and 6 calories. I deleted that workout. But I tried it just to see.

I expect I'll be going for a run tomorrow. I expect that when I start hitting Storvik practice I'll run before practice as well. I get off work at 4:30 and practice starts at 7 and even with traffic and a quick trip home for armor (I can't just leave it in my car as I may have to go to the secure branches and stuff like that is frowned upon if the car gets searched.) I'll still get to practice way early. So run, fight, cool down, go home, collapse :) Sounds like a good Monday to me. After I get through this week's overtime.

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

5:29 pm

New Record! After a week of skipping the gym due to intestinal plague, I'm back and working this week. I've been feeling pretty good about my workouts over this week, but today I had a special moment, hitting a significant new record in the number of pullups I can do in one set... (Drum Roll...)

Seventeen... I'm very happy, I'm getting better at 'kipping' (snapping my body around to use momentum and muscle reflex), and I'm probably stronger too... but this is five more than my last record from a couple of months ago... SWEET

Of course, I have some distance to go before I hit thirty-five or forty - the reigning records in the gym...

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

10:16 pm

Run Day 1 Nike town run club was fun. Almost as good as practice.

Distance: 2.41 miles total 2.05 running rest is warm up and down
Time: 40:39 min
Pace 16:51 min 15.35 when running.

My running partner had similar capability and gave me the running portion I started mine too soon.

Learning though. I've turned my sensor off for flying tomorrow.

I've set up a goal and the thing will track calories. So I've set a goal of running off 2000 calories in 4 weeks. Which is 500 calories a week which is a pound a week :)

So I'll play with the calorie workouts.

Now to figure out how to manage things so I can set up a workout playlist on my ipod. RTFM tonight in the tub.

Now to soak in a tub I don't have to clean and pack for tomorrow and get some sleep.

Monday, April 16th, 2007

10:29 pm

[gymzilla] observations

  1. getting there is half the battle.

  2. at 9pm, I wasn't the only one working out. In fact, there were more women than I expected.

  3. Battleflag (Lo Fidelity Allstars) is the perfect start to a workout mix.

  4. That said, I want to start running when I hear Battleflag.

  5. I decided that hitting the ground running, literally, was probably not the best idea considering I haven't exercised in [foo]. Instead I walked fast.

  6. However, whenever the music got fast, I wanted to run. I decided that I could do "sprints". I "ran" in intervals. After a sprint, I dropped back down to a walk, then upped that to a faster walk, and then a sprint if I felt like it.

  7. I started sweating about 20 minutes in and kept sweating. Not dripping in buckets, but noticeable.

  8. My breathing never got labored and I didn't need my inhaler before, during or after.

  9. I walked/jogged just over 2.5 miles.

  10. There are 45.8 minutes of music currently on the shuffle, so I have to keep moving as long as there's music playing

  11. I'm going to do this again until it becomes a habit.

9:31 pm

Sumo's Shopping Spree Part of my bonus went towards new running shoes and an ipod and a kit that allows my shoes to sync with the ipod.

I'm going to Niketown's running club tomorrow night.

Now I'm putting my music onto my new toys and terrorizing the corridor for a few minutes.

The CNN report of tonight and MBNBC have been interesting. The world shifts again. There were set ups in buildings adjacent to the one where the majority of shooting took place. I'm glad I wasn't there. I'm glad I can be here for my friends if they need me, but like them it is still a bit of a shock.

Sunday, April 8th, 2007

8:31 pm

[gymzilla] tunes!!

Geek that I am, I now have a shiny new orange iPod shuffle, and now I plan to load it with workout music.

Thankfully, iTunes has a whole section dedicated to workout music, so I have a place to start. I'm pretty sure by the end of the evening I will have plenty to listen to! Maybe I'll post later a short list of what I've chosen if anyone's interested.

Yay shuffle!!

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

8:59 am

Crazy Gym I do go on, don't I?

I thought seriously about skipping the gym this morning, but I'm seriously glad that I didn't. We did another benchmark workout that I hadn't had the chance to try yet - what's called the "Crossfit Total" - it's just 3 lifts and you record your maximum weight on each lift - add them together and you have your score. There are some more rules - your form has to be correct, you can't cheat and you have to control the weight both up and down (rather than dropping it when the lift is done).

Back Squat

- Bar on the traps and shoulders, squat below parallel, then stand up again. I consistently added weight in each of my three attempts, and I topped out at 295# - I still think I could have lifted 20 or so more, but you only get three tries... Room for improvement.

Shoulder Press

- aka the Military Press. Take the bar off the rack and hold it at your chest. Keep your legs and feet 100% still and lift the bar straight over head until you can lock your arms out. New PR for me by 20 pounds, greatly helped by folks cheering me on to top one of the instructor's scores. 155#


- squat down behind the bar, grip tightly, and then lift the weight off the floor, driving with your legs and hips, until your knees are locked out and your back is straight. Another new PR for me (by 20 pounds) - I think there was more capacity there again, but not another 50 pounds (I failed my third attempt). 325#

You total that up and it's


- I'm pretty damn happy with that score, partly because I realize that lifting weights at the crazy gym has given me huge increases in my total strength. You can tease or poke fun at me as much as you like, but I'm very proud of the gains I've made in my capacity to lift weight - I could never move weight like this, even when I was in ROTC (my last benchmark of fitness).

Monday, March 26th, 2007

11:50 am

Need to change this picture... Plenty to catch up on as far as workouts - Despite losing most of one week, I'm still doing pretty well in making my goal of 4-5 workouts per week. I hit a few new benchmark workouts over the last weeks, and I'm seeing some improvement - but I'm still not as fast or as strong as I want to be (which raises the question, what's the goal?)

Since the 9th of March, we had Angie (Who is a miserable bitch... 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps and 100 squats) in 29:21 (which is an awful score), Grace (Who wasn't pretty or graceful - 30 Clean & Jerks at 135# ) in 7:26 (fairly fast), and Helen (3 rounds - 400m (.25 mile) run - 21 24kg Kettlebell Swings - 12 pullups) - completed in 11:36 - still slow, but 50 seconds faster than January.

I also tested myself on 200m sprints (out and back, not a straight run) - my best time was 27 seconds and my Back Squat - I think my max is somewhere in the range of 275#, but we need to do 1 RM sometime soon to test this. Add to all this a mix of crazy (monkey bar obstacle course), difficult (double unders) and fun (dodgeball) games in our workouts...

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

11:26 pm

The week off I haven't worked out since my last post. I have, however,

1. Quit McFood.
2. Cut back to one 20 oz Coke a day and am drinking 1.5 liters of fizzy water instead of the other 2 Cokes.
3. Increased my fiber intake. It still isn't where it needs to be, they recommend 35g per day. I'm at about 20. This is up significantly.
4. Replaced my afternoon bag of chips with Wasa Rye Crisps and peanut butter (purchased after peanut butter recall and should therefore be safe). This brings up the fiber count. 2g per serving. I normally eat 2-3 servings.
5. Added high fiber veggies to dinner. This means lima beans in butter sauce (I'm not doing lima beans anyway else.) 5g per serving and the box holds 2 servings I think.

In the stress reduction vein:
6. I've bought a bedframe (my car smelled like pine for 2 days I like the smell of pine. :)
7. I've been gradually shifting stuff out of storage.
8. I worked an extra shift so that is $40 more dollars towards some goals.
9. After the turbulence of the "I'm moving talk." Things have been kinda smooth in the familial relations.

In the prep for working out:
10. Goal is to be down to 175 by my birthday. I'm at 183.5 (I cut my hair and lost 3 lbs. Cheating, but I'll take it.)
11. Pedometer and wobble board are enroute.
12. The extra shift tonight brings me $10 closer to new running shoes
13. There is no item 13
14. I know I just said I made 40whyonly40 why only 40whyonly10 towards shoes? 10towardssavings.10 towards savings. 10towardssavings.10 towards a movie (gotta relax. Haven't seen 300 yet.) and 10towardsdebtreduction.(forexcessunder10 towards debt reduction. (for excess under 10towardsdebtreduction.(forexcessunder100 that is how I split it in 1/4s.) (Over 100andentertainmentstaysat100 and entertainment stays at 100andentertainmentstaysat25 and the remainder gets split into 1/3s).
15. I'm developing a list of stuff I can do in my cleats on the field next to my new place.
16. I've identified 3 more songs I can add to my workout. I hadn't burned my Laika and the Cosmonauts CDs to my laptop yet.

So no actual working out, but a lot of prep for after the move.

Current Mood: chipper

8:26 pm

[gymzilla] back to square n+1

Had my first (complimentary - the first one is always free) session with a personal trainer at Healthworks today. Not bad, he went through some core exercises that I managed to get through fairly easily, he's into "props" which I'm not exactly in favor of but I'll try anything. Two exercises that we did I felt would be beneficial - one was me standing on a "balance board" (? I think that's what they're called) and doing curls, the other was this contraption thinger where you basically climb up, put your forearms onto the pads, grab the handles and hang, and do leg lifts while you're hanging. Didn't think I could do it but I did. Oh, and we did an exercise on the balance ball that I liked.

Anyway - not sure if I'm sore because I worked out for the first time in over a month, or because I'm getting sick. I have that all-over achy-body feeling.

So, for my first personal challenge, can I get to the gym tomorrow and Friday, and one day this weekend (provided I am not sick)? Tune in next week...

Friday, March 16th, 2007

6:55 am

50 jumping jacks--to get blood moving
What I remember of the PG "Passion" warm up from dance class
3 minutes of jumping rope
10 standard sit ups
2 minutes of jumping rope
3 standard push ups
25 girly push ups
1 minute of jumping rope
3 each of what I remember of the martial arts oblique sit ups lady_cassia and I used to do at MHC a billion years ago

Today lightly and pleasantly sore.

With the rain I will likely not be jumping rope today.

$10 in savings account towards new shoes.

Wobble board is ordered.
Pedometer is ordered.
Weights are being found and staged for shifting to new place. Once I have a frame they will live under the bed.
Swiss ball found. Pump found. Tape holding plug for Swiss ball found. Plug itself is MIA. It will turn up as I turn over the stuff in storage.

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

5:49 pm

[gymzilla] back to the starting board In a moment of impulsiveness, I joined the local Healthworks today.

My first meeting w/a trainer is Monday.

I have to keep telling myself that I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

12:25 am

Well that was easy. . . 1. I know it is cheating but I lost 3 lbs when I got my haircut on Sunday. I have a LOT less hair now.

2. I will get the pages with the caloric and BMI math up here. Soon.

3. Found the music I need to round out my workout playlist. I'm buying the CDs for cheap off of amazon. The new NIN CD will have to wait. It isn't out yet and I'm not going to pay full price for it. I'm also buying a cheap pedometer and a wobble board. Five items for under $30.

4. Checked on Nanyuk and tried the pull up bar again. No dice. I will be able to do this eventually. Well either that or need shoulder surgery. :P

Non fitness observation: One can hear the static in one's headphones when one is listening to the MP3 player and petting the cat. Feel the sparks on the hand and hear them in the headphones. Maybe I just have cheap headphones. I'm lying on a wool blanket too.