Dorota Cegiołka (formerly Smętek) | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (original) (raw)
Books by Dorota Cegiołka (formerly Smętek)
Turcologica 119, 2019
The Bible was the most important canonical book of the Karaites, but only short fragments or indi... more The Bible was the most important canonical book of the Karaites, but only short fragments or individual books have been published. The present two-volume publication is a critical edition of approximately a half of Crimean Karaim Bible. Volume I contains the transcription of sixteen biblical books, the Pentateuch, i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; the Five Scrolls, i.e., the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes; as well as six books of the Writings, i.e., the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Volume II contains the English translation of all biblical books provided in volume I. The transcription is based on the most complete manuscript from Cambridge and a few other manuscripts, including the earliest ones. Therefore, this is the first publication that makes large portions of the Bible accessible to the reader. Although the oldest known datable manuscripts go back to the seventeenth century, the language of Karaim translation is more archaic. This edition is an important source for the study of Middle Karaim and Middle Turkic languages. The edited text is provided with numerous comments and the introduction traces the history of research. All this is important for the study on the Crimean Karaim Bible since Ebenezer Henderson’s seminal study of 1828.
Description taken from
Niniejszy podręcznik został przygotowany z myślą o polskich studentach turkologii pragnących pog... more Niniejszy podręcznik został przygotowany z myślą o polskich studentach turkologii pragnących
pogłębić znajomość języka tureckiego. Został w nim zawarty szeroki wybór tematów, które charakteryzują
się stopniowo wzrastającym stopniem trudności, od poziomu A2 do B2. Zamysłem
autorów było stworzenie podręcznika uzupełniającego dostępne na rynku materiały dydaktyczne.
Szczególny nacisk położono na uporządkowanie zagadnień leksykalnych.
Dokonując wyboru zagadnień, opieraliśmy się na naszych doświadczeniach w pracy
ze studentami. Wybraliśmy tematy, które w naszym przekonaniu wymagają szczególnej
uwagi podczas pracy z osobami polskojęzycznymi uczącymi się języka tureckiego.
Przygotowaliśmy materiały omawiające szeroki zakres tematyczny, które powinna opanować
każda osoba pragnąca posługiwać się językiem tureckim na poziomie zaawansowanym.
Każdy rozdział podręcznika zawiera ćwiczenia mające na celu rozwijanie umiejętności
mówienia, czytania ze zrozumieniem, pisania, a także tłumaczenia tekstów
z języka polskiego na język turecki i z języka tureckiego na język polski. Przygotowując podręcznik,
mieliśmy na celu nie tylko przedstawienie materiału leksykalnego, lecz także pokazanie różnic
i podobieństw między językiem polskim i tureckim. Położyliśmy szczególny nacisk na ukazanie
różnych rejestrów języka tureckiego, w tym języka potocznego, języka specjalistycznego,
a także żargonu (tur. argo). W poszczególnych rozdziałach poświęciliśmy także miejsce zagadnieniom
dotyczącym kultury tureckiej.
This monograph presents the contents of a Crimean Karaim manuscript of Samuel, son of rabbi Kohen... more This monograph presents the contents of a Crimean Karaim manuscript of Samuel, son of
rabbi Kohen in the second half of the nineteenth century, namely in 1876 with short fragments
copied in 1875 and 1879. The manuscripts of this type are a unique source of knowledge of
the languages used by Crimean Karaims in the nineteenth century, that is Crimean Karaim
and Crimean Turkish. The majority of the linguistic material from that period is either not yet
published or difficult to obtain. Furthermore, the manuscripts provide us with information on
popular literature of the Crimean Karaims. Hitherto published Crimean Karaim manuscripts,
that is the first edition of a mejuma published by Radloff (1888, 1896) and contemporary
critical editions of Joseph Qılcı’s mejuma prepared by Aqtay (2009) and Qatıq’s mejuma by
Çulha (2010), contain folklore texts such as tales, songs and proverbs. The novelty of our
study lies in the fact that the core of the manuscript I present consists of new literary material,
namely a translation of a Hebrew drama entitled Melukhat Sha’ul into Turkic, which
heretofore has not been examined.
My thesis comprises a short outline of the religion, history, language and literature of
the Crimean Karaims. It is followed by a chapter dedicated to the description of the
manuscript along with the characteristics of the translation of the drama Melukhat Sha’ul and
a chapter in which I present a linguistic analysis of the language of the drama. These
introductory chapters precede the main part of the dissertation which consists of the
transcription of the translated drama with a translation into English.
Papers by Dorota Cegiołka (formerly Smętek)
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 141, 2024
The paper discusses the etymology of Slavonic loanwords found in a previously unpublished SouthWe... more The paper discusses the etymology of Slavonic loanwords found in a previously unpublished SouthWestern Karaim translation of the Book of Daniel copied into manuscript no. ADub.III.. SouthWestern Karaims were surrounded by speakers of Polish, Ukrainian and Russian, with the linguistic contact instigating changes in Karaim over a period of several centuries. The present article focuses only on the Slavonic impact upon Karaim vocabulary and attempts to determine whether the borrowed words can be traced back to Polish, Ukrainian or Russian etymons. The loanwords are additionally compared with their counterparts in ancient Polish Bible translations.
Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2019
The aim of the present paper is to analyse a tendency shared by some contemporary Turkish post-mo... more The aim of the present paper is to analyse a tendency shared by some contemporary Turkish post-modern novelists, which lies in the use of Ottoman Turkish vocabulary in their literary works. Today, this is largely regarded as old fashioned language and it is not commonly used by Turkish writers. This is directly connected with the fact that knowledge of the Ottoman Turkish words is limited and it continues to decline. In this article I will depict reasons for the renewed popularity of the language of the Ottoman predecessors as well as methods of its introduction into modern Turkish language. The basis for my considerations will be a novel by İhsan Oktay Anar entitled Suskunlar and two novels by Elif Şafak, entitled Mahrem and Araf.
Almanach Karaimski, 2019
This article presents preliminary remarks on manuscript no. JSul.III.01, which features a south-w... more This article presents preliminary remarks on manuscript
no. JSul.III.01, which features a south-western Karaim translation
of the five books of the Pentateuch. The author provides a sample of
linguistic material from the Book of Genesis along with an English
translation and discusses a number of phonological issues related
to the language of the translation, focusing on the delabialization
process that occurred in South-Western Karaim.
Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 2016
Each manuscript of the Crimean Karaim Bible is valuable material that brings new evidence on the ... more Each manuscript of the Crimean Karaim Bible is valuable material that brings new evidence on the language used by Karaims. It is certainly the most reliable source of information on the linguistic properties of literary Crimean Karaim, as each book has been copied with a level of diligence required by the content. All religious texts have a tendency to retain archaic features and are resistant to changes. They give us an opportunity to research linguistic forms which, by the time the manuscript had been copied, were considered obsolete. Thus, the Crimean Karaim Bible enables us to gather information on older features of Crimean Karaim.
The present paper discusses lexical features of a manuscript of the whole Bible. For the purpose of the present research, vocabulary from the Book of Genesis, the Book of Leviticus, the Book of Job and the Book of Psalms has been selected. One of manuscript’s most interesting lexical features is the retention of Hebrew words – not only those of a religious nature, which is to be expected in a holy text – but also names of precious stones, animals, as well as astronomical terms. Another aspect to be discussed is the phonological features of Arabic and Persian loan words, which differ from the forms attested in Crimean Karaim dictionaries.
Almanach Karaimski, 2016
This article discusses the biblical figure of David as depicted in a Crimean Karaim translation o... more This article discusses the biblical figure of David as depicted
in a Crimean Karaim translation of a maskilic drama called Melukhat
Shaʾul ‘Saul’s Kingdom’. The character of the future king is presented in
the context of his relationship with the other main characters of the play,
namely king Saul, his son Jonathan and daughter Michal. Moreover, the
article demonstrates differences in the manner in which David’s early
life is depicted and interpreted that distinguishes it from the drama
described in The First Book of Samuel.
Almanach Karaimski, 2015
The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the content of two folk songs called türkü, which... more The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the content of two folk songs called türkü, which were copied into handwritten books by Karaims living in the Crimea in the 19 th century. For the purpose of this paper I have chosen songs which appear in more than one manuscript in order to make a comparatison of the literary content and linguistic properties of the works in question. Karaim manuscripts were copied in different locations throughout the Peninsula, which affected the vernacular used by the copyists. Moreover, no standard literary language was used by all Karaim communities. It is due to these reasons, among others, that the aforementioned songs were bound to differ from one another.
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2015
Karaite Archives, 2013
This paper discusses three topics related to a Crimean Karaim translation of the Hebrew drama ent... more This paper discusses three topics related to a Crimean Karaim translation of the
Hebrew drama entitled Melukhat Sha’ul. The translation was made in the first
half of the nineteenth century, approximately in the 1840s, by a Karaim scholar
named Abraham ben Yashar Lutski. The first part of this article is devoted to the
characteristics of relations between the Karaims and the Rabbanites at the turn of
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the context of their literary activity. It
is followed by a short description of the plot of the drama and its connections and
deviations from the biblical events presented in The First Book of Samuel. The third
part of the article analyzes the influence of Hebrew on the language of the Crimean
Karaim translation of Melukhat Sha’ul. Moreover, attention is drawn to the manner
in which Hebrew vocabulary related to magic was translated into Turkic. For the
purpose of this paper magical terms, which are present in the Hebrew drama, are
compared with their counterparts in the Turkic translation.
Crimean Karaim, Melukhat Sha’ul, Hebrew drama, Abraham Lutski, Ha-Efrati
Turkey, Kazakhstan and the Crimea. Ten years of Turkology in Poznań., 2013
This article aims to discuss the characteristics of the written language used by the Crimean Kara... more This article aims to discuss the characteristics of the written language used by the
Crimean Karaites, which was preserved in handwritten books called mejumas. The
study will be performed on the basis of the heretofore examined mejumas, namely
those published by Aqtay (2009), Çulha (2010a) and the unpublished doctoral thesis
written by Smętek (2012).
Jewish History Quarterly, 2012
Bibliography and Conferences by Dorota Cegiołka (formerly Smętek)
2016 10. Some lexical and phonological features of the language of a Crimean Karaim Bible transla... more 2016 10. Some lexical and phonological features of the language of a Crimean Karaim Bible translation. Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları 26 (2016). [forthcoming] 9. Młody Dawid. Postać pretendenta do tronu ukazana na tle konfliktu ze starym królem w krymskokaraimskim tłumaczeniu maskilskiego dramatu [Young David. The character of the pretender to the throne in the context of the conflict between himself and the old king in a Karaim translation of a maskilic drama].
Book Reviews by Dorota Cegiołka (formerly Smętek)
Almanach Karaimski vol. 13, 2024
Turcologica 119, 2019
The Bible was the most important canonical book of the Karaites, but only short fragments or indi... more The Bible was the most important canonical book of the Karaites, but only short fragments or individual books have been published. The present two-volume publication is a critical edition of approximately a half of Crimean Karaim Bible. Volume I contains the transcription of sixteen biblical books, the Pentateuch, i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; the Five Scrolls, i.e., the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes; as well as six books of the Writings, i.e., the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Volume II contains the English translation of all biblical books provided in volume I. The transcription is based on the most complete manuscript from Cambridge and a few other manuscripts, including the earliest ones. Therefore, this is the first publication that makes large portions of the Bible accessible to the reader. Although the oldest known datable manuscripts go back to the seventeenth century, the language of Karaim translation is more archaic. This edition is an important source for the study of Middle Karaim and Middle Turkic languages. The edited text is provided with numerous comments and the introduction traces the history of research. All this is important for the study on the Crimean Karaim Bible since Ebenezer Henderson’s seminal study of 1828.
Description taken from
Niniejszy podręcznik został przygotowany z myślą o polskich studentach turkologii pragnących pog... more Niniejszy podręcznik został przygotowany z myślą o polskich studentach turkologii pragnących
pogłębić znajomość języka tureckiego. Został w nim zawarty szeroki wybór tematów, które charakteryzują
się stopniowo wzrastającym stopniem trudności, od poziomu A2 do B2. Zamysłem
autorów było stworzenie podręcznika uzupełniającego dostępne na rynku materiały dydaktyczne.
Szczególny nacisk położono na uporządkowanie zagadnień leksykalnych.
Dokonując wyboru zagadnień, opieraliśmy się na naszych doświadczeniach w pracy
ze studentami. Wybraliśmy tematy, które w naszym przekonaniu wymagają szczególnej
uwagi podczas pracy z osobami polskojęzycznymi uczącymi się języka tureckiego.
Przygotowaliśmy materiały omawiające szeroki zakres tematyczny, które powinna opanować
każda osoba pragnąca posługiwać się językiem tureckim na poziomie zaawansowanym.
Każdy rozdział podręcznika zawiera ćwiczenia mające na celu rozwijanie umiejętności
mówienia, czytania ze zrozumieniem, pisania, a także tłumaczenia tekstów
z języka polskiego na język turecki i z języka tureckiego na język polski. Przygotowując podręcznik,
mieliśmy na celu nie tylko przedstawienie materiału leksykalnego, lecz także pokazanie różnic
i podobieństw między językiem polskim i tureckim. Położyliśmy szczególny nacisk na ukazanie
różnych rejestrów języka tureckiego, w tym języka potocznego, języka specjalistycznego,
a także żargonu (tur. argo). W poszczególnych rozdziałach poświęciliśmy także miejsce zagadnieniom
dotyczącym kultury tureckiej.
This monograph presents the contents of a Crimean Karaim manuscript of Samuel, son of rabbi Kohen... more This monograph presents the contents of a Crimean Karaim manuscript of Samuel, son of
rabbi Kohen in the second half of the nineteenth century, namely in 1876 with short fragments
copied in 1875 and 1879. The manuscripts of this type are a unique source of knowledge of
the languages used by Crimean Karaims in the nineteenth century, that is Crimean Karaim
and Crimean Turkish. The majority of the linguistic material from that period is either not yet
published or difficult to obtain. Furthermore, the manuscripts provide us with information on
popular literature of the Crimean Karaims. Hitherto published Crimean Karaim manuscripts,
that is the first edition of a mejuma published by Radloff (1888, 1896) and contemporary
critical editions of Joseph Qılcı’s mejuma prepared by Aqtay (2009) and Qatıq’s mejuma by
Çulha (2010), contain folklore texts such as tales, songs and proverbs. The novelty of our
study lies in the fact that the core of the manuscript I present consists of new literary material,
namely a translation of a Hebrew drama entitled Melukhat Sha’ul into Turkic, which
heretofore has not been examined.
My thesis comprises a short outline of the religion, history, language and literature of
the Crimean Karaims. It is followed by a chapter dedicated to the description of the
manuscript along with the characteristics of the translation of the drama Melukhat Sha’ul and
a chapter in which I present a linguistic analysis of the language of the drama. These
introductory chapters precede the main part of the dissertation which consists of the
transcription of the translated drama with a translation into English.
Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 141, 2024
The paper discusses the etymology of Slavonic loanwords found in a previously unpublished SouthWe... more The paper discusses the etymology of Slavonic loanwords found in a previously unpublished SouthWestern Karaim translation of the Book of Daniel copied into manuscript no. ADub.III.. SouthWestern Karaims were surrounded by speakers of Polish, Ukrainian and Russian, with the linguistic contact instigating changes in Karaim over a period of several centuries. The present article focuses only on the Slavonic impact upon Karaim vocabulary and attempts to determine whether the borrowed words can be traced back to Polish, Ukrainian or Russian etymons. The loanwords are additionally compared with their counterparts in ancient Polish Bible translations.
Przegląd Orientalistyczny, 2019
The aim of the present paper is to analyse a tendency shared by some contemporary Turkish post-mo... more The aim of the present paper is to analyse a tendency shared by some contemporary Turkish post-modern novelists, which lies in the use of Ottoman Turkish vocabulary in their literary works. Today, this is largely regarded as old fashioned language and it is not commonly used by Turkish writers. This is directly connected with the fact that knowledge of the Ottoman Turkish words is limited and it continues to decline. In this article I will depict reasons for the renewed popularity of the language of the Ottoman predecessors as well as methods of its introduction into modern Turkish language. The basis for my considerations will be a novel by İhsan Oktay Anar entitled Suskunlar and two novels by Elif Şafak, entitled Mahrem and Araf.
Almanach Karaimski, 2019
This article presents preliminary remarks on manuscript no. JSul.III.01, which features a south-w... more This article presents preliminary remarks on manuscript
no. JSul.III.01, which features a south-western Karaim translation
of the five books of the Pentateuch. The author provides a sample of
linguistic material from the Book of Genesis along with an English
translation and discusses a number of phonological issues related
to the language of the translation, focusing on the delabialization
process that occurred in South-Western Karaim.
Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları, 2016
Each manuscript of the Crimean Karaim Bible is valuable material that brings new evidence on the ... more Each manuscript of the Crimean Karaim Bible is valuable material that brings new evidence on the language used by Karaims. It is certainly the most reliable source of information on the linguistic properties of literary Crimean Karaim, as each book has been copied with a level of diligence required by the content. All religious texts have a tendency to retain archaic features and are resistant to changes. They give us an opportunity to research linguistic forms which, by the time the manuscript had been copied, were considered obsolete. Thus, the Crimean Karaim Bible enables us to gather information on older features of Crimean Karaim.
The present paper discusses lexical features of a manuscript of the whole Bible. For the purpose of the present research, vocabulary from the Book of Genesis, the Book of Leviticus, the Book of Job and the Book of Psalms has been selected. One of manuscript’s most interesting lexical features is the retention of Hebrew words – not only those of a religious nature, which is to be expected in a holy text – but also names of precious stones, animals, as well as astronomical terms. Another aspect to be discussed is the phonological features of Arabic and Persian loan words, which differ from the forms attested in Crimean Karaim dictionaries.
Almanach Karaimski, 2016
This article discusses the biblical figure of David as depicted in a Crimean Karaim translation o... more This article discusses the biblical figure of David as depicted
in a Crimean Karaim translation of a maskilic drama called Melukhat
Shaʾul ‘Saul’s Kingdom’. The character of the future king is presented in
the context of his relationship with the other main characters of the play,
namely king Saul, his son Jonathan and daughter Michal. Moreover, the
article demonstrates differences in the manner in which David’s early
life is depicted and interpreted that distinguishes it from the drama
described in The First Book of Samuel.
Almanach Karaimski, 2015
The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the content of two folk songs called türkü, which... more The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the content of two folk songs called türkü, which were copied into handwritten books by Karaims living in the Crimea in the 19 th century. For the purpose of this paper I have chosen songs which appear in more than one manuscript in order to make a comparatison of the literary content and linguistic properties of the works in question. Karaim manuscripts were copied in different locations throughout the Peninsula, which affected the vernacular used by the copyists. Moreover, no standard literary language was used by all Karaim communities. It is due to these reasons, among others, that the aforementioned songs were bound to differ from one another.
Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2015
Karaite Archives, 2013
This paper discusses three topics related to a Crimean Karaim translation of the Hebrew drama ent... more This paper discusses three topics related to a Crimean Karaim translation of the
Hebrew drama entitled Melukhat Sha’ul. The translation was made in the first
half of the nineteenth century, approximately in the 1840s, by a Karaim scholar
named Abraham ben Yashar Lutski. The first part of this article is devoted to the
characteristics of relations between the Karaims and the Rabbanites at the turn of
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the context of their literary activity. It
is followed by a short description of the plot of the drama and its connections and
deviations from the biblical events presented in The First Book of Samuel. The third
part of the article analyzes the influence of Hebrew on the language of the Crimean
Karaim translation of Melukhat Sha’ul. Moreover, attention is drawn to the manner
in which Hebrew vocabulary related to magic was translated into Turkic. For the
purpose of this paper magical terms, which are present in the Hebrew drama, are
compared with their counterparts in the Turkic translation.
Crimean Karaim, Melukhat Sha’ul, Hebrew drama, Abraham Lutski, Ha-Efrati
Turkey, Kazakhstan and the Crimea. Ten years of Turkology in Poznań., 2013
This article aims to discuss the characteristics of the written language used by the Crimean Kara... more This article aims to discuss the characteristics of the written language used by the
Crimean Karaites, which was preserved in handwritten books called mejumas. The
study will be performed on the basis of the heretofore examined mejumas, namely
those published by Aqtay (2009), Çulha (2010a) and the unpublished doctoral thesis
written by Smętek (2012).
Jewish History Quarterly, 2012
2016 10. Some lexical and phonological features of the language of a Crimean Karaim Bible transla... more 2016 10. Some lexical and phonological features of the language of a Crimean Karaim Bible translation. Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları 26 (2016). [forthcoming] 9. Młody Dawid. Postać pretendenta do tronu ukazana na tle konfliktu ze starym królem w krymskokaraimskim tłumaczeniu maskilskiego dramatu [Young David. The character of the pretender to the throne in the context of the conflict between himself and the old king in a Karaim translation of a maskilic drama].