Ela Akgün Özbek | Anadolu University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ela Akgün Özbek

Research paper thumbnail of Dijital dünyada eğitim: teknoloji ve eğitime küresel bakış açıları

Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2016

Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Dijital Dünyada Eğitim: Teknoloji ve Eğitime Küresel Bakış Açıları... more Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Dijital Dünyada Eğitim: Teknoloji ve Eğitime Küresel Bakış Açıları 2013 yılında yayımlanmıştır. Sekiz bölümden oluşan kitap eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarının küresel ve yerel politikaların bir yansıması olduğu tezinden yola çıkan eleştirel bir incelemedir. Pek çok eğitim teknolojisi kitabının aksine eğitim teknolojilerinin küresel ekonomi ve politikalar bağlamında ele alındığı kitapta yazar küresel politikaların yerel uygulamalara yansımasını tartışmaktadır. Özellikle Afrika, Güney Amerika, Güney Asya ve Ortadoğu’daki eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarının örneklendiği kitapta çeşitli uluslararası, ulusal, kâr amacı güden ve kâr amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlarının bu süreçlerdeki rolünü de irdelemektedir. Her ülke ve bölgenin yerel özelliklerinin farklılığını vurgulayan Selwyn’in kitabı, bu bağlamda eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarına hem farklı bir bakış açısı geliştirmekte hem de eğitim teknolojilerinin toplumlara yayılması sürecinde yer alan paydaşlara bir yol gösterici olmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Plagiarism Detection Services for Formative Feedback and Assessment: Example of Turnitin

The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no ... more The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no exception, especially in higher education. As a result of easy access to information, copy-paste and plagiarism have become widespread behaviors among students even when they submit graded homework in the university level. As a response to this ethical evil, plagiarism tracking services like Turnitin have been released and welcomed by university professors. However, it cannot be said that the potential of such services has been fully realized by university teachers. The aim of the present study is to introduce Turnitin as a tool not just to detect and deter plagiarism but also to provide formative feedback and assessment which is of utmost importance in learning. It is believed that when Turnitin is used as a means of formative assessment, it will not only deter plagiarism but will also enhance student learning which will lead to more quality student work.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in distance education research: A content analysis of journals 2009-2013

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research duri... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT), Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier stud...

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Creating a sense of presence in online teaching: How to “be there” for distance learners

Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry, 2013

who know how IT governance and institutional strategies are developed. The cloud is foundational ... more who know how IT governance and institutional strategies are developed. The cloud is foundational in upholding the towers of higher education. The authors are concerned with the heart of the academy, scholarship and teaching. They discuss the growing influence of open source and educational resources movements that are being offered free to the general public and how this impacts higher education in the future. They argue that educators will have to leverage the distribution of digital resources in the cloud in order to meet the growing needs of their students while contributing to the greater good of scholarship and teaching. The authors give particular attention to the role that social networking will have for building community and sustaining community in higher education, especially if students are more engaged in virtual learning as compared to traditional face-to-face learning. They address the importance of how informational technology must advance to address the changing needs of students and faculty. They also address questions of how institutions provide resources beyond the physical or virtual walls to students who are studying at a distance. Target Audience: This book would be helpful for university administrators, chief information officers, and informational technologists to read as they continue to develop infrastructures for e-learning in higher education. The book provides theoretical and practical guidance to the importance of IT as institutions fulfill their mission.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research duri... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT), Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier stud...

Research paper thumbnail of Online distance education: towards a research agenda

Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 2016

Distance education is the fastest-growing mode of both formal and informal teaching, training, an... more Distance education is the fastest-growing mode of both formal and informal teaching, training, and learning. It is multi-faceted in nature, encompassing e-learning and mobile learning, as well as immersive learning environments. Issues in Distance Education presents recent research results and offers informative and accessible overviews, analyses, and explorations of current topics and concerns and the technologies employed in distance education. Each volume focuses on critical questions and emerging trends, while also situating these developments within the historical evolution of distance education as a specialized mode of instruction. The series is aimed at a wide group of readers, including teachers, trainers, administrators, researchers, and students.

Research paper thumbnail of (Kitap Özeti) Dijital dünyada eğitim: teknoloji ve eğitime küresel bakış açıları

Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Dijital Dunyada Egitim: Teknoloji ve Egitime Kuresel Bakis Acilari... more Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Dijital Dunyada Egitim: Teknoloji ve Egitime Kuresel Bakis Acilari 2013 yilinda yayimlanmistir. Sekiz bolumden olusan kitap egitim teknolojileri uygulamalarinin kuresel ve yerel politikalarin bir yansimasi oldugu tezinden yola cikan elestirel bir incelemedir. Pek cok egitim teknolojisi kitabinin aksine egitim teknolojilerinin kuresel ekonomi ve politikalar baglaminda ele alindigi kitapta yazar kuresel politikalarin yerel uygulamalara yansimasini tartismaktadir. Ozellikle Afrika, Guney Amerika, Guney Asya ve Ortadogu’daki egitim teknolojileri uygulamalarinin orneklendigi kitapta cesitli uluslararasi, ulusal, kâr amaci guden ve kâr amaci gutmeyen kuruluslarinin bu sureclerdeki rolunu de irdelemektedir. Her ulke ve bolgenin yerel ozelliklerinin farkliligini vurgulayan Selwyn’in kitabi, bu baglamda egitim teknolojileri uygulamalarina hem farkli bir bakis acisi gelistirmekte hem de egitim teknolojilerinin toplumlara yayilmasi surecinde yer alan paydaslara b...

Research paper thumbnail of Açik Ve Uzaktan Öğrenmeni̇n Günümüzdeki̇ Durumu

Özet Yaklaşık 150 yıllık bir tarihi olan uzaktan öğretim bu uzun geçmişinde belki de günümüzde ol... more Özet Yaklaşık 150 yıllık bir tarihi olan uzaktan öğretim bu uzun geçmişinde belki de günümüzde olduğu kadar hiç tartışılmamıştır. Bunun nedenlerinden biri de uzaktan eğitimin pek çok eğitimci ve kurum tarafından bir eğitim türü ve alanı olarak uzun süre yok sayılmasıdır. Ancak değişen ekonomik, sosyolojik ve teknolojik koşullar uzaktan eğitimi eğitim tartışmalarının neredeyse merkezine çekmiş, açık ve uzaktan öğrenme dünyada eğitim paradigmasını etkileyen bir konu haline getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada dünyada ve Türkiye’de açık ve uzaktan eğitimin günümüzdeki durumu, açık ve uzaktan öğrenmeye artan ilginin demografik, ekonomik, sosyolojik ve teknolojik nedenleri, yaşanan gelişmeler ve yükselen eğilimler ele alınacak, yükselen eğilimlere bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan yeni sorunlara ve bu sorunların nedenlerine kısaca değinilecektir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Açık ve uzaktan öğrenme, eğilimler, sorunlar. THE CURRENT SITUATION OF OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Abstract Distance education which has a history of about 150 years has probably not been a topic of such discussion in its long history. One of the reasons for this is that it has long been disregarded as a form and field of education by many educators and institutions. Nevertheless, changing economic, sociological and technological conditions have made distance education almost the center of educational debates, and open and distance education has become a topic that has an impact on the paradigm of education in the world. In the present study, the situation of open and distance learning; the demographic, economic, sociological and technological reasons for the increasing interest in open and distance learning, recent developments and increasing trends willl be discussed and the problems resulting from these trends and their reasons will be touched upon. Key Words: Open and distance learning, trends, problems.

Research paper thumbnail of E-Transformation in Higher Education and What It Coerces for the Faculty

Handbook of Research on Faculty Development for Digital Teaching and Learning, 2019

With the phenomenal developments in information and communication technologies, higher education ... more With the phenomenal developments in information and communication technologies, higher education has been facing an unprecedented challenge that affects all the stakeholders. Faculty is no exception. The authors synthesize the demographic, economic, and pedagogical factors that lead to a paradigm shift in higher education and the global trends in digital technologies that impel digital transformation in higher education. They then provide a snapshot of how higher education institutions respond to this challenge and change, and the impact of these factors on the roles and competencies of faculty that need to be covered in faculty development initiatives in the digital age. Finally, examples of faculty development programs and initiatives that address the digital competencies of faculty are provided along with a summary of faculty development models for teaching and learning in the digital age.

Research paper thumbnail of Kitap Özeti) Teknoloji eğitim için iyi midir

Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Teknoloji Egitim icin Iyi midir? 2016 yilinda Polity Press tarafin... more Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Teknoloji Egitim icin Iyi midir? 2016 yilinda Polity Press tarafindan yayimlanmistir. Bir onsoz ve alti bolumden olusan kitap egitimde dijital teknolojilerin kullaniminin degisim, demokratiklesme, kisisellestirme, hesaplanabilirlik ve ticarilesmeyle iliskisini ele almaktadir. Dijital teknolojilerin egitsel sureclerde kullanimina iliskin mevcut durumun belirlendigi ve bu teknolojilerin kullanimina iliskin olumlu goruslerin ozetlendigi kitapta ayni zamanda her konuya iliskin perde arkasinda olan gelismeler ve goz onunde bulunmayan gizil gundemler de irdelenmektedir. Bu baglamda Sewlyn, dijital teknolojilerin egitimde kullanimina yonelik uretilen politikalar, alinan kararlar ve ise kosulan egitim modellerine elestirel bir yaklasim gelistirmektedir. Her egitsel soruna cozum olabilecek bir olgu gibi sunulan dijitallesmenin hangi boyutlarda nasil yeni, ongorulemeyen sorunlara yol acabileceginin sorgulandigi kitap, okuyuculara da bu konuda bir beyin firtinasi...

Research paper thumbnail of A Content Analysis of Doctoral and Master’s Theses on Fatih Project in Turkey

7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) -- JUL 06-08, ... more 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) -- JUL 06-08, 2015 -- Barcelona, SPAIN

Research paper thumbnail of Trends and Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses: Review and Content Analysis of Research on MOOCs (2008-2015)

To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to ide... more To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to identify and map trends and patterns in research on MOOCs. This study does so by reviewing 362 empirical articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 2008 to 2015. For the purpose of this study, content analysis and discourse analysis were employed to analyze the articles. Accordingly, the trend line showing the number of articles per year indicates that the extent of research on MOOCs is likely to increase in the coming years. In terms of research areas, the findings reveal an imbalance and three research areas out of fifteen constitute more than half of all research on MOOCs. With regard to types of MOOCs, related literature is dominated by research on xMOOCs. The discourse in MOOC articles takes a mostly neutral standpoint, articles with a positive outlook outweigh those that are negative, and there is an increase in a more critical discourse. Theoretical or conceptual studies are p...

Research paper thumbnail of Fati̇h Project: Opinions of Pre-Service English Teachers

EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Trends and Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses: Review and Content Analysis of Research on MOOCs (2008-2015)

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2017

To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to ide... more To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to identify and map trends and patterns in research on MOOCs. This study does so by reviewing 362 empirical articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 2008 to 2015. For the purpose of this study, content analysis and discourse analysis were employed to analyze the articles. Accordingly, the trend line showing the number of articles per year indicates that the extent of research on MOOCs is likely to increase in the coming years. In terms of research areas, the findings reveal an imbalance and three research areas out of fifteen constitute more than half of all research on MOOCs. With regard to types of MOOCs, related literature is dominated by research on xMOOCs. The discourse in MOOC articles takes a mostly neutral standpoint, articles with a positive outlook outweigh those that are negative, and there is an increase in a more critical discourse. Theoretical or conceptual studies are preferred by researchers, although MOOC research generally does not benefit from being viewed through theoretical or conceptual lenses.



The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no ... more The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no exception, especially in higher education. As a result of easy access to information, copy-paste and plagiarism have become widespread behaviors among students even when they submit graded homework in the university level. As a response to this ethical evil, plagiarism tracking services like Turnitin have been released and welcomed by university professors. However, it cannot be said that the potential of such services has been fully realized by university teachers. The aim of the present study is to introduce Turnitin as a tool not just to detect and deter plagiarism but also to provide formative feedback and assessment which is of utmost importance in learning. It is believed that when Turnitin is used as a means of formative assessment, it will not only deter plagiarism but will also enhance student learning which will lead to more quality student work.



As Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have conquered our daily lives, they have also b... more As Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have conquered our daily lives, they have also
been penetrating into education in all stages from pre-school education to lifelong learning. As a result
of this digital impact, many countries have initiated technology integration projects to teach the
millennials. Turkey is no exception. In 2012, The Ministry of National Education in Turkey took a big
step for digital transformation, by initiating FATİH (Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and
Improving Technology) Project which aims to turn all classes in K-12 schools into Smart Classes that
are equipped with ICT and to give a tablet PC to all students. FATİH, which is an ongoing Project, has
five components including providing equipment and software infrastructure, provision and
management of educational e-content e-content, effective use of the ICT in teaching programs, inservice training of the teachers and conscious, reliable, manageable and measurable ICT usage. The
Project which was planned to be finished by the end of 2014 has already fallen behind the announced
calendar, which raises questions about the viability of the project. The aim of the present study is to
introduce FATİH Project and make a content analysis of masters and doctoral theses in Turkey
regarding FATİH Project to review the initial results obtained from scholarly research. A total of around
25 doctoral and masters theses that are obtained from the database of Council of Higher Education
Thesis Center will be categorized in terms of the component of FAT İH Project they deal with. The
methodology employed in these studies and the participants will also be analysed. The results of
these studies will be synthesized to reflect on how the project functions. To contribute to the success
of the project, the criticisms and proposals that are made about the project which are thought to clarify
the weaknesses and strengths will also be identified.
Keywords: ICT in education, FATİH Project, doctoral theses, masters theses.


The rapid growth of world population has increased the demand for education and face to face educ... more The rapid growth of world population has increased the demand for education and face to face education has
become insufficient to supply this demand. As a response to this, open and distance learning has become one
of the fundamental approaches to obviate this paucity. Specifically, the online practices of open and distance
learning that are facilitated by Internet technologies have become frequently applied practices instead of being
an alternative to face to face education. Because it is a type of learning that learners experience relatively
distant from each other and the instructor, open and distance learning is a process of learning that necessitates
learners to employ various competencies and skills. In the present study, a review of literature is made and 58
skills and competencies are identified. These are later classified as metacognitive, cognitive, technological and
affective competencies and skills. It is believed that such a classification may provide guidance in making
informed decisions in the design of the learning processes, the determination of readiness of learners, and in
the identification and modification of the content of orientation activities that are prepared to make students
develop these skills in open and learning. It is also believed that such a classification can be used to survey
student readiness for open and distance learning, and identify the domains that need to be supported most.
Key Words: Open and distance learning, learner competencies, learner skills, classification.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013

by Emel G. G., Ela Akgün Özbek, Gökhan Deniz Dinçer, Nil GÖKSEL (BA, MA, PhD), Aras Bozkurt, Hasan Ucar, Nazife SEN ERSOY, Sezan Sezgin, Emel GULER, Sibel Yilmazel, and Cengiz Hakan AYDIN

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research duri... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT), Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier studies. The results were interpreted using descriptive analysis (frequencies) and social network analysis. The reporting of the results were organized into the following categories: research areas, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, variables, methods, models, strategies, data collection and analysis methods, and the participants. The study also identified the most commonly used keywords, and the most frequently cited authors and studies in distance education. The findings obtained in this study may be useful in the exploration of potential research areas and identification of neglected areas in the field of distance education.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013

Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013, Mar 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research dur... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research
during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer
reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance
Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The
Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT),
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International
Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current
research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship
between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the
articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier studies.
The results were interpreted using descriptive analysis (frequencies) and social network
analysis. The reporting of the results were organized into the following categories: research
areas, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, variables, methods, models, strategies, data
collection and analysis methods, and the participants. The study also identified the most
commonly used keywords, and the most frequently cited authors and studies in distance
education. The findings obtained in this study may be useful in the exploration of potential
research areas and identification of neglected areas in the field of distance education.
Keywords: Distance education trends; distance education issues; research evaluation; content

Research paper thumbnail of Dijital dünyada eğitim: teknoloji ve eğitime küresel bakış açıları

Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2016

Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Dijital Dünyada Eğitim: Teknoloji ve Eğitime Küresel Bakış Açıları... more Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Dijital Dünyada Eğitim: Teknoloji ve Eğitime Küresel Bakış Açıları 2013 yılında yayımlanmıştır. Sekiz bölümden oluşan kitap eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarının küresel ve yerel politikaların bir yansıması olduğu tezinden yola çıkan eleştirel bir incelemedir. Pek çok eğitim teknolojisi kitabının aksine eğitim teknolojilerinin küresel ekonomi ve politikalar bağlamında ele alındığı kitapta yazar küresel politikaların yerel uygulamalara yansımasını tartışmaktadır. Özellikle Afrika, Güney Amerika, Güney Asya ve Ortadoğu’daki eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarının örneklendiği kitapta çeşitli uluslararası, ulusal, kâr amacı güden ve kâr amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlarının bu süreçlerdeki rolünü de irdelemektedir. Her ülke ve bölgenin yerel özelliklerinin farklılığını vurgulayan Selwyn’in kitabı, bu bağlamda eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarına hem farklı bir bakış açısı geliştirmekte hem de eğitim teknolojilerinin toplumlara yayılması sürecinde yer alan paydaşlara bir yol gösterici olmaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Plagiarism Detection Services for Formative Feedback and Assessment: Example of Turnitin

The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no ... more The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no exception, especially in higher education. As a result of easy access to information, copy-paste and plagiarism have become widespread behaviors among students even when they submit graded homework in the university level. As a response to this ethical evil, plagiarism tracking services like Turnitin have been released and welcomed by university professors. However, it cannot be said that the potential of such services has been fully realized by university teachers. The aim of the present study is to introduce Turnitin as a tool not just to detect and deter plagiarism but also to provide formative feedback and assessment which is of utmost importance in learning. It is believed that when Turnitin is used as a means of formative assessment, it will not only deter plagiarism but will also enhance student learning which will lead to more quality student work.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in distance education research: A content analysis of journals 2009-2013

The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research duri... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT), Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier stud...

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Creating a sense of presence in online teaching: How to “be there” for distance learners

Christian Education Journal: Research on Educational Ministry, 2013

who know how IT governance and institutional strategies are developed. The cloud is foundational ... more who know how IT governance and institutional strategies are developed. The cloud is foundational in upholding the towers of higher education. The authors are concerned with the heart of the academy, scholarship and teaching. They discuss the growing influence of open source and educational resources movements that are being offered free to the general public and how this impacts higher education in the future. They argue that educators will have to leverage the distribution of digital resources in the cloud in order to meet the growing needs of their students while contributing to the greater good of scholarship and teaching. The authors give particular attention to the role that social networking will have for building community and sustaining community in higher education, especially if students are more engaged in virtual learning as compared to traditional face-to-face learning. They address the importance of how informational technology must advance to address the changing needs of students and faculty. They also address questions of how institutions provide resources beyond the physical or virtual walls to students who are studying at a distance. Target Audience: This book would be helpful for university administrators, chief information officers, and informational technologists to read as they continue to develop infrastructures for e-learning in higher education. The book provides theoretical and practical guidance to the importance of IT as institutions fulfill their mission.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research duri... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT), Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier stud...

Research paper thumbnail of Online distance education: towards a research agenda

Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 2016

Distance education is the fastest-growing mode of both formal and informal teaching, training, an... more Distance education is the fastest-growing mode of both formal and informal teaching, training, and learning. It is multi-faceted in nature, encompassing e-learning and mobile learning, as well as immersive learning environments. Issues in Distance Education presents recent research results and offers informative and accessible overviews, analyses, and explorations of current topics and concerns and the technologies employed in distance education. Each volume focuses on critical questions and emerging trends, while also situating these developments within the historical evolution of distance education as a specialized mode of instruction. The series is aimed at a wide group of readers, including teachers, trainers, administrators, researchers, and students.

Research paper thumbnail of (Kitap Özeti) Dijital dünyada eğitim: teknoloji ve eğitime küresel bakış açıları

Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Dijital Dunyada Egitim: Teknoloji ve Egitime Kuresel Bakis Acilari... more Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Dijital Dunyada Egitim: Teknoloji ve Egitime Kuresel Bakis Acilari 2013 yilinda yayimlanmistir. Sekiz bolumden olusan kitap egitim teknolojileri uygulamalarinin kuresel ve yerel politikalarin bir yansimasi oldugu tezinden yola cikan elestirel bir incelemedir. Pek cok egitim teknolojisi kitabinin aksine egitim teknolojilerinin kuresel ekonomi ve politikalar baglaminda ele alindigi kitapta yazar kuresel politikalarin yerel uygulamalara yansimasini tartismaktadir. Ozellikle Afrika, Guney Amerika, Guney Asya ve Ortadogu’daki egitim teknolojileri uygulamalarinin orneklendigi kitapta cesitli uluslararasi, ulusal, kâr amaci guden ve kâr amaci gutmeyen kuruluslarinin bu sureclerdeki rolunu de irdelemektedir. Her ulke ve bolgenin yerel ozelliklerinin farkliligini vurgulayan Selwyn’in kitabi, bu baglamda egitim teknolojileri uygulamalarina hem farkli bir bakis acisi gelistirmekte hem de egitim teknolojilerinin toplumlara yayilmasi surecinde yer alan paydaslara b...

Research paper thumbnail of Açik Ve Uzaktan Öğrenmeni̇n Günümüzdeki̇ Durumu

Özet Yaklaşık 150 yıllık bir tarihi olan uzaktan öğretim bu uzun geçmişinde belki de günümüzde ol... more Özet Yaklaşık 150 yıllık bir tarihi olan uzaktan öğretim bu uzun geçmişinde belki de günümüzde olduğu kadar hiç tartışılmamıştır. Bunun nedenlerinden biri de uzaktan eğitimin pek çok eğitimci ve kurum tarafından bir eğitim türü ve alanı olarak uzun süre yok sayılmasıdır. Ancak değişen ekonomik, sosyolojik ve teknolojik koşullar uzaktan eğitimi eğitim tartışmalarının neredeyse merkezine çekmiş, açık ve uzaktan öğrenme dünyada eğitim paradigmasını etkileyen bir konu haline getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada dünyada ve Türkiye’de açık ve uzaktan eğitimin günümüzdeki durumu, açık ve uzaktan öğrenmeye artan ilginin demografik, ekonomik, sosyolojik ve teknolojik nedenleri, yaşanan gelişmeler ve yükselen eğilimler ele alınacak, yükselen eğilimlere bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan yeni sorunlara ve bu sorunların nedenlerine kısaca değinilecektir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Açık ve uzaktan öğrenme, eğilimler, sorunlar. THE CURRENT SITUATION OF OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Abstract Distance education which has a history of about 150 years has probably not been a topic of such discussion in its long history. One of the reasons for this is that it has long been disregarded as a form and field of education by many educators and institutions. Nevertheless, changing economic, sociological and technological conditions have made distance education almost the center of educational debates, and open and distance education has become a topic that has an impact on the paradigm of education in the world. In the present study, the situation of open and distance learning; the demographic, economic, sociological and technological reasons for the increasing interest in open and distance learning, recent developments and increasing trends willl be discussed and the problems resulting from these trends and their reasons will be touched upon. Key Words: Open and distance learning, trends, problems.

Research paper thumbnail of E-Transformation in Higher Education and What It Coerces for the Faculty

Handbook of Research on Faculty Development for Digital Teaching and Learning, 2019

With the phenomenal developments in information and communication technologies, higher education ... more With the phenomenal developments in information and communication technologies, higher education has been facing an unprecedented challenge that affects all the stakeholders. Faculty is no exception. The authors synthesize the demographic, economic, and pedagogical factors that lead to a paradigm shift in higher education and the global trends in digital technologies that impel digital transformation in higher education. They then provide a snapshot of how higher education institutions respond to this challenge and change, and the impact of these factors on the roles and competencies of faculty that need to be covered in faculty development initiatives in the digital age. Finally, examples of faculty development programs and initiatives that address the digital competencies of faculty are provided along with a summary of faculty development models for teaching and learning in the digital age.

Research paper thumbnail of Kitap Özeti) Teknoloji eğitim için iyi midir

Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Teknoloji Egitim icin Iyi midir? 2016 yilinda Polity Press tarafin... more Neil Selwyn tarafindan yazilan Teknoloji Egitim icin Iyi midir? 2016 yilinda Polity Press tarafindan yayimlanmistir. Bir onsoz ve alti bolumden olusan kitap egitimde dijital teknolojilerin kullaniminin degisim, demokratiklesme, kisisellestirme, hesaplanabilirlik ve ticarilesmeyle iliskisini ele almaktadir. Dijital teknolojilerin egitsel sureclerde kullanimina iliskin mevcut durumun belirlendigi ve bu teknolojilerin kullanimina iliskin olumlu goruslerin ozetlendigi kitapta ayni zamanda her konuya iliskin perde arkasinda olan gelismeler ve goz onunde bulunmayan gizil gundemler de irdelenmektedir. Bu baglamda Sewlyn, dijital teknolojilerin egitimde kullanimina yonelik uretilen politikalar, alinan kararlar ve ise kosulan egitim modellerine elestirel bir yaklasim gelistirmektedir. Her egitsel soruna cozum olabilecek bir olgu gibi sunulan dijitallesmenin hangi boyutlarda nasil yeni, ongorulemeyen sorunlara yol acabileceginin sorgulandigi kitap, okuyuculara da bu konuda bir beyin firtinasi...

Research paper thumbnail of A Content Analysis of Doctoral and Master’s Theses on Fatih Project in Turkey

7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) -- JUL 06-08, ... more 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) -- JUL 06-08, 2015 -- Barcelona, SPAIN

Research paper thumbnail of Trends and Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses: Review and Content Analysis of Research on MOOCs (2008-2015)

To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to ide... more To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to identify and map trends and patterns in research on MOOCs. This study does so by reviewing 362 empirical articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 2008 to 2015. For the purpose of this study, content analysis and discourse analysis were employed to analyze the articles. Accordingly, the trend line showing the number of articles per year indicates that the extent of research on MOOCs is likely to increase in the coming years. In terms of research areas, the findings reveal an imbalance and three research areas out of fifteen constitute more than half of all research on MOOCs. With regard to types of MOOCs, related literature is dominated by research on xMOOCs. The discourse in MOOC articles takes a mostly neutral standpoint, articles with a positive outlook outweigh those that are negative, and there is an increase in a more critical discourse. Theoretical or conceptual studies are p...

Research paper thumbnail of Fati̇h Project: Opinions of Pre-Service English Teachers

EDULEARN16 Proceedings, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Trends and Patterns in Massive Open Online Courses: Review and Content Analysis of Research on MOOCs (2008-2015)

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2017

To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to ide... more To fully understand the phenomenon of massive open online courses (MOOCs), it is important to identify and map trends and patterns in research on MOOCs. This study does so by reviewing 362 empirical articles published in peer-reviewed journals from 2008 to 2015. For the purpose of this study, content analysis and discourse analysis were employed to analyze the articles. Accordingly, the trend line showing the number of articles per year indicates that the extent of research on MOOCs is likely to increase in the coming years. In terms of research areas, the findings reveal an imbalance and three research areas out of fifteen constitute more than half of all research on MOOCs. With regard to types of MOOCs, related literature is dominated by research on xMOOCs. The discourse in MOOC articles takes a mostly neutral standpoint, articles with a positive outlook outweigh those that are negative, and there is an increase in a more critical discourse. Theoretical or conceptual studies are preferred by researchers, although MOOC research generally does not benefit from being viewed through theoretical or conceptual lenses.



The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no ... more The Internet has drastically changed the way we do and handle everything. Student homework is no exception, especially in higher education. As a result of easy access to information, copy-paste and plagiarism have become widespread behaviors among students even when they submit graded homework in the university level. As a response to this ethical evil, plagiarism tracking services like Turnitin have been released and welcomed by university professors. However, it cannot be said that the potential of such services has been fully realized by university teachers. The aim of the present study is to introduce Turnitin as a tool not just to detect and deter plagiarism but also to provide formative feedback and assessment which is of utmost importance in learning. It is believed that when Turnitin is used as a means of formative assessment, it will not only deter plagiarism but will also enhance student learning which will lead to more quality student work.



As Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have conquered our daily lives, they have also b... more As Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have conquered our daily lives, they have also
been penetrating into education in all stages from pre-school education to lifelong learning. As a result
of this digital impact, many countries have initiated technology integration projects to teach the
millennials. Turkey is no exception. In 2012, The Ministry of National Education in Turkey took a big
step for digital transformation, by initiating FATİH (Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and
Improving Technology) Project which aims to turn all classes in K-12 schools into Smart Classes that
are equipped with ICT and to give a tablet PC to all students. FATİH, which is an ongoing Project, has
five components including providing equipment and software infrastructure, provision and
management of educational e-content e-content, effective use of the ICT in teaching programs, inservice training of the teachers and conscious, reliable, manageable and measurable ICT usage. The
Project which was planned to be finished by the end of 2014 has already fallen behind the announced
calendar, which raises questions about the viability of the project. The aim of the present study is to
introduce FATİH Project and make a content analysis of masters and doctoral theses in Turkey
regarding FATİH Project to review the initial results obtained from scholarly research. A total of around
25 doctoral and masters theses that are obtained from the database of Council of Higher Education
Thesis Center will be categorized in terms of the component of FAT İH Project they deal with. The
methodology employed in these studies and the participants will also be analysed. The results of
these studies will be synthesized to reflect on how the project functions. To contribute to the success
of the project, the criticisms and proposals that are made about the project which are thought to clarify
the weaknesses and strengths will also be identified.
Keywords: ICT in education, FATİH Project, doctoral theses, masters theses.


The rapid growth of world population has increased the demand for education and face to face educ... more The rapid growth of world population has increased the demand for education and face to face education has
become insufficient to supply this demand. As a response to this, open and distance learning has become one
of the fundamental approaches to obviate this paucity. Specifically, the online practices of open and distance
learning that are facilitated by Internet technologies have become frequently applied practices instead of being
an alternative to face to face education. Because it is a type of learning that learners experience relatively
distant from each other and the instructor, open and distance learning is a process of learning that necessitates
learners to employ various competencies and skills. In the present study, a review of literature is made and 58
skills and competencies are identified. These are later classified as metacognitive, cognitive, technological and
affective competencies and skills. It is believed that such a classification may provide guidance in making
informed decisions in the design of the learning processes, the determination of readiness of learners, and in
the identification and modification of the content of orientation activities that are prepared to make students
develop these skills in open and learning. It is also believed that such a classification can be used to survey
student readiness for open and distance learning, and identify the domains that need to be supported most.
Key Words: Open and distance learning, learner competencies, learner skills, classification.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013

by Emel G. G., Ela Akgün Özbek, Gökhan Deniz Dinçer, Nil GÖKSEL (BA, MA, PhD), Aras Bozkurt, Hasan Ucar, Nazife SEN ERSOY, Sezan Sezgin, Emel GULER, Sibel Yilmazel, and Cengiz Hakan AYDIN

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research duri... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT), Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier studies. The results were interpreted using descriptive analysis (frequencies) and social network analysis. The reporting of the results were organized into the following categories: research areas, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, variables, methods, models, strategies, data collection and analysis methods, and the participants. The study also identified the most commonly used keywords, and the most frequently cited authors and studies in distance education. The findings obtained in this study may be useful in the exploration of potential research areas and identification of neglected areas in the field of distance education.

Research paper thumbnail of Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013

Trends in Distance Education Research: A Content Analysis of Journals 2009-2013, Mar 2015

This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research dur... more This study intends to explore the current trends in the field of distance education research
during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer
reviewed scholarly journals: The American Journal of Distance Education (AJDE), Distance
Education (DE), The European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (EURODL), The
Journal of Distance Education (JDE), The Journal of Online Learning and Technology (JOLT),
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (OL) and The International
Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). A total of 861 research articles was reviewed. Mainly content analysis was employed to be able to analyze the current
research. Also, a social network analysis (SNA) was used to interpret the interrelationship
between keywords indicated in these articles. Themes were developed and the content of the
articles in the selected journals were coded according to categories derived from earlier studies.
The results were interpreted using descriptive analysis (frequencies) and social network
analysis. The reporting of the results were organized into the following categories: research
areas, theoretical and conceptual frameworks, variables, methods, models, strategies, data
collection and analysis methods, and the participants. The study also identified the most
commonly used keywords, and the most frequently cited authors and studies in distance
education. The findings obtained in this study may be useful in the exploration of potential
research areas and identification of neglected areas in the field of distance education.
Keywords: Distance education trends; distance education issues; research evaluation; content

Research paper thumbnail of Teknoloji eğitim için iyi midir

Özet Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Teknoloji Eğitim için İyi midir? 2016 yılında Polity Press ta... more Özet Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Teknoloji Eğitim için İyi midir? 2016 yılında Polity Press tarafından yayımlanmıştır. Bir önsöz ve altı bölümden oluşan kitap eğitimde dijital teknolojilerin kullanımının değişim, demokratikleşme, kişiselleştirme, hesaplanabilirlik ve ticarileşmeyle ilişkisini ele almaktadır. Dijital teknolojilerin eğitsel süreçlerde kullanımına ilişkin mevcut durumun belirlendiği ve bu teknolojilerin kullanımına ilişkin olumlu görüşlerin özetlendiği kitapta aynı zamanda her konuya ilişkin perde arkasında olan gelişmeler ve göz önünde bulunmayan gizil gündemler de irdelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda Sewlyn, dijital teknolojilerin eğitimde kullanımına yönelik üretilen politikalar, alınan kararlar ve işe koşulan eğitim modellerine eleştirel bir yaklaşım geliştirmektedir. Her eğitsel soruna çözüm olabilecek bir olgu gibi sunulan dijitalleşmenin hangi boyutlarda nasıl yeni, öngörülemeyen sorunlara yol açabileceğinin sorgulandığı kitap, okuyuculara da bu konuda bir beyin fırtınası fırsatı sunmaktadır. Abstract Is Technologu Good for Education?, authored by Neil Selwyn is published by Polity Press in 2016. The book which is composed of a preface and six chapters deals with the relationship between the use of digital technologies in education, change, democratization, personalization, calculability and commercialization. The book which summarizes the current status of the use of digital technologies in education and the positive views on the use of these technologies also analyzes the hidden agendas behind these developments. In this perspective, Sewlyn develops a critical approach to the politics, decisions and the educational models based on the use of digital technologies in education. The book which questions how digitalization which is proposed as a cure for all can result in other unforeseen problems, also provides an opportunity for brainstorming over the topic.

Research paper thumbnail of Dijital dünyada eğitim: teknoloji ve eğitime küresel bakış açıları

Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Dijital Dünyada Eğitim: Teknoloji ve Eğitime Küresel Bakış Açıları... more Neil Selwyn tarafından yazılan Dijital Dünyada Eğitim: Teknoloji ve Eğitime Küresel Bakış Açıları 2013 yılında yayımlanmıştır.
Sekiz bölümden oluşan kitap eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarının küresel ve yerel politikaların bir yansıması olduğu tezinden yola çıkan eleştirel bir incelemedir. Pek çok eğitim teknolojisi kitabının aksine eğitim teknolojilerinin küresel ekonomi ve politikalar bağlamında ele alındığı kitapta yazar küresel politikaların yerel uygulamalara yansımasını tartışmaktadır. Özellikle Afrika, Güney Amerika, Güney Asya ve Ortadoğu’daki eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarının örneklendiği kitapta çeşitli uluslararası, ulusal, kâr amacı güden ve kâr amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlarının bu süreçlerdeki rolünü de irdelemektedir. Her ülke ve bölgenin yerel özelliklerinin farklılığını vurgulayan Selwyn’in kitabı, bu bağlamda eğitim teknolojileri uygulamalarına hem farklı bir bakış açısı geliştirmekte hem de eğitim teknolojilerinin toplumlara yayılması sürecinde yer alan paydaşlara bir yol gösterici

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda

The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 2015

Zawacki-Richter and Terry Anderson. The first edition of the book was published in 2014 in Edmont... more Zawacki-Richter and Terry Anderson. The first edition of the book was published in 2014 in Edmonton by AU Press, Athabasca University. The online edition of the book has a total of 507+xii pages. The ISBN of the book for different versions are 978-1-927356-62-3 for print, 978-1-927356-64-7, for epub and 978-1-927356-63-0 for PDF. Doi number of the book is Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda is actually part of a series of studies. In the first study, Zawacki-Richter (2009) developed a classification of research areas employing Delphi Technique (Table 1). In the second study, Zawacki-Richter, Bäcker and Vogt (2009) identified gaps and priority areas according to this classification of research areas and analyzed 695 articles published in five prominent DE journals between 2000 and 2008. Zawacki--Richter and von Prümmer additionally (2010) investigated gender and collaboration patterns in distance education research. As a follow up study, Bozkurt et al. (2015) presented trends in the field of DE research during the period of 2009-2013. The trends were identified by an extensive review of seven peer reviewed scholarly journals by using classification of research areas developed by Zawacki-Richter (2009).

Research paper thumbnail of CREATING A SENSE OF PRESENCE IN ONLINE TEACHING: “How to Be” There for Distance Learners

Online learning has now been widely recognized and found itself a place beside the mainstream ed... more Online learning has now been widely recognized and
found itself a place beside the mainstream education.
As a result of this, the special characteristics of online
learning and teaching have been targeted in literature
in order to improve the practice. Creating a Sense of
Presence in Online Teaching: How to Be There for
Distance Learners by Rosemary M. Lehman and
Simone C. O. Conceiç ấo which was published in 2010
in San Francisco, CA by Jossey-Bass, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. is one of these efforts. The online edition of
the book has a total of 143+xiv pages. The ISBN of
the book for different versions is 978-0-470-56490-5
for print, 978-0-470-87309-0 and 978-0-470-87311-3
for the digital versions.

Research paper thumbnail of Çevrimiçi uzaktan öğrenme: bir araştırma gündemine doğru

Çevrimiçi uzaktan öğrenme: bir araştırma gündemine doğru, Jan 2015

Özet Olaf Zawacki-Richter ve Terry Anderson’un editörlüğünü üstlendiği Çevrimiçi uzaktan öğrenme... more Özet
Olaf Zawacki-Richter ve Terry Anderson’un editörlüğünü üstlendiği Çevrimiçi uzaktan öğrenme: bir araştırma gündemine doğru
adlı kitap daha önce Zawacki-Richter’in 2009 yılında gerçekleştirdiği Delphi çalışmasında belirlemiş olduğu çevrimiçi uzaktan
öğrenmede gerçekleştiren araştırmalara ilişkin makro, orta ve mikro olmak üzere üç kategoride toplanmış on beş araştırma alanına
yönelik bir gündem belirleme çalışmasıdır. Her bir bölümde bu üç kategoriye yönelik on beş araştırma alanı uzaktan eğitim
alanında önemli çalışmalar yapmış, alana liderlik etmiş uluslararası yazarlar tarafından ele alınmış ve bu konulara ilişkin araştırma
gündemi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Editörler kitabın uzaktan eğitimciler, araştırmacılar ve politika üreticiler için önemli bir
referans kaynağı olmasını hedeflemişlerdir. Bu tanıtımda kitaptaki her bir bölümün ele aldığı konular kısaca özetlenecek sonuç
olarak kitabın araştırmacılar için önemine değinilecektir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Çevrimiçi uzaktan öğrenme, araştırma gündemi, Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Terry Anderson.

Online distance education, Towards a research agenda which is edited by Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Terry Anderson is an agenda
setting study that is based on three broad categories of macro, meso and micro which were then categorized under fifteen research
areas in online distance education that were based on a Delphi study conducted by Zawacki-Richter in 2009. In each chapter these
fifteen areas of research are analyzed by international researchers who have made significant research and leadership in the area
of distance education and an agenda regarding these areas are set. The objective of the editors is to provide a significant reference
for distance educators, researchers and policy makers. In this review, the topics dealt with in each chapter will be shortly
summarized and the significance of the book for researchers will be highlighted.
Keywords: Online distance education, research agenda, Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Terry Anderson


iii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in acc... more iii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all materials and results that are not original in this work. Name, Last name: Ela Akgün Signature : iv ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF GENDER ISSUES IN THE LOST GIRL AND THE PLUMED SERPENT pages This thesis analyzes the ways how David Herbert Lawrence advocates sexual politics in his novels The Lost Girl and The Plumed Serpent. The thesis argues that although D.H. Lawrence portrays modern women's search for identity in The Lost Girl and The Plumed Serpent, his attitude is that of a very conventional man who advertises his male fantasies through female characters; and the gender role that he finally assigns to women is unquestioning submissiveness to male authority. The power relations between sexes and the depiction of modern woman in both novels are analyzed as propagandas of patriarchy. This thesis makes use of feminist reading which requires analyses of texts with reference to behavioral codes that are incorporated in the novels and to the systematic patriarchal propaganda which is imposed through textual strategies. The reason for choosing this method of analysis for the present study is to trace the ways in which sexual politics operate within the novels The Lost Girl and The Plumed Serpent by D.H. Lawrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital Transformation, MOOCS, Micro-Credentials and MOOC-Based Degrees: Implications for Higher Education


Digital transformation has become one of the major issues not only in business but also in educat... more Digital transformation has become one of the major issues not only in business but also in education. As a result of impending changes in the business procedures, the skills of the workforce has to be renewed. Higher education institutions are criticized for being slow to respond to digital transformation and furnishing their graduates with the
skills that are expected by the business world. As such, new pportunities to upskill the workforce has been introduced by MOOCs. MOOCs that were offered as stand-alone courses are now presented in the form of micro-credentials and degrees. The purpose of this study is to find out the subject domains that dominate micro-credentials and degree programs offered by top MOOC providers and to discuss the implications of new business model of MOOCs for higher education in digital transformation.

Research paper thumbnail of Yükseköğretimde Dönüşüm – Çalıştay Raporu

Yükseköğretimde Dönüşüm – Çalıştay Raporu, 2017

Özet: İçinde bulunduğumuz dijital çağda hemen her alandaki kurumsal yapılarda ve iş yapma biçimle... more Özet: İçinde bulunduğumuz dijital çağda hemen her alandaki kurumsal yapılarda ve iş yapma biçimlerinde köklü değişiklikler olmaktadır. Eğitim sektörünün bütün bu gelişmelere duyarsız kalmasının, bu fırsat ve olanaklardan yararlanmamasının söz konusu olamayacağı açıktır. Nitekim önceleri uzaktan eğitim olarak başlayan teknoloji destekli uygulamalar günümüzde e-öğrenme, açık ders kaynakları, kitlesel açık çevrimiçi dersler, mobil öğrenme, mikro öğrenme gibi modellere evrilerek çoğalmakta ve yaygınlaşmaktadır. Eğitimin okulların dört duvarı ile sınırlı olmadığı, öğrenmenin her yerde ve her zaman gerçekleştirilmesinin mümkün olduğu görüşü genel olarak kabul görmektedir. Ancak yükseköğretim kurumlarının Bilgi İletişim Teknolojilerindeki bu fırsatlardan (olanaklardan) tam anlamıyla yararlanacak şekilde bir dönüşüm içerisinde olduğunu söylemek oldukça zordur. Teknolojik altyapı ve donanım yönüyle çok büyük yatırımlar yapıyor olmakla birlikte yükseköğretim kurumları geleneksel yapılarını ve eğitim-öğretim süreçlerini değiştirme konusunda çok istekli gözükmemektedirler. Hemen herkes değişimin şart olduğunu söylemesine rağmen değişen fazla bir şeyin olmadığı gözlemlenmektedir. Yukarıdaki tespit ve görüşler ışığında bu çalıştayda yükseköğretimi dönüşüme zorlayan faktörler tartışılıp bu faktörler ışığında yükseköğretim kurumlarından beklenen gelişmeler ele alınmıştır. Abstract: There have been drastic changes in the organizational structures and way of doing business in almost every field in the digital age we live in. It is obvious that educational sector cannot stay unresponsive to these developments ad miss the opportunities they provide. As such, technology assisted practices that were initiated as distance education in the past have evolved into and becoming widespread in models like e-learning, open educational resources, massive open online courses, mobile learning micro-learning. The idea that education is not confined to the limitations of the school borders and that education can happen anywhere and anytime is now widely accepted. Nevertheless, it cannot be presumably argued that higher education institutions are in a substantial transformation to fully benefit from the opportunities enabled by Information Communication Technologies. While investing in technological infrastructure and hardware in large amounts, higher education institutions seem to be reluctant to change their traditional structures and educational processes. Though there is a common declaration for a call for change, it can be observed that there is not much that changes. In this workshop, factors that force higher education to transform are discussed and in line with these factors, the developments expected of these institutions are identified in the light of above mentioned observations and ideas.