Ibrahim Korkmaz | Anadolu University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ibrahim Korkmaz

Research paper thumbnail of Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme

Research paper thumbnail of ISLAM UND CHRISTENTUM

lāh" ("Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah") und um sein Herz zu bereinigen, d. h. es von den Spuren ... more lāh" ("Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah") und um sein Herz zu bereinigen, d. h. es von den Spuren des Unglaubens und der Sünden, die durch die Triebseele, den Teufel (Schaitan), schlechte Freunde und durch falsch verfasste Bücher entstehen, zu bereinigen, "Astaghfirullāh" ("Ich bitte Allah um Vergebung") wiederholt aufsagen. Wer die Gebote und Verbote im Islam befolgt, dessen Bittgebete werden gewiss erhört. Wer aber das Gebet unterlässt, Verbotenes (Harām) isst und trinkt und sich die Blößen von Menschen anschaut, bei dem ist klar, dass er den Islam nicht befolgt. Die Bittgebete solcher Menschen werden nicht erhört. Jahr n. Chr. Sonnenjahr n. H. Mondjahr n. H.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Sixth Fascicle(6)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the sixth fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help, so the book may reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and side with the right one of these choices and will help to spread it for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle(5)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the fifth fascicle. We pray for the help of Allâhu ta'âlâ, so we may have it reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ An Important Note: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and make the right one of these choices and will help to spread that for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing than doing so, to serve humanity.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Fourth Fascicle(4)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the fourth fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help, so the book may reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and side with the right one of these choices and will help to spread it for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle(3)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the third fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help, so the book may reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and side with the right one of these choices and will help to spread it for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle(2)

The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up ... more The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to more than a thousand pages. We have translated the entire book into English and have published six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared in accordance with the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not an iota of knowledge or even a single word disagreeable with the creed of the Ahl-i Sunnat and Jamâ'at in this book. This is the second fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help so that we may have it reach our dear readers.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss First Fascicle(1)

Here is the key to the treasure of eternity: Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim I begin to write the bo... more Here is the key to the treasure of eternity: Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim I begin to write the book Seadet-i Ebediyye (Endless Bliss) by saying the Audhu (Audhu billahi min-ash-shaytan-ir-rajim) and the Basmala (Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim), Abdullah ibni Abbas (radiy-Allahu anh) says: Rasulullah (Muhammad 'sall-Allahu alaihi wa sallam) declared: "Respecting the Quran is beginning to read it by saying the Audhu, and the key to the Quran is the Basmala." I, therefore, request my readers to begin our book by saying these two phrases. Thus, you will have embellished the book with two ornaments and will have attained the blessings that have been accumulated in these two treasures for the beloved to obtain! Those who want to be close to Allahu Taala hold tightly to the Audhu, and those who fear Him embrace the Audhu. Those with many sins sought refuge in the Audhu. Allahu Taala commands His Prophet in the 97th ayat of Nahl Sura, "Say the Audhu when you are to read the Quran." It means, "Pray for yourself by saying 'I trust myself to Allahu Taala, take refuge in Him, wail and cry out to Him against the devil, who is far from Allahu Taala's mercy and who, incurring His wrath, was cursed in this world and in the next.' " Our Prophet (sall-Allahu alaihi wa sallam) declared: "When the teacher says Basmala to the child and the child repeats it, Allahu Taala has a voucher written down lest the child and his parents and his teacher go to Hell." 'Abdullah ibni Masud (radiy-Allahu anh) says, "One who wants to escape from the 19 angels who will torment them in the next world, should say the Basmala." The Basmala consists of 19 letters. It is the Basmala that was [1] Knowledge acquired with the spiritual heart. Karim, the happier and the more comfortable a life will you be able to lead, no matter whether you are an atheist, a Believer, aware or unaware of it. This is similar to the fact that a good medicine enables everybody to get rid of their pain and problem, if it is used. That is why those who are non-Muslims, or even atheists, and some nations that are the enemies of Islam are successful in many of their businesses, and lead a very happy and comfortable life by working in conformity with the laws in the Quran al-Karim. On the other hand, many people who claim to be Muslims, and who do their acts of worship as a mere formality, are living in misery and discomfort because they do not follow the divine rules and the high morality written in the Quran al-Karim. To attain eternal bliss in the Hereafter by following the Quran al-Karim, it is necessary first to believe in it, and then to follow it consciously and intentionally. Those who are against Islam because of ignorance learned from the bloody, dismal experiences they had had for centuries that unless the iman of the Muslim people was demolished, it would be impossible to demolish them. They attempted to misrepresent Islam as hostile towards knowledge, science and bravery, while in fact, it is the protector of such things, encouraging every kind of progress and improvement. They aimed at depriving the young generations of knowledge and faith, thus shooting them on the moral front. They spent millions for this purpose. Some ignorant people, whose weapons of knowledge and belief had been rusted and who had been seized by their ambitions and sensuous desires, were easily destroyed by these attacks of the enemies. A section of them took shelter behind their posts and professions, pretended to be Muslims, disguised themselves as scientific men, authorities and religious scholars, and even, protectors of Muslims, while continuing to steal the belief of innocent youth. They misrepresented evils as talents, and irreligiousness as a virtue, a current fashion. Those who had faith, iman, were called fanatics, bigots, closed-minded. Religious knowledge and the valuable books of Islam were said to be reactionary, retrogressive and bigoted. By imputing the immorality and dishonorableness, which they themselves had, to Muslims and to great men of Islam, they strove to slander those noble people and sow discord between children and their fathers. In the meantime, they spoke ill of our history, attempted to blacken its shining and honorable pages, to blemish the accurate writings, to change the events and proofs of it and sever the youth

Research paper thumbnail of ŞEVÂHİD-ÜN NÜBÜVVE Peygamberlik Müjdeleri

Peygamberlik Müjdeleri Mevlânâ Abdürrahmân Câmî

Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm ‹nsan için üç dürlü hayât vard›r: Dünyâ, kabr, âh›ret hayât›. Dünyâda, b... more Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm
‹nsan için üç dürlü hayât vard›r: Dünyâ, kabr, âh›ret hayât›. Dünyâda, beden rûh ile birlikdedir. ‹nsana hayât, canl›-
l›k veren rûhdur. Rûh bedenden ayr›l›nca, insan ölür. Beden
mezârda çürüyüp, toprak olunca veyâ yan›p kül olunca, yâhud y›rt›c› hayvan yiyip yok olunca rûh yok olmaz. Kabr hayât› başlar. Kabr hayât›nda his vard›r, hareket yokdur. K›yâmetde bir beden yarat›l›p, rûh ile bu beden birlikde Cennetde veyâ Cehennemde sonsuz yaşarlar.
‹nsan›n dünyâda ve âh›retde mes’ûd olmas› için, müslimân olmas› lâz›md›r. Dünyâda mes’ûd olmak, râhat yaşamak demekdir. Âh›retde mes’ûd olmak, Cennete gitmek demekdir. Allahü teâlâ, kullar›na çok ac›d›ğ› için, mes’ûd olmak yolunu, Peygamberler vâs›tas› ile kullar›na bildirmişdir.
Çünki insanlar bu se’âdet yolunu, kendi akllar› ile bulamazlar. Hiçbir Peygamber kendi akl›ndan birşey söylememiş,
hepsi, Allahü teâlân›n bildirdiği şeyleri söylemişlerdir. Peygamberlerin söyledikleri se’âdet yoluna (Din) denir. Muhammed aleyhisselâm›n bildirdiği dîne (‹slâmiyyet) denir.
Âdem aleyhisselâmdan beri binlerle Peygamber gelmişdir.
Peygamberlerin sonuncusu Muhammed aleyhisselâmd›r. Diğer Peygamberlerin bildirdikleri dinler, zemânla bozulmuşdur. Şimdi se’âdete kavuşmak için islâmiyyeti öğrenmekden
başka çâre yokdur. ‹slâmiyyet, kalb ile inan›lacak (Îmân) bil-
gileri ve beden ile yap›lacak (Ahkâm-› islâmiyye) bilgileridir.
Îmân ve ahkâm-› islâmiyye ilmleri (Ehl-i sünnet âlimleri)nin
kitâblar›ndan öğrenilir. Câhillerin, sap›klar›n bozuk kitâblar›ndan öğrenilmez. Hicrî bin senesinden evvel, islâm memleketlerinde çok (Ehl-i sünnet âlimi) vard›. Şimdi hiç kalmad›.
Bu âlimlerin yazd›klar› arabî ve fârisî kitâblar ve bunlar›n
tercemeleri, dünyân›n her yerinde, kütübhânelerde çok vard›r. Hakîkat kitâbevinin bütün kitâblar›, bu kaynaklardan
al›nm›şd›r. Se’âdete kavuşmak için, (Hakîkat kitâbevi)nin
kitâblar›n› okuyunuz!
Akl›n varsa eğer, islâmiyyete bağlan!
‹slâmiyyetin asl›, Hadîsdir ve Kur’ân!
TENBÎH: Misyonerler, h›ristiyanl›ğ› yaymağa, yehûdîler,
Talmûtu yaymağa, ‹stanbuldaki Hakîkat Kitâbevi, islâmiyyeti yaymağa, masonlar ise, dinleri yok etmeğe çal›ş›yorlar.
Akl›, ilmi ve insâf› olan, bunlardan doğrusunu iz’ân, idrâk
eder, anlar. Bunun yay›lmas›na yard›m ederek, bütün insanlar›n dünyâda ve âh›retde se’âdete kavuşmalar›na sebeb
olur. ‹nsanlara bundan dahâ k›ymetli ve dahâ fâideli bir hizmet olamaz. Bugün h›ristiyanlar›n ve yehûdîlerin ellerindeki
Tevrât ve ‹ncîl denilen din kitâblar›n›n, insanlar taraf›ndan
yaz›lm›ş olduklar›n› kendi adamlar› da söyliyor. Kur’ân-› kerîm ise, Allahü teâlâ taraf›ndan gönderildiği gibi tertemizdir.
Bütün papazlar›n ve hahamlar›n, Hakîkat Kitâbevinin neşr
etdiği kitâblar› dikkat ile ve insâf ile okuyup anlamağa çal›şmalar› lâz›md›r. Hakîkat Kitâbevinin bütün kitâblar› bilgisayara verilmekde, buradan da internet vâs›tas› ile bütün dünyâdaki bilgisayarlara yay›lmakdad›r.

Research paper thumbnail of The Sunni Path

ThisbookletwaswrittenbyAhmedCevdetPaşa'rahmatullâhi ta'âlâ'alaih',whorenderedagreatservicetoIslam... more ThisbookletwaswrittenbyAhmedCevdetPaşa'rahmatullâhi ta'âlâ'alaih',whorenderedagreatservicetoIslambyputtingthe rules in the Qur'ân al-kerîm into a code of law in his valuable book Majalla. In addition, he wrote The Ottoman History in twelve volumes, the most dependable book in its field, and the famousQisâs-i Anbiyâ' (TheHistoryofProphets).Hewasborn inLofja(LowiczinPoland)in1238(1823A.D.);hepassedaway in1312(1894A.D.)andwasburiedinthegraveyardoftheFâtih MosqueinIstanbul. Cevdet Pâsha states: This 'alâm, that is, everything, was nonexistent. Allâhu ta'âlâ created existence out of nothing. He wishedtoenrichthisworldwithhumanbeingsuntiltheendofthe world. Creating Âdam ''alaihis-salâm' from earth, He ornamented the earth with his children. To show people the thingsnecessaryfortheminthisworldandthenext,Hehonoured some of them by making them Prophets ''alaihim-us-salâm'. He distinguishedthemfromotherpeoplebygivingthemhighranks. HeconveyedHiscommandstoProphetsthroughanangelnamed Jebrâ'îl (Jibrîl,Gabriel).Andtheyconveyedthesecommandsto their ummas exactly as Jebrâ'îl ''alaihis-salâm' brought them to them. The first Prophet was Âdam ''alaihis-salâm' and the last one was our master Muhammed Mustafâ ''alaihis-salâtu wa-ssalâm'. Many Prophets came between these two. Only Allâhu ta'âlâ knows their number. The following are the ones whose namesareknown: Âdam, Shîs (orShît), Idrîs, Nûh (Noah),Hûd, Sâlih, Ibrâhîm, Ismâ'îl, Is'hâq (Isaac), Ya'qûb (Jacob), Yûsuf (Joseph), Eyyûb, Lût, Shu'aib, Mûsâ (Moses), Hârûn (Aaron), Dâwûd (David), Sulaimân, Yûnus (Jonah), Ilyâs (Elijah), Alyasa', Dhu'l-kifl, Zakariyyâ (Zechariah), Yahyâ (John), 'Îsâ (Jesus), Muhammad Mustafâ ''alaihimu-s-salât-u-was -salâm'. Twenty-five of these Prophets,withtheexceptionofShîs''alaihis-salâm',arenamedin the Qur'ân al-kerîm. The names of 'Uzair, Luqmân and Dhu'lqarnain arealsomentionedintheQur'ânal-kerîm.Somescholars [1] Radd ul-muhtâr,sectiononta'zîr. [2] ibid,sectiononwitness. [1] Pleaseseethebookentitled'ConfessionsofABritishSpy',oneofthe publicationsofHakîkat Kitâbevi inIstanbul,Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of The Proof of Prophethood

Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, four... more Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, fourteen Turkish, and the remaining are books in French, German, English, Russian, and other languages. Hüseyn Hilmi Iş›k, 'Rahmat-Allahi 'alaih' (guided by Sayyid 'Abdulhakim Arwâsî, 'Rahmat-Allahi 'alaih', a profound Islamic scholar and perfect in virtues of Tasawwuf and capable to guide disciples in a fully mature manner; possessor of glories and wisdom), was a competent, great Islamic scholar able to guide to happiness, passed away during the night between October 25, 2001 (8 Sha'bân 1422) and October 26, 2001 (9 Sha'bân 1422). He was buried at Eyyub Sultan, where he had been born. ____________________ Publisher's Note: Those who wish to print this book in its original form or to translate in into another language are permitted to do so. We pray that Allâhu ta'âlâ will bless them for this beneficial deed of theirs, and we thank them very much. However, permission is granted with the condition that the paper used in printing will be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting will be properly and neatly done without mistakes. We would appreciate a copy of the printed book when completed. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity, Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis, Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam, and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and admit the right one among these and will help to spread out that for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rising and the Hereafter

Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, four... more Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, fourteen Turkish, and the remaining are books in French, German, English, Russian, and otherlanguages. Hüseyn Hilmi Iş›k, 'Rahmat-Allahi 'alaih' (guided by Sayyid 'AbdulhakimArwâsî,'Rahmat-Allahi'alaih',aprofoundscholar ofthereligionandperfectinvirtuesofTasawwufandcapableto guidedisciplesinafullymaturemanner;possessorofgloriesand wisdom),wasacompetent,greatIslamicscholarabletoguideto happiness,passedawayduringthenightbetweenOctober25,2001 (8Sha'bân1422)andOctober26,2001(9Sha'bân1422).Hewas buriedatEyyubSultan,wherehehadbeenborn. TYPESET AND PRINTED IN TURKEY BY: ‹h lâsGa ze te ci likA.Ş. MerkezMah.29EkimCad.İhlâsPlazaNo:11A/41 34197Yenibosna-İSTANBULTel:90.212.4543000 Oh, I change for the worse day in, day out, yâ Rasûlallah! Let my conduct be righted, do help me, yâ Rasûlallah! This base nafs of mine rampart, has made me follow the devil. How could refuge be likely with these sins, yâ Rasûlallah! Could safety despite the nafs and the devil be possible, Unless your guidance came to our rescue, yâ Rasûlallah! Once fayz and ihsân from you come to the heart of a person, His way in both worlds will be salvation, yâ Rasûlallah! I have obeyed (do)s and (don't)s, and have not called harâms 'halâl'. Contrition's followed each sin committed, yâ Rasûlallah! O, you, Messenger for humans and genies, Best of mankind; For my ikhlâs' sake, intercede for me, yâ Rasûlallah!

Research paper thumbnail of SIE WAREN NICHT IMSTANDE ZU BEANTWORTEN von

Vorwort Einführung Das Glaubenslicht der Herzen Eine Studie über die vier Bücher, die als Evangel... more Vorwort Einführung Das Glaubenslicht der Herzen Eine Studie über die vier Bücher, die als Evangelien bezeichnet werden Das Evangelium nach Matthäus Das Evangelium nach Markus Das Evangelium nach Lukas Das Evangelium nach Johannes Die Unterschiede und Widersprüche der vier Evangelien.... Eine Studie über die Bücher im Neuen Testament Erwiderung auf das Buch "Die Festigkeit der Überlegungen" Der heilige Koran und die Evangelien von heute Die Unrichtigkeit der Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit Die Beweise für die Unrichtigkeit der Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit mit den Worten des heiligen Propheten Jesus, Friede sei mit ihm Anfeindungen der Priester gegen die Anbetungen im Islam und die Erwiderung darauf Erwiderung auf die Verleumdungen eines Priesters ALLAH, der Erhabene, ist einzig Das Thema "Wissen" Das Thema "Macht" Jesus, Friede sei mit ihm, war ein Mensch, man darfihn nicht anbeten! Jesus, Friede sei mit ihm, ist ein Prophet;man darf ihn nicht anbeten! Von den vier Evangelien Das Judentum und die Thora Der Talmud Was ist "Zivilisation?" Die letzten Worte eines Märtyrers Im Zeltlager in der nähe von Ovadschik Die Übersetzung des 147. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 83. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 110. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 16. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 153. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 154. Briefes

Research paper thumbnail of Sahaba The Blessed

The pure life led by each and every one of the Ashâb-i-kirâm (Sahâba) sets an example for us to f... more The pure life led by each and every one of the Ashâb-i-kirâm (Sahâba) sets an example for us to follow.Weshouldimitatethemandtrytodeservelove of Allâhu ta'âlâ. A Muslim who follows in their footsteps will obey the commandments of Allâhu ta'âlâandthelawsofthestate.Itissinfultodisobey thecommandments,andacrimetoviolatethelaw.A perfectMuslimwillnotcommitsinsorcrimes.Tobea 'Muslim'meanstobea'goodperson'.Hewillknow thatMuslimsarebrothers.Hewilllovehisnationand hisnationalflag.Hewillbegoodtoallotherpeople. He will never harm non-Muslims, tourists or disbelievers. He will not attack their property, lives, chastityorhonour.Hewilladmonishwrongdoers.He will not cheat or doublecross anyone. He will never quarrel.Hewilltreatotherswithasmilingfaceanda sweettongue.Hewillalwayswork.Hewilllearnhis religion and science well. He will teach them to his childrenandtohisacquaintancesaswell.Hewillnot backbite others or gossip. He will always say useful things.Hewillearnalivingthroughhalâl(canonically legitimate) means. He will not impinge on anyone's rights.AMuslimwhohasacquiredthesequalitieswill belovedbyAllahaswellasbypeople.Hewillleada lifeincomfortandpeace. My youth has gone by like a sweet dream, weep, oh, my eyes! Weeping's made me a lunatic, the grave would lead me homewise! TYPESET AND PRINTED IN TURKEY BY: ‹h lâsGa ze te ci likA.Ş. MerkezMah.29EkimCad.İhlâsPlazaNo:11A/41 34197Yenibosna-İSTANBULTel:90.212.4543000-2-THE SAHÂBA 'alaihim-ur-ridwân' THE SAHÂBA 'alaihim-ur-ridwân' If any person thanks and praises any other person in any manneratanyplaceatanytimeandforanyreason,allthisthanks andpraisebelongtoAllâhuta'âlâbyrights.For,He,alone,isthe creator,theeducator,thetrainerofeverythingandthemakerand thesenderofeverygoodness.He,alone,istheownerofpowerand authority. To say that a certain person 'created a certain thing' wouldmeantoattribute'creation'tosomeoneotherthanAllâhu ta'âlâ, which in effect would, like praising a fly for having constructedanapartmenthouseorfordriving,beasqualidsin,not to mention the derision it would provoke against the person concerned. May all benedictions and good wishes be on Muhammad 'alaihis-salâm', His Prophet and Darling, on his Ahl-i-Bayt (immediate relatives), and on all his Ashâb (Companions) 'ridwânullâhita'âlâ'alaihimajma'în'! Nişanc›zâde Muhammed bin Ahmed 'rahima hullâhu ta'âlâ', the author of the grand tome of history entitled Mir'ât-i-kâinât, states as follows: "The Sahâba have been described in various ways. It is written in Mawâhib-i-ladunniyya that a Believer who saw our Prophet 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam' at least for a moment,orwhotalkedwithhimatleastforamoment,ifhewasa blind person, as the Prophet was alive and after he had been appointedastheProphet,iscalledaSâhib oraSahâbî,regardless ofhisageatthatblessedmoment.Whentheyaremorethanone, they are called Ashâb, or Sahâba, or Sahb. A person who was a disbeliever when he saw the Messenger of Allah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam' and became a Believer after the Prophet's passing away, or a person who was a Believer when he saw him andrenegedIslam-mayAllâhuta'âlâprotectusagainstit-after theProphet'spassingaway,isnotaSahâbî.UbaydullahbinJahsh and Sa'laba bin Abî Khâtib were among the Sahâba, but [1] PleaseseethethirdchapterofthefifthfascicleofEndless Bliss,for Sadaqa fitr, available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, 34262 Fâtih, ‹stanbul, Türkiye.

Research paper thumbnail of Put Ehl-i Sunneta

Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampa... more Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampaju ovu knjigu ili da je prevedu na neki drugi jezik. Mi činimo dovu i molimo Allaha džellešanuhu da ih blagoslovi za ovaj korisni rad i mi im se jako puno zahvaljujemo. Dozvola se daje pod uslovom da je papir na kojem štampaju ovu knjigu dobrog kvaliteta i da su dizajn i okvir teksta ispravni, uredni, i bez grešaka. ___________________________ Prevodiočeva bilješka: Ova knjiga je doslovno prevedena sa engleskog jezika. Prevodilac se davno odselio iz Bosne. Moguće je da su se, u međuvremenu, desile neke promjene u bosanskom jeziku. Molimo čitaoce da obrate pažnju na sadržaj ove cijenjene knjižice a ne na njene eventualne gramatičke greške. Mi smo i u ovom prijevodu, kao i u svim drugim našim prijevodima, stavili u zagradu () originalne riječi koje su upotrijebljene u turskom originalu teksta.

Research paper thumbnail of ODGOVOR NEPRİJATELJU İSLAMA


Allah dželle-šanuhu sažaljeva sav narod na ovom svijetu. On svakome šalje korisne i potrebne stva... more Allah dželle-šanuhu sažaljeva sav narod na ovom svijetu. On svakome šalje korisne i potrebne stvari. On nam pokazuje način kako da se sačuvamo od štetnih stvari i
kako da budemo sretni. On će na onom svijetu oprostiti kome hoće, od onih griješnih pravih vjernika (mu’mina) koji su trebali da odu u džehennem, i uvešće ih u džennet.
Samo je On onaj koji stvara svako živo biće, i koji svako biće svakoga momenta održava u postojanju, i koji štiti sve od straha i užasa. Predavajući se časnom imenu Allaha dželle-šanuhu mi započinjemo sa pisanjem ove knjige. Mi donosimo salat i selam na Allahovog dželle-šanuhu najdražeg Poslanika, Muhammeda alejhisselam. Mi
donosimo dobre (hajirli) dove na njegov čisti ehli bejt i na njegove sve pravedne (adil) i časne (sadik) ashabe. Allah dželle-šanuhu je pun milosti prema Svojim
robovima. On hoće da mi svi na ovom svijetu živimo u udobnosti i miru, a da, kad umremo, živimo u vječnom blagostanju (ni’metima) i uslugama. On im je (Svojim
robovima), da bi dobili ovu sreću, naredio da vjeruju (imaju iman), da postanu muslimani, da slijede put Njegovog Poslanika Muhammeda alejhisselam i njegovih Ashaba, da vole jedni druge, i da se međusobno potpomažu. Poslanik sallallahu alejhi ve sellem je rekao: “Kao što su zvijezde vodići u tamnim noćima tako su i moji ashabi vodići na putu koji vodi ka sreći (se’adetu). Slijedite bilo kog od njih i vi ćete se usrećiti.” Ashabi kiram su naučili Kur’ani kerim od Resulullaha. Kasnije, putujući, oni su prenosili
rugim ono što su naučili. Oni nisu ništa od sebe dodavali onome što su naučili od Resulullaha. Islamski učenjaci (alimi islama) su zapisali u svoje knjige sve što su čuli od ashaba kiram. Ovi učenjaci (alimi) se zovu alimi ehli sunneta. Kasnije su se pojavili izvjesni učenjaci (alimi) koji su dodali ovim učenjima konglomerat ideja koje su bile
sastavljene ponajviše od izmišljenih laži engleskih špijuna, ideja starih grčkih filozofa i jevrejskih i hrišćanskih izmišljotina. Oni su, dodavajući ovom konglomeratu svoje
lične utiske i sve ono što su stekli od znanstvenih učenja svog vremena, izmislili novo vjersko učenje. Oni su propovijedajući (va’zeći) pod imenom “alima islama”
pokušali da iznutra razore islam. Od ovih, oni, koji su promijenili Nass, to jest ajeti kerime i hadisi šerife sa jasnim značenjem, su postali nevjernici (kafiri). Oni koji su
pogrešno protumačili Nass sa nejasnim i prikrivenim značenjima se nazivaju jeretici, otpadnici, inovatori (bid’at grupe). Pojavilo se nekoliko ovakvih otpadničkih,
jeretičnih, bid’at grupa koje nose muslimansko ime. Englezi su loveći u mutnom izmislili i osnovali nove nevjerničke i otpadničke grupe, te su, na taj način, pokušali
da unište pravi islam. Danas su muslimani u svijetu podjeljeni na tri grupe. Ehli sunnet, šije i vehabije. Njihovo vjerovanje je različito. S obzirom da razlike među njima
proizilaze iz interpretacije Nassa [ajeta i hadisa], čije se značenje ne razumije jasno, i pošto oni ne negiraju Nassove sa jasnim značenjima, oni ne zovu jedni druge
nevjernicima (kafirima). Ali, oni ne vole jedni druge. Pravi muslimani su oni koji se zovu ehli sunnet. Oni se trebaju međusobno voljeti i potpomagati. Oni trebaju blago
međusobno govoriti i pisati jedni drugima. Oni ne smiju jedni drugima nanositi štetu pa čak ni kad moraju jedni druge opomenuti; oni uvijek moraju u svojim verbalnim i
pismenim korespondencijama da jedni druge blago savjetuju. Oni trebaju da jedni drugima pomažu, i da pomažu cijelom čovječanstvu, da slijede predivno islamsko
ponašanje (ahlak) i da se čuvaju da ne bi izazvali nered (fitnu). Oni se ne smiju buniti protiv zakona države u kojoj žive niti smiju napadati ičiji život, imovinu, i čednost.
Muslimani moraju imati ovakve osobine. Sve naše riječi, pisanja, i djela, moraju da budu u smislu poboljšanja i kooperacije. Nažalost, izvjesni degenerici, neprijatelji vjere
i ljudskog roda, koji samo misle na svoju dobrobit i želje, predstavljajući sebe ne samo kao muslimane već čak i kao vjerske ljude, pokušavaju da unesu razdor među
muslimane i da ih tako rascjepkaju. Oni propagiraju laži koje su izmislili engleski špijuni. Oni žele da pod izgovorom vjerskih reformi ukaljaju i oskrnave islam. S
druge strane dva velika neprijatelja, neznanje (džahilijet) i lijenost, djeluju kao smetnja i prepreka mudrosti i slijeđenju islama i tako nas sprečavaju da napravimo
razliku između ispravnog i neispravnog i dobrog i zlog. Na primjer, Muhammed Ali paša je bio pametan i vjerski upućen čovjek. On je služio kao guverner Osmanlijske
države u Egiptu. Ali, njegovi sljedbenici nisu bili dobri kao on. Vjerske stvari su pale u nesposobne ruke. Jedan mason (član Udruženja slobodnih zidara) koji se zvao Abduh je bio postavljen za Upravnog direktora medrese Džami’ul-ezher koja je stoljećima proizvodila alime islama. Škotski masoni su počeli kako ekonomski tako i duševno razarati i uništavati egipatske muslimane. Englezi su preko ovih masona, iznutra, uništili Osmanlijsku državu. Sadr-i a’zam (najveći vezir) Ali paša, učenik masona Mustafe Rešida paše je 1284./1868. godine predao srbima ključeve beogradskog utvrđenja. Vezir je sa sobom doveo u Istanbul svog druga, masona, Džemaleddina Efganiju pa su oni zajedno nastojali da iznutra unište islam. Oni su napisali
jako razdorne knjige. Rešid Riza, kairski muftija, Abduhov učenik, je napisao
jednu knjigu koja se zove Muhaverat[1] koja je 1324./1906. godine izdata u Egiptu. Ova knjiga ima, sa dodatkom, 143 stranice. Ona se nalazi pod brojem 810 u Sulejmanijje
biblioteci u Istanbulu u Izmirli sekciji te biblioteke. Ova knjiga je napisana kao dijalog između hodže (vaiz efendije) koji je studirao na medresi i modernog vjerskog
reformatora. Rešid Riza u ovoj knjizi iznosi, u njihovom razgovoru, svoje ideje.
Hadisi šerif koji nam Darimi prenosi kaže: “Znaj da je zla ulema gora od svega lošeg. Dobra ulema je bolja od svega dobrog!” Ovaj hadisi šerif je objašnjen u knjizi Mektubat (Prvi tom, 53. pismo) koju je napisao hazreti imam Rabbani.

Research paper thumbnail of O Son!

O Son - Süleyman Bin Jeza - Hakikat Kitabevi

THE BOOK ‘O SON’ Al-hamdu lillâhi Rabbil ’âlamîn. Wa-s-salâtu wa-s-salâmu ’alâ Rasûlinâ Muhammadi... more THE BOOK ‘O SON’
Al-hamdu lillâhi Rabbil ’âlamîn. Wa-s-salâtu wa-s-salâmu ’alâ Rasûlinâ Muhammadin wa Âlihi wa Sahbihi ajma’în.

In our time, everyone with a pen in his hand attempts to write
books. Being quite unaware of Islam’s teachings, he writes
whatsoever takes to his mind. If he is a powerful talker, he mounts
the platform offered and rants about his fancies and suppositions.
Whenever today’s younger generation want to learn their sacred
religion, Islam, a legacy from their lion-hearted forefathers, they
have no choice but to read concocted tafsîrs or publications of
Islamic history translated from books written in languages such as
English, Jewish and others by Islam’s enemies and which therefore
spew out their personal grudge and hatred (against this blessed
religion) or books and periodicals prepared by unlearned and
hypocritical vendors whose sole concern is to earn money by
touting for religion, or to acquire religious knowledge from
newspapers that have nothing to do with religion. However, the
number of the high quality savants schooled in our blessed religion
bears a fovourable comparison to that of the Israelite Prophets
and the thousands of books written by them have introduced and
taught Islam to the entire world. The correct Islamic knowledge
consists of the teachings of Ahl as-sunnat. For people who wish to
obtain detailed information in this subject, we recommend that
they read the the six fascicles of Endless Bliss, (which are available
from Hakîkat Kitâbevi of Istanbul, Turkey.) With a view to
protecting our Muslim brothers and Muslims’ children against a
misguiding and altogether different acquisition in the name of
learning Islam by reading the venom-outpouring books and
periodicals that are being published in rapid succession and which
worm their way into the public’s attention and demand owing to
their sequinned verbosity, we have deemed it essential to
reproduce and republish a book which Suleymân bin Jezâ’
compiled from books written by great Islamic scholars in the
Hanafî Madhhab and wrote with the title O Son in 960 [1552
A.D.]. There is yet another valuable book published under the
same title, Eyyuhelveled (O Son), and which was written by the
Hujjet-ul-islâm Imâm Ghazâlî ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’ (450 [1058A.D.], Ghazâl, Tus (Mashhad), Iran–505 (1111), the same place).
The latter was translated by Mustafâ ’Alî Efendi ‘rahima-hullâhu
ta’âlâ’ and was entitled Tuhfat-us-sulahâ. Moreover, Hâdimî
‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’ wrote a commentary to the latter. An
English version of Imâm Ghazâlî’s book Eyyuhelveled occupies
the final pages of Documents of the Right Word, one of our
During the reproduction of Hadrat Suleymân bin Jezâ’s work
we have added bracketed passages borrowed from other books or
important notes. We entreat Allâhu ta’âlâ to bless people who
attain the fortune of reading this valuable book to benefit from the
pure souls of those great people whose names are mentioned in it.

Research paper thumbnail of Nije Mogao Odgovoriti

Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampa... more Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampaju ovu knjigu ili da je prevedu na neki drugi jezik. Mi činimo dovu i molimo Allaha džellešanuhu da ih blagoslovi za ovaj korisni rad i mi im se jako puno zahvaljujemo. Dozvola se daje pod uslovom da je papir na kojem štampaju ovu knjigu dobrog kvaliteta i da su dizajn i okvir teksta ispravni, uredni, i bez grešaka. Prevodiočeva bilješka: Ova knjiga je doslovno prevedena sa engleskog jezika. Prevodilac se je davno odselio iz Bosne. Moguće je da su se, u međuvremenu, desile neke promjene u bosanskom jeziku. Molimo čitaoce da obrate pažnju na sadržaj ove cijenjene knjižice a ne na njene eventualne gramatičke greške. Mi smo i u ovom prijevodu, kao i u svim drugim našim prijevodima, stavili u zagradu () originalne riječi koje su upotrijebljene u turskom originalu teksta.

Research paper thumbnail of Namâz Kitâbı

Bis mil lâ hir rah mâ nir ra hîm ‹n saniçinüçdür lüha yâtvar d›r:Dün yâ,kabr,âh› retha yâ t›.Düny... more Bis mil lâ hir rah mâ nir ra hîm ‹n saniçinüçdür lüha yâtvar d›r:Dün yâ,kabr,âh› retha yâ t›.Dünyâ da, be den rûh ile bir lik de dir. ‹n sa na ha yât, can l› l›k ve ren rûh dur. Rûhbe den denay r› l›n ca,in sanölür.Be denme zâr daçü rü yüp,top rak olun cave yâya n›pkülolun ca,yâ hudy›r t› c›hay vanyi yipyokolun ca, rûhyokol maz.Kabrha yâ t›baş lar.Kabrha yâ t›n dahisvar d›r,ha re ket yok dur.K› yâ met debirbe denya ra t› l›p,rûhilebube denbir lik deCennet deve yâCe hen nem deson suzya şar lar. ‹n sa n›n dün yâ da ve âh› ret de mes'ûd ol ma s› için, müs li mân ol ma s› lâ z›m d›r.Dün yâ dames'ûdol mak,râ hatya şa makde mek dir.Âh› ret de mes'ûdol mak,Cen ne tegit mekde mek dir.Al la hüteâ lâ,kul la r› naçok ac› d› ğ› için, mes'ûd ol mak yo lu nu, Pey gam ber ler vâ s› ta s› ile kul la r› na bil dir miş dir. Çün ki in san lar bu se'âdet yo lu nu, ken di akl la r› ile bu lamaz lar.Hiç birPey gam berken diak l›n danbir şeysöy le me miş,hep si,Alla hüte âlâ n›nbil dir di ğişey le risöy le miş ler dir.Pey gam ber le rinsöy le dikle ri se'âdet yo lu na (Din) de nir. Mu ham med aley his se lâ m›n bil dir di ği dî ne(‹s lâ miy yet) de nir.Âdemaley his se lâm danbe ribin ler lePey gambergel miş dir.Pey gam ber le rinso nun cu suMu ham medaley his se lâm d›r. Di ğerPey gam ber le rinbil dir dik le ridin ler,ze mân labo zul muş dur.Şimdise'âde teka vuş makiçinis lâ miy ye tiöğ ren mek denbaş kaçâ reyok dur. ‹s lâ miy yet, kalb ile ina n› la cak (Îmân) bil gi le ri ve be den ile ya p› la cak (Ah kâm-›is lâ miy ye)bil gi le ri dir.Îmânveah kâmilm le ri(Ehl-isün net âlim le ri)ninki tâb la r›n danöğ re ni lir.Câ hil le rin,sa p›k la r›nbo zukki tâbla r›n danöğ re nil mez.Hic rîbinse ne sin denev vel,is lâmmem le ket le rindeçok(Ehl-isün netâli mi) var d›.Şim dihiçkal ma d›.Buâlim le rinyaz-d›k la r›ara bîvefâ ri sîki tâb larvebun la r›nter ce me le ri,dün yâ n›nheryerin de,kü tüb hâ ne ler deçokvar d›r.Ha kî katki tâ be vi ninbü tünki tâb la r›, bukay nak lar danal›n m›ş d›r.Se'âde teka vuş makiçin,(Ha kî katki tâ bevi)ninki tâb la r› n›oku yu nuz! TENBÎH: Mis yo ner ler, h› ris ti yan l› ğ› yay ma ğa, ye hû dî ler, Tal mû tu yay ma ğa,‹s tan bul da kiHa kî katKi tâ be vi,is lâ miy ye tiyay ma ğa,ma sonlarise,din le riyoket me ğeça l› ş› yor lar.Ak l›,il mivein sâ f›olan,bun lardandoğ ru su nuiz'ân,id râkeder,an lar.Bu nunya y›l ma s› nayar d›mederek,bü tünin san la r›ndün yâ daveâh› ret dese'âde teka vuş ma la r› nasebebolur.‹n san la rabun danda hâk›y met liveda hâfâ ide libirhiz metolamaz.Bu günh› ris ti yan la r›nveye hû dî le rinel le rin de kiTev râtve‹n cîldeni len din ki tâb la r› n›n, in san lar ta ra f›n dan ya z›l m›ş ol duk la r› n› ken di adam la r›dasöy li yor.Kur'ân-›ke rîmise,Al la hüteâ lâta ra f›n dangön deril di ğigi biter te miz dir.Bü tünpa paz la r›nveha ham la r›n,Ha kî katKi tâbe vi ninneşret di ğiki tâb la r›dik katilevein sâfileoku yupan la ma ğaça-l›ş ma la r›lâ z›m d›r.

Research paper thumbnail of NAMAZ KİTABI

Gəlin namaz qılaq, qəlbdən pası silək, Allaha yaxınlaşmaq olmaz, namaznıı qılmadıqca! Harada nama... more Gəlin namaz qılaq, qəlbdən pası silək, Allaha yaxınlaşmaq olmaz, namaznıı qılmadıqca! Harada namaz qılınar, günahlar həmişə tökülər, İnsan, kamil ola bilməz, namazını qılmadıqca! Qurani-Kərimdə Haqq namazı çox mədh etdi, Dedi sevmərəm insanı, namazını qılmadıqca! Bir hədisi-şərifdə: İmanın əlaməti, İnsanda müəyyən olmaz, namazını qılmadıqca! Bir namazı qılmamaq, əkbəri kəbairdir, Tövbə ilə əfv olmaz, qəzasını qılmadıqca! Namazı əhəmiyyətsiz görən, imandan çıxar dərhal, Müsəlman ola bilməz o, namazını qılmadıqca! Namaz qəlbi təmizləyər, pislikdən kənar edər, Münəvvər ola bilməzsən, namazını qılmadıqca!

Research paper thumbnail of Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme

Research paper thumbnail of ISLAM UND CHRISTENTUM

lāh" ("Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah") und um sein Herz zu bereinigen, d. h. es von den Spuren ... more lāh" ("Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah") und um sein Herz zu bereinigen, d. h. es von den Spuren des Unglaubens und der Sünden, die durch die Triebseele, den Teufel (Schaitan), schlechte Freunde und durch falsch verfasste Bücher entstehen, zu bereinigen, "Astaghfirullāh" ("Ich bitte Allah um Vergebung") wiederholt aufsagen. Wer die Gebote und Verbote im Islam befolgt, dessen Bittgebete werden gewiss erhört. Wer aber das Gebet unterlässt, Verbotenes (Harām) isst und trinkt und sich die Blößen von Menschen anschaut, bei dem ist klar, dass er den Islam nicht befolgt. Die Bittgebete solcher Menschen werden nicht erhört. Jahr n. Chr. Sonnenjahr n. H. Mondjahr n. H.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Sixth Fascicle(6)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the sixth fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help, so the book may reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and side with the right one of these choices and will help to spread it for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle(5)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the fifth fascicle. We pray for the help of Allâhu ta'âlâ, so we may have it reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ An Important Note: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and make the right one of these choices and will help to spread that for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing than doing so, to serve humanity.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Fourth Fascicle(4)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the fourth fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help, so the book may reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and side with the right one of these choices and will help to spread it for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Third Fascicle(3)

This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Tu... more This book is a translation of Se'âdet-i Ebediyye, which was originally written in Turkish. The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to well over twelve hundred pages. We have translated the entire book into English and published our translations in six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared according to the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not a single bit of knowledge or a word which contradicts the creed of Ahl-i Sunnat wa'l Jamâ'at in this book. This is the third fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help, so the book may reach our dear readers. ______________________ Publisher's note: Anyone who wishes to print this book in its original form or to translate it into any other language is granted beforehand our permission to do so; and people who undertake this beneficial feat are accredited to the benedictions that we in advance offer to Allâhu ta'âlâ in their name and also our best wishes of gratitude and we thank them very much. However, permission is subject to the condition that the paper used in printing be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting be properly and neatly done without mistakes. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity; Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis; Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam; and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and side with the right one of these choices and will help to spread it for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss Second Fascicle(2)

The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up ... more The Turkish original of the book Se'âdet-i Ebediyye consists of three parts, all of which add up to more than a thousand pages. We have translated the entire book into English and have published six individual fascicles. Se'âdet-i Ebediyye is a book prepared in accordance with the Hanafî Madhhab. There is not an iota of knowledge or even a single word disagreeable with the creed of the Ahl-i Sunnat and Jamâ'at in this book. This is the second fascicle. We invoke Allâhu ta'âlâ for help so that we may have it reach our dear readers.

Research paper thumbnail of Seâdet-i Ebediyye Endless Bliss First Fascicle(1)

Here is the key to the treasure of eternity: Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim I begin to write the bo... more Here is the key to the treasure of eternity: Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim I begin to write the book Seadet-i Ebediyye (Endless Bliss) by saying the Audhu (Audhu billahi min-ash-shaytan-ir-rajim) and the Basmala (Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim), Abdullah ibni Abbas (radiy-Allahu anh) says: Rasulullah (Muhammad 'sall-Allahu alaihi wa sallam) declared: "Respecting the Quran is beginning to read it by saying the Audhu, and the key to the Quran is the Basmala." I, therefore, request my readers to begin our book by saying these two phrases. Thus, you will have embellished the book with two ornaments and will have attained the blessings that have been accumulated in these two treasures for the beloved to obtain! Those who want to be close to Allahu Taala hold tightly to the Audhu, and those who fear Him embrace the Audhu. Those with many sins sought refuge in the Audhu. Allahu Taala commands His Prophet in the 97th ayat of Nahl Sura, "Say the Audhu when you are to read the Quran." It means, "Pray for yourself by saying 'I trust myself to Allahu Taala, take refuge in Him, wail and cry out to Him against the devil, who is far from Allahu Taala's mercy and who, incurring His wrath, was cursed in this world and in the next.' " Our Prophet (sall-Allahu alaihi wa sallam) declared: "When the teacher says Basmala to the child and the child repeats it, Allahu Taala has a voucher written down lest the child and his parents and his teacher go to Hell." 'Abdullah ibni Masud (radiy-Allahu anh) says, "One who wants to escape from the 19 angels who will torment them in the next world, should say the Basmala." The Basmala consists of 19 letters. It is the Basmala that was [1] Knowledge acquired with the spiritual heart. Karim, the happier and the more comfortable a life will you be able to lead, no matter whether you are an atheist, a Believer, aware or unaware of it. This is similar to the fact that a good medicine enables everybody to get rid of their pain and problem, if it is used. That is why those who are non-Muslims, or even atheists, and some nations that are the enemies of Islam are successful in many of their businesses, and lead a very happy and comfortable life by working in conformity with the laws in the Quran al-Karim. On the other hand, many people who claim to be Muslims, and who do their acts of worship as a mere formality, are living in misery and discomfort because they do not follow the divine rules and the high morality written in the Quran al-Karim. To attain eternal bliss in the Hereafter by following the Quran al-Karim, it is necessary first to believe in it, and then to follow it consciously and intentionally. Those who are against Islam because of ignorance learned from the bloody, dismal experiences they had had for centuries that unless the iman of the Muslim people was demolished, it would be impossible to demolish them. They attempted to misrepresent Islam as hostile towards knowledge, science and bravery, while in fact, it is the protector of such things, encouraging every kind of progress and improvement. They aimed at depriving the young generations of knowledge and faith, thus shooting them on the moral front. They spent millions for this purpose. Some ignorant people, whose weapons of knowledge and belief had been rusted and who had been seized by their ambitions and sensuous desires, were easily destroyed by these attacks of the enemies. A section of them took shelter behind their posts and professions, pretended to be Muslims, disguised themselves as scientific men, authorities and religious scholars, and even, protectors of Muslims, while continuing to steal the belief of innocent youth. They misrepresented evils as talents, and irreligiousness as a virtue, a current fashion. Those who had faith, iman, were called fanatics, bigots, closed-minded. Religious knowledge and the valuable books of Islam were said to be reactionary, retrogressive and bigoted. By imputing the immorality and dishonorableness, which they themselves had, to Muslims and to great men of Islam, they strove to slander those noble people and sow discord between children and their fathers. In the meantime, they spoke ill of our history, attempted to blacken its shining and honorable pages, to blemish the accurate writings, to change the events and proofs of it and sever the youth

Research paper thumbnail of ŞEVÂHİD-ÜN NÜBÜVVE Peygamberlik Müjdeleri

Peygamberlik Müjdeleri Mevlânâ Abdürrahmân Câmî

Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm ‹nsan için üç dürlü hayât vard›r: Dünyâ, kabr, âh›ret hayât›. Dünyâda, b... more Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm
‹nsan için üç dürlü hayât vard›r: Dünyâ, kabr, âh›ret hayât›. Dünyâda, beden rûh ile birlikdedir. ‹nsana hayât, canl›-
l›k veren rûhdur. Rûh bedenden ayr›l›nca, insan ölür. Beden
mezârda çürüyüp, toprak olunca veyâ yan›p kül olunca, yâhud y›rt›c› hayvan yiyip yok olunca rûh yok olmaz. Kabr hayât› başlar. Kabr hayât›nda his vard›r, hareket yokdur. K›yâmetde bir beden yarat›l›p, rûh ile bu beden birlikde Cennetde veyâ Cehennemde sonsuz yaşarlar.
‹nsan›n dünyâda ve âh›retde mes’ûd olmas› için, müslimân olmas› lâz›md›r. Dünyâda mes’ûd olmak, râhat yaşamak demekdir. Âh›retde mes’ûd olmak, Cennete gitmek demekdir. Allahü teâlâ, kullar›na çok ac›d›ğ› için, mes’ûd olmak yolunu, Peygamberler vâs›tas› ile kullar›na bildirmişdir.
Çünki insanlar bu se’âdet yolunu, kendi akllar› ile bulamazlar. Hiçbir Peygamber kendi akl›ndan birşey söylememiş,
hepsi, Allahü teâlân›n bildirdiği şeyleri söylemişlerdir. Peygamberlerin söyledikleri se’âdet yoluna (Din) denir. Muhammed aleyhisselâm›n bildirdiği dîne (‹slâmiyyet) denir.
Âdem aleyhisselâmdan beri binlerle Peygamber gelmişdir.
Peygamberlerin sonuncusu Muhammed aleyhisselâmd›r. Diğer Peygamberlerin bildirdikleri dinler, zemânla bozulmuşdur. Şimdi se’âdete kavuşmak için islâmiyyeti öğrenmekden
başka çâre yokdur. ‹slâmiyyet, kalb ile inan›lacak (Îmân) bil-
gileri ve beden ile yap›lacak (Ahkâm-› islâmiyye) bilgileridir.
Îmân ve ahkâm-› islâmiyye ilmleri (Ehl-i sünnet âlimleri)nin
kitâblar›ndan öğrenilir. Câhillerin, sap›klar›n bozuk kitâblar›ndan öğrenilmez. Hicrî bin senesinden evvel, islâm memleketlerinde çok (Ehl-i sünnet âlimi) vard›. Şimdi hiç kalmad›.
Bu âlimlerin yazd›klar› arabî ve fârisî kitâblar ve bunlar›n
tercemeleri, dünyân›n her yerinde, kütübhânelerde çok vard›r. Hakîkat kitâbevinin bütün kitâblar›, bu kaynaklardan
al›nm›şd›r. Se’âdete kavuşmak için, (Hakîkat kitâbevi)nin
kitâblar›n› okuyunuz!
Akl›n varsa eğer, islâmiyyete bağlan!
‹slâmiyyetin asl›, Hadîsdir ve Kur’ân!
TENBÎH: Misyonerler, h›ristiyanl›ğ› yaymağa, yehûdîler,
Talmûtu yaymağa, ‹stanbuldaki Hakîkat Kitâbevi, islâmiyyeti yaymağa, masonlar ise, dinleri yok etmeğe çal›ş›yorlar.
Akl›, ilmi ve insâf› olan, bunlardan doğrusunu iz’ân, idrâk
eder, anlar. Bunun yay›lmas›na yard›m ederek, bütün insanlar›n dünyâda ve âh›retde se’âdete kavuşmalar›na sebeb
olur. ‹nsanlara bundan dahâ k›ymetli ve dahâ fâideli bir hizmet olamaz. Bugün h›ristiyanlar›n ve yehûdîlerin ellerindeki
Tevrât ve ‹ncîl denilen din kitâblar›n›n, insanlar taraf›ndan
yaz›lm›ş olduklar›n› kendi adamlar› da söyliyor. Kur’ân-› kerîm ise, Allahü teâlâ taraf›ndan gönderildiği gibi tertemizdir.
Bütün papazlar›n ve hahamlar›n, Hakîkat Kitâbevinin neşr
etdiği kitâblar› dikkat ile ve insâf ile okuyup anlamağa çal›şmalar› lâz›md›r. Hakîkat Kitâbevinin bütün kitâblar› bilgisayara verilmekde, buradan da internet vâs›tas› ile bütün dünyâdaki bilgisayarlara yay›lmakdad›r.

Research paper thumbnail of The Sunni Path

ThisbookletwaswrittenbyAhmedCevdetPaşa'rahmatullâhi ta'âlâ'alaih',whorenderedagreatservicetoIslam... more ThisbookletwaswrittenbyAhmedCevdetPaşa'rahmatullâhi ta'âlâ'alaih',whorenderedagreatservicetoIslambyputtingthe rules in the Qur'ân al-kerîm into a code of law in his valuable book Majalla. In addition, he wrote The Ottoman History in twelve volumes, the most dependable book in its field, and the famousQisâs-i Anbiyâ' (TheHistoryofProphets).Hewasborn inLofja(LowiczinPoland)in1238(1823A.D.);hepassedaway in1312(1894A.D.)andwasburiedinthegraveyardoftheFâtih MosqueinIstanbul. Cevdet Pâsha states: This 'alâm, that is, everything, was nonexistent. Allâhu ta'âlâ created existence out of nothing. He wishedtoenrichthisworldwithhumanbeingsuntiltheendofthe world. Creating Âdam ''alaihis-salâm' from earth, He ornamented the earth with his children. To show people the thingsnecessaryfortheminthisworldandthenext,Hehonoured some of them by making them Prophets ''alaihim-us-salâm'. He distinguishedthemfromotherpeoplebygivingthemhighranks. HeconveyedHiscommandstoProphetsthroughanangelnamed Jebrâ'îl (Jibrîl,Gabriel).Andtheyconveyedthesecommandsto their ummas exactly as Jebrâ'îl ''alaihis-salâm' brought them to them. The first Prophet was Âdam ''alaihis-salâm' and the last one was our master Muhammed Mustafâ ''alaihis-salâtu wa-ssalâm'. Many Prophets came between these two. Only Allâhu ta'âlâ knows their number. The following are the ones whose namesareknown: Âdam, Shîs (orShît), Idrîs, Nûh (Noah),Hûd, Sâlih, Ibrâhîm, Ismâ'îl, Is'hâq (Isaac), Ya'qûb (Jacob), Yûsuf (Joseph), Eyyûb, Lût, Shu'aib, Mûsâ (Moses), Hârûn (Aaron), Dâwûd (David), Sulaimân, Yûnus (Jonah), Ilyâs (Elijah), Alyasa', Dhu'l-kifl, Zakariyyâ (Zechariah), Yahyâ (John), 'Îsâ (Jesus), Muhammad Mustafâ ''alaihimu-s-salât-u-was -salâm'. Twenty-five of these Prophets,withtheexceptionofShîs''alaihis-salâm',arenamedin the Qur'ân al-kerîm. The names of 'Uzair, Luqmân and Dhu'lqarnain arealsomentionedintheQur'ânal-kerîm.Somescholars [1] Radd ul-muhtâr,sectiononta'zîr. [2] ibid,sectiononwitness. [1] Pleaseseethebookentitled'ConfessionsofABritishSpy',oneofthe publicationsofHakîkat Kitâbevi inIstanbul,Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of The Proof of Prophethood

Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, four... more Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, fourteen Turkish, and the remaining are books in French, German, English, Russian, and other languages. Hüseyn Hilmi Iş›k, 'Rahmat-Allahi 'alaih' (guided by Sayyid 'Abdulhakim Arwâsî, 'Rahmat-Allahi 'alaih', a profound Islamic scholar and perfect in virtues of Tasawwuf and capable to guide disciples in a fully mature manner; possessor of glories and wisdom), was a competent, great Islamic scholar able to guide to happiness, passed away during the night between October 25, 2001 (8 Sha'bân 1422) and October 26, 2001 (9 Sha'bân 1422). He was buried at Eyyub Sultan, where he had been born. ____________________ Publisher's Note: Those who wish to print this book in its original form or to translate in into another language are permitted to do so. We pray that Allâhu ta'âlâ will bless them for this beneficial deed of theirs, and we thank them very much. However, permission is granted with the condition that the paper used in printing will be of a good quality and that the design of the text and setting will be properly and neatly done without mistakes. We would appreciate a copy of the printed book when completed. ______________________ A Warning: Missionaries are striving to advertise Christianity, Jews are working to spread out the concocted words of Jewish rabbis, Hakîkat Kitâbevi (Bookstore), in Istanbul, is struggling to publicize Islam, and freemasons are trying to annihilate religions. A person with wisdom, knowledge and conscience will understand and admit the right one among these and will help to spread out that for salvation of all humanity. There is no better way and more valuable thing to serve humanity than doing so.

Research paper thumbnail of The Rising and the Hereafter

Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, four... more Of the one hundred and forty-four books he published, sixty are Arabic, twenty-five Persian, fourteen Turkish, and the remaining are books in French, German, English, Russian, and otherlanguages. Hüseyn Hilmi Iş›k, 'Rahmat-Allahi 'alaih' (guided by Sayyid 'AbdulhakimArwâsî,'Rahmat-Allahi'alaih',aprofoundscholar ofthereligionandperfectinvirtuesofTasawwufandcapableto guidedisciplesinafullymaturemanner;possessorofgloriesand wisdom),wasacompetent,greatIslamicscholarabletoguideto happiness,passedawayduringthenightbetweenOctober25,2001 (8Sha'bân1422)andOctober26,2001(9Sha'bân1422).Hewas buriedatEyyubSultan,wherehehadbeenborn. TYPESET AND PRINTED IN TURKEY BY: ‹h lâsGa ze te ci likA.Ş. MerkezMah.29EkimCad.İhlâsPlazaNo:11A/41 34197Yenibosna-İSTANBULTel:90.212.4543000 Oh, I change for the worse day in, day out, yâ Rasûlallah! Let my conduct be righted, do help me, yâ Rasûlallah! This base nafs of mine rampart, has made me follow the devil. How could refuge be likely with these sins, yâ Rasûlallah! Could safety despite the nafs and the devil be possible, Unless your guidance came to our rescue, yâ Rasûlallah! Once fayz and ihsân from you come to the heart of a person, His way in both worlds will be salvation, yâ Rasûlallah! I have obeyed (do)s and (don't)s, and have not called harâms 'halâl'. Contrition's followed each sin committed, yâ Rasûlallah! O, you, Messenger for humans and genies, Best of mankind; For my ikhlâs' sake, intercede for me, yâ Rasûlallah!

Research paper thumbnail of SIE WAREN NICHT IMSTANDE ZU BEANTWORTEN von

Vorwort Einführung Das Glaubenslicht der Herzen Eine Studie über die vier Bücher, die als Evangel... more Vorwort Einführung Das Glaubenslicht der Herzen Eine Studie über die vier Bücher, die als Evangelien bezeichnet werden Das Evangelium nach Matthäus Das Evangelium nach Markus Das Evangelium nach Lukas Das Evangelium nach Johannes Die Unterschiede und Widersprüche der vier Evangelien.... Eine Studie über die Bücher im Neuen Testament Erwiderung auf das Buch "Die Festigkeit der Überlegungen" Der heilige Koran und die Evangelien von heute Die Unrichtigkeit der Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit Die Beweise für die Unrichtigkeit der Lehre von der Dreieinigkeit mit den Worten des heiligen Propheten Jesus, Friede sei mit ihm Anfeindungen der Priester gegen die Anbetungen im Islam und die Erwiderung darauf Erwiderung auf die Verleumdungen eines Priesters ALLAH, der Erhabene, ist einzig Das Thema "Wissen" Das Thema "Macht" Jesus, Friede sei mit ihm, war ein Mensch, man darfihn nicht anbeten! Jesus, Friede sei mit ihm, ist ein Prophet;man darf ihn nicht anbeten! Von den vier Evangelien Das Judentum und die Thora Der Talmud Was ist "Zivilisation?" Die letzten Worte eines Märtyrers Im Zeltlager in der nähe von Ovadschik Die Übersetzung des 147. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 83. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 110. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 16. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 153. Briefes Die Übersetzung des 154. Briefes

Research paper thumbnail of Sahaba The Blessed

The pure life led by each and every one of the Ashâb-i-kirâm (Sahâba) sets an example for us to f... more The pure life led by each and every one of the Ashâb-i-kirâm (Sahâba) sets an example for us to follow.Weshouldimitatethemandtrytodeservelove of Allâhu ta'âlâ. A Muslim who follows in their footsteps will obey the commandments of Allâhu ta'âlâandthelawsofthestate.Itissinfultodisobey thecommandments,andacrimetoviolatethelaw.A perfectMuslimwillnotcommitsinsorcrimes.Tobea 'Muslim'meanstobea'goodperson'.Hewillknow thatMuslimsarebrothers.Hewilllovehisnationand hisnationalflag.Hewillbegoodtoallotherpeople. He will never harm non-Muslims, tourists or disbelievers. He will not attack their property, lives, chastityorhonour.Hewilladmonishwrongdoers.He will not cheat or doublecross anyone. He will never quarrel.Hewilltreatotherswithasmilingfaceanda sweettongue.Hewillalwayswork.Hewilllearnhis religion and science well. He will teach them to his childrenandtohisacquaintancesaswell.Hewillnot backbite others or gossip. He will always say useful things.Hewillearnalivingthroughhalâl(canonically legitimate) means. He will not impinge on anyone's rights.AMuslimwhohasacquiredthesequalitieswill belovedbyAllahaswellasbypeople.Hewillleada lifeincomfortandpeace. My youth has gone by like a sweet dream, weep, oh, my eyes! Weeping's made me a lunatic, the grave would lead me homewise! TYPESET AND PRINTED IN TURKEY BY: ‹h lâsGa ze te ci likA.Ş. MerkezMah.29EkimCad.İhlâsPlazaNo:11A/41 34197Yenibosna-İSTANBULTel:90.212.4543000-2-THE SAHÂBA 'alaihim-ur-ridwân' THE SAHÂBA 'alaihim-ur-ridwân' If any person thanks and praises any other person in any manneratanyplaceatanytimeandforanyreason,allthisthanks andpraisebelongtoAllâhuta'âlâbyrights.For,He,alone,isthe creator,theeducator,thetrainerofeverythingandthemakerand thesenderofeverygoodness.He,alone,istheownerofpowerand authority. To say that a certain person 'created a certain thing' wouldmeantoattribute'creation'tosomeoneotherthanAllâhu ta'âlâ, which in effect would, like praising a fly for having constructedanapartmenthouseorfordriving,beasqualidsin,not to mention the derision it would provoke against the person concerned. May all benedictions and good wishes be on Muhammad 'alaihis-salâm', His Prophet and Darling, on his Ahl-i-Bayt (immediate relatives), and on all his Ashâb (Companions) 'ridwânullâhita'âlâ'alaihimajma'în'! Nişanc›zâde Muhammed bin Ahmed 'rahima hullâhu ta'âlâ', the author of the grand tome of history entitled Mir'ât-i-kâinât, states as follows: "The Sahâba have been described in various ways. It is written in Mawâhib-i-ladunniyya that a Believer who saw our Prophet 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam' at least for a moment,orwhotalkedwithhimatleastforamoment,ifhewasa blind person, as the Prophet was alive and after he had been appointedastheProphet,iscalledaSâhib oraSahâbî,regardless ofhisageatthatblessedmoment.Whentheyaremorethanone, they are called Ashâb, or Sahâba, or Sahb. A person who was a disbeliever when he saw the Messenger of Allah 'sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam' and became a Believer after the Prophet's passing away, or a person who was a Believer when he saw him andrenegedIslam-mayAllâhuta'âlâprotectusagainstit-after theProphet'spassingaway,isnotaSahâbî.UbaydullahbinJahsh and Sa'laba bin Abî Khâtib were among the Sahâba, but [1] PleaseseethethirdchapterofthefifthfascicleofEndless Bliss,for Sadaqa fitr, available from Hakîkat Kitâbevi, 34262 Fâtih, ‹stanbul, Türkiye.

Research paper thumbnail of Put Ehl-i Sunneta

Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampa... more Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampaju ovu knjigu ili da je prevedu na neki drugi jezik. Mi činimo dovu i molimo Allaha džellešanuhu da ih blagoslovi za ovaj korisni rad i mi im se jako puno zahvaljujemo. Dozvola se daje pod uslovom da je papir na kojem štampaju ovu knjigu dobrog kvaliteta i da su dizajn i okvir teksta ispravni, uredni, i bez grešaka. ___________________________ Prevodiočeva bilješka: Ova knjiga je doslovno prevedena sa engleskog jezika. Prevodilac se davno odselio iz Bosne. Moguće je da su se, u međuvremenu, desile neke promjene u bosanskom jeziku. Molimo čitaoce da obrate pažnju na sadržaj ove cijenjene knjižice a ne na njene eventualne gramatičke greške. Mi smo i u ovom prijevodu, kao i u svim drugim našim prijevodima, stavili u zagradu () originalne riječi koje su upotrijebljene u turskom originalu teksta.

Research paper thumbnail of ODGOVOR NEPRİJATELJU İSLAMA


Allah dželle-šanuhu sažaljeva sav narod na ovom svijetu. On svakome šalje korisne i potrebne stva... more Allah dželle-šanuhu sažaljeva sav narod na ovom svijetu. On svakome šalje korisne i potrebne stvari. On nam pokazuje način kako da se sačuvamo od štetnih stvari i
kako da budemo sretni. On će na onom svijetu oprostiti kome hoće, od onih griješnih pravih vjernika (mu’mina) koji su trebali da odu u džehennem, i uvešće ih u džennet.
Samo je On onaj koji stvara svako živo biće, i koji svako biće svakoga momenta održava u postojanju, i koji štiti sve od straha i užasa. Predavajući se časnom imenu Allaha dželle-šanuhu mi započinjemo sa pisanjem ove knjige. Mi donosimo salat i selam na Allahovog dželle-šanuhu najdražeg Poslanika, Muhammeda alejhisselam. Mi
donosimo dobre (hajirli) dove na njegov čisti ehli bejt i na njegove sve pravedne (adil) i časne (sadik) ashabe. Allah dželle-šanuhu je pun milosti prema Svojim
robovima. On hoće da mi svi na ovom svijetu živimo u udobnosti i miru, a da, kad umremo, živimo u vječnom blagostanju (ni’metima) i uslugama. On im je (Svojim
robovima), da bi dobili ovu sreću, naredio da vjeruju (imaju iman), da postanu muslimani, da slijede put Njegovog Poslanika Muhammeda alejhisselam i njegovih Ashaba, da vole jedni druge, i da se međusobno potpomažu. Poslanik sallallahu alejhi ve sellem je rekao: “Kao što su zvijezde vodići u tamnim noćima tako su i moji ashabi vodići na putu koji vodi ka sreći (se’adetu). Slijedite bilo kog od njih i vi ćete se usrećiti.” Ashabi kiram su naučili Kur’ani kerim od Resulullaha. Kasnije, putujući, oni su prenosili
rugim ono što su naučili. Oni nisu ništa od sebe dodavali onome što su naučili od Resulullaha. Islamski učenjaci (alimi islama) su zapisali u svoje knjige sve što su čuli od ashaba kiram. Ovi učenjaci (alimi) se zovu alimi ehli sunneta. Kasnije su se pojavili izvjesni učenjaci (alimi) koji su dodali ovim učenjima konglomerat ideja koje su bile
sastavljene ponajviše od izmišljenih laži engleskih špijuna, ideja starih grčkih filozofa i jevrejskih i hrišćanskih izmišljotina. Oni su, dodavajući ovom konglomeratu svoje
lične utiske i sve ono što su stekli od znanstvenih učenja svog vremena, izmislili novo vjersko učenje. Oni su propovijedajući (va’zeći) pod imenom “alima islama”
pokušali da iznutra razore islam. Od ovih, oni, koji su promijenili Nass, to jest ajeti kerime i hadisi šerife sa jasnim značenjem, su postali nevjernici (kafiri). Oni koji su
pogrešno protumačili Nass sa nejasnim i prikrivenim značenjima se nazivaju jeretici, otpadnici, inovatori (bid’at grupe). Pojavilo se nekoliko ovakvih otpadničkih,
jeretičnih, bid’at grupa koje nose muslimansko ime. Englezi su loveći u mutnom izmislili i osnovali nove nevjerničke i otpadničke grupe, te su, na taj način, pokušali
da unište pravi islam. Danas su muslimani u svijetu podjeljeni na tri grupe. Ehli sunnet, šije i vehabije. Njihovo vjerovanje je različito. S obzirom da razlike među njima
proizilaze iz interpretacije Nassa [ajeta i hadisa], čije se značenje ne razumije jasno, i pošto oni ne negiraju Nassove sa jasnim značenjima, oni ne zovu jedni druge
nevjernicima (kafirima). Ali, oni ne vole jedni druge. Pravi muslimani su oni koji se zovu ehli sunnet. Oni se trebaju međusobno voljeti i potpomagati. Oni trebaju blago
međusobno govoriti i pisati jedni drugima. Oni ne smiju jedni drugima nanositi štetu pa čak ni kad moraju jedni druge opomenuti; oni uvijek moraju u svojim verbalnim i
pismenim korespondencijama da jedni druge blago savjetuju. Oni trebaju da jedni drugima pomažu, i da pomažu cijelom čovječanstvu, da slijede predivno islamsko
ponašanje (ahlak) i da se čuvaju da ne bi izazvali nered (fitnu). Oni se ne smiju buniti protiv zakona države u kojoj žive niti smiju napadati ičiji život, imovinu, i čednost.
Muslimani moraju imati ovakve osobine. Sve naše riječi, pisanja, i djela, moraju da budu u smislu poboljšanja i kooperacije. Nažalost, izvjesni degenerici, neprijatelji vjere
i ljudskog roda, koji samo misle na svoju dobrobit i želje, predstavljajući sebe ne samo kao muslimane već čak i kao vjerske ljude, pokušavaju da unesu razdor među
muslimane i da ih tako rascjepkaju. Oni propagiraju laži koje su izmislili engleski špijuni. Oni žele da pod izgovorom vjerskih reformi ukaljaju i oskrnave islam. S
druge strane dva velika neprijatelja, neznanje (džahilijet) i lijenost, djeluju kao smetnja i prepreka mudrosti i slijeđenju islama i tako nas sprečavaju da napravimo
razliku između ispravnog i neispravnog i dobrog i zlog. Na primjer, Muhammed Ali paša je bio pametan i vjerski upućen čovjek. On je služio kao guverner Osmanlijske
države u Egiptu. Ali, njegovi sljedbenici nisu bili dobri kao on. Vjerske stvari su pale u nesposobne ruke. Jedan mason (član Udruženja slobodnih zidara) koji se zvao Abduh je bio postavljen za Upravnog direktora medrese Džami’ul-ezher koja je stoljećima proizvodila alime islama. Škotski masoni su počeli kako ekonomski tako i duševno razarati i uništavati egipatske muslimane. Englezi su preko ovih masona, iznutra, uništili Osmanlijsku državu. Sadr-i a’zam (najveći vezir) Ali paša, učenik masona Mustafe Rešida paše je 1284./1868. godine predao srbima ključeve beogradskog utvrđenja. Vezir je sa sobom doveo u Istanbul svog druga, masona, Džemaleddina Efganiju pa su oni zajedno nastojali da iznutra unište islam. Oni su napisali
jako razdorne knjige. Rešid Riza, kairski muftija, Abduhov učenik, je napisao
jednu knjigu koja se zove Muhaverat[1] koja je 1324./1906. godine izdata u Egiptu. Ova knjiga ima, sa dodatkom, 143 stranice. Ona se nalazi pod brojem 810 u Sulejmanijje
biblioteci u Istanbulu u Izmirli sekciji te biblioteke. Ova knjiga je napisana kao dijalog između hodže (vaiz efendije) koji je studirao na medresi i modernog vjerskog
reformatora. Rešid Riza u ovoj knjizi iznosi, u njihovom razgovoru, svoje ideje.
Hadisi šerif koji nam Darimi prenosi kaže: “Znaj da je zla ulema gora od svega lošeg. Dobra ulema je bolja od svega dobrog!” Ovaj hadisi šerif je objašnjen u knjizi Mektubat (Prvi tom, 53. pismo) koju je napisao hazreti imam Rabbani.

Research paper thumbnail of O Son!

O Son - Süleyman Bin Jeza - Hakikat Kitabevi

THE BOOK ‘O SON’ Al-hamdu lillâhi Rabbil ’âlamîn. Wa-s-salâtu wa-s-salâmu ’alâ Rasûlinâ Muhammadi... more THE BOOK ‘O SON’
Al-hamdu lillâhi Rabbil ’âlamîn. Wa-s-salâtu wa-s-salâmu ’alâ Rasûlinâ Muhammadin wa Âlihi wa Sahbihi ajma’în.

In our time, everyone with a pen in his hand attempts to write
books. Being quite unaware of Islam’s teachings, he writes
whatsoever takes to his mind. If he is a powerful talker, he mounts
the platform offered and rants about his fancies and suppositions.
Whenever today’s younger generation want to learn their sacred
religion, Islam, a legacy from their lion-hearted forefathers, they
have no choice but to read concocted tafsîrs or publications of
Islamic history translated from books written in languages such as
English, Jewish and others by Islam’s enemies and which therefore
spew out their personal grudge and hatred (against this blessed
religion) or books and periodicals prepared by unlearned and
hypocritical vendors whose sole concern is to earn money by
touting for religion, or to acquire religious knowledge from
newspapers that have nothing to do with religion. However, the
number of the high quality savants schooled in our blessed religion
bears a fovourable comparison to that of the Israelite Prophets
and the thousands of books written by them have introduced and
taught Islam to the entire world. The correct Islamic knowledge
consists of the teachings of Ahl as-sunnat. For people who wish to
obtain detailed information in this subject, we recommend that
they read the the six fascicles of Endless Bliss, (which are available
from Hakîkat Kitâbevi of Istanbul, Turkey.) With a view to
protecting our Muslim brothers and Muslims’ children against a
misguiding and altogether different acquisition in the name of
learning Islam by reading the venom-outpouring books and
periodicals that are being published in rapid succession and which
worm their way into the public’s attention and demand owing to
their sequinned verbosity, we have deemed it essential to
reproduce and republish a book which Suleymân bin Jezâ’
compiled from books written by great Islamic scholars in the
Hanafî Madhhab and wrote with the title O Son in 960 [1552
A.D.]. There is yet another valuable book published under the
same title, Eyyuhelveled (O Son), and which was written by the
Hujjet-ul-islâm Imâm Ghazâlî ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’ (450 [1058A.D.], Ghazâl, Tus (Mashhad), Iran–505 (1111), the same place).
The latter was translated by Mustafâ ’Alî Efendi ‘rahima-hullâhu
ta’âlâ’ and was entitled Tuhfat-us-sulahâ. Moreover, Hâdimî
‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’ wrote a commentary to the latter. An
English version of Imâm Ghazâlî’s book Eyyuhelveled occupies
the final pages of Documents of the Right Word, one of our
During the reproduction of Hadrat Suleymân bin Jezâ’s work
we have added bracketed passages borrowed from other books or
important notes. We entreat Allâhu ta’âlâ to bless people who
attain the fortune of reading this valuable book to benefit from the
pure souls of those great people whose names are mentioned in it.

Research paper thumbnail of Nije Mogao Odgovoriti

Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampa... more Štamparska bilješka: Dajemo dozvolu svima onima koji žele da u originalu i bez promjene preštampaju ovu knjigu ili da je prevedu na neki drugi jezik. Mi činimo dovu i molimo Allaha džellešanuhu da ih blagoslovi za ovaj korisni rad i mi im se jako puno zahvaljujemo. Dozvola se daje pod uslovom da je papir na kojem štampaju ovu knjigu dobrog kvaliteta i da su dizajn i okvir teksta ispravni, uredni, i bez grešaka. Prevodiočeva bilješka: Ova knjiga je doslovno prevedena sa engleskog jezika. Prevodilac se je davno odselio iz Bosne. Moguće je da su se, u međuvremenu, desile neke promjene u bosanskom jeziku. Molimo čitaoce da obrate pažnju na sadržaj ove cijenjene knjižice a ne na njene eventualne gramatičke greške. Mi smo i u ovom prijevodu, kao i u svim drugim našim prijevodima, stavili u zagradu () originalne riječi koje su upotrijebljene u turskom originalu teksta.

Research paper thumbnail of Namâz Kitâbı

Bis mil lâ hir rah mâ nir ra hîm ‹n saniçinüçdür lüha yâtvar d›r:Dün yâ,kabr,âh› retha yâ t›.Düny... more Bis mil lâ hir rah mâ nir ra hîm ‹n saniçinüçdür lüha yâtvar d›r:Dün yâ,kabr,âh› retha yâ t›.Dünyâ da, be den rûh ile bir lik de dir. ‹n sa na ha yât, can l› l›k ve ren rûh dur. Rûhbe den denay r› l›n ca,in sanölür.Be denme zâr daçü rü yüp,top rak olun cave yâya n›pkülolun ca,yâ hudy›r t› c›hay vanyi yipyokolun ca, rûhyokol maz.Kabrha yâ t›baş lar.Kabrha yâ t›n dahisvar d›r,ha re ket yok dur.K› yâ met debirbe denya ra t› l›p,rûhilebube denbir lik deCennet deve yâCe hen nem deson suzya şar lar. ‹n sa n›n dün yâ da ve âh› ret de mes'ûd ol ma s› için, müs li mân ol ma s› lâ z›m d›r.Dün yâ dames'ûdol mak,râ hatya şa makde mek dir.Âh› ret de mes'ûdol mak,Cen ne tegit mekde mek dir.Al la hüteâ lâ,kul la r› naçok ac› d› ğ› için, mes'ûd ol mak yo lu nu, Pey gam ber ler vâ s› ta s› ile kul la r› na bil dir miş dir. Çün ki in san lar bu se'âdet yo lu nu, ken di akl la r› ile bu lamaz lar.Hiç birPey gam berken diak l›n danbir şeysöy le me miş,hep si,Alla hüte âlâ n›nbil dir di ğişey le risöy le miş ler dir.Pey gam ber le rinsöy le dikle ri se'âdet yo lu na (Din) de nir. Mu ham med aley his se lâ m›n bil dir di ği dî ne(‹s lâ miy yet) de nir.Âdemaley his se lâm danbe ribin ler lePey gambergel miş dir.Pey gam ber le rinso nun cu suMu ham medaley his se lâm d›r. Di ğerPey gam ber le rinbil dir dik le ridin ler,ze mân labo zul muş dur.Şimdise'âde teka vuş makiçinis lâ miy ye tiöğ ren mek denbaş kaçâ reyok dur. ‹s lâ miy yet, kalb ile ina n› la cak (Îmân) bil gi le ri ve be den ile ya p› la cak (Ah kâm-›is lâ miy ye)bil gi le ri dir.Îmânveah kâmilm le ri(Ehl-isün net âlim le ri)ninki tâb la r›n danöğ re ni lir.Câ hil le rin,sa p›k la r›nbo zukki tâbla r›n danöğ re nil mez.Hic rîbinse ne sin denev vel,is lâmmem le ket le rindeçok(Ehl-isün netâli mi) var d›.Şim dihiçkal ma d›.Buâlim le rinyaz-d›k la r›ara bîvefâ ri sîki tâb larvebun la r›nter ce me le ri,dün yâ n›nheryerin de,kü tüb hâ ne ler deçokvar d›r.Ha kî katki tâ be vi ninbü tünki tâb la r›, bukay nak lar danal›n m›ş d›r.Se'âde teka vuş makiçin,(Ha kî katki tâ bevi)ninki tâb la r› n›oku yu nuz! TENBÎH: Mis yo ner ler, h› ris ti yan l› ğ› yay ma ğa, ye hû dî ler, Tal mû tu yay ma ğa,‹s tan bul da kiHa kî katKi tâ be vi,is lâ miy ye tiyay ma ğa,ma sonlarise,din le riyoket me ğeça l› ş› yor lar.Ak l›,il mivein sâ f›olan,bun lardandoğ ru su nuiz'ân,id râkeder,an lar.Bu nunya y›l ma s› nayar d›mederek,bü tünin san la r›ndün yâ daveâh› ret dese'âde teka vuş ma la r› nasebebolur.‹n san la rabun danda hâk›y met liveda hâfâ ide libirhiz metolamaz.Bu günh› ris ti yan la r›nveye hû dî le rinel le rin de kiTev râtve‹n cîldeni len din ki tâb la r› n›n, in san lar ta ra f›n dan ya z›l m›ş ol duk la r› n› ken di adam la r›dasöy li yor.Kur'ân-›ke rîmise,Al la hüteâ lâta ra f›n dangön deril di ğigi biter te miz dir.Bü tünpa paz la r›nveha ham la r›n,Ha kî katKi tâbe vi ninneşret di ğiki tâb la r›dik katilevein sâfileoku yupan la ma ğaça-l›ş ma la r›lâ z›m d›r.

Research paper thumbnail of NAMAZ KİTABI

Gəlin namaz qılaq, qəlbdən pası silək, Allaha yaxınlaşmaq olmaz, namaznıı qılmadıqca! Harada nama... more Gəlin namaz qılaq, qəlbdən pası silək, Allaha yaxınlaşmaq olmaz, namaznıı qılmadıqca! Harada namaz qılınar, günahlar həmişə tökülər, İnsan, kamil ola bilməz, namazını qılmadıqca! Qurani-Kərimdə Haqq namazı çox mədh etdi, Dedi sevmərəm insanı, namazını qılmadıqca! Bir hədisi-şərifdə: İmanın əlaməti, İnsanda müəyyən olmaz, namazını qılmadıqca! Bir namazı qılmamaq, əkbəri kəbairdir, Tövbə ilə əfv olmaz, qəzasını qılmadıqca! Namazı əhəmiyyətsiz görən, imandan çıxar dərhal, Müsəlman ola bilməz o, namazını qılmadıqca! Namaz qəlbi təmizləyər, pislikdən kənar edər, Münəvvər ola bilməzsən, namazını qılmadıqca!