Emine Özmete | Ankara University (original) (raw)

Papers by Emine Özmete

Research paper thumbnail of Finansal Refah: Finansal Yönetim Sürecinden Duyulan Tatmin, Finansal Davranışlar ile Öz-saygı Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Bu arastirma bireylerin finansal yonetim ve finansal durumlarindan duyduklari tatmin, finansal da... more Bu arastirma bireylerin finansal yonetim ve finansal durumlarindan duyduklari tatmin, finansal davranislar, kredi ve risk yonetimi surecleri ile oz-saygi duzeylerini belirlemek; finansal yonetim surecinden duyulan tatmin, finansal davranislar ile oz-saygi arasindaki iliskiyi ortaya koyabilmek amaci ile planlanmis ve yurutulmustur. Arastirma sonucunda bireylerin yasam duzeyi, tasarruf edebilme, borclari odeyebilme, varlik duzeyi gibi finansal yonetim surecine iliskin bir cok konudan duyduklari tatminin cok yuksek olmadigi belirlenmistir. Ayrica oz-saygi duzeyi ile finansal yonetim sureci ve finansal durumdan duyulan tatmin, finansal davranislar arasinda anlamli bir iliski oldugu bulunmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Hamilelikte insan kapitalinin sürdürülebilirliği: Ergonomik bir bakış açısı

Bu calisma hamilelik doneminde (i)calisma ortamindaki ergonomik risk faktorleri ve insan kapitali... more Bu calisma hamilelik doneminde (i)calisma ortamindaki ergonomik risk faktorleri ve insan kapitali etkilesimini, (ii) calisan kadinlarin insan kapitalinin surdurulebilirligini engelleyen ergonomik risk faktorlerini ve (iii) bu risk faktorlerini ortadan kaldirma ya da azaltmada gerekli olan makro ve mikro duzeydeki duzenlemeleri ortaya koymaktadir. Hamilelik doneminde kadinlarin calisma yasaminda maruz kaldiklari ergonomik risk faktorlerinin goz ardi edilmesi, cogu zaman kadina karsi gizli ve gorunur ayrimciligin nedeni olmaktadir. Bu nedenle kadinlarin calisma yasamindaki ergonomik riskleri azaltmak icin gereken makro ve mikro duzenlemeler; hem hamilelik doneminde kadinlarin insan kapitallerinin surdurulebilirligini saglayacak, hem de calisma yasaminda sosyal adalet ve insan haklarinin yerine getirilmesine katkida bulunacaktir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇r Mesleki̇ Uygulama Alani Olarak Geçmi̇şten Geleceğe Kli̇ni̇k Sosyal Hi̇zmet

Dunya’da oldugu gibi Turkiye’de de toplumsal degisim surecinde sosyal sorunlarin cesitliliginin a... more Dunya’da oldugu gibi Turkiye’de de toplumsal degisim surecinde sosyal sorunlarin cesitliliginin artmasi sosyal hizmet mesleginin uygulama alanlarini da giderek genisletmektedir. Sosyal hizmet mesleginin en onemli uygulama alanlarindan biri klinik sosyal hizmettir. Klinik sosyal hizmet, ilk olarak Amerika Birlesik Devletleri’nde (ABD’de) tanimlanmis ve gelismistir. ABD’de, klinik sosyal hizmet uzmanlarinin kaydi 1976 yilindan beri Ulusal Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanlari Birligi (NASW) tarafindan alinmakta ve bu uzmanlarin bagimsiz ozel uygulama yapmalarina izin verilmektedir. Ulkemizde ise, klinik sosyal hizmet alaninda calisan sosyal hizmet uzmanlari bulunmasina karsin, ulke genelindeki tanimlamalara ve uygulama izinlerini iceren yasa/ mevzuat alt yapisina ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Bu makalede klinik sosyal hizmet alani; gelisimi, tanimlanmasi, ozgunlugu ve uygulama paradigmalari kapsaminda incelenecek; gelecek perspektifi ile ulkemizde klinik sosyal hizmet alaninin gelisimi icin gerekli surecl...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Hi̇zmet Uygulamalarinda Bi̇reysel Ve Toplumsal Değerleri̇n İşlevselli̇ği̇ne Kavramsal Bakiş

Bu calismanin amaci; bireysel ve toplumsal degerlerin, koruyucu, onleyici ve mudahale edici sosya... more Bu calismanin amaci; bireysel ve toplumsal degerlerin, koruyucu, onleyici ve mudahale edici sosyal hizmet uygulamalarindaki etkililigini kavramsal olarak aciklamak ve sosyal hizmet uygulamalarinda, degerlerin ne denli islevsel oldugunu/olabilecegini ortaya koymaktir. Bu kapsamda; degerin tanimi, kapsami, islev ve nitelikleri, degerlerin siniflandirilmasi, bireysel ve toplumsal degerlerin yapisi ve islevleri, sosyal hizmet mesleginin degerleri ile toplumsal degerler arasindaki iliski aciklanmaya calisilmistir. Tutumlarin eylemlere donusmesini saglayan ve toplumlarda sosyo-kulturel farkliliklara anlam veren degerler; sosyal hizmet uygulamalarinda “birey”i (mikro) ve “toplum”u (makro) anlamada en onemli toplumsal dinamiklerden biri olarak kabul gormektedir. Sosyal hizmet uygulamalari, birey ve cevre arasindaki iliskiye odaklanarak; mesleki degerlerin yani sira bireysel ve toplumsal degerleri merkeze alarak yurutulmektedir. Bireyin guclenmesi icin bireyin sahip oldugu ve onem verdigi de...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Kapitali Yapılandırmak: Sosyal İletişim Ağı ve Yardımseverlik-Gönüllülük

This study has been designed and implemented with the aim of exposing the principles related to s... more This study has been designed and implemented with the aim of exposing the principles related to social capital in terms of social communication network and charity-volunteering. This quantitative study used questionniare to collect data from 176 women and 162 men who working in public sector in Ankara. The results of research show that individuals who have a problem know one who help them, individuals who need debt know one who give them, individuals who faced some problems in family or work life know one who help them in terms of social communication network. It is exposed that individuals are not member a voluntary organization and, they don’t work a charitable fund generally, but they often give charitable gifts to charitable funds or people who have need.

Research paper thumbnail of Workplace Age Discrimination and Affecting Factors in Turkey: A Validation Study

Experimental Aging Research

ABSTRACT Objective: This study was undertaken to adapt Workplace Age Discrimination Scale (WADS) ... more ABSTRACT Objective: This study was undertaken to adapt Workplace Age Discrimination Scale (WADS) to Turkish. Methods: The sample of the study was composed of 465 volunteered women and men (18+ years) who had an active working life. Corrected item total correlation and Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient were calculated for reliability of WADS. High order confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the theoretical suitability and construct validity for Turkish context. Results: In this study, WADS has one factor construction. Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient was found as 0.904 for WADS. Predictors of workplace age discrimination in Turkish population were determined as age, hierarchical structure, job satisfaction, and income satisfaction Conclusion: These results showed that the Turkish version of WADS may be used as a valid and reliable tool in determining workplace age discrimination and in other relevant research. Exploring the validity and reliability of the scale should be repeated in groups who have different socio-demographics and health situations.

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for Elder Abuse Among Turkish Older People: Validity of the Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H-S "East")

Research on Social Work Practice, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test: The adaptation study into Turkish

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2016

Objective: This study is undertaken to adapt The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS-... more Objective: This study is undertaken to adapt The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS-EAST) to Turkish. Methods: The sample of the study is composed of 465 volunteered women and men (60+) (mean age: 71.47±7.4) who live alone in their home or with their children across Turkey. HS-EAST has 15 items. Total point correlation and inner consistency coefficient (KR 20) are calculated for reliability of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis is performed to test the theoretical suitability and validity for Turkish context. Results: In this study, HS-EAST has three factors construction as original scale. Inner consistency coefficient was found as 0.814. The highness of the score points indicates a potential increase in the risk of elder abuse. Conclusion: These results show that the Turkish version of HS-EAST may be used as a valid and reliable tool in determining elderly abuse and also for purposes of early diagnosis and in other relevant research. It might be recommended that exploring the validity and reliability of the scale is repeated in different groups of subjects of similar ages and that the scale is used in prevalence studies

Research paper thumbnail of Ailelerin Öznel Refah (Subjective Well-Being) Düzeylerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme

Sosyal Politika Calısmaları Dergisi, 2004

Bu arastirma, ailelerin subjektif refahlarina iliskin bir degerlendirme yapabilmek amaci ile plan... more Bu arastirma, ailelerin subjektif refahlarina iliskin bir degerlendirme yapabilmek amaci ile planlanmis/Tokat il merkezinde kamu sektorunde calisan 116 evli kadin ve esleri olmak uzere toplam 232 kisi uzerinde yurutulmustur. Arastirma verilerinin toplanmasinda karsilikli gorusme tekniginden yararlanilmistir. Eslerin oznel refahlarina iliskin degerlendirmelerinin cinsiyete gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigini belirlemek amaci ile T-Testi ve Kaykare analizi uygulanmistir. Arastirma sonuclari, erkeklerin yasamlarini kadinlara gore daha ilgi cekici ve esnek bulduklarini ve yasamlarinda kendilerini yalniz hissetmediklerini, kadinlarin ise yasamlarini erkeklere gore daha degerli bulduklarini ve eslerin yasamlarini iyi olarak degerlendirdiklerini ortaya koymaktadir. Ayrica eslerin yasami dengelemeye iliskin bazi gorusleri, cinsiyet degiskeni ile iliskili bulunmustur. Elde edilen bulgular ailelerin refah ve oznel refah duzeylerinin iyilestirilmesine yonelik uygulanabilir programlarin hazirlanmasi acisindan yarar saglayabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Genç Bireyler ve Ebeveynleri Arasında Yaşanan Sorunların “Aile Yapısı Araştırması” Sonuçlarına Göre Değerlendirilmesi

Arastirmanin Amaci: Bu arastirmanin amaci Turkiye’de 18-25 yas grubundaki genc bireyler ve bu gen... more Arastirmanin Amaci: Bu arastirmanin amaci Turkiye’de 18-25 yas grubundaki genc bireyler ve bu genclerin ebeveynleri arasinda sorun yasanan konularin belirlenmesi ve genclerin ebeveynleri ile sorun yasama durumlarini etkileyen degiskenlerin incelenmesidir. Yontem: Bu calismada,“2006 Aile Yapisi Arastirmasi (2006 AYA)” mikro verisi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu 18- 25 yas grubundaki, anne/babasi ile yasayan 2.332 genc birey ve 18-25 yas grubunda ayni evde yasayan cocugu olan 4.274 ebeveyn olusturmaktadir. Calismada aile ici iletisimde sorun yasanan konular hem genclerin hem de ebeveynlerin bakisi ile incelenmistir. Genc bireyin cinsiyet, ogrenim durumu ve kisisel gelir gibi ozeliklerinin gencin ebeveynleri ile sorun yasadiklari konulara olan etkisi lojistik regresyon modeli ile arastirilmistir. Bulgular: Gec bireyler ve ebeveynleri ve arasinda en yaygin olarak “harcama ve tuketim aliskanliklari”, “arkadas secimi”, “kilikkiyafet tarzi” gibi konularda sorun yasanmaktadir. Hanehalki refahi ve egitim duzeyi yuksek olan; babalari ile olan iliskilerini olumsuz olarak degerlendiren genclerin ebeveynleri ile sorun yasama egilimi daha yuksektir. Gencin kendisine ait bir gelirinin olmasi ise ebeveynleri ile sorun yasama egilimini azaltmaktadir. Sonuc: Gencligin son asamasinda olan bireyler, kisisel gelisim acisindan bagimsiz karar verme ve secimler yapma duzeyindedir. Bu durumun ebeveynlerin dikkatinden kacmasi sorun yasanmasina yol acabilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bakım Kuruluşlarına Kabul Sırasında Bekleyen Yaşlılara Ailede Bakım Verenlerin Bakım Yükü ve Yaşam Memnuniyetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Problems and ıssues concerning social integration of elderly refugees in Turkey

Journal of Refugee Studies

Elderly refugees reflect a vulnerable group within the refugee communities. When the difficulties... more Elderly refugees reflect a vulnerable group within the refugee communities. When the difficulties of the old age and the migration process come together, difficulties and problems tend to increase. Considering the rise in the elderly and refugee population, the social integration of elderly refugees were discussed in this study. Elderly refugees had health problems, language problems, isolation and formal problems mostly. Women refugees seemed to be more disadvantaged in terms of education, language, income and employment. Language, poverty and being in a different country were the factors that made the social integration of elderly refugees difficult, while facilitating factors were evaluated as common religion, host country characteristics and social networks. Specific services and gerontological social work practices should be created that eliminate the challenging factors and emphasize the facilitating factors of the social integration for elderly refugees.

Research paper thumbnail of Elder Self-Neglect Scale: the adaptation study into Turkish

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Anxiety Levels and Perceived Social Support during the Pandemic of COVID-19 in Turkey

Social Work in Public Health

Research paper thumbnail of Yaşlilarin “Göç” Ve “Yeri̇nde Yaşlanma” Bağlaminda Kentsel Dönüşüm İle İlgi̇li̇ Değerlendi̇rmeleri̇

Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Kırsal kalkınma için kadınların güçlendirilmesi: sosyal hizmet modelleri

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Solution Focused Social Work Intervention

Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of “Social Work Intervention Based on So... more Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of “Social Work Intervention Based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on college students’ hopelessness and stress levels. Method: A total of 24 college students who applied Hacettepe University Beytepe Psychological Counseling Unit in the fall of 2015-2016 academic year were assigned to intervention and control groups. SFBT between 4-8 sessions were conducted with each student from intervention group during the intervention. A quasi-experimental research model based on pretest posttest with comparison group has been chosen for the study. Mann Whitney U test was utilized to analyze results. Results: For the Hopelessness Scale the difference among scores for the Motivation Loss Subscale was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Similarly, the difference among the total Hopelessness Scale score and the two other Hopelessness Subscale scores (Expectations and Feelings About Future and Hope Subscales) and for Perceived St...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Solution Focused Social Work Intervention on College Students’ Hopelessness and Stress Levels - Çözüm Odakli Sosyal Hi̇zmet Müdahalesi̇ni̇n Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Umutsuzluk Ve Stres Düzeyleri̇ne Etki̇si̇

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of "Social Work Intervention Based on So... more Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of "Social Work Intervention Based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on college students' hopelessness and stress levels. Method: A total of 24 college students who applied Hacettepe University Beytepe Psychological Counseling Unit in the fall of 2015-2016 academic year were assigned to intervention and control groups. SFBT between 4-8 sessions were conducted with each student from intervention group during the intervention. A quasi-experimental research model based on pretest-posttest with comparison group has been chosen for the study. Mann Whitney U test was utilized to analyze results. Results: For the Hopelessness Scale the difference among scores for the Motivation Loss Subscale was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Similarly, the difference among the total Hopelessness Scale score and the two other Hopelessness Subscale scores (Expectations and Feelings About Future and Hope Subscales) and for Perceived Stress Scale scores were statistically significant in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.001). The effect size of intervention for Future-Related Emotions and Expectations Factor, Hope Factor and Perceived Stress Scale scores of Hopelessness Scale, has been found to be at higher level (effect sizes for each one: 0.77-0.78-0.79-0.82) and the Hopelessness Scale-Motivational Loss Factor was moderate (effect size = 0.50). Conclusion: Results indicate that the social work intervention based on SFBT was statistically significant and effective on the college students.

Research paper thumbnail of Yabanci Düşmanliği (Zenofobi̇) Ölçeği̇ni̇n Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanmasi: Geçerli̇k Ve Güveni̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Kadinlarda Bağlanma Ve Ruh Sağliği Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Sosyal Hi̇zmet Bakiş Açisiyla Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

Research paper thumbnail of Finansal Refah: Finansal Yönetim Sürecinden Duyulan Tatmin, Finansal Davranışlar ile Öz-saygı Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Bu arastirma bireylerin finansal yonetim ve finansal durumlarindan duyduklari tatmin, finansal da... more Bu arastirma bireylerin finansal yonetim ve finansal durumlarindan duyduklari tatmin, finansal davranislar, kredi ve risk yonetimi surecleri ile oz-saygi duzeylerini belirlemek; finansal yonetim surecinden duyulan tatmin, finansal davranislar ile oz-saygi arasindaki iliskiyi ortaya koyabilmek amaci ile planlanmis ve yurutulmustur. Arastirma sonucunda bireylerin yasam duzeyi, tasarruf edebilme, borclari odeyebilme, varlik duzeyi gibi finansal yonetim surecine iliskin bir cok konudan duyduklari tatminin cok yuksek olmadigi belirlenmistir. Ayrica oz-saygi duzeyi ile finansal yonetim sureci ve finansal durumdan duyulan tatmin, finansal davranislar arasinda anlamli bir iliski oldugu bulunmustur.

Research paper thumbnail of Hamilelikte insan kapitalinin sürdürülebilirliği: Ergonomik bir bakış açısı

Bu calisma hamilelik doneminde (i)calisma ortamindaki ergonomik risk faktorleri ve insan kapitali... more Bu calisma hamilelik doneminde (i)calisma ortamindaki ergonomik risk faktorleri ve insan kapitali etkilesimini, (ii) calisan kadinlarin insan kapitalinin surdurulebilirligini engelleyen ergonomik risk faktorlerini ve (iii) bu risk faktorlerini ortadan kaldirma ya da azaltmada gerekli olan makro ve mikro duzeydeki duzenlemeleri ortaya koymaktadir. Hamilelik doneminde kadinlarin calisma yasaminda maruz kaldiklari ergonomik risk faktorlerinin goz ardi edilmesi, cogu zaman kadina karsi gizli ve gorunur ayrimciligin nedeni olmaktadir. Bu nedenle kadinlarin calisma yasamindaki ergonomik riskleri azaltmak icin gereken makro ve mikro duzenlemeler; hem hamilelik doneminde kadinlarin insan kapitallerinin surdurulebilirligini saglayacak, hem de calisma yasaminda sosyal adalet ve insan haklarinin yerine getirilmesine katkida bulunacaktir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇r Mesleki̇ Uygulama Alani Olarak Geçmi̇şten Geleceğe Kli̇ni̇k Sosyal Hi̇zmet

Dunya’da oldugu gibi Turkiye’de de toplumsal degisim surecinde sosyal sorunlarin cesitliliginin a... more Dunya’da oldugu gibi Turkiye’de de toplumsal degisim surecinde sosyal sorunlarin cesitliliginin artmasi sosyal hizmet mesleginin uygulama alanlarini da giderek genisletmektedir. Sosyal hizmet mesleginin en onemli uygulama alanlarindan biri klinik sosyal hizmettir. Klinik sosyal hizmet, ilk olarak Amerika Birlesik Devletleri’nde (ABD’de) tanimlanmis ve gelismistir. ABD’de, klinik sosyal hizmet uzmanlarinin kaydi 1976 yilindan beri Ulusal Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanlari Birligi (NASW) tarafindan alinmakta ve bu uzmanlarin bagimsiz ozel uygulama yapmalarina izin verilmektedir. Ulkemizde ise, klinik sosyal hizmet alaninda calisan sosyal hizmet uzmanlari bulunmasina karsin, ulke genelindeki tanimlamalara ve uygulama izinlerini iceren yasa/ mevzuat alt yapisina ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Bu makalede klinik sosyal hizmet alani; gelisimi, tanimlanmasi, ozgunlugu ve uygulama paradigmalari kapsaminda incelenecek; gelecek perspektifi ile ulkemizde klinik sosyal hizmet alaninin gelisimi icin gerekli surecl...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Hi̇zmet Uygulamalarinda Bi̇reysel Ve Toplumsal Değerleri̇n İşlevselli̇ği̇ne Kavramsal Bakiş

Bu calismanin amaci; bireysel ve toplumsal degerlerin, koruyucu, onleyici ve mudahale edici sosya... more Bu calismanin amaci; bireysel ve toplumsal degerlerin, koruyucu, onleyici ve mudahale edici sosyal hizmet uygulamalarindaki etkililigini kavramsal olarak aciklamak ve sosyal hizmet uygulamalarinda, degerlerin ne denli islevsel oldugunu/olabilecegini ortaya koymaktir. Bu kapsamda; degerin tanimi, kapsami, islev ve nitelikleri, degerlerin siniflandirilmasi, bireysel ve toplumsal degerlerin yapisi ve islevleri, sosyal hizmet mesleginin degerleri ile toplumsal degerler arasindaki iliski aciklanmaya calisilmistir. Tutumlarin eylemlere donusmesini saglayan ve toplumlarda sosyo-kulturel farkliliklara anlam veren degerler; sosyal hizmet uygulamalarinda “birey”i (mikro) ve “toplum”u (makro) anlamada en onemli toplumsal dinamiklerden biri olarak kabul gormektedir. Sosyal hizmet uygulamalari, birey ve cevre arasindaki iliskiye odaklanarak; mesleki degerlerin yani sira bireysel ve toplumsal degerleri merkeze alarak yurutulmektedir. Bireyin guclenmesi icin bireyin sahip oldugu ve onem verdigi de...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal Kapitali Yapılandırmak: Sosyal İletişim Ağı ve Yardımseverlik-Gönüllülük

This study has been designed and implemented with the aim of exposing the principles related to s... more This study has been designed and implemented with the aim of exposing the principles related to social capital in terms of social communication network and charity-volunteering. This quantitative study used questionniare to collect data from 176 women and 162 men who working in public sector in Ankara. The results of research show that individuals who have a problem know one who help them, individuals who need debt know one who give them, individuals who faced some problems in family or work life know one who help them in terms of social communication network. It is exposed that individuals are not member a voluntary organization and, they don’t work a charitable fund generally, but they often give charitable gifts to charitable funds or people who have need.

Research paper thumbnail of Workplace Age Discrimination and Affecting Factors in Turkey: A Validation Study

Experimental Aging Research

ABSTRACT Objective: This study was undertaken to adapt Workplace Age Discrimination Scale (WADS) ... more ABSTRACT Objective: This study was undertaken to adapt Workplace Age Discrimination Scale (WADS) to Turkish. Methods: The sample of the study was composed of 465 volunteered women and men (18+ years) who had an active working life. Corrected item total correlation and Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient were calculated for reliability of WADS. High order confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test the theoretical suitability and construct validity for Turkish context. Results: In this study, WADS has one factor construction. Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient was found as 0.904 for WADS. Predictors of workplace age discrimination in Turkish population were determined as age, hierarchical structure, job satisfaction, and income satisfaction Conclusion: These results showed that the Turkish version of WADS may be used as a valid and reliable tool in determining workplace age discrimination and in other relevant research. Exploring the validity and reliability of the scale should be repeated in groups who have different socio-demographics and health situations.

Research paper thumbnail of Screening for Elder Abuse Among Turkish Older People: Validity of the Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H-S "East")

Research on Social Work Practice, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test: The adaptation study into Turkish

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 2016

Objective: This study is undertaken to adapt The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS-... more Objective: This study is undertaken to adapt The Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HS-EAST) to Turkish. Methods: The sample of the study is composed of 465 volunteered women and men (60+) (mean age: 71.47±7.4) who live alone in their home or with their children across Turkey. HS-EAST has 15 items. Total point correlation and inner consistency coefficient (KR 20) are calculated for reliability of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis is performed to test the theoretical suitability and validity for Turkish context. Results: In this study, HS-EAST has three factors construction as original scale. Inner consistency coefficient was found as 0.814. The highness of the score points indicates a potential increase in the risk of elder abuse. Conclusion: These results show that the Turkish version of HS-EAST may be used as a valid and reliable tool in determining elderly abuse and also for purposes of early diagnosis and in other relevant research. It might be recommended that exploring the validity and reliability of the scale is repeated in different groups of subjects of similar ages and that the scale is used in prevalence studies

Research paper thumbnail of Ailelerin Öznel Refah (Subjective Well-Being) Düzeylerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme

Sosyal Politika Calısmaları Dergisi, 2004

Bu arastirma, ailelerin subjektif refahlarina iliskin bir degerlendirme yapabilmek amaci ile plan... more Bu arastirma, ailelerin subjektif refahlarina iliskin bir degerlendirme yapabilmek amaci ile planlanmis/Tokat il merkezinde kamu sektorunde calisan 116 evli kadin ve esleri olmak uzere toplam 232 kisi uzerinde yurutulmustur. Arastirma verilerinin toplanmasinda karsilikli gorusme tekniginden yararlanilmistir. Eslerin oznel refahlarina iliskin degerlendirmelerinin cinsiyete gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigini belirlemek amaci ile T-Testi ve Kaykare analizi uygulanmistir. Arastirma sonuclari, erkeklerin yasamlarini kadinlara gore daha ilgi cekici ve esnek bulduklarini ve yasamlarinda kendilerini yalniz hissetmediklerini, kadinlarin ise yasamlarini erkeklere gore daha degerli bulduklarini ve eslerin yasamlarini iyi olarak degerlendirdiklerini ortaya koymaktadir. Ayrica eslerin yasami dengelemeye iliskin bazi gorusleri, cinsiyet degiskeni ile iliskili bulunmustur. Elde edilen bulgular ailelerin refah ve oznel refah duzeylerinin iyilestirilmesine yonelik uygulanabilir programlarin hazirlanmasi acisindan yarar saglayabilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Genç Bireyler ve Ebeveynleri Arasında Yaşanan Sorunların “Aile Yapısı Araştırması” Sonuçlarına Göre Değerlendirilmesi

Arastirmanin Amaci: Bu arastirmanin amaci Turkiye’de 18-25 yas grubundaki genc bireyler ve bu gen... more Arastirmanin Amaci: Bu arastirmanin amaci Turkiye’de 18-25 yas grubundaki genc bireyler ve bu genclerin ebeveynleri arasinda sorun yasanan konularin belirlenmesi ve genclerin ebeveynleri ile sorun yasama durumlarini etkileyen degiskenlerin incelenmesidir. Yontem: Bu calismada,“2006 Aile Yapisi Arastirmasi (2006 AYA)” mikro verisi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu 18- 25 yas grubundaki, anne/babasi ile yasayan 2.332 genc birey ve 18-25 yas grubunda ayni evde yasayan cocugu olan 4.274 ebeveyn olusturmaktadir. Calismada aile ici iletisimde sorun yasanan konular hem genclerin hem de ebeveynlerin bakisi ile incelenmistir. Genc bireyin cinsiyet, ogrenim durumu ve kisisel gelir gibi ozeliklerinin gencin ebeveynleri ile sorun yasadiklari konulara olan etkisi lojistik regresyon modeli ile arastirilmistir. Bulgular: Gec bireyler ve ebeveynleri ve arasinda en yaygin olarak “harcama ve tuketim aliskanliklari”, “arkadas secimi”, “kilikkiyafet tarzi” gibi konularda sorun yasanmaktadir. Hanehalki refahi ve egitim duzeyi yuksek olan; babalari ile olan iliskilerini olumsuz olarak degerlendiren genclerin ebeveynleri ile sorun yasama egilimi daha yuksektir. Gencin kendisine ait bir gelirinin olmasi ise ebeveynleri ile sorun yasama egilimini azaltmaktadir. Sonuc: Gencligin son asamasinda olan bireyler, kisisel gelisim acisindan bagimsiz karar verme ve secimler yapma duzeyindedir. Bu durumun ebeveynlerin dikkatinden kacmasi sorun yasanmasina yol acabilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bakım Kuruluşlarına Kabul Sırasında Bekleyen Yaşlılara Ailede Bakım Verenlerin Bakım Yükü ve Yaşam Memnuniyetlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Research paper thumbnail of Problems and ıssues concerning social integration of elderly refugees in Turkey

Journal of Refugee Studies

Elderly refugees reflect a vulnerable group within the refugee communities. When the difficulties... more Elderly refugees reflect a vulnerable group within the refugee communities. When the difficulties of the old age and the migration process come together, difficulties and problems tend to increase. Considering the rise in the elderly and refugee population, the social integration of elderly refugees were discussed in this study. Elderly refugees had health problems, language problems, isolation and formal problems mostly. Women refugees seemed to be more disadvantaged in terms of education, language, income and employment. Language, poverty and being in a different country were the factors that made the social integration of elderly refugees difficult, while facilitating factors were evaluated as common religion, host country characteristics and social networks. Specific services and gerontological social work practices should be created that eliminate the challenging factors and emphasize the facilitating factors of the social integration for elderly refugees.

Research paper thumbnail of Elder Self-Neglect Scale: the adaptation study into Turkish

Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationship between Anxiety Levels and Perceived Social Support during the Pandemic of COVID-19 in Turkey

Social Work in Public Health

Research paper thumbnail of Yaşlilarin “Göç” Ve “Yeri̇nde Yaşlanma” Bağlaminda Kentsel Dönüşüm İle İlgi̇li̇ Değerlendi̇rmeleri̇

Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Kırsal kalkınma için kadınların güçlendirilmesi: sosyal hizmet modelleri

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Solution Focused Social Work Intervention

Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of “Social Work Intervention Based on So... more Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of “Social Work Intervention Based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on college students’ hopelessness and stress levels. Method: A total of 24 college students who applied Hacettepe University Beytepe Psychological Counseling Unit in the fall of 2015-2016 academic year were assigned to intervention and control groups. SFBT between 4-8 sessions were conducted with each student from intervention group during the intervention. A quasi-experimental research model based on pretest posttest with comparison group has been chosen for the study. Mann Whitney U test was utilized to analyze results. Results: For the Hopelessness Scale the difference among scores for the Motivation Loss Subscale was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Similarly, the difference among the total Hopelessness Scale score and the two other Hopelessness Subscale scores (Expectations and Feelings About Future and Hope Subscales) and for Perceived St...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Solution Focused Social Work Intervention on College Students’ Hopelessness and Stress Levels - Çözüm Odakli Sosyal Hi̇zmet Müdahalesi̇ni̇n Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Umutsuzluk Ve Stres Düzeyleri̇ne Etki̇si̇

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of "Social Work Intervention Based on So... more Objective: This research aims to investigate the effects of "Social Work Intervention Based on Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on college students' hopelessness and stress levels. Method: A total of 24 college students who applied Hacettepe University Beytepe Psychological Counseling Unit in the fall of 2015-2016 academic year were assigned to intervention and control groups. SFBT between 4-8 sessions were conducted with each student from intervention group during the intervention. A quasi-experimental research model based on pretest-posttest with comparison group has been chosen for the study. Mann Whitney U test was utilized to analyze results. Results: For the Hopelessness Scale the difference among scores for the Motivation Loss Subscale was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Similarly, the difference among the total Hopelessness Scale score and the two other Hopelessness Subscale scores (Expectations and Feelings About Future and Hope Subscales) and for Perceived Stress Scale scores were statistically significant in favor of the intervention group (p < 0.001). The effect size of intervention for Future-Related Emotions and Expectations Factor, Hope Factor and Perceived Stress Scale scores of Hopelessness Scale, has been found to be at higher level (effect sizes for each one: 0.77-0.78-0.79-0.82) and the Hopelessness Scale-Motivational Loss Factor was moderate (effect size = 0.50). Conclusion: Results indicate that the social work intervention based on SFBT was statistically significant and effective on the college students.

Research paper thumbnail of Yabanci Düşmanliği (Zenofobi̇) Ölçeği̇ni̇n Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanmasi: Geçerli̇k Ve Güveni̇rli̇k Çalişmasi

Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Kadinlarda Bağlanma Ve Ruh Sağliği Arasindaki̇ İli̇şki̇ni̇n Sosyal Hi̇zmet Bakiş Açisiyla Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇