Gülsün Leylâ UZUN | Ankara University (original) (raw)
Postgraduate Thesis by Gülsün Leylâ UZUN
Türkçe örnekleriyle deyimler ve deyimleşme süreci üzerine bir inceleme
Papers by Gülsün Leylâ UZUN
Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Journal of World of Turks * Bu makale, birinci yazarın ikinci... more Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Journal of World of Turks * Bu makale, birinci yazarın ikinci yazar danışmanlığında tamamladığı doktora çalışmasından üretilmiştir.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, kavramlastirma kuram ve yaklasimlarini, 10 ve 13 yaslarindaki cocuklardan ... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, kavramlastirma kuram ve yaklasimlarini, 10 ve 13 yaslarindaki cocuklardan elde edilen dilsel veri zemininde tartismaktir. Buradan hareketle once bilissel dilbilim ve bilissel psikoloji acisindan kavramlar ele alinmis; ardindan klasik, ontip temelli, kuram temelli ve atomistik yaklasimlar tanitilmistir. Nitel arastirma yaklasimlarina dayanan calismada, secilen kavramlarin ontiplerini, ozelliklerini ve sozcuksel gorunumlerini belirlemek uzere katilimcilardan veri toplanmistir. Veri saglanan arastirma grubunu, dort farkli ilde bulunan bes ilkogretim okulunun dorduncu ve yedinci sinif ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Veri toplama asamasinda temsili secilen bes kavrama iliskin acik uclu-kisa yanitli uc tarama formu kullanilmis ve toplanan verilerle 28.183 sozcukluk bir veritabani olusturulmustur. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde ise icerik cozumlemesi ve betimsel cozumleme kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin bulgulari, kavramlastirmada tipikligin ve aile benzerligi iliskilerinin one...
Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
Bu makale "Türkçede Uzamsal Dilin Konumlanış Açısından İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tezinden üre... more Bu makale "Türkçede Uzamsal Dilin Konumlanış Açısından İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir ve "32. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı"nda sunulan sözlü bildirinin genişletilmiş biçimidir.
Dil Dergisi, 2009
In this study, reading process is discussed and examined in view of functional theory of reading,... more In this study, reading process is discussed and examined in view of functional theory of reading, developed by Moorman and Ram (1994a 1994b, 1999), in which all reading experiences are believed to potentially include creativity. Since creativity is an essential component of reading process, no reading experience can be accomplished without it. Reading is a creative process because of the mental tasks it possesses. The relationship between "reading and comprehension" and "reading comprehension" has a basic quality in understanding the reason why creativity is an essential component of reading process. This also necessiates the definition of the concept "novelty" and the need of varying the presentations of this concept in terms of stimulation in one's mind. Thus, creativity is an inner process which presents a novel and useful artifact performed by a cognitive agent. On the other hand, reading can be accomplished as a creative process with texts which include NOVEL concepts for the reader (Moorman ve Ram, 1994a). This point of view proposes a convenient starting point in defining target behaviours in educational environments and choosing appropriate texts in order to achieve these behaviors. It also has a key role in evaluating the quality of course materials used in educational environments.
International Journal of Language Academy, 2015
The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean ... more The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean textbooks according to the cognitive levels and to compare the results of the PISA reading section between South Korea and Turkey and to research whether comprehension studies in the textbooks are among of the factors which stimulate the PISA results. The teaching tools of Korea, the top country in PISA results, will provide significant findings for Turkey which is under the average of OECD. For that reason, the aim of the study is to compare the questions at the end of the text in the Turkish and Korean textbooks with the PISA results. The research was conducted with document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The questions at the end of the text on randomly selected themes were categorized according to the objectives in the reading literacy framework for PISA in the analysis. The findings were compared with the results of the distribution of the reading questions of PISA 2009 and PISA 2009 reading subscales. As a result of the comparison, it found that the rate of questions, representing the level of access-retrieve was 36% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 50% in Turkish textbook sample; and the rate of questions, representing the level of integrate-interpret was 47% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 27% in Turkish one; the rate of questions, representing the level of reflect-evaluate was 17% in Korean textbooks while it was 23% in the Turkish textbooks. When we analyzed the weights of the questions in the reading literacy framework for PISA, these rates were mainly in parallel with the rates of the questions in the Korean textbook sample. We encounter with the basic questions with access-retrieve more in the Turkish textbooks. Accordingly, it was concluded that Turkish students may get low scores in the reading activities that they were not accustomed to the predominantly high level thinking ability questions in the assesment framework of reading literacy for PISA.
The purpose of this research is to discuss the conceptualization theory and approaches on the bas... more The purpose of this research is to discuss the conceptualization theory and approaches on the basis of linguistic data which were obtained from children at the age of 10 and 13. From this point of view, in the study, first, the concepts were handled in terms of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology and then, classical, prototype-based, theory-based and atomistic approaches were discussed. In the study which is qualitative, data were collected from the participants in order to determine the prototypes, features and lexical varieties of the concepts. The research group, from whom data were collected, was composed of 4th and 7th grade students of five elementary schools in four different cities in Turkey. In the data collection stage, three open ended-short answered survey forms related to the five representatively chosen concepts were used and a database of 28.183 words as formed with the collected data. In the analysis of the data, content analysis and descriptive analysis were used. The findings of the research demonstrated that typicality and family resemblance relation plays a significant role in conceptualization; however examples, attitude, collocation and scripting based associations come to the forefront while expressing the features of the concepts and using the concepts linguistically. This case indicates that the participant children have a conceptualization structure patterned with associations. With the obtained data, it can be regarded that there are prototypical effects; maybe some
definitions need to be added; moreover, all kinds of personal and cultural knowledge is added to the concepts. This implies that all descriptive knowledge types are united with concepts. Accordingly, all these knowledge are considered as collateral, but it is hard to say that they are the constituents of the concept.
Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı, kavramlaştırma kuram ve yaklaşımlarını, 10 ve 13 yaşlarındaki çocuklardan elde edilen dilsel veri zemininde tartışmaktır. Buradan hareketle önce bilişsel dilbilim ve bilişsel psikoloji açısından kavramlar ele alınmış; ardından klasik, öntip temelli, kuram temelli ve atomistik yaklaşımlar tanıtılmıştır. Nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarına dayanan çalışmada, seçilen kavramların öntiplerini, özelliklerini ve sözcüksel görünümlerini belirlemek üzere katılımcılardan veri toplanmıştır. Veri sağlanan araştırma grubunu, dört farklı ilde bulunan beş ilköğretim okulunun dördüncü ve yedinci sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aşamasında temsili seçilen beş kavrama ilişkin açık uçlu-kısa yanıtlı üç tarama formu kullanılmış ve toplanan verilerle 28.183 sözcüklük bir veritabanı oluşturulmuştur. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde ise içerik çözümlemesi ve betimsel çözümleme kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, kavramlaştırmada tipikliğin ve aile benzerliği ilişkilerinin önemli bir rol oynadığını; ancak kavramlara özgü özelliklerin ifade edilmesinde ve kavramların dilsel kullanımı sırasında örneklerin, tutumun, eşdizimliliğe ve sahneleştirmeye dayalı ilişkilendirmelerin öne çıktığını göstermektedir. Bu durum, katılımcı çocukların ilişkilendirmelerle örüntülenen bir kavramlaştırma yapısının olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlarla öntipsel etkilerin olduğu;
belki bazı tanımların da olması gerektiği, ayrıca özel durumlar ve kültürel
bilginin her türünün de kavramlara eklemlendiği varsayılabilir. Betimleyici
tüm bilgi türleri kavramlarla birleştirilmektedir. Dolayısıyla tüm bu bilgilerin
kavramın tamamlayıcısı olduğu düşünülebilir; çünkü bunların kavramın
oluşturucuları/bileşenleri olduğunu söylemek olanaklı görünmemektedir.
The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean ... more The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean textbooks according to the cognitive levels and to compare the results of the PISA reading section between South Korea and Turkey and to research whether comprehension studies in the textbooks are among of the factors which
stimulate the PISA results. The teaching tools of Korea, the top country in PISA results, will provide significant findings for Turkey which is under the average of OECD. For that reason, the aim of the study is to compare the questions at the end of the text in the Turkish and Korean textbooks with the PISA results. The research was conducted with document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The
questions at the end of the text on randomly selected themes were categorized according to the objectives in the reading literacy framework for PISA in the analysis. The findings were compared with the results of the distribution of the reading questions of PISA 2009 and PISA 2009 reading subscales. As a result of the
comparison, it found that the rate of questions, representing the level of access-retrieve was 36% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 50% in Turkish textbook sample; and the rate of questions, representing the level of integrate-interpret was 47% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 27% in Turkish one; the rate of
questions, representing the level of reflect-evaluate was 17% in Korean textbooks while it was 23% in the Turkish textbooks. When we analyzed the weights of the questions in the reading literacy framework for PISA, these rates were mainly in parallel with the rates of the questions in the Korean textbook sample. We encounter with the basic questions with access-retrieve more in the Turkish textbooks. Accordingly, it was
concluded that Turkish students may get low scores in the reading activities that they were not accustomed to the predominantly high level thinking ability questions in the assesment framework of reading literacy for PISA.
Keywords: Reading comprehension, PISA, Korean textbook, Turkish textbook
Okuma sürecinin işlevsel okuma kuramı çerçevesinde incelenmesi
6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin yaratıcı okuma durumları, işlevsel okuma kuramı (functional the... more 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin yaratıcı okuma durumları, işlevsel okuma kuramı (functional theory of reading) ve işlevsel okuma modeli (functional reading model) temel alınarak okuma çıktıları üzerinden incelenmektedir.
Türkçe Sözlükteki maddebaşı değişimlerinin sözvarlığı temelinde incelenmesi.
Books by Gülsün Leylâ UZUN
Orhun Yazıtlarının eşzamanlı dilbilim yöntemi çerçevesinde incelenmesi
Bir iletişim aracı olan dilin metin kavramı çerçevesinde öğretim ortamlarına aktarılma süreci ve ... more Bir iletişim aracı olan dilin metin kavramı çerçevesinde öğretim ortamlarına aktarılma süreci ve bu sürecin temel dil becerileri açısından önemi.
Türkçe örnekleriyle deyimler ve deyimleşme süreci üzerine bir inceleme
Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Journal of World of Turks * Bu makale, birinci yazarın ikinci... more Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken Journal of World of Turks * Bu makale, birinci yazarın ikinci yazar danışmanlığında tamamladığı doktora çalışmasından üretilmiştir.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, kavramlastirma kuram ve yaklasimlarini, 10 ve 13 yaslarindaki cocuklardan ... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, kavramlastirma kuram ve yaklasimlarini, 10 ve 13 yaslarindaki cocuklardan elde edilen dilsel veri zemininde tartismaktir. Buradan hareketle once bilissel dilbilim ve bilissel psikoloji acisindan kavramlar ele alinmis; ardindan klasik, ontip temelli, kuram temelli ve atomistik yaklasimlar tanitilmistir. Nitel arastirma yaklasimlarina dayanan calismada, secilen kavramlarin ontiplerini, ozelliklerini ve sozcuksel gorunumlerini belirlemek uzere katilimcilardan veri toplanmistir. Veri saglanan arastirma grubunu, dort farkli ilde bulunan bes ilkogretim okulunun dorduncu ve yedinci sinif ogrencileri olusturmaktadir. Veri toplama asamasinda temsili secilen bes kavrama iliskin acik uclu-kisa yanitli uc tarama formu kullanilmis ve toplanan verilerle 28.183 sozcukluk bir veritabani olusturulmustur. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde ise icerik cozumlemesi ve betimsel cozumleme kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin bulgulari, kavramlastirmada tipikligin ve aile benzerligi iliskilerinin one...
Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
Bu makale "Türkçede Uzamsal Dilin Konumlanış Açısından İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tezinden üre... more Bu makale "Türkçede Uzamsal Dilin Konumlanış Açısından İncelenmesi" başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir ve "32. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı"nda sunulan sözlü bildirinin genişletilmiş biçimidir.
Dil Dergisi, 2009
In this study, reading process is discussed and examined in view of functional theory of reading,... more In this study, reading process is discussed and examined in view of functional theory of reading, developed by Moorman and Ram (1994a 1994b, 1999), in which all reading experiences are believed to potentially include creativity. Since creativity is an essential component of reading process, no reading experience can be accomplished without it. Reading is a creative process because of the mental tasks it possesses. The relationship between "reading and comprehension" and "reading comprehension" has a basic quality in understanding the reason why creativity is an essential component of reading process. This also necessiates the definition of the concept "novelty" and the need of varying the presentations of this concept in terms of stimulation in one's mind. Thus, creativity is an inner process which presents a novel and useful artifact performed by a cognitive agent. On the other hand, reading can be accomplished as a creative process with texts which include NOVEL concepts for the reader (Moorman ve Ram, 1994a). This point of view proposes a convenient starting point in defining target behaviours in educational environments and choosing appropriate texts in order to achieve these behaviors. It also has a key role in evaluating the quality of course materials used in educational environments.
International Journal of Language Academy, 2015
The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean ... more The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean textbooks according to the cognitive levels and to compare the results of the PISA reading section between South Korea and Turkey and to research whether comprehension studies in the textbooks are among of the factors which stimulate the PISA results. The teaching tools of Korea, the top country in PISA results, will provide significant findings for Turkey which is under the average of OECD. For that reason, the aim of the study is to compare the questions at the end of the text in the Turkish and Korean textbooks with the PISA results. The research was conducted with document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The questions at the end of the text on randomly selected themes were categorized according to the objectives in the reading literacy framework for PISA in the analysis. The findings were compared with the results of the distribution of the reading questions of PISA 2009 and PISA 2009 reading subscales. As a result of the comparison, it found that the rate of questions, representing the level of access-retrieve was 36% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 50% in Turkish textbook sample; and the rate of questions, representing the level of integrate-interpret was 47% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 27% in Turkish one; the rate of questions, representing the level of reflect-evaluate was 17% in Korean textbooks while it was 23% in the Turkish textbooks. When we analyzed the weights of the questions in the reading literacy framework for PISA, these rates were mainly in parallel with the rates of the questions in the Korean textbook sample. We encounter with the basic questions with access-retrieve more in the Turkish textbooks. Accordingly, it was concluded that Turkish students may get low scores in the reading activities that they were not accustomed to the predominantly high level thinking ability questions in the assesment framework of reading literacy for PISA.
The purpose of this research is to discuss the conceptualization theory and approaches on the bas... more The purpose of this research is to discuss the conceptualization theory and approaches on the basis of linguistic data which were obtained from children at the age of 10 and 13. From this point of view, in the study, first, the concepts were handled in terms of cognitive linguistics and cognitive psychology and then, classical, prototype-based, theory-based and atomistic approaches were discussed. In the study which is qualitative, data were collected from the participants in order to determine the prototypes, features and lexical varieties of the concepts. The research group, from whom data were collected, was composed of 4th and 7th grade students of five elementary schools in four different cities in Turkey. In the data collection stage, three open ended-short answered survey forms related to the five representatively chosen concepts were used and a database of 28.183 words as formed with the collected data. In the analysis of the data, content analysis and descriptive analysis were used. The findings of the research demonstrated that typicality and family resemblance relation plays a significant role in conceptualization; however examples, attitude, collocation and scripting based associations come to the forefront while expressing the features of the concepts and using the concepts linguistically. This case indicates that the participant children have a conceptualization structure patterned with associations. With the obtained data, it can be regarded that there are prototypical effects; maybe some
definitions need to be added; moreover, all kinds of personal and cultural knowledge is added to the concepts. This implies that all descriptive knowledge types are united with concepts. Accordingly, all these knowledge are considered as collateral, but it is hard to say that they are the constituents of the concept.
Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı, kavramlaştırma kuram ve yaklaşımlarını, 10 ve 13 yaşlarındaki çocuklardan elde edilen dilsel veri zemininde tartışmaktır. Buradan hareketle önce bilişsel dilbilim ve bilişsel psikoloji açısından kavramlar ele alınmış; ardından klasik, öntip temelli, kuram temelli ve atomistik yaklaşımlar tanıtılmıştır. Nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarına dayanan çalışmada, seçilen kavramların öntiplerini, özelliklerini ve sözcüksel görünümlerini belirlemek üzere katılımcılardan veri toplanmıştır. Veri sağlanan araştırma grubunu, dört farklı ilde bulunan beş ilköğretim okulunun dördüncü ve yedinci sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aşamasında temsili seçilen beş kavrama ilişkin açık uçlu-kısa yanıtlı üç tarama formu kullanılmış ve toplanan verilerle 28.183 sözcüklük bir veritabanı oluşturulmuştur. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde ise içerik çözümlemesi ve betimsel çözümleme kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları, kavramlaştırmada tipikliğin ve aile benzerliği ilişkilerinin önemli bir rol oynadığını; ancak kavramlara özgü özelliklerin ifade edilmesinde ve kavramların dilsel kullanımı sırasında örneklerin, tutumun, eşdizimliliğe ve sahneleştirmeye dayalı ilişkilendirmelerin öne çıktığını göstermektedir. Bu durum, katılımcı çocukların ilişkilendirmelerle örüntülenen bir kavramlaştırma yapısının olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlarla öntipsel etkilerin olduğu;
belki bazı tanımların da olması gerektiği, ayrıca özel durumlar ve kültürel
bilginin her türünün de kavramlara eklemlendiği varsayılabilir. Betimleyici
tüm bilgi türleri kavramlarla birleştirilmektedir. Dolayısıyla tüm bu bilgilerin
kavramın tamamlayıcısı olduğu düşünülebilir; çünkü bunların kavramın
oluşturucuları/bileşenleri olduğunu söylemek olanaklı görünmemektedir.
The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean ... more The objective of this study is to classify the comprehension questions in the Turkish and Korean textbooks according to the cognitive levels and to compare the results of the PISA reading section between South Korea and Turkey and to research whether comprehension studies in the textbooks are among of the factors which
stimulate the PISA results. The teaching tools of Korea, the top country in PISA results, will provide significant findings for Turkey which is under the average of OECD. For that reason, the aim of the study is to compare the questions at the end of the text in the Turkish and Korean textbooks with the PISA results. The research was conducted with document analysis technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The
questions at the end of the text on randomly selected themes were categorized according to the objectives in the reading literacy framework for PISA in the analysis. The findings were compared with the results of the distribution of the reading questions of PISA 2009 and PISA 2009 reading subscales. As a result of the
comparison, it found that the rate of questions, representing the level of access-retrieve was 36% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 50% in Turkish textbook sample; and the rate of questions, representing the level of integrate-interpret was 47% in the Korean textbook sample while it was 27% in Turkish one; the rate of
questions, representing the level of reflect-evaluate was 17% in Korean textbooks while it was 23% in the Turkish textbooks. When we analyzed the weights of the questions in the reading literacy framework for PISA, these rates were mainly in parallel with the rates of the questions in the Korean textbook sample. We encounter with the basic questions with access-retrieve more in the Turkish textbooks. Accordingly, it was
concluded that Turkish students may get low scores in the reading activities that they were not accustomed to the predominantly high level thinking ability questions in the assesment framework of reading literacy for PISA.
Keywords: Reading comprehension, PISA, Korean textbook, Turkish textbook
Okuma sürecinin işlevsel okuma kuramı çerçevesinde incelenmesi
6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin yaratıcı okuma durumları, işlevsel okuma kuramı (functional the... more 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin yaratıcı okuma durumları, işlevsel okuma kuramı (functional theory of reading) ve işlevsel okuma modeli (functional reading model) temel alınarak okuma çıktıları üzerinden incelenmektedir.
Türkçe Sözlükteki maddebaşı değişimlerinin sözvarlığı temelinde incelenmesi.
Orhun Yazıtlarının eşzamanlı dilbilim yöntemi çerçevesinde incelenmesi
Bir iletişim aracı olan dilin metin kavramı çerçevesinde öğretim ortamlarına aktarılma süreci ve ... more Bir iletişim aracı olan dilin metin kavramı çerçevesinde öğretim ortamlarına aktarılma süreci ve bu sürecin temel dil becerileri açısından önemi.