Nurefşan Bulut Uslu | Ankara University (original) (raw)
Papers by Nurefşan Bulut Uslu
Burdur İlahiyat Dergisi Özel Sayı: Gazze (Kasım 2024), 106-113., 2024
Heba Abu Nada, born in 1991, was a Palestinian poet and an award winning literary figure. On Octo... more Heba Abu Nada, born in 1991, was a Palestinian poet and an award winning literary figure. On October 7, 2023,
following Israel’s intensification of genocidal bombings in Palestine, she was martyred alongside her young son. Heba
Abu Nada's poetry reflects her lived experience of violence and her remarkable resilience in the face of death, offering
profound insights into her perspective on mortality. For Heba Abu Nada, death was not an end but rather a beginning—
a belief that resonates deeply in her works as an expression of unwavering faith. Although this perspective may be
difficult for contemporary individuals to comprehend, it provides an essential lens through which to understand the
world of a poet who, amidst human rights violations and genocide, demonstrated resistance and faith through her
literary voice. This study aims to explore how a contemporary literary figure confronted oppression and injustice by
showcasing resilience and faith in her poetry. By analyzing Ebu Nada’s works, the article focuses on the representation
of faith and resistance in her literature. A qualitative approach has been adopted, examining her poetry within a
philosophical framework. The study's limitation lies in Heba Abu Nada’s use of social media in her final moments to
express her views on death, which constrains the available material for analysis. Nevertheless, this research seeks to
provide a contemporary perspective on how the concept of resistance is manifested in the writings of a literary figure
within the context of modern literature and human rights violations. The findings aim to demonstrate that literature
serves as a vital medium for expressing perspectives on life in the face of war and oppression, contributing to a deeper
understanding of Heba Abu Nada’s literary legacy and the relationship between resistance and human rights in modern
Keywords: Heba Abu Nada, Literature, Death, Martyrdom.
Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influe... more Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influenced today since his time. In his al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal, he writes about how he survived the crisis that his inquiries about life had driven him to depression. Due to the distress caused by the crisis in him, he left the place where he lived and moved away from people. During this abandonment, he confesses his experiences, inquiries, introspection, and ways of getting to know himself in al-Munqidh. In this article, I will try to understand how he reached guidance from this crisis, what his method was, and how he gained personal religious experience. I will examine the differences and similarities of the way of Sufism from the clergy, where the concept of rational theosophy corresponds in al-Ghazali's thought. He shows us the limits of reason on the way to reach precise information. He talks about realities that cannot be explained within these limits, what he has learned in the uzlat (escaping from community life and living alone), and why the love for the world is dangerous. The reason why al-Ghazali returned to social life is explained with the idea of 'fiqh of priorities' in Islam. Al-Ghazali attributes the "nour" (light) that descends to his heart to the will of God in explaining his salvation from the turning point in his life.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi120001
Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, May 1, 2021
The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the N... more The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the Nicean Council (325). Before the Nicean Council, Jesus, the only God's apostle, has gone instead of Jesus, the son of God. There was no intact Bible in the time of Irenaeus, who was among the apologists who advocated monotheism. This harsh and hard struggle of Irenaeus against those who do not accept the one God undoubtedly provides us with information about the profile of Christ before the Nicean Council. Adversus Haereses consists of five parts. In the first part of the work, he explains his thoughts on Gnosticism, in the second part, he criticizes and refutes the gnostic arguments, and explains the Christian doctrine in the other three parts. The first sentence of his book begins with "There is only one God: it cannot be otherwise." In this article, I will analyze the monotheistic words of Irenaeus in Adversus Haereses.
Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, 2020
Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influe... more Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influenced today since his time. In his al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal, he writes about how he survived the crisis that his inquiries about life had driven him to depression. Due to the distress caused by the crisis in him, he left the place where he lived and moved away from people. During this abandonment, he confesses his experiences, inquiries, introspection, and ways of getting to know himself in al-Munqidh. In this article, I will try to understand how he reached guidance from this crisis, what his method was, and how he gained personal religious experience. I will examine the differences and similarities of the way of Sufism from the clergy, where the concept of rational theosophy corresponds in al-Ghazali's thought. He shows us the limits of reason on the way to reach precise information. He talks about realities that cannot be explained within these limits, what he has learned in the uzl...
Mutluluk, insanoglu icin hem bu dunyada hem diger dunyada ulasilmasi istenen en degerli hedeftir.... more Mutluluk, insanoglu icin hem bu dunyada hem diger dunyada ulasilmasi istenen en degerli hedeftir. Bircok insan mutlulugun aslinda ne olabilecegi hakkinda dusunmek yerine kendi dusuncesindeki mutluluk tanimindan yola cikarak mutlu olmanin yollarini arar. Bu yollara erisince amacina ulastigini dusunmektedir veya bu yollara ulasamayinca mutsuz olacagini zanneder. Oysa mutlulugun gercekte ne olabilecegi hakkinda dusunmeksizin bu zanna ulasir. Biz bu makalede, dusunce tarihinin temel dusunurlerinden Aristoteles ve Islâm dusuncesini felsefe ile bulusturup harmanlayan Farabi’nin mutluluk anlayisini inceleyecegiz. Farabi’nin tum felsefi sistemi icerisinde mutlulugu nereye yerlestirdigine bakacagiz. Ardindan Aristoteles’in mutluluk tanimini inceleyip Aristoteles’i felsefesinin temeline koyan Farabi’nin mutluluk gorusu ile karsilastiracagiz. Boylelikle Farabi’nin felsefesindeki metafizik kaynakli mutlulugun Aristoteles’in mutluluk tanimlamasi ile ne sekilde uzlastigini gorecegiz.
Bütünleyici ve anadolu tıbbı dergisi, May 19, 2021
Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi kült... more Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi kültürümüzde kullanımı yaygın olan koyun yünü, teknolojinin de etkisi ile daha endüstriyel ve kullanım kolaylığı endişeleri barındırarak yerini sentetik liflere bırakmıştır. Fakat günümüzde yünün özellikle medikal anlamda öneminin tekrar anlaşılması onu daha ilgi çekici bir hale getirmiştir. Sentetik lifler ve kimyasalların günlük hayatımızda sıkça kullanımından doğan rahatsızlıkların karşısında doğamız ile uyumlu ve kadim kültürümüzün yüzyıllar süren deneyiminin bize sunduğu kanıta dayalı bilgi neticesinde doğala ve doğa ile uyumlu olan "yün"e yönelmekteyiz. İbn Sînâ'nın El-Kânûn fî't-Tıbb adlı eserindeki yün ile ilgili pratiklerin çoğu günümüzde hala uygulama imkanına sahiptir. Yün medikal olarak kas ve iskelet sistemi hastalıklarında, kalp ve damar rahatsızlıklarında, solunum yolları ile ilgili bazı akciğer rahatsızlıklarında ayrıca dolaşım rahatsızlıkları ve fizyoterapide gözle görünen bir hızda tedaviye olumlu yönde etki etmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı saf koyun yününün bazı medikal kullanım alanlarını göstererek yünün daha yaygın kullanımı konusunda farkındalık oluşturmaktır.
Phenomenology of Veiling - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, 2023
Covering appears to be a socio-cultural necessity for human beings. Covering styles are revealed ... more Covering appears to be a socio-cultural necessity for human beings. Covering styles are revealed in different forms in men and women. Covering the body in human history manifests itself as a result of necessity in social relations. The first human in the sources is the veiling problem of Prophet Adam and his wife Eve begins with their realization of their own lack of veiling. In this sense, veiling, apart from an innate necessity, is a need that arises with awareness and is related to being human. Max Scheler explains the feeling of shame as a feeling that arises as a result of the person who is between the lowest of creation and the highest of all first realizing it when the veil falls. From this point of view, veiling or veiling is a phenomenon needed as a requirement of Scheler's sense of shame, with the meanings of "to put a curtain between oneself and the other/somebody else, to hide inside or behind something", on the other hand, David Le Breton's of individuals revealing their own skin to society. It gains meaning as a message that is wanted to be given by the individual in social relations, seeing it as a limit.
Gâzâlî’nin el-Munkız mine’d-Dalâl Eserinde Kişisel Dînî Tecrübenin Yorumlanması, 2021
Huccetü'l İslam İmam Gazâlî yaşadığı zamandan günümüze iz bırakan bir düşünür, mutasavvıf, fakih ... more Huccetü'l İslam İmam Gazâlî yaşadığı zamandan günümüze iz bırakan
bir düşünür, mutasavvıf, fakih ve kelamcıdır. El-Munkız mine'd-Dalâl eserinde hayata dair sorgulamalarının onu sürüklediği bunalımdan nasıl kurtulduğunu yazar. Bunalımın O'nda yol açtığı sıkıntı ile yaşadığı yeri terk
etmiş ve insanlardan uzaklaşmıştır. Bu terk ediş süresince yaşadıklarını,
sorgulamalarını, iç muhasebesini ve kendini tanıma yollarını El-Munkız’da
itiraf eder. Bu makalede O’nun bu buhrandan hidayete nasıl eriştiğini, yönteminin neler olduğunu, kişisel dini tecrübesini nasıl edindiğini anlamaya
çalışacağım. Tasavvuf yolunun ruhbanlıktan farkını ve benzerliklerini, rasyonel teosofi kavramının Gâzâlî düşüncesinde nereye tekabül ettiğini inceleyeceğim. Gâzâlî, kesin bilgiye ulaşma yolunda aklın sınırlarını bize gösterir. Bu sınırlar dahilinde açıklanamayan gerçekliklerden, uzlette öğrendiklerinden ve dünya sevgisinin neden tehlikeli oluşundan bahseder. İnsan bu
tehlikeden uzaklaşmak için dünyevi olanı terk edecek fakat bunu sosyal
hayatın sınırları içinde nasıl devam ettirecektir? Gâzâlî’nin insanların arasına dönmesinin gerekçesi İslam’daki “öncelikler fıkhı” düşüncesi ile izah
edilir. Gâzâlî de hayatında dönüm noktası olan bunalımdan kurtuluşunu
açıklamasında kalbine inen “nur” u Allah’ın istemesine bağlar.
Analysis of Monotheistic Discourses in Apologist Irenaeus' Adversus Haereses, 2021
The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the N... more The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the Nicean Council (325). Before the Nicean Council, Jesus, the only God's apostle, has gone instead of Jesus, the son of God. There was no intact Bible in the time of Irenaeus, who was among the apologists who advocated monotheism. This harsh and hard struggle of Irenaeus against those who do not accept the one God undoubtedly provides us with information about the profile of Christ before the Nicean Council. Adversus Haereses consists of five parts. In the first part of the work, he explains his thoughts on Gnosticism, in the second part, he criticizes and refutes the gnostic arguments, and explains the Christian doctrine in the other three parts. The first sentence of his book begins with "There is only one God: it cannot be otherwise." In this article, I will analyze the monotheistic words of Irenaeus in Adversus Haereses.
Kadim Tıptan Modern Tıbba Yünün Medikal Kullanımı , 2021
ÖZET Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi... more ÖZET
Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi kültürümüzde
kullanımı yaygın olan koyun yünü, teknolojinin de etkisi ile daha endüstriyel ve kullanım kolaylığı
endişeleri barındırarak yerini sentetik liflere bırakmıştır. Fakat günümüzde yünün özellikle medikal
anlamda öneminin tekrar anlaşılması onu daha ilgi çekici bir hale getirmiştir. Sentetik lifler ve
kimyasalların günlük hayatımızda sıkça kullanımından doğan rahatsızlıkların karşısında doğamız ile
uyumlu ve kadim kültürümüzün yüzyıllar süren deneyiminin bize sunduğu kanıta dayalı bilgi neticesinde
doğala ve doğa ile uyumlu olan “yün”e yönelmekteyiz. İbn Sînâ’nın El-Kânûn fî’t-Tıbb adlı eserindeki yün
ile ilgili pratiklerin çoğu günümüzde hala uygulama imkanına sahiptir. Yün medikal olarak kas ve iskelet
sistemi hastalıklarında, kalp ve damar rahatsızlıklarında, solunum yolları ile ilgili bazı akciğer
rahatsızlıklarında ayrıca dolaşım rahatsızlıkları ve fizyoterapide gözle görünen bir hızda tedaviye olumlu
yönde etki etmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı saf koyun yününün bazı medikal kullanım alanlarını göstererek
yünün daha yaygın kullanımı konusunda farkındalık oluşturmaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Yün, Saf yün, Koyun yünü, Geleneksel tıp, Yünün medikal kullanımı, İbn Sina
Derleme Makale / Review Article, 2(2): 18 - 29, 2021
Medical Use of Wool from Traditional Medicine to
Modern Medicine
In traditional medicine, pure wool has been used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The
sheep wool, which is widely used in our own culture, has been replaced by synthetic fibers, with the effect
of technology, with more industrial and ease of use concerns. But today, the importance of wool, especially
in medical sense, has been understood again and this issue has made wool more interesting. We frequently
use synthetic fibers and chemicals in our daily lives. In the face of the inconveniences caused by this reason,
we turn to "wool" with our internal and in harmony with nature as a result of the evidence-based knowledge
provided by us from the centuries-long experience of our ancient culture. Most of the practices related to
wool in Avicenna's work named Al-Qanun fit-Tibb still have the opportunity to be applied today. Wool
medically positively affects the recovery of musculoskeletal system diseases, heart and vascular diseases,
some lung diseases related to respiratory tract, as well as circulatory disorders and physiotherapy. The aim
of this article is to show some medical uses of pure sheep wool and to raise awareness about the widespread
use of wool.
Keywords: Wool, Pure wool, Sheep wool, Traditional medicine, Medical use of wool, Avicenna
The Interpretation of Personal Religious Experience in al-Ghazālī's al-Munqidh min aḍ-Ḍalāl, 2020
Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influe... more Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influenced today since his time. In his al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal, he writes about how he survived the crisis that his inquiries about life had driven him to depression. Due to the distress caused by the crisis in him, he left the place where he lived and moved away from people. During this abandonment, he confesses his experiences, inquiries, introspection, and ways of getting to know himself in al-Munqidh. In this article, I will try to understand how he reached guidance from this crisis, what his method was, and how he gained personal religious experience. I will examine the differences and similarities of the way of Sufism from the clergy, where the concept of rational theosophy corresponds in al-Ghazali’s thought. He shows us the limits of reason on the way to reach precise information. He talks about realities that cannot be explained within these limits, what he has learned in the uzlat (escaping from community life and living alone), and why the love for the world is dangerous. The reason why al-Ghazali returned to social life is explained with the idea of 'fiqh of priorities' in Islam. Al-Ghazali attributes the "nour" (light) that descends to his heart to the will of God in explaining his salvation from the turning point in his life.
Kırıkkale University Journal of Social Sciences (KUJSS), 2018
Öz Mutluluk, insanoğlu için hem bu dünyada hem diğer dünyada ulaşılması istenen en değerli hedeft... more Öz
Mutluluk, insanoğlu için hem bu dünyada hem diğer dünyada ulaşılması istenen en değerli hedeftir. Birçok insan mutluluğun aslında ne olabileceği hakkında düşün-mek yerine kendi düşüncesindeki mutluluk tanımından yola çıkarak mutlu olmanın yollarını arar. Bu yollara erişince amacına ulaştığını düşünmektedir veya bu yollara ulaşamayınca mutsuz olacağını zanneder. Oysa mutluluğun gerçekte ne olabileceği hakkında düşünmeksizin bu zanna ulaşır. Biz bu makalede, düşünce tarihinin temel düşünürlerinden Aristoteles ve İslâm düşüncesini felsefe ile buluşturup harmanla-yan Farabî'nin mutluluk anlayışını inceleyeceğiz. Farabî'nin tüm felsefî sistemi içe-risinde mutluluğu nereye yerleştirdiğine bakacağız. Ardından Aristoteles'in mutlu-luk tanımını inceleyip Aristoteles'i felsefesinin temeline koyan Farabî'nin mutluluk görüşü ile karşılaştıracağız. Böylelikle Farabî'nin felsefesindeki metafizik kaynaklı mutluluğun Aristoteles'in mutluluk tanımlaması ile ne şekilde uzlaştığını göreceğiz.
Happiness is the most precious aim for humanity both in this world and in the rest of the world. Many people look for ways to be happy by starting from their own definition of happiness instead of thinking about what happiness might actually be. He thinks he reaches for the purpose of reaching these roads or he thinks he will be unhappy if he can not reach these roads. However, this happiness reaches without thinking about what happiness may actually be. In this article, we will examine the concept of happiness of Al-Farabi, who combines Islamic thought with philosophy and the fundamental thinkers of thought history, Aristotle. We will look where Al-Farabi places his happiness in the entire his own philosophical system. Then we will examine the definition of Aristotle's happiness and compare it with Al-Farabi's view of happiness, which puts Aristotle on the basis of his philosophy. Thus, we will see how metaphysical happiness in Al-Farabi's philosophy is reconciled with Aristotle's definition of happiness.
Burdur İlahiyat Dergisi Özel Sayı: Gazze (Kasım 2024), 106-113., 2024
Heba Abu Nada, born in 1991, was a Palestinian poet and an award winning literary figure. On Octo... more Heba Abu Nada, born in 1991, was a Palestinian poet and an award winning literary figure. On October 7, 2023,
following Israel’s intensification of genocidal bombings in Palestine, she was martyred alongside her young son. Heba
Abu Nada's poetry reflects her lived experience of violence and her remarkable resilience in the face of death, offering
profound insights into her perspective on mortality. For Heba Abu Nada, death was not an end but rather a beginning—
a belief that resonates deeply in her works as an expression of unwavering faith. Although this perspective may be
difficult for contemporary individuals to comprehend, it provides an essential lens through which to understand the
world of a poet who, amidst human rights violations and genocide, demonstrated resistance and faith through her
literary voice. This study aims to explore how a contemporary literary figure confronted oppression and injustice by
showcasing resilience and faith in her poetry. By analyzing Ebu Nada’s works, the article focuses on the representation
of faith and resistance in her literature. A qualitative approach has been adopted, examining her poetry within a
philosophical framework. The study's limitation lies in Heba Abu Nada’s use of social media in her final moments to
express her views on death, which constrains the available material for analysis. Nevertheless, this research seeks to
provide a contemporary perspective on how the concept of resistance is manifested in the writings of a literary figure
within the context of modern literature and human rights violations. The findings aim to demonstrate that literature
serves as a vital medium for expressing perspectives on life in the face of war and oppression, contributing to a deeper
understanding of Heba Abu Nada’s literary legacy and the relationship between resistance and human rights in modern
Keywords: Heba Abu Nada, Literature, Death, Martyrdom.
Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influe... more Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influenced today since his time. In his al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal, he writes about how he survived the crisis that his inquiries about life had driven him to depression. Due to the distress caused by the crisis in him, he left the place where he lived and moved away from people. During this abandonment, he confesses his experiences, inquiries, introspection, and ways of getting to know himself in al-Munqidh. In this article, I will try to understand how he reached guidance from this crisis, what his method was, and how he gained personal religious experience. I will examine the differences and similarities of the way of Sufism from the clergy, where the concept of rational theosophy corresponds in al-Ghazali's thought. He shows us the limits of reason on the way to reach precise information. He talks about realities that cannot be explained within these limits, what he has learned in the uzlat (escaping from community life and living alone), and why the love for the world is dangerous. The reason why al-Ghazali returned to social life is explained with the idea of 'fiqh of priorities' in Islam. Al-Ghazali attributes the "nour" (light) that descends to his heart to the will of God in explaining his salvation from the turning point in his life.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi120001
Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, May 1, 2021
The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the N... more The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the Nicean Council (325). Before the Nicean Council, Jesus, the only God's apostle, has gone instead of Jesus, the son of God. There was no intact Bible in the time of Irenaeus, who was among the apologists who advocated monotheism. This harsh and hard struggle of Irenaeus against those who do not accept the one God undoubtedly provides us with information about the profile of Christ before the Nicean Council. Adversus Haereses consists of five parts. In the first part of the work, he explains his thoughts on Gnosticism, in the second part, he criticizes and refutes the gnostic arguments, and explains the Christian doctrine in the other three parts. The first sentence of his book begins with "There is only one God: it cannot be otherwise." In this article, I will analyze the monotheistic words of Irenaeus in Adversus Haereses.
Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, 2020
Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influe... more Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influenced today since his time. In his al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal, he writes about how he survived the crisis that his inquiries about life had driven him to depression. Due to the distress caused by the crisis in him, he left the place where he lived and moved away from people. During this abandonment, he confesses his experiences, inquiries, introspection, and ways of getting to know himself in al-Munqidh. In this article, I will try to understand how he reached guidance from this crisis, what his method was, and how he gained personal religious experience. I will examine the differences and similarities of the way of Sufism from the clergy, where the concept of rational theosophy corresponds in al-Ghazali's thought. He shows us the limits of reason on the way to reach precise information. He talks about realities that cannot be explained within these limits, what he has learned in the uzl...
Mutluluk, insanoglu icin hem bu dunyada hem diger dunyada ulasilmasi istenen en degerli hedeftir.... more Mutluluk, insanoglu icin hem bu dunyada hem diger dunyada ulasilmasi istenen en degerli hedeftir. Bircok insan mutlulugun aslinda ne olabilecegi hakkinda dusunmek yerine kendi dusuncesindeki mutluluk tanimindan yola cikarak mutlu olmanin yollarini arar. Bu yollara erisince amacina ulastigini dusunmektedir veya bu yollara ulasamayinca mutsuz olacagini zanneder. Oysa mutlulugun gercekte ne olabilecegi hakkinda dusunmeksizin bu zanna ulasir. Biz bu makalede, dusunce tarihinin temel dusunurlerinden Aristoteles ve Islâm dusuncesini felsefe ile bulusturup harmanlayan Farabi’nin mutluluk anlayisini inceleyecegiz. Farabi’nin tum felsefi sistemi icerisinde mutlulugu nereye yerlestirdigine bakacagiz. Ardindan Aristoteles’in mutluluk tanimini inceleyip Aristoteles’i felsefesinin temeline koyan Farabi’nin mutluluk gorusu ile karsilastiracagiz. Boylelikle Farabi’nin felsefesindeki metafizik kaynakli mutlulugun Aristoteles’in mutluluk tanimlamasi ile ne sekilde uzlastigini gorecegiz.
Bütünleyici ve anadolu tıbbı dergisi, May 19, 2021
Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi kült... more Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi kültürümüzde kullanımı yaygın olan koyun yünü, teknolojinin de etkisi ile daha endüstriyel ve kullanım kolaylığı endişeleri barındırarak yerini sentetik liflere bırakmıştır. Fakat günümüzde yünün özellikle medikal anlamda öneminin tekrar anlaşılması onu daha ilgi çekici bir hale getirmiştir. Sentetik lifler ve kimyasalların günlük hayatımızda sıkça kullanımından doğan rahatsızlıkların karşısında doğamız ile uyumlu ve kadim kültürümüzün yüzyıllar süren deneyiminin bize sunduğu kanıta dayalı bilgi neticesinde doğala ve doğa ile uyumlu olan "yün"e yönelmekteyiz. İbn Sînâ'nın El-Kânûn fî't-Tıbb adlı eserindeki yün ile ilgili pratiklerin çoğu günümüzde hala uygulama imkanına sahiptir. Yün medikal olarak kas ve iskelet sistemi hastalıklarında, kalp ve damar rahatsızlıklarında, solunum yolları ile ilgili bazı akciğer rahatsızlıklarında ayrıca dolaşım rahatsızlıkları ve fizyoterapide gözle görünen bir hızda tedaviye olumlu yönde etki etmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı saf koyun yününün bazı medikal kullanım alanlarını göstererek yünün daha yaygın kullanımı konusunda farkındalık oluşturmaktır.
Phenomenology of Veiling - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review, 2023
Covering appears to be a socio-cultural necessity for human beings. Covering styles are revealed ... more Covering appears to be a socio-cultural necessity for human beings. Covering styles are revealed in different forms in men and women. Covering the body in human history manifests itself as a result of necessity in social relations. The first human in the sources is the veiling problem of Prophet Adam and his wife Eve begins with their realization of their own lack of veiling. In this sense, veiling, apart from an innate necessity, is a need that arises with awareness and is related to being human. Max Scheler explains the feeling of shame as a feeling that arises as a result of the person who is between the lowest of creation and the highest of all first realizing it when the veil falls. From this point of view, veiling or veiling is a phenomenon needed as a requirement of Scheler's sense of shame, with the meanings of "to put a curtain between oneself and the other/somebody else, to hide inside or behind something", on the other hand, David Le Breton's of individuals revealing their own skin to society. It gains meaning as a message that is wanted to be given by the individual in social relations, seeing it as a limit.
Gâzâlî’nin el-Munkız mine’d-Dalâl Eserinde Kişisel Dînî Tecrübenin Yorumlanması, 2021
Huccetü'l İslam İmam Gazâlî yaşadığı zamandan günümüze iz bırakan bir düşünür, mutasavvıf, fakih ... more Huccetü'l İslam İmam Gazâlî yaşadığı zamandan günümüze iz bırakan
bir düşünür, mutasavvıf, fakih ve kelamcıdır. El-Munkız mine'd-Dalâl eserinde hayata dair sorgulamalarının onu sürüklediği bunalımdan nasıl kurtulduğunu yazar. Bunalımın O'nda yol açtığı sıkıntı ile yaşadığı yeri terk
etmiş ve insanlardan uzaklaşmıştır. Bu terk ediş süresince yaşadıklarını,
sorgulamalarını, iç muhasebesini ve kendini tanıma yollarını El-Munkız’da
itiraf eder. Bu makalede O’nun bu buhrandan hidayete nasıl eriştiğini, yönteminin neler olduğunu, kişisel dini tecrübesini nasıl edindiğini anlamaya
çalışacağım. Tasavvuf yolunun ruhbanlıktan farkını ve benzerliklerini, rasyonel teosofi kavramının Gâzâlî düşüncesinde nereye tekabül ettiğini inceleyeceğim. Gâzâlî, kesin bilgiye ulaşma yolunda aklın sınırlarını bize gösterir. Bu sınırlar dahilinde açıklanamayan gerçekliklerden, uzlette öğrendiklerinden ve dünya sevgisinin neden tehlikeli oluşundan bahseder. İnsan bu
tehlikeden uzaklaşmak için dünyevi olanı terk edecek fakat bunu sosyal
hayatın sınırları içinde nasıl devam ettirecektir? Gâzâlî’nin insanların arasına dönmesinin gerekçesi İslam’daki “öncelikler fıkhı” düşüncesi ile izah
edilir. Gâzâlî de hayatında dönüm noktası olan bunalımdan kurtuluşunu
açıklamasında kalbine inen “nur” u Allah’ın istemesine bağlar.
Analysis of Monotheistic Discourses in Apologist Irenaeus' Adversus Haereses, 2021
The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the N... more The patristic period is the process that starts with the birth of Jesus and continues until the Nicean Council (325). Before the Nicean Council, Jesus, the only God's apostle, has gone instead of Jesus, the son of God. There was no intact Bible in the time of Irenaeus, who was among the apologists who advocated monotheism. This harsh and hard struggle of Irenaeus against those who do not accept the one God undoubtedly provides us with information about the profile of Christ before the Nicean Council. Adversus Haereses consists of five parts. In the first part of the work, he explains his thoughts on Gnosticism, in the second part, he criticizes and refutes the gnostic arguments, and explains the Christian doctrine in the other three parts. The first sentence of his book begins with "There is only one God: it cannot be otherwise." In this article, I will analyze the monotheistic words of Irenaeus in Adversus Haereses.
Kadim Tıptan Modern Tıbba Yünün Medikal Kullanımı , 2021
ÖZET Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi... more ÖZET
Geleneksel tıpta saf yün birçok hastalığın önlenmesinde ve tedavisinde kullanılmıştır. Kendi kültürümüzde
kullanımı yaygın olan koyun yünü, teknolojinin de etkisi ile daha endüstriyel ve kullanım kolaylığı
endişeleri barındırarak yerini sentetik liflere bırakmıştır. Fakat günümüzde yünün özellikle medikal
anlamda öneminin tekrar anlaşılması onu daha ilgi çekici bir hale getirmiştir. Sentetik lifler ve
kimyasalların günlük hayatımızda sıkça kullanımından doğan rahatsızlıkların karşısında doğamız ile
uyumlu ve kadim kültürümüzün yüzyıllar süren deneyiminin bize sunduğu kanıta dayalı bilgi neticesinde
doğala ve doğa ile uyumlu olan “yün”e yönelmekteyiz. İbn Sînâ’nın El-Kânûn fî’t-Tıbb adlı eserindeki yün
ile ilgili pratiklerin çoğu günümüzde hala uygulama imkanına sahiptir. Yün medikal olarak kas ve iskelet
sistemi hastalıklarında, kalp ve damar rahatsızlıklarında, solunum yolları ile ilgili bazı akciğer
rahatsızlıklarında ayrıca dolaşım rahatsızlıkları ve fizyoterapide gözle görünen bir hızda tedaviye olumlu
yönde etki etmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı saf koyun yününün bazı medikal kullanım alanlarını göstererek
yünün daha yaygın kullanımı konusunda farkındalık oluşturmaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Yün, Saf yün, Koyun yünü, Geleneksel tıp, Yünün medikal kullanımı, İbn Sina
Derleme Makale / Review Article, 2(2): 18 - 29, 2021
Medical Use of Wool from Traditional Medicine to
Modern Medicine
In traditional medicine, pure wool has been used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The
sheep wool, which is widely used in our own culture, has been replaced by synthetic fibers, with the effect
of technology, with more industrial and ease of use concerns. But today, the importance of wool, especially
in medical sense, has been understood again and this issue has made wool more interesting. We frequently
use synthetic fibers and chemicals in our daily lives. In the face of the inconveniences caused by this reason,
we turn to "wool" with our internal and in harmony with nature as a result of the evidence-based knowledge
provided by us from the centuries-long experience of our ancient culture. Most of the practices related to
wool in Avicenna's work named Al-Qanun fit-Tibb still have the opportunity to be applied today. Wool
medically positively affects the recovery of musculoskeletal system diseases, heart and vascular diseases,
some lung diseases related to respiratory tract, as well as circulatory disorders and physiotherapy. The aim
of this article is to show some medical uses of pure sheep wool and to raise awareness about the widespread
use of wool.
Keywords: Wool, Pure wool, Sheep wool, Traditional medicine, Medical use of wool, Avicenna
The Interpretation of Personal Religious Experience in al-Ghazālī's al-Munqidh min aḍ-Ḍalāl, 2020
Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influe... more Hujjat al-Islam Imam al-Ghazali is a thinker, mystic, jurist, and theologian who has still influenced today since his time. In his al-Munqidh min ad-Dalal, he writes about how he survived the crisis that his inquiries about life had driven him to depression. Due to the distress caused by the crisis in him, he left the place where he lived and moved away from people. During this abandonment, he confesses his experiences, inquiries, introspection, and ways of getting to know himself in al-Munqidh. In this article, I will try to understand how he reached guidance from this crisis, what his method was, and how he gained personal religious experience. I will examine the differences and similarities of the way of Sufism from the clergy, where the concept of rational theosophy corresponds in al-Ghazali’s thought. He shows us the limits of reason on the way to reach precise information. He talks about realities that cannot be explained within these limits, what he has learned in the uzlat (escaping from community life and living alone), and why the love for the world is dangerous. The reason why al-Ghazali returned to social life is explained with the idea of 'fiqh of priorities' in Islam. Al-Ghazali attributes the "nour" (light) that descends to his heart to the will of God in explaining his salvation from the turning point in his life.
Kırıkkale University Journal of Social Sciences (KUJSS), 2018
Öz Mutluluk, insanoğlu için hem bu dünyada hem diğer dünyada ulaşılması istenen en değerli hedeft... more Öz
Mutluluk, insanoğlu için hem bu dünyada hem diğer dünyada ulaşılması istenen en değerli hedeftir. Birçok insan mutluluğun aslında ne olabileceği hakkında düşün-mek yerine kendi düşüncesindeki mutluluk tanımından yola çıkarak mutlu olmanın yollarını arar. Bu yollara erişince amacına ulaştığını düşünmektedir veya bu yollara ulaşamayınca mutsuz olacağını zanneder. Oysa mutluluğun gerçekte ne olabileceği hakkında düşünmeksizin bu zanna ulaşır. Biz bu makalede, düşünce tarihinin temel düşünürlerinden Aristoteles ve İslâm düşüncesini felsefe ile buluşturup harmanla-yan Farabî'nin mutluluk anlayışını inceleyeceğiz. Farabî'nin tüm felsefî sistemi içe-risinde mutluluğu nereye yerleştirdiğine bakacağız. Ardından Aristoteles'in mutlu-luk tanımını inceleyip Aristoteles'i felsefesinin temeline koyan Farabî'nin mutluluk görüşü ile karşılaştıracağız. Böylelikle Farabî'nin felsefesindeki metafizik kaynaklı mutluluğun Aristoteles'in mutluluk tanımlaması ile ne şekilde uzlaştığını göreceğiz.
Happiness is the most precious aim for humanity both in this world and in the rest of the world. Many people look for ways to be happy by starting from their own definition of happiness instead of thinking about what happiness might actually be. He thinks he reaches for the purpose of reaching these roads or he thinks he will be unhappy if he can not reach these roads. However, this happiness reaches without thinking about what happiness may actually be. In this article, we will examine the concept of happiness of Al-Farabi, who combines Islamic thought with philosophy and the fundamental thinkers of thought history, Aristotle. We will look where Al-Farabi places his happiness in the entire his own philosophical system. Then we will examine the definition of Aristotle's happiness and compare it with Al-Farabi's view of happiness, which puts Aristotle on the basis of his philosophy. Thus, we will see how metaphysical happiness in Al-Farabi's philosophy is reconciled with Aristotle's definition of happiness.