aoisita - Profile (original) (raw)
on 12 November 2005 (#8782364)
❝but music - she saved my life,
so i'm loving her through day and night❞
intro post. ► icon journal.
chiz. sixteen.
santiago, chile.
spanish & english.
!superjunior? i hate them, CAPSLOCK, (´┏_┓`), 4chan, 6%dokidoki, 8059, a'st1, advent children, aiden! naiden! aids!!, akuroku, anyband, axis powers hetalia, badfic, berichi, big bang, brian joo, brian/sungmin, buono tomato!, dir en grey, disney, dogs manga, drop dead gorgeous, epik high, escape the fate, f.t island, from first to last, funk mastah ion, grape flavoured shindong, gurren lagann, h.o.t, i-dun-wanna-be-a-ronry-foo, italy, janne da arc, japanese street fashion, joonho: sunglass beach, joonho: valet parking man, joonho: yeah you mother-father!, kangin/ronaldihno, katekyo hitman reborn!, kim joonho, kingdom hearts, korea, leeteuk's laugh, lelelemonade, marry... me? marry u?, master badtouch, music, my chemical romance, nana, nevershoutnever!, nickasaur!, ninja!kyuhyun in don't don, o(≧∇≦)o, ok! we can!, olivia, oshare kei, ot13, persona 3, persona 4, ponytail!teukie, popu line ♪, radiohead, rentrer en soi, seme!teuk, siam shade, ss501, super junior, super junior+titanic = love, tales of legendia, tales of symphonia, tales of the abyss, togainu no chi, utada hikaru, visual kei, wo-pa-lai-bu-jiiii, writing, yaoi, yesung's firecrotch, yesung's philippino english, yesung: spaaaaarrrta!, yosuke you are obese, you're so gorgeous~~~, yui, ಠ_ಠ, ♂♂, ♥, ♪, アリス九號, ガゼット, ドーリスマリィ, ムック, ルルティア, ヴィドール, ㊅‿☯, 大塚愛, 椎名林檎, 葵, 陈坤, 雅-miyavi, 韩庚, 강인, 규현, 기범, 노홍철, 동방신기, 동해, 려욱, 박정수, 배틀, 샤이니, 성민, 슈퍼주니어, 시원, 신동, 아웃사이더, 아주, 영생, 예성, 원승재, 은혁, 이특, 프라나, 하동균, 휘, 희철