abdurrahman demirci | Artuklu University (original) (raw)

article by abdurrahman demirci

Research paper thumbnail of Medine Vesikası: Oluşum Süreci ve Zimmet Anlaşmalarına Etkisi/The Madina Agreement: Its Background and Effect on Dhimmi Treaties

İSTEM, Apr 2012

The Medina agreement is the first step in the history of Islam enabling cohabitation of the d... more The Medina agreement is the first step in the history of Islam enabling cohabitation of the diversities. lt is a precise brief of what muslims desired before and after the hijrah. Prophet Muhammad constructed a socially-combined region through the agreement by not imposing any ethnicity, culture or religion. The paper firstly analyzes background of the agreement and then both abrogated principles of the agreement due to changing time and conditions and valid principles in dhimma.
Key Words: Medina agreement, cohabitation, non-muslim, dhimma, citizenship,

Research paper thumbnail of BATI ANSİKLOPEDİLERİNDE HZ. MUHAMMED'E BAKIŞ (RİSÂLETİN MEDİNE DÖNEMİ)/The Western Encyclopedias’ Approach to the Prophet Muhammad (the Madina Period of the Prophethood)

ekev akademi, Apr 30, 2018

The encyclopedias published in the West approach the Muhammad's prophecy in a reductionist manner... more The encyclopedias published in the West approach the Muhammad's prophecy in a reductionist manner. However, his political side is always highlighted. Even, Muhammad is depicted as a genius. The main motivation behind this approach is his prophecy period in Madina and the institutionalization as a result of the religious preach there. The
prophet’s preach period is always considered with the external focal points. According to this approach, Muhammad, who sought political aims, did not deviate from his aims but he revised his agenda many times. His approach and practices regarding the Christianity
and Judaism are considered as the reason for these revisions. These comments, which were made based on the religious and cultural attachment, define the Islam as a project and Muhammad as an opportunist, who made an effort for this purpose. This study is
limited to the western encyclopedias’ approach to the madina period. It is observed that the encyclopedias emphasize Muhammad’s political side and leadership, and assert that he uses every means, particularly Islam, to support this approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Şurût-i Ömer: İslam Tarihine Dair Bir Meşruiyet Çabası/The Covenant Of Umar: An Attempt to Legitimise Subsequent Practices in Islamic History

All pacts signed with non-Muslims who accepted living under the rule of Muslims are of similar c... more All pacts signed with non-Muslims who accepted living under the rule of Muslims are of similar character with regard to the fundamental rights and liberties. However, the covenant of Umar allegedly dating back to the period of the second caliph, Umar is quite different from other covenants in terms of the content and the manner of signing. Although the sources of Islamic history never refer to it, the covenant in question inherently stands as a subject of the history of Islamic politics, with conquests and policies concerning dhimma. It appears to be problematic regarding both the chain of narrators and the text. Through a comparative analysis between the facts of conquests and the covenant, it is seen that the covenant contradicts the historical realities. Based on that, it may be stated that the covenant of Umar indicates an attempt to legitimise subsequent practices in Islamic history.


Turkish Studies, 2018

Built on a pure curiosity, the scientific orientation towards the East has been institutionalized... more Built on a pure curiosity, the scientific orientation towards the East has been institutionalized and has become a school of thought, namely oriental studies/Orientalism. Particularly, the researches on Islam have paved the way for the formation of the public opinion in the western world. The studies conducted until 20th century were mainly personal attempts. In process of time, commercial expectations, academic ambitions and societal needs and demands established a ground for the publication of encyclopedias. These encyclopedias, which used the orientalist studies as the source of information, are reference books in the West on the Islamic culture and civilization. These sources presented various analyses and assestments, and played a significant role in introducing the Islam and particularly prophet Muhammad to the Western society. We, in this study, identified the image of Prophet Muhamad in the entries entitled 'Prophet Muhammad' and 'Prophet Muhammad and Islam' in the encyclopedias, which were published in English from early 20th centurly to present. We analyzed the nature of the pragmatist role which was attributed to the Prophet Muhammad in the encyclopedias. We comprehensively discussed the Muhammedanizm, which is associated with the prophecy period in Mecca, and the claim, which is that the prophet's biography was composed at a later date. It’s possible to say that perspectives in encyclopedias is the repetition of the images created by orientalism. General consent is that Islam - sometimes called Muhammedanism - is in an effort of seeking references in monotheist sources. In that sense, aggressive behavior towards the Prophet Muhammad is almost traditional. Because he's also blamed for not remaining faithful to information that he was trying to take from sources. Effects of the religious understanding formed by the Prophet Muhammad are partly explained through reform. The reason for this is the partial transformation that he achieved in Arab culture. Therefore, according to encyclopedias; Islam, which becomes a target in the person of the Prophet Muhammad, is nothing else than an effort of social and moral reform.

Research paper thumbnail of Tağlib Kabilesi’nin İslâm Devleti Egemenliği Altına Alınma Süreci/The Process of Taking Beni Tağlib Under the Islamic Domination

Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013

The Process of Taking Beni Tağlib Under the Islamic Domination Beni Tağlib was one of the rooted ... more The Process of Taking Beni Tağlib Under the Islamic Domination
Beni Tağlib was one of the rooted tribes in Arab peninsula. It had a prominent position in tribal struggles which were the characteristic of the peninsula.
Beside tribalism, changes in its belief through time have also affected its
manner. It had maintained a combative attitude against Islam and had clashed with Islam’s expansionism by the support of Persia and Byzantine. Beni Tağlib insisted on its uncompromising manner even in the process of taken under the Islamic domination. The paper analyzes Beni Tağlib’s attitude in the period of foundation of the Islamic state and the unusual Zimmet policy implemented for the tribe.
keywords: Taghlib Tribe, Umar, Jizya, Zakat, Baptism.

Research paper thumbnail of İlk Halifenin Seçilmesinde Hz. Ömer'in Rolü/Hz. Umar’s Role at the Election of the First Caliph

Ekev Akademi Dergisi, 2016

The Muslim community encountered a crisis of governance as the Prophet Mohammad had passed away. ... more The Muslim community encountered a crisis of governance as the Prophet Mohammad had passed away. The fundamental reason behind this crisis is the absence of lucid solution in Quran and in the Prophet's practices. However, the Muslim community succeded in electing the ruler even before the burial of the Prophet. Muslims preserved their political unity by electing the Caliphate in Sakife meeting…. Omar played a significant role in this consequence. How did Omar intervene in the Caliphate-selection-attempt of the Ansar based partially on tribalism and Islamic virtue system? We put that Sakife meeting specified the requirements to be Caliphate and we observe that Omar was one of the most influential members of the meeting in this process. We find that Omar was not in plot before and aftermath of caliphate-election process and he also did not allow a repressive election. We conclude that Omar prioritized Abu Bakr's Caliphate even though he had the chance to be the Caliphate just to prevent the polarization and tribalism between Ansar and Muhacir.

Research paper thumbnail of Ensar Kimliğinin Oluşumuna Etki Eden Faktörler/The Factors Creating the Ansar Identity

History Studies, 2017

The dominant culture in the Arabian Peninsula was Shirk religiously and Asabiyyah politically. Ev... more The dominant culture in the Arabian Peninsula was Shirk religiously and Asabiyyah politically. Evs-Hazrec experienced the civil war the most intensively in the Arabian Peninsula due to Shirk, which is complexity of values and Asabiyyah, which legitimizes societal injustice. This period
of conflict lasting more than a century, in addition to be a vicious circle, created unliveable conditions in Madina. The Muslims of Madina replaced these two elements with Islam by embracing Islam. Evs-Hazrec confronted all the Mushriks, notably Kureyş in order to guard Islam at the risk of loss of life, property and generation. However, the studies in History of Islam introduce the ‘Ansar identity’ with the emphasis on the material sacrifices and lack their effort to defend Islam. It is
essential to define the elements that shaped the Ansar characteristic to be able to identify the Ansar.
We study the role of divine help, the prophet’s efforts, Ansar’s sacrifices and courage and notably the destruction originated from the internal conflict within Evs-Hazrec on the formation of Ansar identity.
We seek to find out how this Ansar identity became an alternative to tribal culture and how a character functioned like a lineage.

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Ebû Bekir'in Fetih Anlayışı/The Abu Bakr's Perception of Conquest

artukluakademi, 2014

Abu Bakr's management as the first caliph of Islamic state, is like a summary of his perception o... more Abu Bakr's management as the first caliph of Islamic state, is like a summary of his perception of Islam. His management consists of loyalty patience determination and success like his conversion to Islam. The notification to Islam and conquest activity launched by Prophet Muhammad had been pursued with determination by Hz. Abu Bakr. Through the struggle he had expanded and riveted sovereignty of Islam in both internal and external areas. His perception of conquest basically consists of obedience to the Prophet's perception of conquest promoting Muslims' self-confidence and strengthening awareness of service to Islam. His encouragement to the jihad had accelerated spread and rule of Islam. The first caliph Abu Bakr has made remarkable service to humanity by the Islamic conquests as well as Islam.

Research paper thumbnail of İbn Heyyeban'ın Vasiyeti Ekseninde Arap Yarımadası'nda Son Peygamber Beklentisi/The Last Prophet Expectation in the Arabian Peninsula in the Light of Ibn Hayyaban's Will

Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016

There is an expectation of a last prophet among the scholars of all faiths in the Arabian peninsu... more There is an expectation of a last prophet among the scholars of all faiths in the Arabian peninsula before the prophet Muhammad. Particularly in Damascus there are many names at these sources about the social mobility that felt Jeruselam, Mecca, and Medina. But many of them repeat each other with phisical and miraculous news. The rumors about İbn Heyyebân rabbi who going from Damas-cus to Medina for seeing and depending the last prophet and direct the Jews to him are remarkable. Actually these rumors are the projection of determination in the Koran for Jews' attitudes. Including most tangible and reasonable information to others Ibn Hayyaban narrations identify the last prophet as agents of violence. These rumors located heavily in the Islamic religious sources contain serious con-tradictions and unfortunately these have been used to prove Muhammad's prophethood from past to present.

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Ömer'in Şehadeti/ THE MARTYRDOM OF OMAR

İslâmî İlimler Dergisi, 2014

Omar was murdered after his ten-year caliphate by an Iranlan slave. seemingiy due to the slave... more Omar was murdered after his ten-year caliphate by an Iranlan slave.
seemingiy due to the slave's personal tax. The moment and reason of his
martyrdom, the murderer's connections and what ls aimed by assassinatıng him are uncertain as well as same other issues. Omar contributed to the success of the Islamic State through his decisive state policies In many fields, which can be described as glorious steps for the state In the region.
Despite his uncompromising manner in many issues. he was killed due
to his tolerance in his decislon. Omar, himself, prevented his death from
endangering the survival of the Islamic State through his strong faith and
'successful statesmanship.
Keywords: Caliph Omar, Ebu Lü'lue, tax, nationalism, martyrdom

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Muhammed'in Öfke Kontrolü (Hz. Ömer'le Diyalogları Bağlamında)/ Prophet Muhammad’s Anger Management (Regarding the Dialogues with Hz. Omar)

Mukaddime Dergisi, 2014

The prophet Muhammad struggled initially with the society's belief and traditions as well as igno... more The prophet Muhammad struggled initially with the society's belief and traditions as well as ignorance. The prophet made -in Quranic term-almost a self-destructive effort against uncompromising society. In the preach process, he was forming a religious morality for his followers while inviting the disbelievers. The prophet endeavoured to achieve a
moral adornment embraced by the companions, who are role-model in this sense, until his death. In this study, the prophet's approach to the companions' reactions especially in ghazvas (the battles) process is discussed. In this respect, the significance and diversity of his approach to similar cases are analyzed. Particularly, the study seeks to identify Omar’s symbolic stance regarding anger, Hz. Muhammad’s style and manner of approaching the companions through Hz. Omar.

paper by abdurrahman demirci

Research paper thumbnail of İslamofobinin anlaşılmasında siyeri doğru okuma biçimi/Precise Reading of Sirah In Understanding of Islamophobia

Bartın Üniversitesi Uluslararası İslamofobi ve Terör Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (01-02 Aralık 2016), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Toplumsal Barışa Katkısı Yönüyle Asr-ı Saadette Mescid (Mescid-i Kuba ve Mescid-i Dırar Kıyası)

V. Ulusal Din Görevlileri Sempozyum Bildirileri (9-10-11 Mayıs 2014-Mardin), 2015

Book Reviews by abdurrahman demirci

Research paper thumbnail of Mahmut ÇINAR, Tarihte ve Günümüzde Mehdilik, Rağbet yay., 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Cem ZORLU, İslam Tarihinde İlk İktidar Mücadelesi, İz Yayıncılık, 2014.

Artuklu Akademi, 2017

İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2014, 327 sayfa.

Papers by abdurrahman demirci

Research paper thumbnail of Batıda Yayımlanan Ansiklopedilerde Hz. Muhammed İmajı (Risaletin Mekke Dönemi)

Journal of Turkish Studies

BATIDA YAYIMLANAN ANSİKLOPEDİLERDE HZ. MUHAMMED İMAJI * (RİSALETİN MEKKE DÖNEMİ) Abdurrahman DEMİ... more BATIDA YAYIMLANAN ANSİKLOPEDİLERDE HZ. MUHAMMED İMAJI * (RİSALETİN MEKKE DÖNEMİ) Abdurrahman DEMİRCİ ** ÖZET * Bu makale, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi BAP birimince desteklenen MAÜ-BAP-17-İİF-08 numaralı "Batıda Yayımlanan Ansiklopedilerde Hz. Muhammed İmajı" konulu proje kapsamında hazırlanmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Cem ZORLU İslam Tarihinde İlk İktidar Mücadelesi, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2014, 327 sayfa

Research paper thumbnail of Medine Vesikası: Oluşum Süreci ve Zimmet Anlaşmalarına Etkisi/The Madina Agreement: Its Background and Effect on Dhimmi Treaties

İSTEM, Apr 2012

The Medina agreement is the first step in the history of Islam enabling cohabitation of the d... more The Medina agreement is the first step in the history of Islam enabling cohabitation of the diversities. lt is a precise brief of what muslims desired before and after the hijrah. Prophet Muhammad constructed a socially-combined region through the agreement by not imposing any ethnicity, culture or religion. The paper firstly analyzes background of the agreement and then both abrogated principles of the agreement due to changing time and conditions and valid principles in dhimma.
Key Words: Medina agreement, cohabitation, non-muslim, dhimma, citizenship,

Research paper thumbnail of BATI ANSİKLOPEDİLERİNDE HZ. MUHAMMED'E BAKIŞ (RİSÂLETİN MEDİNE DÖNEMİ)/The Western Encyclopedias’ Approach to the Prophet Muhammad (the Madina Period of the Prophethood)

ekev akademi, Apr 30, 2018

The encyclopedias published in the West approach the Muhammad's prophecy in a reductionist manner... more The encyclopedias published in the West approach the Muhammad's prophecy in a reductionist manner. However, his political side is always highlighted. Even, Muhammad is depicted as a genius. The main motivation behind this approach is his prophecy period in Madina and the institutionalization as a result of the religious preach there. The
prophet’s preach period is always considered with the external focal points. According to this approach, Muhammad, who sought political aims, did not deviate from his aims but he revised his agenda many times. His approach and practices regarding the Christianity
and Judaism are considered as the reason for these revisions. These comments, which were made based on the religious and cultural attachment, define the Islam as a project and Muhammad as an opportunist, who made an effort for this purpose. This study is
limited to the western encyclopedias’ approach to the madina period. It is observed that the encyclopedias emphasize Muhammad’s political side and leadership, and assert that he uses every means, particularly Islam, to support this approach.

Research paper thumbnail of Şurût-i Ömer: İslam Tarihine Dair Bir Meşruiyet Çabası/The Covenant Of Umar: An Attempt to Legitimise Subsequent Practices in Islamic History

All pacts signed with non-Muslims who accepted living under the rule of Muslims are of similar c... more All pacts signed with non-Muslims who accepted living under the rule of Muslims are of similar character with regard to the fundamental rights and liberties. However, the covenant of Umar allegedly dating back to the period of the second caliph, Umar is quite different from other covenants in terms of the content and the manner of signing. Although the sources of Islamic history never refer to it, the covenant in question inherently stands as a subject of the history of Islamic politics, with conquests and policies concerning dhimma. It appears to be problematic regarding both the chain of narrators and the text. Through a comparative analysis between the facts of conquests and the covenant, it is seen that the covenant contradicts the historical realities. Based on that, it may be stated that the covenant of Umar indicates an attempt to legitimise subsequent practices in Islamic history.


Turkish Studies, 2018

Built on a pure curiosity, the scientific orientation towards the East has been institutionalized... more Built on a pure curiosity, the scientific orientation towards the East has been institutionalized and has become a school of thought, namely oriental studies/Orientalism. Particularly, the researches on Islam have paved the way for the formation of the public opinion in the western world. The studies conducted until 20th century were mainly personal attempts. In process of time, commercial expectations, academic ambitions and societal needs and demands established a ground for the publication of encyclopedias. These encyclopedias, which used the orientalist studies as the source of information, are reference books in the West on the Islamic culture and civilization. These sources presented various analyses and assestments, and played a significant role in introducing the Islam and particularly prophet Muhammad to the Western society. We, in this study, identified the image of Prophet Muhamad in the entries entitled 'Prophet Muhammad' and 'Prophet Muhammad and Islam' in the encyclopedias, which were published in English from early 20th centurly to present. We analyzed the nature of the pragmatist role which was attributed to the Prophet Muhammad in the encyclopedias. We comprehensively discussed the Muhammedanizm, which is associated with the prophecy period in Mecca, and the claim, which is that the prophet's biography was composed at a later date. It’s possible to say that perspectives in encyclopedias is the repetition of the images created by orientalism. General consent is that Islam - sometimes called Muhammedanism - is in an effort of seeking references in monotheist sources. In that sense, aggressive behavior towards the Prophet Muhammad is almost traditional. Because he's also blamed for not remaining faithful to information that he was trying to take from sources. Effects of the religious understanding formed by the Prophet Muhammad are partly explained through reform. The reason for this is the partial transformation that he achieved in Arab culture. Therefore, according to encyclopedias; Islam, which becomes a target in the person of the Prophet Muhammad, is nothing else than an effort of social and moral reform.

Research paper thumbnail of Tağlib Kabilesi’nin İslâm Devleti Egemenliği Altına Alınma Süreci/The Process of Taking Beni Tağlib Under the Islamic Domination

Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, 2013

The Process of Taking Beni Tağlib Under the Islamic Domination Beni Tağlib was one of the rooted ... more The Process of Taking Beni Tağlib Under the Islamic Domination
Beni Tağlib was one of the rooted tribes in Arab peninsula. It had a prominent position in tribal struggles which were the characteristic of the peninsula.
Beside tribalism, changes in its belief through time have also affected its
manner. It had maintained a combative attitude against Islam and had clashed with Islam’s expansionism by the support of Persia and Byzantine. Beni Tağlib insisted on its uncompromising manner even in the process of taken under the Islamic domination. The paper analyzes Beni Tağlib’s attitude in the period of foundation of the Islamic state and the unusual Zimmet policy implemented for the tribe.
keywords: Taghlib Tribe, Umar, Jizya, Zakat, Baptism.

Research paper thumbnail of İlk Halifenin Seçilmesinde Hz. Ömer'in Rolü/Hz. Umar’s Role at the Election of the First Caliph

Ekev Akademi Dergisi, 2016

The Muslim community encountered a crisis of governance as the Prophet Mohammad had passed away. ... more The Muslim community encountered a crisis of governance as the Prophet Mohammad had passed away. The fundamental reason behind this crisis is the absence of lucid solution in Quran and in the Prophet's practices. However, the Muslim community succeded in electing the ruler even before the burial of the Prophet. Muslims preserved their political unity by electing the Caliphate in Sakife meeting…. Omar played a significant role in this consequence. How did Omar intervene in the Caliphate-selection-attempt of the Ansar based partially on tribalism and Islamic virtue system? We put that Sakife meeting specified the requirements to be Caliphate and we observe that Omar was one of the most influential members of the meeting in this process. We find that Omar was not in plot before and aftermath of caliphate-election process and he also did not allow a repressive election. We conclude that Omar prioritized Abu Bakr's Caliphate even though he had the chance to be the Caliphate just to prevent the polarization and tribalism between Ansar and Muhacir.

Research paper thumbnail of Ensar Kimliğinin Oluşumuna Etki Eden Faktörler/The Factors Creating the Ansar Identity

History Studies, 2017

The dominant culture in the Arabian Peninsula was Shirk religiously and Asabiyyah politically. Ev... more The dominant culture in the Arabian Peninsula was Shirk religiously and Asabiyyah politically. Evs-Hazrec experienced the civil war the most intensively in the Arabian Peninsula due to Shirk, which is complexity of values and Asabiyyah, which legitimizes societal injustice. This period
of conflict lasting more than a century, in addition to be a vicious circle, created unliveable conditions in Madina. The Muslims of Madina replaced these two elements with Islam by embracing Islam. Evs-Hazrec confronted all the Mushriks, notably Kureyş in order to guard Islam at the risk of loss of life, property and generation. However, the studies in History of Islam introduce the ‘Ansar identity’ with the emphasis on the material sacrifices and lack their effort to defend Islam. It is
essential to define the elements that shaped the Ansar characteristic to be able to identify the Ansar.
We study the role of divine help, the prophet’s efforts, Ansar’s sacrifices and courage and notably the destruction originated from the internal conflict within Evs-Hazrec on the formation of Ansar identity.
We seek to find out how this Ansar identity became an alternative to tribal culture and how a character functioned like a lineage.

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Ebû Bekir'in Fetih Anlayışı/The Abu Bakr's Perception of Conquest

artukluakademi, 2014

Abu Bakr's management as the first caliph of Islamic state, is like a summary of his perception o... more Abu Bakr's management as the first caliph of Islamic state, is like a summary of his perception of Islam. His management consists of loyalty patience determination and success like his conversion to Islam. The notification to Islam and conquest activity launched by Prophet Muhammad had been pursued with determination by Hz. Abu Bakr. Through the struggle he had expanded and riveted sovereignty of Islam in both internal and external areas. His perception of conquest basically consists of obedience to the Prophet's perception of conquest promoting Muslims' self-confidence and strengthening awareness of service to Islam. His encouragement to the jihad had accelerated spread and rule of Islam. The first caliph Abu Bakr has made remarkable service to humanity by the Islamic conquests as well as Islam.

Research paper thumbnail of İbn Heyyeban'ın Vasiyeti Ekseninde Arap Yarımadası'nda Son Peygamber Beklentisi/The Last Prophet Expectation in the Arabian Peninsula in the Light of Ibn Hayyaban's Will

Iğdır Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016

There is an expectation of a last prophet among the scholars of all faiths in the Arabian peninsu... more There is an expectation of a last prophet among the scholars of all faiths in the Arabian peninsula before the prophet Muhammad. Particularly in Damascus there are many names at these sources about the social mobility that felt Jeruselam, Mecca, and Medina. But many of them repeat each other with phisical and miraculous news. The rumors about İbn Heyyebân rabbi who going from Damas-cus to Medina for seeing and depending the last prophet and direct the Jews to him are remarkable. Actually these rumors are the projection of determination in the Koran for Jews' attitudes. Including most tangible and reasonable information to others Ibn Hayyaban narrations identify the last prophet as agents of violence. These rumors located heavily in the Islamic religious sources contain serious con-tradictions and unfortunately these have been used to prove Muhammad's prophethood from past to present.

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Ömer'in Şehadeti/ THE MARTYRDOM OF OMAR

İslâmî İlimler Dergisi, 2014

Omar was murdered after his ten-year caliphate by an Iranlan slave. seemingiy due to the slave... more Omar was murdered after his ten-year caliphate by an Iranlan slave.
seemingiy due to the slave's personal tax. The moment and reason of his
martyrdom, the murderer's connections and what ls aimed by assassinatıng him are uncertain as well as same other issues. Omar contributed to the success of the Islamic State through his decisive state policies In many fields, which can be described as glorious steps for the state In the region.
Despite his uncompromising manner in many issues. he was killed due
to his tolerance in his decislon. Omar, himself, prevented his death from
endangering the survival of the Islamic State through his strong faith and
'successful statesmanship.
Keywords: Caliph Omar, Ebu Lü'lue, tax, nationalism, martyrdom

Research paper thumbnail of Hz. Muhammed'in Öfke Kontrolü (Hz. Ömer'le Diyalogları Bağlamında)/ Prophet Muhammad’s Anger Management (Regarding the Dialogues with Hz. Omar)

Mukaddime Dergisi, 2014

The prophet Muhammad struggled initially with the society's belief and traditions as well as igno... more The prophet Muhammad struggled initially with the society's belief and traditions as well as ignorance. The prophet made -in Quranic term-almost a self-destructive effort against uncompromising society. In the preach process, he was forming a religious morality for his followers while inviting the disbelievers. The prophet endeavoured to achieve a
moral adornment embraced by the companions, who are role-model in this sense, until his death. In this study, the prophet's approach to the companions' reactions especially in ghazvas (the battles) process is discussed. In this respect, the significance and diversity of his approach to similar cases are analyzed. Particularly, the study seeks to identify Omar’s symbolic stance regarding anger, Hz. Muhammad’s style and manner of approaching the companions through Hz. Omar.

Research paper thumbnail of İslamofobinin anlaşılmasında siyeri doğru okuma biçimi/Precise Reading of Sirah In Understanding of Islamophobia

Bartın Üniversitesi Uluslararası İslamofobi ve Terör Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (01-02 Aralık 2016), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Toplumsal Barışa Katkısı Yönüyle Asr-ı Saadette Mescid (Mescid-i Kuba ve Mescid-i Dırar Kıyası)

V. Ulusal Din Görevlileri Sempozyum Bildirileri (9-10-11 Mayıs 2014-Mardin), 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Mahmut ÇINAR, Tarihte ve Günümüzde Mehdilik, Rağbet yay., 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Cem ZORLU, İslam Tarihinde İlk İktidar Mücadelesi, İz Yayıncılık, 2014.

Artuklu Akademi, 2017

İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2014, 327 sayfa.

Research paper thumbnail of Batıda Yayımlanan Ansiklopedilerde Hz. Muhammed İmajı (Risaletin Mekke Dönemi)

Journal of Turkish Studies

BATIDA YAYIMLANAN ANSİKLOPEDİLERDE HZ. MUHAMMED İMAJI * (RİSALETİN MEKKE DÖNEMİ) Abdurrahman DEMİ... more BATIDA YAYIMLANAN ANSİKLOPEDİLERDE HZ. MUHAMMED İMAJI * (RİSALETİN MEKKE DÖNEMİ) Abdurrahman DEMİRCİ ** ÖZET * Bu makale, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi BAP birimince desteklenen MAÜ-BAP-17-İİF-08 numaralı "Batıda Yayımlanan Ansiklopedilerde Hz. Muhammed İmajı" konulu proje kapsamında hazırlanmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of Cem ZORLU İslam Tarihinde İlk İktidar Mücadelesi, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2014, 327 sayfa