Vinnie Nørskov | Aarhus University (original) (raw)
Papers by Vinnie Nørskov
Classical Heritage and European Identities, 2019
Journal of Social Archaeology, 2021
The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world... more The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world, although little remains above ground to give visitors a sense of its original grandeur. While previous scholarship has studied the Mausoleum’s place within the canon of classical Greek art, this paper identifies specifically local perceptions of the monument through interviews with residents of Bodrum, exploring how different images, values and futures are projected onto the archaeological site, in conversation with both national and local discourses of the past. The responses of local inhabitants, living in an Aegean town dramatically transformed by mass tourism, urbanisation and migration, encompass being underwhelmed, pragmatically interested in the monument’s economic potential, or proud of its status, fuelled by the local discourses of “Blue Anatolianism” and “Karianism”. We argue that these influential discourses allow different heritage actors to turn the Mausoleum into a specif...
The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world... more The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world, although little remains above ground to give visitors a sense of its original grandeur. While previous scholarship has studied the Mausoleum’s place within the canon of classical Greek art, this paper identifies specifically local perceptions of the monument through interviews with residents of Bodrum, exploring how different images, values and futures are projected onto the archaeological site, in conversation with both national and local discourses of the past. The responses of local inhabitants, living in an Aegean town dramatically transformed by mass tourism, urbanisation and migration, encompass being underwhelmed, pragmatically interested in the monument’s economic potential, or proud of its status, fuelled by the local discourses of “Blue Anatolianism” and “Karianism”. We argue that these influential discourses allow different heritage actors to turn the Mausoleum into a specific kind of locally rooted “heritage capital” and to negotiate a distinctive identity for the monument’s otherwise ambiguous position within the landscape of Turkish national heritage.
Journal of Nordic Museology, 2018
The article discusses the role of the legal framework in Denmark in the development of Danish mus... more The article discusses the role of the legal framework in Denmark in the development of Danish museums and identifies a shift in the administration through a new museum act implemented in 2002 as a turning point through the establishment of an agency under the Ministry of Culture. At the same time museology was strengthened at the universities and since then research, education and museum practices have been focusing on improving the role of museums for visitors and for society.
L. Galani et al. (eds.) Geographical literacy and European Heritage A challenging convention in the field of Education, 2018
The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos 6: Subterranean and pre-Maussollan structures on the site of the Maussolleion, 2004
Illicit Antiquities. The theft of culture and the extinction of archaeology, 1993
European Journal of Archaeology, Volume 6, 3, 2003, 2003
International conference and workshop on the use and relevance of university collections in the f... more International conference and workshop on the use and relevance of university collections in the field of Classical Archaeology, 13.-15. June 2014 Museum of Ancient Art and Archaeology, Aarhus University, Denmark
Nordisk Museologi 2007, 1, 121-129
Ceramics in context. Proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on Ancient Pottery held at Stockholm 13-15 June 1997
Danske museer opstod fra anden halvdel af 1800-tallet med økonomisk opbakning og initiativ fra de... more Danske museer opstod fra anden halvdel af 1800-tallet med økonomisk opbakning og initiativ fra deres samtids højere borgerskab, som fx fabrikant Mads Rasmussen, som grundlagde Fåborg Kunstmuseum i 1910, eller brygger Carl Jacobsen, der var en central figur bag oprettelsen og åbningen af Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek i København i 1897. Det er blot to af de mange driftige forretningsmaend, der støttede eller ligefrem idémaessigt stod bag de danske kunstmuseer, som danskerne i dag opfatter som den største selvfølge (Hans Dam Christensen 2012). Det gaelder også for en lang raekke kulturhistoriske museer, hvor et velud-NORDISK MUSEOLOGI 2013 • 1, S. 106-124 dannet borgerskab i museumsforeninger ogbestyrelser spillede en yderst aktiv rolle. 2 Uden private midler og engagement ville det danske museumslandskab af i dag med andre ord se ganske anderledes ud.
Classical Heritage and European Identities, 2019
Journal of Social Archaeology, 2021
The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world... more The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world, although little remains above ground to give visitors a sense of its original grandeur. While previous scholarship has studied the Mausoleum’s place within the canon of classical Greek art, this paper identifies specifically local perceptions of the monument through interviews with residents of Bodrum, exploring how different images, values and futures are projected onto the archaeological site, in conversation with both national and local discourses of the past. The responses of local inhabitants, living in an Aegean town dramatically transformed by mass tourism, urbanisation and migration, encompass being underwhelmed, pragmatically interested in the monument’s economic potential, or proud of its status, fuelled by the local discourses of “Blue Anatolianism” and “Karianism”. We argue that these influential discourses allow different heritage actors to turn the Mausoleum into a specif...
The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world... more The Mausoleum of Halikarnassos (modern Bodrum, Turkey) is one of the wonders of the ancient world, although little remains above ground to give visitors a sense of its original grandeur. While previous scholarship has studied the Mausoleum’s place within the canon of classical Greek art, this paper identifies specifically local perceptions of the monument through interviews with residents of Bodrum, exploring how different images, values and futures are projected onto the archaeological site, in conversation with both national and local discourses of the past. The responses of local inhabitants, living in an Aegean town dramatically transformed by mass tourism, urbanisation and migration, encompass being underwhelmed, pragmatically interested in the monument’s economic potential, or proud of its status, fuelled by the local discourses of “Blue Anatolianism” and “Karianism”. We argue that these influential discourses allow different heritage actors to turn the Mausoleum into a specific kind of locally rooted “heritage capital” and to negotiate a distinctive identity for the monument’s otherwise ambiguous position within the landscape of Turkish national heritage.
Journal of Nordic Museology, 2018
The article discusses the role of the legal framework in Denmark in the development of Danish mus... more The article discusses the role of the legal framework in Denmark in the development of Danish museums and identifies a shift in the administration through a new museum act implemented in 2002 as a turning point through the establishment of an agency under the Ministry of Culture. At the same time museology was strengthened at the universities and since then research, education and museum practices have been focusing on improving the role of museums for visitors and for society.
L. Galani et al. (eds.) Geographical literacy and European Heritage A challenging convention in the field of Education, 2018
The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos 6: Subterranean and pre-Maussollan structures on the site of the Maussolleion, 2004
Illicit Antiquities. The theft of culture and the extinction of archaeology, 1993
European Journal of Archaeology, Volume 6, 3, 2003, 2003
International conference and workshop on the use and relevance of university collections in the f... more International conference and workshop on the use and relevance of university collections in the field of Classical Archaeology, 13.-15. June 2014 Museum of Ancient Art and Archaeology, Aarhus University, Denmark
Nordisk Museologi 2007, 1, 121-129
Ceramics in context. Proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on Ancient Pottery held at Stockholm 13-15 June 1997
Danske museer opstod fra anden halvdel af 1800-tallet med økonomisk opbakning og initiativ fra de... more Danske museer opstod fra anden halvdel af 1800-tallet med økonomisk opbakning og initiativ fra deres samtids højere borgerskab, som fx fabrikant Mads Rasmussen, som grundlagde Fåborg Kunstmuseum i 1910, eller brygger Carl Jacobsen, der var en central figur bag oprettelsen og åbningen af Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek i København i 1897. Det er blot to af de mange driftige forretningsmaend, der støttede eller ligefrem idémaessigt stod bag de danske kunstmuseer, som danskerne i dag opfatter som den største selvfølge (Hans Dam Christensen 2012). Det gaelder også for en lang raekke kulturhistoriske museer, hvor et velud-NORDISK MUSEOLOGI 2013 • 1, S. 106-124 dannet borgerskab i museumsforeninger ogbestyrelser spillede en yderst aktiv rolle. 2 Uden private midler og engagement ville det danske museumslandskab af i dag med andre ord se ganske anderledes ud.
Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2021
7 I n t r o d u k t i o n Li se Sk y t te Jakobsen , A ne Hejl skov Larsen og Vinnie Nørskov Intr... more 7 I n t r o d u k t i o n Li se Sk y t te Jakobsen , A ne Hejl skov Larsen og Vinnie Nørskov Introduktion Ordet museologi betyder egentlig laeren om museet, der igen stammer fra musei on, der var navnet på den helligdom i oldtidens Graekenland, hvor de ni muser holdt til. De er gudinder for inspiration og har den saerlige egenskab, at de er al vidende. I den antikke litteratur opfattes muserne skiftevis som individer og som en enhed, hvor man altså kan søge viden, eller inspiration, om alt fra historie over digtning og dans til verdensrummet. Denne bredde i forståelsen af, hvad museerne rummer, kan man følge i de begreber og diskussioner, der definerer museologien som moderne vidensfelt. Man kan fx laegge maerke til, at ordet muse um ikke er et beskyttet begreb, men både i dansk og international sammenhaeng bruges i flaeng om meget forskellige store og små offentlige institutioner såvel som private virksomheder. Organisationen Danske Museer vurderede i 2010, at der fandtes omkring 600 museer i Danmark, men kun 187 indgår i den årlige be søgsstatistik udarbejdet af Danmarks Statistik, og lige omkring 100 er statslige eller statsanerkendte og modtager støtte efter den danske museumslov. 1 I dag lig tale daekker 'museum' altså over Nationalmuseet, Skagen Bamsemuseum og Grundfos Museum, uagtet at det ene er forpligtet på at tilgodese hele Danmarks kulturarv, mens det andet primaert daekker over en butik og det tredje er en del af en privat virksomhed og har til formål at formidle virksomhedens egen historie. I forlaengelse heraf er udgangspunktet for denne bog også museologiens em piriske og teoretiske mangfoldighed. Dog handler antologien ikke først og fremmest om de mange forskellige museer, der findes, og deres organisatoriske forskelle samt institutionelle betingelser, men om hvordan forskellige fagfaglig heder bidrager til talrige museologiske processer i vores samfund-både dem, der foregår i museumsinstitutioner og andre steder som fx arkiver og bibliote ker. Det er således en pointe med bogen at fremhaeve det tvaervidenskabelige og