Mohammed Dahiru Aminu | American University of Nigeria, Yola (original) (raw)
Doctoral Thesis by Mohammed Dahiru Aminu
PhD Thesis (Cranfield University) , 2018
This thesis contributes to the significant portfolio of research on carbon capture and storage (C... more This thesis contributes to the significant portfolio of research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in general, and the potential for CO2 storage with impurities within the UK Southern North Sea (UKSNS) to meet the global greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. First, this thesis extensively reviews the current developments in carbon dioxide storage, highlighting major options for CO2 sequestration, storage site evaluation criteria, behaviour of CO2 in the reservoir, methodologies for estimating storage capacity, appraisal of the major storage projects, and a projection of the future outlook for CO2 storage. The review draws attention to the fact that although a high-quality knowledge base has been developed through CCS research, the main hinderance to CO2 storage deployment is associated with public acceptability of the technology. Second, this thesis involves laboratory experimental investigation of the effect of impure CO2 on reservoir grain size distributions and permeability using rock samples from the Bunter saline aquifer. The thesis shows that the presence of impurities in the CO2 stream can affect the grain size distribution and fluid transmissivity. Third, this thesis uses numerical modelling to evaluate the effect of impure CO2 on reservoir performance with a case study from the Bunter saline aquifer. The results show that depending on the impurities present in the CO2 stream, the limits of stability during storage operations in saline aquifer varies, however, the variation does not affect reservoir performance negatively during long-term injection and storage.
Academic Papers by Mohammed Dahiru Aminu
Energy and Fuels, 2023
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a climate change mitigation method in which anthropogenic car... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a climate change mitigation method in which anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2) is captured from large point sources and stored in geological formations, in the ocean, or through mineral carbonation. CO 2 can be injected and stored for a variety of reasons, including permanent disposal or enhanced oil recovery in certain oil fields. The main objective of this paper is to assess the advances made in CO 2 storage projects globally. This study reviews the major companies/ businesses that are involved in CCS deployment. The study also presents the alternative for the sequestration of CO 2 into the geological formations through existing major projects. It explains their progress, structural and faulting configuration, CO 2 transportation and injection, potential CO 2 source(s), estimation of the storage capacity, etc. This study also highlights the monitoring programs that are used in different operating projects and the status of active projects. The study suggests that CCS faces further deployment challenges due to the heterogeneity and complexity of rock formations, high cost of deployment, possibility of formation damage during injection and potential for migration and leakage of CO 2. Additionally, inappropriate strategy for CO 2 injection may lead to wellbore integrity problems, formation of hydrates, and inadequate pressure control. More research�particularly, geological evaluation before injection and storage�is apparently needed.
Mineral deposits show an intrinsic relationship with hydrothermal alteration and structures featu... more Mineral deposits show an intrinsic relationship with hydrothermal alteration and structures features which may be invaluable for regional scale exploration survey using spaceborne data. Within the Kaiama sheet, spatial data such as Landsat 8 OLI and ASTER digital elevation model were processed by enhancing hydrothermal alteration and geological lineaments. Image processing techniques such as band ratio and principal component analysis were used for alteration mapping, while Fry analysis and distance correlation analysis were applied for evaluating the structural attributes of gold and cassiterite mineralization. Evidence from image processing suggests the presence of clay and iron alterations within zones of known mineral deposits, while structural studies by application of the Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests gold and cassiterite occurrence is effectively controlled mainly by a NE-SW tectonic trend. The proximal association of gold and cassiterite mineralization with geological structures and hydrothermal alterations may be invaluable for defining a digital exploration criterion for the Kaiama sheet.
In the global effort toward climate change mitigation, geologic storage of CO 2 in shale plays is... more In the global effort toward climate change mitigation, geologic storage of CO 2 in shale plays is becoming critical while it can improve production from these reservoirs. In this study, the gas storage capacity and CO 2 sequestration suitability of the Longmaxi and Niutitang shale gas reservoirs is investigated and compared via XRD analysis, programmed pyrolysis, low pressure N 2 and CO 2 adsorption, high pressure CH 4 adsorption, and MICP analysis. Results showed that clay and TOC controls on micropore heterogeneity and connectivity happens only within the Longmaxi Formation. Furthermore, both components play a role in the adsorbed quantities of gas in the formation which revealing a higher storage capacity in mesopore-macropores. This was verified by a positive correlation between adsorbed volume within the mesopore-macropore space. The Longmaxi Formation was also found to own better pore connectivity and PSD homogeneity of mesopore-macropores, indicating easier pathways for CO 2 movement channels within the pore network. Furthermore, the samples from the Longmaxi exhibited a positive relationship between adsorbed volume with the CO 2 breakthrough pressure and median pore diameter, alike between the mesopore-macropore volume and CO 2 breakthrough pressure. This means, the injected CO 2 will displace adsorbed methane within the mesopore-macropore and will be adsorbed and stored in such pores. Overall, superiority of the Longmaxi shale over the Niutitang for CO 2 storage and EGR would be significant for future operations in similar shale gas reservoirs in China and around the globe.
Energy and Fuels , 2022
Nanomaterials have been used in the oil and gas industry to improve thermal stability, rheology p... more Nanomaterials have been used in the oil and gas industry to improve thermal stability, rheology properties, and reactivity through fluid dispersion into the formation. Nanomaterials in producing wells can control formation damage near the wellbore regions. Foreign fluid invasion to the reservoir rock during drilling, fracturing, completion, enhanced oil recovery, and workover causes an interaction with the rock formation and fluids. This results in formation damage such as clay swelling and deflocculation, solid particle invasion, and asphaltene precipitation, all of which reduce production and lead to significant economic losses. In this review, we present the application of nanomaterials to oilfields as a way of optimizing production with minimal formation damage near the wellbore regions. Also, this review presents how the laboratory experiments from nanomaterials were upscaled to oilfields. The different types of nanomaterials used to control formation damage across producing fields around the world were investigated. This study has shown that nanomaterials are more effective than traditional materials to be used in oilfields for controlling formation damage during various stages of oil and gas development and it recommends that the effect of the relationship between nanoparticle size and type should be explored for effective application. However, because formation damage is caused for a variety of reasons, this work points out that many types of nanomaterials need to be combined to achieve multipurpose mitigation. Furthermore, more research concerning the dispersion of nanoparticles in cement slurry and fracturing fluid should be undertaken.
Spatial Information Research, 2022
basins of Nigeria, coal, varying from lignite to bituminous and sub-bituminous grades have been r... more basins of Nigeria, coal, varying from lignite to bituminous and sub-bituminous grades have been reported by several authors [1, 2]. According to Ezekwe and Odukwe [3], a total of six economically viable coal seams with an estimated reserve of approximately 221 metric tons have been 1 Introduction Nigeria is endowed with enormous coal resources that can be utilised for economic gain or for energy generation purposes. In the Upper Cretaceous or Tertiary sedimentary
Applied Geomatics , 2022
The extraction of lineaments from spaceborne data is invaluable for a regional tectonic evaluatio... more The extraction of lineaments from spaceborne data is invaluable for a regional tectonic evaluation of rocks. In this study, a hybrid approach consisting of an automated and manual lineament extraction routine was applied for lineament generation using the Mandara Mountains as a case study. The workflow consists of filtering of a high-resolution digital elevation model, automatic extraction of lineaments, Euclidean distance analysis, binary discretisation, spatial integration and manual digitisation. Spatial and statistical techniques such as lineament orientation, lineament length distribution analysis, spatial density and fractal analysis were used in the evaluation of tectonic attributes. A total of eighty lineaments were extracted using the hybrid approach and a rose plot analysis suggests the dominance of NNE-SSW trend alongside less prominent alignment to the WNW-ESE, NE-SW and E-W. The statistically analysed lineament lengths displayed a mean length value of 9.4 km accompanied by a negatively skewed histogram pattern. The spatial density analysis of lineament trends suggests a mean lineament density of 0.68 and mean intersection density of 0.16. Fractal analysis of high lineament density zones suggests a relatively moderate to low fractal dimension value for both lineament trends and lineament intersection patterns. The lineaments within the Mandara Mountains are characterised by a poly deformational tectonic episode accompanied by relatively low fractal dimension which may advance possible reasons for its poor mineral resource potential.
Energy and Fuels , 2022
Formation damage has the potential to impair and weaken reservoir productivity and injectivity, c... more Formation damage has the potential to impair and weaken reservoir productivity and injectivity, causing substantial economic losses. Oil and gas wells can be damaged by various mechanisms, such as solid invasion, rock−fluid incompatibilities, fluid−fluid incompatibilities, and phase trapping/blocking, which can reduce natural permeability of oil and gas near the wellbore zone. These can happen during most field operations, including drilling operations, completion, production, stimulation, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Numerous studies have been undertaken in recent years on the application of nanotechnology to aid the control of formation damage. This review has found that nanotechnology is more successful than traditional materials in controlling formation damages in different phases of oil and gas development. This is facilitated by their small size and high surface area/volume ratio, which increase reactivity and interactivity to the adjacent materials/surfaces. Furthermore, adding hydrophilic nanoparticles (0.05 wt %) to surfactants during EOR alters their wettability from 15 to 33%. Wettability alteration capabilities of nanoparticles are also exemplified by carbonate rock from oil-wet to water-wet after the concentration of 4 g/L silica nanoparticles is added. In addition, mixing nanoparticles to the drilling fluid reduced 70% of fluid loss. However, the mechanisms of impairment of conductivity in shale/tight formations are not consistent and can differ from one formation to another as a result of a high level of subsurface heterogeneity. Thus, the reactivity and interaction of nanoparticles in these shale/tight formations have not been clearly explained, and a recommendation is made for further investigations. We also recommend more nanotechnology field trials for future research because deductions from current studies are insufficient. This review provides more insights on the applications of nanoparticles in different stages of oil and gas development, increasing our understanding on the measures to control formation damage.
Heliyon, 2021
Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive ap... more Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive approaches for reconnaissance scale mineral exploration. In this study, several methods involving Fry analysis, distance correlation analysis, prediction area plots as well as knowledge driven predictive models including TOPSIS, ARAS and MOORA were systematically employed for unravelling the spatial geological attributes related to gold mineralisation. Additionally, statistical validation of knowledge driven predictive models were implemented using the Receiver Operating Characteristic/Area Under Curve analysis (ROC/AUC). The evidence from Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests that gold occurrence within parts of the Malumfashi schist belt of Nigeria is defined by a strong spatial association with the ENE-WSW as well as the NNE-SSW trending structures. The prediction area plot also revealed a robust spatial correlation between mineral occurrence and spatial data related to geological structures. The application of knowledge driven predictive models suggest a high favourability for gold occurrence within the southern, central, and northeastern parts of the study location, while statistical validation using the ROC/AUC curves suggest a high prediction accuracy greater than 70% for all models. The geospatial analysis for mineral exploration within the Malumfashi area has unveiled an invaluable geological criterion for gold targeting with a considerable level of certainty.
Journal of Mining and Geology , 2021
This work aims to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Nigeria. The study ... more This work aims to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Nigeria. The study begins with an extensive investigation of the strategic framework for CCS in Nigeria. The study then reviews the development of CCS in Nigeria comprising investigative studies, CO emission sources and CO storage potential. In the final 2 2 analysis, the study explores stakeholder's attitudes on the potential of CCS in Nigeria, using a survey administered to professionals in the in Nigeria's Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR). The DPR is Nigeria's government agency concerned with confirming the compliance to petroleum laws, guidelines and regulations in the oil and gas industry. The stakeholders surveyed have shown a common agreement that CCS is one of the significant options for the effective management of carbon emissions. The stakeholders believe that regulatory frameworks and high capital costs are primary impediments to CCS demonstration and the risks related to CCS is generally not considered as predominant. Majority of stakeholders approve that the financing for a CCS project in Nigeria should be subsidised by contributions from bilateral and multilateral banks and/or organisations, followed by support from foreign and national governments. There is also a support from stakeholders on the need for providing same or even more incentives for CCS as is the case for renewables. There is a substantial support in favour of merging CCS with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in Nigeria.
Scientific Reports , 2021
Energy and Fuels , 2021
A petrophysical evaluation of caprock pore characteristics and seal capacity is critical for geol... more A petrophysical evaluation of caprock pore characteristics and seal capacity is critical for geologic storage of CO 2. In this study, integration of X-ray diffraction, mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP), and spontaneous imbibition analyses is used to evaluate the pore characteristics and seal capacity of shale samples from the Ilaro formation, which could serve as a seal for CO 2 injected into the reservoir units of the eastern Dahomey basin. X-ray diffraction reveals the samples as clay-rich and early diagenetic, while spontaneous imbibition reveals pore connectivity heterogeneity. MICP analysis shows the samples as being characterized by a low breakthrough pressure and reveals the mesopore dominance with majority of pore volumes dominated by 5 to 10 nmsized pore throats. Furthermore, high CO 2 column heights are obtained from conversion of MICP data (at 20% saturation) for mesopore-dominated samples containing ankerite and kaolinite. The study reveals that should injected CO 2 migrate upward from the reservoir units of the onshore eastern Dahomey basin, portions of the Ilaro formation may function as a good seal due to the mesopore mineralogical composition influence on the CO 2 −brine−rock interaction. This result should therefore serve as an important insight for future caprock sealing studies conducted on the onshore eastern Dahomey basin.
Journal of Mining and Geology, 2020
Soil specimens were sampled from 8 to 10 spots on different parts of each chosen mound and the sa... more Soil specimens were sampled from 8 to 10 spots on different parts of each chosen mound and the samples were put together to form a blended sample of the mound. Similarly, spot samples unmodified by termites, found within the were collected and put together to represent a blended sample. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)
International Journal of Water, 2019
This research assesses the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in Ganye and environs using multivari... more This research assesses the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in Ganye and environs using multivariate statistical analysis. The cation concentrations are in the order of Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > K + < Na + while anions are -2 2 3 4 3 HCO > Cl SO > CO . − − − Piper, Doruv and Schoeller diagrams identified two
Heliyon, 2020
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas emissio... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. In the UK Southern North Sea, the Bunter Sandstone formation (BSF) has been identified as a potential reservoir which can store very large amounts of CO 2 . The formation has fairly good porosity and permeability and is sealed with both effective caprock and base rock, making CO 2 storage feasible at industrial scale. However, when CO 2 is captured, it typically contains impurities, which may shift the boundaries of the CO 2 phase diagram, implying that higher costs will be needed for storage operations. In this study, we modelled the effect of CO 2 and impurities (NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S) on the reservoir performance of the BSF. The injection of CO 2 at constant rate and pressure using a single horizontal well injection strategy was simulated for up to 30 years, as well as an additional 30 years of monitoring. The results suggest that impurities in the CO 2 stream affect injectivity differently, but the effects are usually encountered during early stages of injection into the BSF and may not necessarily affect cumulative injection over an extended period. It was also found that porosity of the storage site is the most important factor controlling the limits on injection. The simulations also suggest that CO 2 remains secured within the reservoir for 30 years after injection is completed, indicating that no post-injection leakage is anticipated.
The Bunter Sandstone formation in the UK's southern North Sea has been identified as having the p... more The Bunter Sandstone formation in the UK's southern North Sea has been identified as having the potential to store large volumes of CO 2 . Prior to injection, CO 2 is captured with certain amounts of impurities, usually less than 5% vol . The dissolution of these impurities in formation water can cause chemical reactions between CO 2 , brine, and rock, which can affect the reservoir quality by altering properties such as permeability. In this study, we explored the effect of CO 2 and impurities (NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S) on reservoir permeability by measuring changes in grain size distributions after a prolonged period of 9 months, simulating in situ experimental conditions. It was found that the effects of pure CO 2 and CO 2 -H 2 S are relatively small, i.e., CO 2 increased permeability by 5.5% and CO 2 -H 2 S decreased it by 5.5%. Also, CO 2 -SO 2 slightly decreased permeability by 6.25%, while CO 2 -NO 2 showed the most pronounced effect, reducing permeability by 41.6%. The decrease in permeability showed a correlation with decreasing pH of the formation water and this equally correlates with a decrease in geometric mean of the grain diameter. The findings from this study are aimed to be used in future modelling studies on reservoir performance during injection and storage, which also should account for the shifts in boundaries in the CO 2 phase diagram, altering the reservoir properties and affecting the cost of storage.
Book Chapter by Mohammed Dahiru Aminu
Online Essays by Mohammed Dahiru Aminu
PhD Thesis (Cranfield University) , 2018
This thesis contributes to the significant portfolio of research on carbon capture and storage (C... more This thesis contributes to the significant portfolio of research on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in general, and the potential for CO2 storage with impurities within the UK Southern North Sea (UKSNS) to meet the global greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. First, this thesis extensively reviews the current developments in carbon dioxide storage, highlighting major options for CO2 sequestration, storage site evaluation criteria, behaviour of CO2 in the reservoir, methodologies for estimating storage capacity, appraisal of the major storage projects, and a projection of the future outlook for CO2 storage. The review draws attention to the fact that although a high-quality knowledge base has been developed through CCS research, the main hinderance to CO2 storage deployment is associated with public acceptability of the technology. Second, this thesis involves laboratory experimental investigation of the effect of impure CO2 on reservoir grain size distributions and permeability using rock samples from the Bunter saline aquifer. The thesis shows that the presence of impurities in the CO2 stream can affect the grain size distribution and fluid transmissivity. Third, this thesis uses numerical modelling to evaluate the effect of impure CO2 on reservoir performance with a case study from the Bunter saline aquifer. The results show that depending on the impurities present in the CO2 stream, the limits of stability during storage operations in saline aquifer varies, however, the variation does not affect reservoir performance negatively during long-term injection and storage.
Energy and Fuels, 2023
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a climate change mitigation method in which anthropogenic car... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a climate change mitigation method in which anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2) is captured from large point sources and stored in geological formations, in the ocean, or through mineral carbonation. CO 2 can be injected and stored for a variety of reasons, including permanent disposal or enhanced oil recovery in certain oil fields. The main objective of this paper is to assess the advances made in CO 2 storage projects globally. This study reviews the major companies/ businesses that are involved in CCS deployment. The study also presents the alternative for the sequestration of CO 2 into the geological formations through existing major projects. It explains their progress, structural and faulting configuration, CO 2 transportation and injection, potential CO 2 source(s), estimation of the storage capacity, etc. This study also highlights the monitoring programs that are used in different operating projects and the status of active projects. The study suggests that CCS faces further deployment challenges due to the heterogeneity and complexity of rock formations, high cost of deployment, possibility of formation damage during injection and potential for migration and leakage of CO 2. Additionally, inappropriate strategy for CO 2 injection may lead to wellbore integrity problems, formation of hydrates, and inadequate pressure control. More research�particularly, geological evaluation before injection and storage�is apparently needed.
Mineral deposits show an intrinsic relationship with hydrothermal alteration and structures featu... more Mineral deposits show an intrinsic relationship with hydrothermal alteration and structures features which may be invaluable for regional scale exploration survey using spaceborne data. Within the Kaiama sheet, spatial data such as Landsat 8 OLI and ASTER digital elevation model were processed by enhancing hydrothermal alteration and geological lineaments. Image processing techniques such as band ratio and principal component analysis were used for alteration mapping, while Fry analysis and distance correlation analysis were applied for evaluating the structural attributes of gold and cassiterite mineralization. Evidence from image processing suggests the presence of clay and iron alterations within zones of known mineral deposits, while structural studies by application of the Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests gold and cassiterite occurrence is effectively controlled mainly by a NE-SW tectonic trend. The proximal association of gold and cassiterite mineralization with geological structures and hydrothermal alterations may be invaluable for defining a digital exploration criterion for the Kaiama sheet.
In the global effort toward climate change mitigation, geologic storage of CO 2 in shale plays is... more In the global effort toward climate change mitigation, geologic storage of CO 2 in shale plays is becoming critical while it can improve production from these reservoirs. In this study, the gas storage capacity and CO 2 sequestration suitability of the Longmaxi and Niutitang shale gas reservoirs is investigated and compared via XRD analysis, programmed pyrolysis, low pressure N 2 and CO 2 adsorption, high pressure CH 4 adsorption, and MICP analysis. Results showed that clay and TOC controls on micropore heterogeneity and connectivity happens only within the Longmaxi Formation. Furthermore, both components play a role in the adsorbed quantities of gas in the formation which revealing a higher storage capacity in mesopore-macropores. This was verified by a positive correlation between adsorbed volume within the mesopore-macropore space. The Longmaxi Formation was also found to own better pore connectivity and PSD homogeneity of mesopore-macropores, indicating easier pathways for CO 2 movement channels within the pore network. Furthermore, the samples from the Longmaxi exhibited a positive relationship between adsorbed volume with the CO 2 breakthrough pressure and median pore diameter, alike between the mesopore-macropore volume and CO 2 breakthrough pressure. This means, the injected CO 2 will displace adsorbed methane within the mesopore-macropore and will be adsorbed and stored in such pores. Overall, superiority of the Longmaxi shale over the Niutitang for CO 2 storage and EGR would be significant for future operations in similar shale gas reservoirs in China and around the globe.
Energy and Fuels , 2022
Nanomaterials have been used in the oil and gas industry to improve thermal stability, rheology p... more Nanomaterials have been used in the oil and gas industry to improve thermal stability, rheology properties, and reactivity through fluid dispersion into the formation. Nanomaterials in producing wells can control formation damage near the wellbore regions. Foreign fluid invasion to the reservoir rock during drilling, fracturing, completion, enhanced oil recovery, and workover causes an interaction with the rock formation and fluids. This results in formation damage such as clay swelling and deflocculation, solid particle invasion, and asphaltene precipitation, all of which reduce production and lead to significant economic losses. In this review, we present the application of nanomaterials to oilfields as a way of optimizing production with minimal formation damage near the wellbore regions. Also, this review presents how the laboratory experiments from nanomaterials were upscaled to oilfields. The different types of nanomaterials used to control formation damage across producing fields around the world were investigated. This study has shown that nanomaterials are more effective than traditional materials to be used in oilfields for controlling formation damage during various stages of oil and gas development and it recommends that the effect of the relationship between nanoparticle size and type should be explored for effective application. However, because formation damage is caused for a variety of reasons, this work points out that many types of nanomaterials need to be combined to achieve multipurpose mitigation. Furthermore, more research concerning the dispersion of nanoparticles in cement slurry and fracturing fluid should be undertaken.
Spatial Information Research, 2022
basins of Nigeria, coal, varying from lignite to bituminous and sub-bituminous grades have been r... more basins of Nigeria, coal, varying from lignite to bituminous and sub-bituminous grades have been reported by several authors [1, 2]. According to Ezekwe and Odukwe [3], a total of six economically viable coal seams with an estimated reserve of approximately 221 metric tons have been 1 Introduction Nigeria is endowed with enormous coal resources that can be utilised for economic gain or for energy generation purposes. In the Upper Cretaceous or Tertiary sedimentary
Applied Geomatics , 2022
The extraction of lineaments from spaceborne data is invaluable for a regional tectonic evaluatio... more The extraction of lineaments from spaceborne data is invaluable for a regional tectonic evaluation of rocks. In this study, a hybrid approach consisting of an automated and manual lineament extraction routine was applied for lineament generation using the Mandara Mountains as a case study. The workflow consists of filtering of a high-resolution digital elevation model, automatic extraction of lineaments, Euclidean distance analysis, binary discretisation, spatial integration and manual digitisation. Spatial and statistical techniques such as lineament orientation, lineament length distribution analysis, spatial density and fractal analysis were used in the evaluation of tectonic attributes. A total of eighty lineaments were extracted using the hybrid approach and a rose plot analysis suggests the dominance of NNE-SSW trend alongside less prominent alignment to the WNW-ESE, NE-SW and E-W. The statistically analysed lineament lengths displayed a mean length value of 9.4 km accompanied by a negatively skewed histogram pattern. The spatial density analysis of lineament trends suggests a mean lineament density of 0.68 and mean intersection density of 0.16. Fractal analysis of high lineament density zones suggests a relatively moderate to low fractal dimension value for both lineament trends and lineament intersection patterns. The lineaments within the Mandara Mountains are characterised by a poly deformational tectonic episode accompanied by relatively low fractal dimension which may advance possible reasons for its poor mineral resource potential.
Energy and Fuels , 2022
Formation damage has the potential to impair and weaken reservoir productivity and injectivity, c... more Formation damage has the potential to impair and weaken reservoir productivity and injectivity, causing substantial economic losses. Oil and gas wells can be damaged by various mechanisms, such as solid invasion, rock−fluid incompatibilities, fluid−fluid incompatibilities, and phase trapping/blocking, which can reduce natural permeability of oil and gas near the wellbore zone. These can happen during most field operations, including drilling operations, completion, production, stimulation, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Numerous studies have been undertaken in recent years on the application of nanotechnology to aid the control of formation damage. This review has found that nanotechnology is more successful than traditional materials in controlling formation damages in different phases of oil and gas development. This is facilitated by their small size and high surface area/volume ratio, which increase reactivity and interactivity to the adjacent materials/surfaces. Furthermore, adding hydrophilic nanoparticles (0.05 wt %) to surfactants during EOR alters their wettability from 15 to 33%. Wettability alteration capabilities of nanoparticles are also exemplified by carbonate rock from oil-wet to water-wet after the concentration of 4 g/L silica nanoparticles is added. In addition, mixing nanoparticles to the drilling fluid reduced 70% of fluid loss. However, the mechanisms of impairment of conductivity in shale/tight formations are not consistent and can differ from one formation to another as a result of a high level of subsurface heterogeneity. Thus, the reactivity and interaction of nanoparticles in these shale/tight formations have not been clearly explained, and a recommendation is made for further investigations. We also recommend more nanotechnology field trials for future research because deductions from current studies are insufficient. This review provides more insights on the applications of nanoparticles in different stages of oil and gas development, increasing our understanding on the measures to control formation damage.
Heliyon, 2021
Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive ap... more Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive approaches for reconnaissance scale mineral exploration. In this study, several methods involving Fry analysis, distance correlation analysis, prediction area plots as well as knowledge driven predictive models including TOPSIS, ARAS and MOORA were systematically employed for unravelling the spatial geological attributes related to gold mineralisation. Additionally, statistical validation of knowledge driven predictive models were implemented using the Receiver Operating Characteristic/Area Under Curve analysis (ROC/AUC). The evidence from Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests that gold occurrence within parts of the Malumfashi schist belt of Nigeria is defined by a strong spatial association with the ENE-WSW as well as the NNE-SSW trending structures. The prediction area plot also revealed a robust spatial correlation between mineral occurrence and spatial data related to geological structures. The application of knowledge driven predictive models suggest a high favourability for gold occurrence within the southern, central, and northeastern parts of the study location, while statistical validation using the ROC/AUC curves suggest a high prediction accuracy greater than 70% for all models. The geospatial analysis for mineral exploration within the Malumfashi area has unveiled an invaluable geological criterion for gold targeting with a considerable level of certainty.
Journal of Mining and Geology , 2021
This work aims to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Nigeria. The study ... more This work aims to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Nigeria. The study begins with an extensive investigation of the strategic framework for CCS in Nigeria. The study then reviews the development of CCS in Nigeria comprising investigative studies, CO emission sources and CO storage potential. In the final 2 2 analysis, the study explores stakeholder's attitudes on the potential of CCS in Nigeria, using a survey administered to professionals in the in Nigeria's Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR). The DPR is Nigeria's government agency concerned with confirming the compliance to petroleum laws, guidelines and regulations in the oil and gas industry. The stakeholders surveyed have shown a common agreement that CCS is one of the significant options for the effective management of carbon emissions. The stakeholders believe that regulatory frameworks and high capital costs are primary impediments to CCS demonstration and the risks related to CCS is generally not considered as predominant. Majority of stakeholders approve that the financing for a CCS project in Nigeria should be subsidised by contributions from bilateral and multilateral banks and/or organisations, followed by support from foreign and national governments. There is also a support from stakeholders on the need for providing same or even more incentives for CCS as is the case for renewables. There is a substantial support in favour of merging CCS with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in Nigeria.
Scientific Reports , 2021
Energy and Fuels , 2021
A petrophysical evaluation of caprock pore characteristics and seal capacity is critical for geol... more A petrophysical evaluation of caprock pore characteristics and seal capacity is critical for geologic storage of CO 2. In this study, integration of X-ray diffraction, mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP), and spontaneous imbibition analyses is used to evaluate the pore characteristics and seal capacity of shale samples from the Ilaro formation, which could serve as a seal for CO 2 injected into the reservoir units of the eastern Dahomey basin. X-ray diffraction reveals the samples as clay-rich and early diagenetic, while spontaneous imbibition reveals pore connectivity heterogeneity. MICP analysis shows the samples as being characterized by a low breakthrough pressure and reveals the mesopore dominance with majority of pore volumes dominated by 5 to 10 nmsized pore throats. Furthermore, high CO 2 column heights are obtained from conversion of MICP data (at 20% saturation) for mesopore-dominated samples containing ankerite and kaolinite. The study reveals that should injected CO 2 migrate upward from the reservoir units of the onshore eastern Dahomey basin, portions of the Ilaro formation may function as a good seal due to the mesopore mineralogical composition influence on the CO 2 −brine−rock interaction. This result should therefore serve as an important insight for future caprock sealing studies conducted on the onshore eastern Dahomey basin.
Journal of Mining and Geology, 2020
Soil specimens were sampled from 8 to 10 spots on different parts of each chosen mound and the sa... more Soil specimens were sampled from 8 to 10 spots on different parts of each chosen mound and the samples were put together to form a blended sample of the mound. Similarly, spot samples unmodified by termites, found within the were collected and put together to represent a blended sample. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)
International Journal of Water, 2019
This research assesses the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in Ganye and environs using multivari... more This research assesses the hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in Ganye and environs using multivariate statistical analysis. The cation concentrations are in the order of Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > K + < Na + while anions are -2 2 3 4 3 HCO > Cl SO > CO . − − − Piper, Doruv and Schoeller diagrams identified two
Heliyon, 2020
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas emissio... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. In the UK Southern North Sea, the Bunter Sandstone formation (BSF) has been identified as a potential reservoir which can store very large amounts of CO 2 . The formation has fairly good porosity and permeability and is sealed with both effective caprock and base rock, making CO 2 storage feasible at industrial scale. However, when CO 2 is captured, it typically contains impurities, which may shift the boundaries of the CO 2 phase diagram, implying that higher costs will be needed for storage operations. In this study, we modelled the effect of CO 2 and impurities (NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S) on the reservoir performance of the BSF. The injection of CO 2 at constant rate and pressure using a single horizontal well injection strategy was simulated for up to 30 years, as well as an additional 30 years of monitoring. The results suggest that impurities in the CO 2 stream affect injectivity differently, but the effects are usually encountered during early stages of injection into the BSF and may not necessarily affect cumulative injection over an extended period. It was also found that porosity of the storage site is the most important factor controlling the limits on injection. The simulations also suggest that CO 2 remains secured within the reservoir for 30 years after injection is completed, indicating that no post-injection leakage is anticipated.
The Bunter Sandstone formation in the UK's southern North Sea has been identified as having the p... more The Bunter Sandstone formation in the UK's southern North Sea has been identified as having the potential to store large volumes of CO 2 . Prior to injection, CO 2 is captured with certain amounts of impurities, usually less than 5% vol . The dissolution of these impurities in formation water can cause chemical reactions between CO 2 , brine, and rock, which can affect the reservoir quality by altering properties such as permeability. In this study, we explored the effect of CO 2 and impurities (NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S) on reservoir permeability by measuring changes in grain size distributions after a prolonged period of 9 months, simulating in situ experimental conditions. It was found that the effects of pure CO 2 and CO 2 -H 2 S are relatively small, i.e., CO 2 increased permeability by 5.5% and CO 2 -H 2 S decreased it by 5.5%. Also, CO 2 -SO 2 slightly decreased permeability by 6.25%, while CO 2 -NO 2 showed the most pronounced effect, reducing permeability by 41.6%. The decrease in permeability showed a correlation with decreasing pH of the formation water and this equally correlates with a decrease in geometric mean of the grain diameter. The findings from this study are aimed to be used in future modelling studies on reservoir performance during injection and storage, which also should account for the shifts in boundaries in the CO 2 phase diagram, altering the reservoir properties and affecting the cost of storage.
Scientific Reports, 2021
The development of predictive maps for geothermal resources is fundamental for its exploration ac... more The development of predictive maps for geothermal resources is fundamental for its exploration across Nigeria. In this study, spatial exploration data consisting of geology, geophysics and remote sensing was initially analysed using the Shannon entropy method to ascertain a correlation to known geothermal manifestation. The application of statistical index, frequency ratio and weight of evidence modelling was then used for integrating every predictive data for the generation of geothermal favourability maps. The receiver operating/area under curve (ROC/AUC) analysis was then employed to ascertain the prediction accuracy for all models. Basically, all spatial data displayed a significant statistical correlation with geothermal occurrence. The integration of these data suggests a high probability for geothermal manifestation within the central part of the study location. Accuracy assessment for all models using the ROC/AUC analysis suggests a high prediction capability (above 75%) for...
Heliyon, 2020
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas emissio... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to play a key role in meeting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. In the UK Southern North Sea, the Bunter Sandstone formation (BSF) has been identified as a potential reservoir which can store very large amounts of CO 2. The formation has fairly good porosity and permeability and is sealed with both effective caprock and base rock, making CO 2 storage feasible at industrial scale. However, when CO 2 is captured, it typically contains impurities, which may shift the boundaries of the CO 2 phase diagram, implying that higher costs will be needed for storage operations. In this study, we modelled the effect of CO 2 and impurities (NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S) on the reservoir performance of the BSF. The injection of CO 2 at constant rate and pressure using a single horizontal well injection strategy was simulated for up to 30 years, as well as an additional 30 years of monitoring. The results suggest that impurities in the CO 2 stream affect injectivity differently, but the effects are usually encountered during early stages of injection into the BSF and may not necessarily affect cumulative injection over an extended period. It was also found that porosity of the storage site is the most important factor controlling the limits on injection. The simulations also suggest that CO 2 remains secured within the reservoir for 30 years after injection is completed, indicating that no post-injection leakage is anticipated.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been established as a viable technology for the mitigation o... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been established as a viable technology for the mitigation of climate change caused mainly by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Ever since the publication of the special report on CCS by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2005, there has been an increased research and development in all areas of CCS. Some of these research involves use of numerical methods and models for optimizing storage and ensuring effective long term containment. In this paper, we propose a workflow for building and calibrating 3D preinjection and 4D geomechanics modelling to assess caprock and fault integrity for geologic carbon dioxide storage. The workflow presented here describes a seamless end-to-end process which combines a transparent flow of data with an easy-to-use graphical user interface. The workflow can conduct 3D static and 4D flow-, pressure-, and temperature-coupled calculations for rock deformations, failure and stress...
Journal of Mining and Geology , 2021
This work aims to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Nigeria. The study ... more This work aims to study the potential for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Nigeria. The study begins with an extensive investigation of the strategic framework for CCS in Nigeria. The study then reviews the development of CCS in Nigeria comprising investigative studies, CO emission sources and CO storage potential. In the final 2 2 analysis, the study explores stakeholder's attitudes on the potential of CCS in Nigeria, using a survey administered to professionals in the in Nigeria's Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR). The DPR is Nigeria's government agency concerned with confirming the compliance to petroleum laws, guidelines and regulations in the oil and gas industry. The stakeholders surveyed have shown a common agreement that CCS is one of the significant options for the effective management of carbon emissions. The stakeholders believe that regulatory frameworks and high capital costs are primary impediments to CCS demonstration and the risks related to CCS is generally not considered as predominant. Majority of stakeholders approve that the financing for a CCS project in Nigeria should be subsidised by contributions from bilateral and multilateral banks and/or organisations, followed by support from foreign and national governments. There is also a support from stakeholders on the need for providing same or even more incentives for CCS as is the case for renewables. There is a substantial support in favour of merging CCS with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in Nigeria.
Heliyon, 2021
Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive ap... more Geological data integration and spatial analysis for structural elucidation are more assertive approaches for reconnaissance scale mineral exploration. In this study, several methods involving Fry analysis, distance correlation analysis, prediction area plots as well as knowledge driven predictive models including TOPSIS, ARAS and MOORA were systematically employed for unravelling the spatial geological attributes related to gold mineralisation. Additionally, statistical validation of knowledge driven predictive models were implemented using the Receiver Operating Characteristic/Area Under Curve analysis (ROC/AUC). The evidence from Fry and distance correlation analysis suggests that gold occurrence within parts of the Malumfashi schist belt of Nigeria is defined by a strong spatial association with the ENE-WSW as well as the NNE-SSW trending structures. The prediction area plot also revealed a robust spatial correlation between mineral occurrence and spatial data related to geological structures. The application of knowledge driven predictive models suggest a high favourability for gold occurrence within the southern, central, and northeastern parts of the study location, while statistical validation using the ROC/AUC curves suggest a high prediction accuracy greater than 70% for all models. The geospatial analysis for mineral exploration within the Malumfashi area has unveiled an invaluable geological criterion for gold targeting with a considerable level of certainty.
Academia Letters, 2021
It is important to state that there are at least three stakeholders in the discourse on climate c... more It is important to state that there are at least three stakeholders in the discourse on climate change mitigation. Each of these stakeholders may have different views as regards climate change; as a corollary of the industrial carbon dioxide emissions. The three stakeholders are governments, companies and the people. Governments all over the world seem to agree that the threat of climate change is real, and that it is caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere; which were a consequence of man-made activities since the start of the industrial revolution. This is a fact that even climate change deniers, who could mostly be businessmen, may accept within their inner selves, even though their drive to make more money at the expense of the planet may be a motivation for feigning ignorance. Because of these facts, governments have agreed to ensure that mechanisms are in place to fight climate change. This is where carbon capture and storage technology come in; at the interface between fossil fuels and renewable energy. Since the world cannot dramatically replace its energy producing technologies all at once, scientists have decided that while we are on transit from fossil fuels to renewable energy, we can still produce the energy we need from the fossil fuels; albeit in a clean way. Existing heavy industries that are the large-scale carbon dioxide emitters can now be retrofitted with carbon capture facilities to prevent emissions into the atmosphere. As an alternative, instead of emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, it can be safely stored in rocks beneath the ground. On the part of the industries emitting carbon dioxide, it is true that these businesses are driven, first, by profit before planet and people. Within this purview, governments force businesses to pay tax for every tonne of carbon dioxide they emit. But since such enforcements will cost the businesses a fortune, it makes more sense for them to deploy carbon dioxide storage technology as a way of evading carbon taxes in the countries in which they operate. The
Academia Letters, 2021
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is widely accepted as an essential technology for reducing signi... more Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is widely accepted as an essential technology for reducing significant quantities of anthropogenic CO 2 emissions from the industrial and energy sectors. The effective implementation of CCS technology would substantially help to mitigate climate change due to the effects of these emissions 1. Currently, there are sets of technologies that are being developed to enhance the capture, transport, storage, and utilisation of CO 2. These technologies will typically advance in a sequence of scaled-up steps, which are basically: (i) bench and laboratory scale, (ii) pilot-scale, (iii) demonstration scale, and finally, (iv) commercial scale 2,3. In the United Kingdom, a significant reduction of emissions is possible if CCS is applied to industrial plants. In 2013, CO 2 accounted for 84.4% of total emissions of greenhouse gas in the UK; with the energy supply, water and waste sector emitting the largest amount, representing 29.5% of total emissions 4. The major potential for long-term storage of CO 2 in the UK is in offshore oil and gas fields; and offshore saline water-bearing aquifers. While the storage of CO 2 in offshore depleted oil and gas reservoirs is viable as such reservoirs guarantee low leakage risk and adequate storage capacity, there are a few concerns that ought to be addressed to encourage commercial scale storage. Most of these concerns are related to site specific issues and they may include: (i) field availability, (ii) suitability of timing for abandonment and storage, (iii) possibility of reusing the infrastructure such as wells and facilities, and (iv) well integrity 5 , etc. On the other hand, generally, saline aquifers are still the most viable amongst all storage options, particularly because of their widespread geographic distribution and they also offer the potential for large scale CO 2 containment 6. However, there are still many issues that need to be addressed to resolve several generic, regional, and site-specific concerns. In the