Gokhan Savas | American University of Sharjah (original) (raw)
Papers by Gokhan Savas
Akademide kadın çalışmaları birimleri dünya'da ilk defa, 1995 Pekin Deklarasyonu ile teşvik edilm... more Akademide kadın çalışmaları birimleri dünya'da ilk defa, 1995 Pekin Deklarasyonu ile teşvik edilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu birimlerin Türkiye'de desteklenmeye başlanması 2000'li yıllarda hız kazanmış ve 2018 yılı Şubat ayı itibariyle 85 Üniversite'de kadın araştırmaları merkezi kurulmuştur. Kuruluş amaçları zaman zaman farklı olan bu üniversite araştırma merkezlerinin, etkinlikleri, imkânları, faaliyet alanları gibi konularda hâlihazırdaki durumlarını kendi gözlerinden inceleyen bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışma literatürdeki bu boşluğu doldurarak Türkiye'de üniversitelerde yer alan kadın araştırmaları merkezlerinin genel profillerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Uygulamalı nicel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılan bu çalışmada, üniversite kadın araştırmaları merkez müdürlerinin çalışma alanları ile merkezlerin etkinlikleri, sağlanan imkânlar, verdikleri eğitim programları, merkezlerin sorunları ve çözüm önerileri gibi bilgiler sorgulanmıştır. 22 sorudan oluşan bir anket formu e-posta aracılığı ile Türkiye'deki 85 kadın araştırmaları merkezine gönderilmiş ve bu merkezlerden 57'si araştırmaya katılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın temel sonuçlarından birisi, kadın araştırmaları merkezlerinin yürütücülerinin önemli bir kısmının kadın ve toplumsal cinsiyet alanlarında uzman olmadığıdır. Ayrıca, merkezlerin birçoğu yeterince aktif değildir ve aktif olanların etkinlik alanları ise sadece konferans, farkındalık yaratmaya yönelik seminer ve sosyal kültürel etkinlikler düzenleme gibi alanlardadır. Merkezlerin küçük bir kısmı ise lisansüstü eğitim programları ve diğer eğitim faaliyetleri ile akademik ve akademik olmayan projelere imza atmaktadırlar. Bunun yanında, kadın araştırmaları merkezlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun finansal sıkıntılar yaşamaktadırlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yükseköğretim, kadın araştırmaları merkezleri, toplumsal cinsiyet, kadın Abstract Establishment of women's studies units in the academia was encouraged first time in the world with the 1995 Beijing Declaration. Those units started to be supported in Turkey particularly after the 2000s and as of February 2018, 85 universities have established women's studies centers. There are no studies examining the current status of these university research centers on issues such as activities, facilities and operations, from their own perspective. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature in Turkey by revealing the overall profile of the women's research centers of universities. In this study using applied quantitative research methods, the research areas of university women research centers' directors, center's activities, opportunities, education programs, problems and possible solutions were investigated. A questionnaire consisting of 22 questions was sent to 85 women's studies center in Turkey via e-mail and 57 of these centers participated in the study. One of the main conclusions of this study is that a significant number of the women studies centers's directors are not experts in the fields of women and gender studies. In addition, many of the centers are not active enough and the main activity areas only include conferences, seminars for raising awareness and organizing social cultural events. A small portion of the centers carries out academic and non-academic projects as well as graduate education programs and other educational activities. Besides, the majority of women's studies centers experience financial difficulties.
Öz: Toplumsal cinsiyet; kadınlık ve erkeklik kategorilerinin toplumsal inşasını içeren bir kavram... more Öz: Toplumsal cinsiyet; kadınlık ve erkeklik kategorilerinin toplumsal inşasını içeren bir kavram olarak günümüzde, sosyal bilimler literatüründe önemli bir yer almaktadır. Kalıplaşmış toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, toplumsal cinsiyet temelli ayrımcılığa yol açmakta ve toplumun hemen her alanında gözlemlenebilen toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliklerini beraberinde getirmektedir. Uygulamalı bir nicel araştırma olan bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yaşayan bireylerin toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri temelinde kurgulanan eşitsizliklere olan yaklaşımlarını ve bu yaklaşımlarının altında yatan faktörleri ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada, Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi (ASBÜ) tarafından gerçekleştirilen "2015 Türkiye Anketi" kullanılmıştır. Bu ankette yer alan basmakalıp toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri temelli ifadeler kullanılarak toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğini ölçmek üzere bir endeks geliştirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde, bireylerin basmakalıp toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini destekleyecek şekilde kurgulanan ifadelere yüksek oranda katılım sağladıkları görülmüştür. Çalışmada, bireylerin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğine yol açabilecek basmakalıp toplumsal cinsiyet rollerine ilişkin bakış açılarının temel belirleyicileri arasında; kişinin cinsiyeti, yaşadığı bölge, eğitim düzeyi ve çalışma durumu gibi faktörler olduğu bulunmuştur. Abstract: As a concept of socially constructed categories of femininity and masculinity, gender is today highly emphasized in social sciences literature. Stereotypical gender roles lead to gender-based discrimination and bring about gender inequalities that can be observed in almost every area of society. As an applied quantitative research, the objective of this study examines the Turkish people's perception of gender inequality and uncovers the factors underlying this perception. Utilizing "2015 Turkey Survey" conducted by Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU), an index has been developed to measure gender inequality based on stereotypes of gender roles. The study found that the majority of Turkish people agreed with statements that promote stereotypical gender roles. The study also found that the main determinants of individuals' perception of stereotypical gender roles that would promote gender inequality are gender, region of residence, level of education, and working status.
This article examines college enrollment of male and female students from different racial-ethnic... more This article examines college enrollment of male and female students from different racial-ethnic groups. Utilizing nationally representative data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), the present study investigates the following research question: Among those who have completed high school or received a General Educational Development certificate (GED), to what extent are gender and racial/ethnic differences in enrollment explained by students' pre-college academic achievement, educational and parental expectations net of socioeconomic background, family structure and high school characteristics? The study finds that females have a great advantage over males in overall college enrollment, and the female advantage also exists within each racial/ethnic group. For racial/ethnic differences in college enrollment, the study finds that black and Hispanic students are less likely to go to any college compared to their white peers. However, when black, Hispanic, and white students have completed high school and have similar socioeconomic background and precollege achievement, black and Hispanic students are more likely than are white students to go to any colleges.
This research investigates the college destinations of students from different racial/ethnic grou... more This research investigates the college destinations of students from different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Utilizing the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 and Barron's Profiles of American Colleges, the study finds that black and Latino students are significantly less likely than are white students to attend all types of institutions. For 2 year and nonselective 4-year college enrollment, this race effect is explained by socioeconomic background and high school achievement. For selective college enrollment, precollege achievement primarily explained the race effect. Overall, race achievement gap during high school strongly predicted the race gap in college enrollment. Low socioeconomic background of black and Latino students also explained their disadvantages in 4-year colleges and universities.
The purpose of this study was to examine gender and racial/ethnic differences in high school achi... more The purpose of this study was to examine gender and racial/ethnic differences in high school achievement measured by students' high school GPAs and their standardized math and reading test scores. The Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 was used to investigate the following question: To what extent do school behaviors, attitudes toward school/teacher, students' educational expectations, and parental involvement and expectations impact gender and racial/ethnic differences in high school achievement? Results supported gender-role socialization theory given that female students than their male counterparts have higher educational expectations, parental support and expectations. Male students are more likely to have negative school behavior and are also more likely to spend less time on homework compared to female students. The results suggested that oppositional culture does not account for racial/ethnic differences but for gender differences in high school achievement given that gender differences in school resistance and educational expectations are consistent whereas race/ethnic differences are not.
Women have achieved substantial success in postsecondary education and are now the majority of co... more Women have achieved substantial success in postsecondary education and are now the majority of college attendees and graduates. However, women's relative success in postsecondary education has not translated into parallel labor market gains. Indeed, the gender pay gap for college graduates is larger than that of non-college graduates. According to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011) Highlights of Women's Earnings in 2011, the ratio of women's median weekly earnings to men's median weekly earnings is about .82 for the general population, whereas the ratio among those with bachelor's degrees and higher is about .75.
This paper reviews the existing literature to discuss how critical race theory has been applied a... more This paper reviews the existing literature to discuss how critical race theory has been applied as a theoretical framework to higher educational research in the United States and what its contributions are. To provide necessary context, I will discuss race and racism in the United States, the background of US higher education in relation to race, the emergence of critical race theory and its application in US higher education.
This well-written, fluent and informative book was published as a part of a series called Identit... more This well-written, fluent and informative book was published as a part of a series called Identity Studies in the Social Sciences by Palgrave Macmillan in 2011. It makes a valuable contribution to the existing literature on class identities and their relationship to education. The book is based on a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews with 125 white middle-class families in three UK cities. These include London, Riverton in the South West and Norton in the North East of England. Riverton and Norton are fictional names. In total, 181 parents and 68 children are interviewed to investigate white middle-class identities. At first glance, the study seems to focus on these three UK cities, but most of its information and research findings are applicable to the United States as well.
This paper is a sociological overview and critique of complex relations between race, class, and ... more This paper is a sociological overview and critique of complex relations between race, class, and gender in today's neo-liberal economy. The main aim of the study is to examine some important dynamics of social inequalities in this era by looking at women of color domestic workers. Domestic workers in the United States were predominantly African-American women, but in time other immigrant women of color also began to fill those jobs. This is why I mean Black women and Latinas by women of color. I have chosen women of color domestic workers case because being working class women of color reflects the intersectionality of race, class and gender. The case of domestic work does not only indicate racial inequality in the United States but also the interrelations of race with gender and class in today's neo-liberal economy.
The aim of this study is to compare the lives of families in Denizkoy (115 households) and Yenike... more The aim of this study is to compare the lives of families in Denizkoy (115 households) and Yenikent Village (132 households) who were influenced by one of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP-SAP) dams before and after they were resettled by the state 'out of the region.' By focusing on rural and urban characteristics, the purpose of this analytical comparison is to identify the cultural pattern formed by their (dis)integration to the regions where they resettled. The questions this essay addresses are: If the construction of a dam is inevitable for the development of the state and the region, is it possible to make a balance between the winners and the losers in terms of social costs? If so, in what ways can this balance be made? We aim to examine the notion of sustainable development from the perspective of those directly influenced by the Karakaya Dam who were subject to rural resettlement out of the region. Within this context, we conducted interviews with people from 200 households (100 from each village). The data was collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews.
Teaching Documents by Gokhan Savas
Akademide kadın çalışmaları birimleri dünya'da ilk defa, 1995 Pekin Deklarasyonu ile teşvik edilm... more Akademide kadın çalışmaları birimleri dünya'da ilk defa, 1995 Pekin Deklarasyonu ile teşvik edilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu birimlerin Türkiye'de desteklenmeye başlanması 2000'li yıllarda hız kazanmış ve 2018 yılı Şubat ayı itibariyle 85 Üniversite'de kadın araştırmaları merkezi kurulmuştur. Kuruluş amaçları zaman zaman farklı olan bu üniversite araştırma merkezlerinin, etkinlikleri, imkânları, faaliyet alanları gibi konularda hâlihazırdaki durumlarını kendi gözlerinden inceleyen bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışma literatürdeki bu boşluğu doldurarak Türkiye'de üniversitelerde yer alan kadın araştırmaları merkezlerinin genel profillerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Uygulamalı nicel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılan bu çalışmada, üniversite kadın araştırmaları merkez müdürlerinin çalışma alanları ile merkezlerin etkinlikleri, sağlanan imkânlar, verdikleri eğitim programları, merkezlerin sorunları ve çözüm önerileri gibi bilgiler sorgulanmıştır. 22 sorudan oluşan bir anket formu e-posta aracılığı ile Türkiye'deki 85 kadın araştırmaları merkezine gönderilmiş ve bu merkezlerden 57'si araştırmaya katılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın temel sonuçlarından birisi, kadın araştırmaları merkezlerinin yürütücülerinin önemli bir kısmının kadın ve toplumsal cinsiyet alanlarında uzman olmadığıdır. Ayrıca, merkezlerin birçoğu yeterince aktif değildir ve aktif olanların etkinlik alanları ise sadece konferans, farkındalık yaratmaya yönelik seminer ve sosyal kültürel etkinlikler düzenleme gibi alanlardadır. Merkezlerin küçük bir kısmı ise lisansüstü eğitim programları ve diğer eğitim faaliyetleri ile akademik ve akademik olmayan projelere imza atmaktadırlar. Bunun yanında, kadın araştırmaları merkezlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun finansal sıkıntılar yaşamaktadırlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yükseköğretim, kadın araştırmaları merkezleri, toplumsal cinsiyet, kadın Abstract Establishment of women's studies units in the academia was encouraged first time in the world with the 1995 Beijing Declaration. Those units started to be supported in Turkey particularly after the 2000s and as of February 2018, 85 universities have established women's studies centers. There are no studies examining the current status of these university research centers on issues such as activities, facilities and operations, from their own perspective. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature in Turkey by revealing the overall profile of the women's research centers of universities. In this study using applied quantitative research methods, the research areas of university women research centers' directors, center's activities, opportunities, education programs, problems and possible solutions were investigated. A questionnaire consisting of 22 questions was sent to 85 women's studies center in Turkey via e-mail and 57 of these centers participated in the study. One of the main conclusions of this study is that a significant number of the women studies centers's directors are not experts in the fields of women and gender studies. In addition, many of the centers are not active enough and the main activity areas only include conferences, seminars for raising awareness and organizing social cultural events. A small portion of the centers carries out academic and non-academic projects as well as graduate education programs and other educational activities. Besides, the majority of women's studies centers experience financial difficulties.
Öz: Toplumsal cinsiyet; kadınlık ve erkeklik kategorilerinin toplumsal inşasını içeren bir kavram... more Öz: Toplumsal cinsiyet; kadınlık ve erkeklik kategorilerinin toplumsal inşasını içeren bir kavram olarak günümüzde, sosyal bilimler literatüründe önemli bir yer almaktadır. Kalıplaşmış toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, toplumsal cinsiyet temelli ayrımcılığa yol açmakta ve toplumun hemen her alanında gözlemlenebilen toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliklerini beraberinde getirmektedir. Uygulamalı bir nicel araştırma olan bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yaşayan bireylerin toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri temelinde kurgulanan eşitsizliklere olan yaklaşımlarını ve bu yaklaşımlarının altında yatan faktörleri ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada, Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi (ASBÜ) tarafından gerçekleştirilen "2015 Türkiye Anketi" kullanılmıştır. Bu ankette yer alan basmakalıp toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri temelli ifadeler kullanılarak toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğini ölçmek üzere bir endeks geliştirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde, bireylerin basmakalıp toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini destekleyecek şekilde kurgulanan ifadelere yüksek oranda katılım sağladıkları görülmüştür. Çalışmada, bireylerin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğine yol açabilecek basmakalıp toplumsal cinsiyet rollerine ilişkin bakış açılarının temel belirleyicileri arasında; kişinin cinsiyeti, yaşadığı bölge, eğitim düzeyi ve çalışma durumu gibi faktörler olduğu bulunmuştur. Abstract: As a concept of socially constructed categories of femininity and masculinity, gender is today highly emphasized in social sciences literature. Stereotypical gender roles lead to gender-based discrimination and bring about gender inequalities that can be observed in almost every area of society. As an applied quantitative research, the objective of this study examines the Turkish people's perception of gender inequality and uncovers the factors underlying this perception. Utilizing "2015 Turkey Survey" conducted by Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU), an index has been developed to measure gender inequality based on stereotypes of gender roles. The study found that the majority of Turkish people agreed with statements that promote stereotypical gender roles. The study also found that the main determinants of individuals' perception of stereotypical gender roles that would promote gender inequality are gender, region of residence, level of education, and working status.
This article examines college enrollment of male and female students from different racial-ethnic... more This article examines college enrollment of male and female students from different racial-ethnic groups. Utilizing nationally representative data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), the present study investigates the following research question: Among those who have completed high school or received a General Educational Development certificate (GED), to what extent are gender and racial/ethnic differences in enrollment explained by students' pre-college academic achievement, educational and parental expectations net of socioeconomic background, family structure and high school characteristics? The study finds that females have a great advantage over males in overall college enrollment, and the female advantage also exists within each racial/ethnic group. For racial/ethnic differences in college enrollment, the study finds that black and Hispanic students are less likely to go to any college compared to their white peers. However, when black, Hispanic, and white students have completed high school and have similar socioeconomic background and precollege achievement, black and Hispanic students are more likely than are white students to go to any colleges.
This research investigates the college destinations of students from different racial/ethnic grou... more This research investigates the college destinations of students from different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Utilizing the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 and Barron's Profiles of American Colleges, the study finds that black and Latino students are significantly less likely than are white students to attend all types of institutions. For 2 year and nonselective 4-year college enrollment, this race effect is explained by socioeconomic background and high school achievement. For selective college enrollment, precollege achievement primarily explained the race effect. Overall, race achievement gap during high school strongly predicted the race gap in college enrollment. Low socioeconomic background of black and Latino students also explained their disadvantages in 4-year colleges and universities.
The purpose of this study was to examine gender and racial/ethnic differences in high school achi... more The purpose of this study was to examine gender and racial/ethnic differences in high school achievement measured by students' high school GPAs and their standardized math and reading test scores. The Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 was used to investigate the following question: To what extent do school behaviors, attitudes toward school/teacher, students' educational expectations, and parental involvement and expectations impact gender and racial/ethnic differences in high school achievement? Results supported gender-role socialization theory given that female students than their male counterparts have higher educational expectations, parental support and expectations. Male students are more likely to have negative school behavior and are also more likely to spend less time on homework compared to female students. The results suggested that oppositional culture does not account for racial/ethnic differences but for gender differences in high school achievement given that gender differences in school resistance and educational expectations are consistent whereas race/ethnic differences are not.
Women have achieved substantial success in postsecondary education and are now the majority of co... more Women have achieved substantial success in postsecondary education and are now the majority of college attendees and graduates. However, women's relative success in postsecondary education has not translated into parallel labor market gains. Indeed, the gender pay gap for college graduates is larger than that of non-college graduates. According to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011) Highlights of Women's Earnings in 2011, the ratio of women's median weekly earnings to men's median weekly earnings is about .82 for the general population, whereas the ratio among those with bachelor's degrees and higher is about .75.
This paper reviews the existing literature to discuss how critical race theory has been applied a... more This paper reviews the existing literature to discuss how critical race theory has been applied as a theoretical framework to higher educational research in the United States and what its contributions are. To provide necessary context, I will discuss race and racism in the United States, the background of US higher education in relation to race, the emergence of critical race theory and its application in US higher education.
This well-written, fluent and informative book was published as a part of a series called Identit... more This well-written, fluent and informative book was published as a part of a series called Identity Studies in the Social Sciences by Palgrave Macmillan in 2011. It makes a valuable contribution to the existing literature on class identities and their relationship to education. The book is based on a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews with 125 white middle-class families in three UK cities. These include London, Riverton in the South West and Norton in the North East of England. Riverton and Norton are fictional names. In total, 181 parents and 68 children are interviewed to investigate white middle-class identities. At first glance, the study seems to focus on these three UK cities, but most of its information and research findings are applicable to the United States as well.
This paper is a sociological overview and critique of complex relations between race, class, and ... more This paper is a sociological overview and critique of complex relations between race, class, and gender in today's neo-liberal economy. The main aim of the study is to examine some important dynamics of social inequalities in this era by looking at women of color domestic workers. Domestic workers in the United States were predominantly African-American women, but in time other immigrant women of color also began to fill those jobs. This is why I mean Black women and Latinas by women of color. I have chosen women of color domestic workers case because being working class women of color reflects the intersectionality of race, class and gender. The case of domestic work does not only indicate racial inequality in the United States but also the interrelations of race with gender and class in today's neo-liberal economy.
The aim of this study is to compare the lives of families in Denizkoy (115 households) and Yenike... more The aim of this study is to compare the lives of families in Denizkoy (115 households) and Yenikent Village (132 households) who were influenced by one of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP-SAP) dams before and after they were resettled by the state 'out of the region.' By focusing on rural and urban characteristics, the purpose of this analytical comparison is to identify the cultural pattern formed by their (dis)integration to the regions where they resettled. The questions this essay addresses are: If the construction of a dam is inevitable for the development of the state and the region, is it possible to make a balance between the winners and the losers in terms of social costs? If so, in what ways can this balance be made? We aim to examine the notion of sustainable development from the perspective of those directly influenced by the Karakaya Dam who were subject to rural resettlement out of the region. Within this context, we conducted interviews with people from 200 households (100 from each village). The data was collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews.