Andreia Sarabando | University of Aveiro (original) (raw)


Papers by Andreia Sarabando

Research paper thumbnail of Viagens Em Tradução

Diacrítica, May 28, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Beckett on film: memória, repetição e o corpo

Mestrado em Estudos InglesesO presente trabalho propõe-se examinar o projecto póstumo que adaptou... more Mestrado em Estudos InglesesO presente trabalho propõe-se examinar o projecto póstumo que adaptou 19 peças de Samuel Beckett para o cinema, Beckett on Film, à luz de três grandes aspectos temáticos: memória, repetição e o corpo. Neste processo, os textos das peças que originaram os filmes, bem como relatos de performances importantes, serão usados como termos de comparação para estabelecer possíveis (e previsíveis) diferenças no tratamento destes assuntos fulcrais na obra do autor que possam ser originadas pela mudança de medium que este projecto representa. A realização de um projecto desta importância e envergadura, e que se pretende apresentar como uma obra definitiva e canónica, levanta questões de agência, identidade nacional e relevância da obra do actor no panorama cultural internacional que serão debatidas com a legitimidade do projecto Beckett on Film em mente. Aspectos práticos que se prendem com a realização do projecto também serão tidos em consideração, e é traçado um p...

Research paper thumbnail of Journeys : postcolonial trajectories and representations

Este livro representa um espaço de confronto e relação entre os diferentes olhares através dos qu... more Este livro representa um espaço de confronto e relação entre os diferentes olhares através dos quais são observadas as intervenções culturais e literárias portuguesa em diferentes contextos contemporâneos.O objectivo é proporcionar um diálogo entre académicos e investigadores que se situam em localizações geográficas heterogéneas e diferenciadas, e cujo trabalho se debruça na aérea das culturas e das literaturas de língua portuguesa.A reflexão teórica e epistemológica que este volume pretende proporcionar prende-se com um contraponto tão útil quanto necessário entre propostas teóricas pós-coloniais e intervenções culturais e literárias da contemporaneidade.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia(FCT) COMPETE QREN Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regiona

Research paper thumbnail of Áfricas contemporâneas : Contemporary africas

Research paper thumbnail of “The dreadful mass neighbourhood of objects” in the fiction of Janet Frame

Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2015

Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingl... more Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingly productive venue in relation to the difficulty of sharing space and time with things and objects. This article considers some of the consequences of reading Frame’s work in terms of the separation between things and objects as theorized by thing theory, in which things are seen as alien and resistant, prior to their being transformed into objects to which we ascribe uses, and in which we invest meanings. Dealing with things and objects will be seen to be modulated in terms related to the difficulties in defining selfhood faced by her characters within the ordinary boundaries of language and memory, evoked by Frame’s famously awkward linguistic and literary strategies. The article thus focuses on the resonances Frame’s novels establish between existing in the world and facing up to the presence of non-human and inanimate bodies.

Research paper thumbnail of Viagens Em Tradução

Research paper thumbnail of Potiki in Portuguese: language hybridity and the pitfalls of paratext

Translation Matters, 2021

This article looks at the Portuguese translation of Patricia Grace’sPotiki, and more specifically... more This article looks at the Portuguese translation of Patricia Grace’sPotiki, and more specifically at the paratextual elements that it contains, as a response to the linguistic hybridity of its source text. Potiki incorporates Māori elements in its mostly English-language text in a way that is common in Māori fiction writing these days, but which was groundbreaking at the time of its release, in 1986. The Portuguese translation’s decision to include paratextual information clarifying the meaning of words and expressions, which is absent from English-language publications, can be considered controversial and, moreover, runs counter to contemporary approaches to hybrid linguistic features in fictional texts.

Research paper thumbnail of “The dreadful mass neighbourhood of objects” in the fiction of Janet Frame

Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingl... more Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingly productive venue in relation to the difficulty of sharing space and time with things and objects. This article considers some of the consequences of reading Frame’s work in terms of the separation between things and objects as theorized by thing theory, in which things are seen as alien and resistant, prior to their being transformed into objects to which we ascribe uses, and in which we invest meanings. Dealing with things and objects will be seen to be modulated in terms related to the difficulties in defining selfhood faced by her characters within the ordinary boundaries of language and memory, evoked by Frame’s famously awkward linguistic and literary strategies. The article thus focuses on the resonances Frame’s novels establish between existing in the world and facing up to the presence of non-human and inanimate bodies.

Research paper thumbnail of Two Exhibitions at the End of the Twentieth Century:  Seville ’92 and Lisbon ’98

KULT 12, 2015

Studies that engage with the ideological aspects of international exhibitions highlight the conne... more Studies that engage with the ideological aspects of international exhibitions highlight the connections between the worldviews promoted by such exhibitions and colonialism. The fact that world fairs have continued to be successful events throughout the 20th century and even into the 21st century speaks of persistent representational practices that reproduce and reinforce imperial world orders.
The two last exhibitions of the 20th century in the Expo series set out to commemorate two landmarks in European colonial history: Expo ’92 in Seville marked the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas, and Expo ’98 in Lisbon celebrated the (also) 500th anniversary of Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a sea route from Western Europe to India. With Expo ’92 and Expo ’98, both Spain and Portugal attempted to assert their position in modern Europe, as well as an unequivocal European identity, by trading on their seminal roles in the context of the development of European imperialism and expansion, which, according to these commemorations, at the end of the twentieth century, was still perceived as vital to the construction of Europe’s identity.

Research paper thumbnail of “dreaming of the Empire of Nostalgia”:  John Mateer’s Southern Barbarians

Journal of the European Association of Studies on Australia, 2012

This article deals with the politics of observing and commenting on “elsewhere” in John Mateer’s ... more This article deals with the politics of observing and commenting on “elsewhere” in John Mateer’s “Portuguese collection” of poetry, Southern Barbarians (2011), with particular recourse to Marc Augé’s anthropological theories of places and non-places. It also attempts to establish connections between Mateer’s perceptions of Portugal and questions related to a Portuguese national identity as formulated by contemporary cultural commentators (Eduardo Lourenço, José Gil, Boaventura de Sousa Santos). In doing so, an exploration of the relationship between Portugal and Australia becomes inevitable.

Books by Andreia Sarabando

Research paper thumbnail of Kit Kelen. up through branches / 枝上謠 / por árvores acima (Trilingual edition) Transl. Andreia Sarabando and Jo, You Chengcheng and Cui Yuwei.

Research paper thumbnail of John Mateer. Descrentes. Transl. Andreia Sarabando

Research paper thumbnail of John Mateer. Namban (Bárbaros do Sul). Transl. Andreia Sarabando

Research paper thumbnail of Christopher (Kit) Kelen. Pictures of Nothing at All: The Art and Poetry of Kit Kelen / Imagens de Coisíssima Nenhuma: A Arte e a Poesia de Kit Kelen. Transl. Andreia Sarabando

Research paper thumbnail of Kit Kelen. idolatria dos antepassados. Transl. Andreia Sarabando

Research paper thumbnail of Elena Brugioni, Joana Passos, Andreia Sarabando and Marie-Manuelle Silva (eds). Itinerâncias: Percursos e Representações da Pós-colonialidade | Journeys: Postcolonial Trajectories and Representations

Research paper thumbnail of Parole per viaggiare: Portoghese e Brasiliano. Tradução e revisão linguística Andreia Sarabando, Anabela Rato, Elena Brugioni

Research paper thumbnail of Elena Brugioni, Joana Passos, Andreia Sarabando and Marie-Manuelle Silva (eds). Áfricas Contemporâneas / Contemporary Africas.

Research paper thumbnail of Kit Kelen. To the Single Man’s Hut / Para a Cabana do Homem Solteiro / 單身漢的茅屋 (Trilingual edition). Transl. Andreia Sarabando and Debby Sou Vai Keng

Research paper thumbnail of Viagens Em Tradução

Diacrítica, May 28, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Beckett on film: memória, repetição e o corpo

Mestrado em Estudos InglesesO presente trabalho propõe-se examinar o projecto póstumo que adaptou... more Mestrado em Estudos InglesesO presente trabalho propõe-se examinar o projecto póstumo que adaptou 19 peças de Samuel Beckett para o cinema, Beckett on Film, à luz de três grandes aspectos temáticos: memória, repetição e o corpo. Neste processo, os textos das peças que originaram os filmes, bem como relatos de performances importantes, serão usados como termos de comparação para estabelecer possíveis (e previsíveis) diferenças no tratamento destes assuntos fulcrais na obra do autor que possam ser originadas pela mudança de medium que este projecto representa. A realização de um projecto desta importância e envergadura, e que se pretende apresentar como uma obra definitiva e canónica, levanta questões de agência, identidade nacional e relevância da obra do actor no panorama cultural internacional que serão debatidas com a legitimidade do projecto Beckett on Film em mente. Aspectos práticos que se prendem com a realização do projecto também serão tidos em consideração, e é traçado um p...

Research paper thumbnail of Journeys : postcolonial trajectories and representations

Este livro representa um espaço de confronto e relação entre os diferentes olhares através dos qu... more Este livro representa um espaço de confronto e relação entre os diferentes olhares através dos quais são observadas as intervenções culturais e literárias portuguesa em diferentes contextos contemporâneos.O objectivo é proporcionar um diálogo entre académicos e investigadores que se situam em localizações geográficas heterogéneas e diferenciadas, e cujo trabalho se debruça na aérea das culturas e das literaturas de língua portuguesa.A reflexão teórica e epistemológica que este volume pretende proporcionar prende-se com um contraponto tão útil quanto necessário entre propostas teóricas pós-coloniais e intervenções culturais e literárias da contemporaneidade.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia(FCT) COMPETE QREN Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regiona

Research paper thumbnail of Áfricas contemporâneas : Contemporary africas

Research paper thumbnail of “The dreadful mass neighbourhood of objects” in the fiction of Janet Frame

Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 2015

Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingl... more Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingly productive venue in relation to the difficulty of sharing space and time with things and objects. This article considers some of the consequences of reading Frame’s work in terms of the separation between things and objects as theorized by thing theory, in which things are seen as alien and resistant, prior to their being transformed into objects to which we ascribe uses, and in which we invest meanings. Dealing with things and objects will be seen to be modulated in terms related to the difficulties in defining selfhood faced by her characters within the ordinary boundaries of language and memory, evoked by Frame’s famously awkward linguistic and literary strategies. The article thus focuses on the resonances Frame’s novels establish between existing in the world and facing up to the presence of non-human and inanimate bodies.

Research paper thumbnail of Viagens Em Tradução

Research paper thumbnail of Potiki in Portuguese: language hybridity and the pitfalls of paratext

Translation Matters, 2021

This article looks at the Portuguese translation of Patricia Grace’sPotiki, and more specifically... more This article looks at the Portuguese translation of Patricia Grace’sPotiki, and more specifically at the paratextual elements that it contains, as a response to the linguistic hybridity of its source text. Potiki incorporates Māori elements in its mostly English-language text in a way that is common in Māori fiction writing these days, but which was groundbreaking at the time of its release, in 1986. The Portuguese translation’s decision to include paratextual information clarifying the meaning of words and expressions, which is absent from English-language publications, can be considered controversial and, moreover, runs counter to contemporary approaches to hybrid linguistic features in fictional texts.

Research paper thumbnail of “The dreadful mass neighbourhood of objects” in the fiction of Janet Frame

Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingl... more Janet Frame’s constant preoccupation with death, fear, failure and loneliness finds a surprisingly productive venue in relation to the difficulty of sharing space and time with things and objects. This article considers some of the consequences of reading Frame’s work in terms of the separation between things and objects as theorized by thing theory, in which things are seen as alien and resistant, prior to their being transformed into objects to which we ascribe uses, and in which we invest meanings. Dealing with things and objects will be seen to be modulated in terms related to the difficulties in defining selfhood faced by her characters within the ordinary boundaries of language and memory, evoked by Frame’s famously awkward linguistic and literary strategies. The article thus focuses on the resonances Frame’s novels establish between existing in the world and facing up to the presence of non-human and inanimate bodies.

Research paper thumbnail of Two Exhibitions at the End of the Twentieth Century:  Seville ’92 and Lisbon ’98

KULT 12, 2015

Studies that engage with the ideological aspects of international exhibitions highlight the conne... more Studies that engage with the ideological aspects of international exhibitions highlight the connections between the worldviews promoted by such exhibitions and colonialism. The fact that world fairs have continued to be successful events throughout the 20th century and even into the 21st century speaks of persistent representational practices that reproduce and reinforce imperial world orders.
The two last exhibitions of the 20th century in the Expo series set out to commemorate two landmarks in European colonial history: Expo ’92 in Seville marked the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s first voyage to the Americas, and Expo ’98 in Lisbon celebrated the (also) 500th anniversary of Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a sea route from Western Europe to India. With Expo ’92 and Expo ’98, both Spain and Portugal attempted to assert their position in modern Europe, as well as an unequivocal European identity, by trading on their seminal roles in the context of the development of European imperialism and expansion, which, according to these commemorations, at the end of the twentieth century, was still perceived as vital to the construction of Europe’s identity.

Research paper thumbnail of “dreaming of the Empire of Nostalgia”:  John Mateer’s Southern Barbarians

Journal of the European Association of Studies on Australia, 2012

This article deals with the politics of observing and commenting on “elsewhere” in John Mateer’s ... more This article deals with the politics of observing and commenting on “elsewhere” in John Mateer’s “Portuguese collection” of poetry, Southern Barbarians (2011), with particular recourse to Marc Augé’s anthropological theories of places and non-places. It also attempts to establish connections between Mateer’s perceptions of Portugal and questions related to a Portuguese national identity as formulated by contemporary cultural commentators (Eduardo Lourenço, José Gil, Boaventura de Sousa Santos). In doing so, an exploration of the relationship between Portugal and Australia becomes inevitable.