aviation - Profile (original) (raw)

on 21 January 2002 (#446079)

Flight Instructors pilots and students

Airplane enthusuasts, students, instructors

## Welcome to the Aviation Community

This site is maintained and monitored by ShadowConn

This community is for pilots, students of aviation, airplane owners, enthusiasts, Airplane Mechanics, Experimental Aircraft builders and owners, flight instructors, Air Traffic Controllers, Airport Workers, Flight Attendants, and anyone else interested in or who works in aviation.

Just a little bit of background on this community. It was the first aviation community on livejournal. Hence, the name. I created this community back in January of 2002 and since then we have grown from about 8 members to almost 200. That's one hell of a feat considering there really aren't that many pilots or aspiring pilots in the world. I want to thank you all for your participation in this community. That's see if we can't grow it to 300 members. Help spread the word: Flying is FUN.

### Aviation Forums

We have a new Aviation Forum I'd like everyone to check out:
ATC Forum

FAA For Rules, regulations and Forms
NASA -For those all important NASA reports that keep so many pilots out of trouble
Sporty's -Flight gear, books, test prep materials, and clothing
Jeppesen Pilot supplies and Books and test prep materials
www.landings.com -News and information as well as some misc. stuff
www.airnav.com -Airports, Navaids, Aviation Fuel
www.duats.com -Weather Briefings, file flight plans
www.avweb.com - Aviation news and events etc
www.aopa.org" - Aircraft owners and Pilots Association
www.megaone.com/willfly4food/ -aviation job resource
Pilot Financing LOans for pilots who need money to fly

http://www.tc.gc.ca/aviation/regserv/carac/CARS/html_e/doc/index.htm Canadian Aviation Regulations


1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class, a&p, aaae, aerobatic, ahp, air security, air shows, air traffic control, air_safety, airforce, airframe, airplanes, airport, airports, aopa, ata, atc, atp, aviation, beechcraft, biennial, boing, certifications, certified flight instructor, cessna, cfi, clouds, commercial, crew member, crew resource management, crm, delta, designated examiner, dpe, emry riddle, engines, experimental, faa, faraim, fbo, fedex, firstclass, flight, flight attendent, flight instructors, flying, groundschool, hijacking, indiana state univeristy, instrument, jeppesen sandison, king air, lockheed, medical, multi, pilots, piper, powerplant, private_pilot, propellors, props, purdue university, recreational pilot, rivits, second class, simulators, sporty's pilot shop, third class, transponder codes, turbulance, twin engine, ultralights, weather, ww1, wwii
