ayoub - Profile (original) (raw)

on 26 April 2002 (#540667)

Leicester, United Kingdom


Come in, find a comfy spot to chill. Be sure to say hi so I know you're there. Note that if you know me from before, I've changed a lot, and at the same time, not at all.

I'm pretty much over stalkers, spammers, and drama seekers. If you're one of those, you'll be told where to shove it pretty quickly.

So, now that's out of the way, you want to know a bit about who I am? I'm many things, but mainly I'm Philosophically Deviant.

I am a writer

I write stories, the occasional poem, and recently, visual novels. I enjoy my writing, and it is often the insane ramblings of the many voices in my head. Some of it goes into my journal, so unless otherwise stated, all poems or stories in here are mine, ©'ed

You're always welcome to comment, or provide constructive criticism, but please (see, I can be polite) remember to not be a dick.

Other main interests

I cook for fun, I play with virtual dolls in Daz Studio, and I love my camera, especially the macro lens.
I have spent a large portion of my life reading, and I aim to continue to do so.

I am my own person

In short, if I don't know you or respect you, IDGAF what you think. Respect is earnt through interaction. I have no issues with blocking people who don't know their basic Logical Fallacies.

As far as my personal feelings and thoughts go, this is a Friends Only journal. If you're interested, then comment or add, and most people will be added back, because, contrary to some of the shit above, I like people!

This journal contains some. Whether you try it at home is up to you.
~ Paraphrased from Terry Pratchett's quote in his endnotes for the book "Nation"

Mood theme by in_the_end
Anarchy symbol and background from Thin Soldier

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