Ahu Ergen | Bahcesehir University (original) (raw)

Papers by Ahu Ergen

Research paper thumbnail of SDGs in the European Region

Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives

Today, cities are growing rapidly, and many have become places that are unplanned, are overcrowde... more Today, cities are growing rapidly, and many have become places that are unplanned, are overcrowded, lack adequate infrastructure, and are vulnerable to disasters and other risks. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide common principles and standards to enable cities to cope with realization of the rights of individuals to shelter; provision of access to affordable, healthy housing; and resilience to disasters. In Turkey, urban renewal is being implemented as a solution to these problems, entailing legal and administrative structures for housing needs of low-income groups and protection of cities and citizens from disaster damage and increasing urban resilience. This chapter aims to evaluate the contributions of urban renewal to solving housing problems of low-income group citizens and enable resilience. To achieve these aims, legal, administrative, and technical aspects of urban renewal in Turkish cities were evaluated to understand the source of problems and support future policies in Turkey and other countries. This chapter concludes that urban renewal practices carried out in Turkey through the organization Housing Development Administration of Turkey, a central government-facilitated housing agency with a focus on social housing and urban renewal, are in line with SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and its targets. In this context, targets include providing safe and affordable housing especially for low-income groups, citizen participation in urban decisions, supporting resilience, providing citizens access to facilities, protecting natural and cultural heritage, and environmental protection that are substantially met via urban renewal projects. Moreover, the national willingness to reduce disaster risks and ensure resource efficiency is being developed, and international cooperation is also being increased by providing support to developing countries with cross-border projects.

Research paper thumbnail of Views regarding dietary supplements in Turkey and a research to profile the consumers

Bozkurt Bekoğlu, Filiz (Dogus Author)Türkiye’de besin destek ürünü pazarı büyümektedir. Yerli ve ... more Bozkurt Bekoğlu, Filiz (Dogus Author)Türkiye’de besin destek ürünü pazarı büyümektedir. Yerli ve uluslararası üreticiler Türkiye pazarına her geçen gün yeni besin destek ürünleri sunmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, Türkiye’de pazarlama alanında bu ürünlerin tüketimini konu alan araştırma son derece azdır. Besin destek ürünlerini tüketenlerin demografik özelliklerini, ürünlerin bilinirlik ve kullanım oranlarını anlamak üreticiler, devlet ve ilgili sivil toplum kuruluşları için strateji tayin etme noktasında önem taşımaktadır. Bu keşifsel araştırma İstanbul’da yaşayan 18 yaş ve üzeri 673 kişiyle yapılmıştır. Veriler anket formu ile toplanmış, çalışmada cevaplayıcıların demografik özellikleri, besin destek ürünlerini kullanma nedenleri, tanıma ve tüketme oranları araştırılmıştır. Cevaplayıcıların besin destek ürünlerini kullanma nedenlerinin başında bağışıklık güçlendirme, halsizliği önleme, fiziksel ve zihinsel performansın geldiği bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. C, B, D vitaminlerinin ve kalsi...


Aurum Journal of Social Sciences, Dec 26, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇ber Uzayda Yeteri̇nce Güvenli̇ Davraniyor Muyuz? İstanbul İli̇nde Yürütülen Ni̇cel Bi̇r Araştirma

Siber uzay ortami; bankacilik, sulama, enerji uretimi, ulasim finans, saglik, haberlesme, ulusal ... more Siber uzay ortami; bankacilik, sulama, enerji uretimi, ulasim finans, saglik, haberlesme, ulusal savunma sistemleri gibi farkli alanlarda olusturulan ve yayilan bilgi yiginlarindan olusmaktadir. Boylesine etkili bir ortamda yer alan bilgiyi her tur etkiden koruyabilmek ve surdurulebilirligini saglamak onemli bir problem olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu problemin cozumu ise “Siber Guvenlik”ten gecmektedir. Bu calisma ile bireylerin, siber uzay ortaminda gerceklestirdikleri faaliyetler esnasinda siber guvenlikle ilgili davranislari olculmustur. Arastirmada kolayda ornekleme yontemi kullanilmis, Istanbul’da yasayan 18 yas ve uzeri 335 bireyden internet ortaminda anket yoluyla veriler toplanmistir. Siber guvenlik davranisinin demografik faktorlere gore farklilasip farklilasmadigi T-Test ve ANOVA ile analiz edilmistir. Kadinlarin yazilim guncelleme sikliginin erkeklerden yuksek oldugu, ozel sektor calisanlarinda cihaz guvenligi davranisi sikliginin kamu calisanlarindan yuksek oldugu, int...

Research paper thumbnail of Maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi, çevre bilgisi: sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışı açısından bir araştırma

Günümüzde, sürdürülebilir pazarlama anlayışını benimseyen işletmelerin ve sürdürülebilir tüketimi... more Günümüzde, sürdürülebilir pazarlama anlayışını benimseyen işletmelerin ve sürdürülebilir tüketimi tercih eden bireylerden oluşan pazar bölümlerinin arttığı görülmektedir. Bu değişim, sürdürülebilir tüketim ve onu etkileyen faktörlere yönelik çalışmaların sayısını da artırmaya başlamıştır. Sürdürülebilir pazarlamayı benimseyen firmalar, STK’lar ve aktivistler için bu alandaki araştırmaların bulguları önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada sürdürülebilir tüketim; değerler, yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisi konuları araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel amacı; maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisinin sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışı üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın ikincil amacı ise; İstanbul’da yaşayan 18 yaş ve üzerindeki tüketicileri sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışlarına göre kümelere ayırmak ve belirlenen her küme için maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisinin sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışı üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını araştırmaktır.Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında 601 cevaplayıcı sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışlarına göre üç kümeye ayrılmış, kümeler isimlendirilmiş daha sonra ise maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisinin sürdürülebilir tüketim üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Hazırlanan anketteki veriler bilgisayar destekli telefon görüşmesi yöntemiyle toplanmış, ardından faktör analizi, kümeleme ve ayırma analizi, çoklu regresyon, tek yönlü varyans analizi ve t-test kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde ise, elde edilen bulgular değerlendirilip, araştırmacılara, kamuya ve sürdürülebilir pazarlama yapan firmalara önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma, sürdürülebilir pazarlama içinde tüketici davranışını konu edinmiştir. Sürdürülebilir tüketimin son dönemde pazarlamada önemi artan yaşam biçimi ve değerler boyutlarıyla incelenmesinin, literatüre ve uygulamacılara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: sürdürülebilir pazarlama, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi, maddi değerler, sürdürülebilir tüketim, kümeleme analizi ABSTRACT Nowadays, it is observed that the number of companies choosing sustainable marketing and the number of market segments that consume sustainably are increasing. This change has caused to raise the number of studies in sustainable consumption and factors affecting it. For the companies, NGO’s and activists who adopt sustainable marketing, the implications of the research in this area has become more important than the past. In this study, sustainable consumption, life style and environmental knowledge subjects are investigated. The main goal of the study is to analyse the effects of material values, voluntary simplicity and environmental knowledge on sustainable consumption. The secondary goal of the study is to cluster the consumers, over 18 years old in Istanbul and research the effects of material values, voluntary simplicity and environmental knowledge on their sustainable consumption. In the research part of the study, 601 respondents are clustered in three groups and each cluster has been given a name. Then, the effects of material values, voluntary simplicity and environmental knowledge on sustainable consumption are analysed. The data were collected via CATI and the results of the study were further analyzed with factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, multiple regression, ANOVA, and t-tests. In conclusion, the implications are evaluated and suggestions for researchers, government and sustainable marketers are presented. The study focuses on consumer behaviour in sustainable marketing. It is expected that researching sustainable consumption together with important factors such as life styles and values will contribute to the theory and the practice. Key words: sustainable marketing, voluntary simplicity, material values, sustainable consumption, cluster analysi

Research paper thumbnail of Mindfulness and Sustainable Consumption: Evidence from Students in Istanbul

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022

We are consuming more resources than ever, exceeding the planet’s capacity for coming generations... more We are consuming more resources than ever, exceeding the planet’s capacity for coming generations. This shows the important role of sustainable consumption for the planet. To understand consumption patterns mindfulness may be regarded as an indicator that helps people gain insight into their true selves, which leads them to stay away from materialistic tendencies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the effects of mindfulness training on the sustainable consumption perceptions of university students. In this qualitative study, a two-month mindfulness training is given and two focus group studies are conducted. Results suggest that mindfulness training has an impact on people’s perceptions related to consumption. The findings of this study can serve as proof for the transformational effect of mindfulness on people’s overall mood and subjective wellbeing. Received: 23 September 2021 / Accepted: 22 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pazarlama İleti̇şi̇mi̇nde Yeni̇ Bi̇r Mobi̇l Pazarlama Araci: 2 Boyutlu Barkodlar

Research paper thumbnail of Strateji̇k Düşünce Yaratma: Mavi̇ Okyanusa Yelken Açmak

ÖZET Strateji, stratejik düşünce yaratma ve stratejik planlama birbirleriyle yakın ilişki içinde ... more ÖZET Strateji, stratejik düşünce yaratma ve stratejik planlama birbirleriyle yakın ilişki içinde olmalarına rağmen farklı kavramlardır. Derleme türündeki çalışmada öncelikle bu kavramlar irdelenmiş, ardından Türkiye'de henüz hakkında az araştırma yapılmış güncel bir strateji geliştirme aracı olan "Mavi Okyanus Stratejisi" kapsamlı şekilde ince-lenmiştir. Çalışmada, MOS'un örgütlerde stratejik düşünce yaratmada nasıl kullanıldı-ğını ortaya koymak ve MOS'un temel araçlarından biri olan "dörtlü faaliyet çerçevesi" yardımıyla MOS'u pazarlama yönetimi açısından ele almak amaçlanmıştır. MOS'un, yaratıcı düşünceyi ortaya çıkarma ve dağınık fikirleri, raporları, analizleri toplayarak sistematik hale getirme konusunda faydalı ve kullanımı kolay araçlara sahip olduğu ve bu araçlardan "dörtlü faaliyet çerçevesi" kullanılarak yapılan uygulamalarda pazarla-ma karması unsurlarından "ürün" ün en fazla odaklanılan karar alanı olduğu çalışm...

Research paper thumbnail of Dietary Supplements in Turkey and a Research to Profile the Consumers Ahu ERGEN

Dietary supplement market is growing in Turkey. Local and multinational companies develop and int... more Dietary supplement market is growing in Turkey. Local and multinational companies develop and introduce many new products for Turkish dietary supplements market. However, in marketing literature few academic research could be found regarding Turkish consumers’ behavior about dietary supplements. The study involved 673 Turkish consumers from Istanbul, over eighteen years of age. The study examines the characteristics of the respondents regarding demographics, reasons for using 1 Bu çalışma 9-10 Mart 2014 tarihlerinde Monaco’da düzenlenmiş olan The Macrotheme International Conference on Business and Social Science konferansında sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. A. Ergen – F. Bozkurt Bekoğlu 8/1 (2016) 323-341 İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi Journal of Business Research-Türk 324 dietary supplements, dietary supplements recognition and consumption rates. It is found that top three reasons to consume dietary supplements are immunization, prevention of exhaustion and increasing physical and...

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Life Satisfaction of Students and Staff in a University

Proceedings of the 23rd International Academic Conference, Venice, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Engelli̇ Bi̇reyleri̇n İsti̇hdamina Yöneli̇k Bi̇r Vaka Çalişmasi: “Engelsi̇z Eği̇ti̇m” - a Case Study to the Employment of Disabled People: “Education Without Obstacles”

Ozet: Ulkemizde resmi rakamlara gore dokuz milyon engelli yasamaktadir. Engelli bireylerin sosyal... more Ozet: Ulkemizde resmi rakamlara gore dokuz milyon engelli yasamaktadir. Engelli bireylerin sosyal hayatta karsilastiklari sorunlarin yani sira egitim ve istihdama yonelik sorunlarinin da oldugu bir gercektir. Engelli bireylerin gerek fiziki kosullar gerekse egitim sisteminden kaynaklanan nedenlerden dolayi yeterli egitim alamamalari, onlarin arzu ettikleri islere kavusmalarini engelleyen nedenlerden biridir. Bu calismada; bir vakif universitesi, bir sivil toplum kurulusu ve istihdam konusunda yetkili devlet kurumu isbirligiyle uygulanmis “Engelsiz Egitim” projesi vaka analizi yontemiyle irdelenmis ve ileride bu alanda calisma yapacak diger kurumlara bir model olusturabilmesi icin yontem ve sonuclarin ortaya konmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirma kesifseldir, derinlemesine mulakat ve uzman gorusleri ile veri toplanmistir. Sonuclar; engellilerin egitim ve istihdamina yonelik olarak; engelli ihtiyaclari, istekleri ve yetkinliklerine dayali testler, bilimsel yaklasim ve akademisyenlerin egitm...

Research paper thumbnail of Profiling the dietary supplement users in Turkey

It is observed that the number of health conscious individuals in the society is increasing. This... more It is observed that the number of health conscious individuals in the society is increasing. This is mostly due to the promotion of healthy lifestyle by media, the awareness campaigns held by governments and the global trend of LOHAS. Parallel to that, the dietary supplements market in Turkey is also growing. So, understanding the demographic profiles, awareness and user profiles of these consumers is important for companies, governments and also media to define their strategies accordingly. The study involved 666 (66,5% women and 33,3% men) Turkish consumers from Istanbul, over eighteen years of age. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires. The study examines the characteristics of the respondents regarding demographics, dietary supplements recognition and consumption. This research presents the opportunity for further casual research in healthy lifestyle products market.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Lives Healthier in a University?

Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies, 2020

Being healthy is an important aspect in life satisfaction. The factors that affect the health sta... more Being healthy is an important aspect in life satisfaction. The factors that affect the health status of an individual are environmental, economic, socio-cultural and genetic factors, access to health services, and lifestyle. Since it can be controlled by the individual, lifestyle is a topic with great importance. Understanding the healthy lifestyle behaviors of individuals is important for health and education institutions, companies, and governments to define their strategies accordingly. This quantitative study involves 205 respondents from a university in Istanbul. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires with 27 questions. The chapter examines the characteristics of the respondents regarding demographics and healthy lifestyle behaviors. Differences in the sample's healthy lifestyle dimensions were determined according to demographic variables after T-test and ANOVA analysis. This research presents the opportunity for further qualitative research in healthy li...

Research paper thumbnail of Role of location-based mobile apps in city marketing: Beşiktaş as a student-friendly district

Journal of Location Based Services, 2020

ABSTRACT In the age of globalisation and high competition among destinations, cities are empowere... more ABSTRACT In the age of globalisation and high competition among destinations, cities are empowered with new marketing tools to attract new residents and visitors while keeping their existing communities satisfied. Therefore, the main objective of the paper is to understand the role of location-based mobile applications among university students, who as members of the wired generation tend to use technology more than older generations. The secondary objective is to explore the most preferred location-based apps with their benefits and how they are used by the students to link themselves to the city and its services. Two focus groups are conducted with university students in Besiktas, which is claimed to be one of the most student-friendly environments in Istanbul. The findings reveal students’ preferences and reasoning for the use of location-based mobile apps. Apart from their satisfaction with the diversity of shopping, wayfinding, and geosocial networking apps, their concerns for digital privacy and personal data protection have become apparent. Further research is recommended for understanding the satisfaction and expectations of different user segments in the city since their evaluations might contribute to further develop and improve location-based services, and promote the city in the local and global markets.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye de Besin Destek Ürünlerine Yönelik Görüşler ve Tüketici Profilini Tanımlamaya Yönelik Bir Araştırma (Views Regarding Dietary Supplements in Turkey and a Research to Profile the Consumers)

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Değişen Tüketici Eğilimleri ve Teknolojik Gelişmelerin Perakendeciliğe Yansımaları(Reflections of Changing Consumer Trends and Technological Developments on Retailing)

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Art of War and Its Implications on Marketing Strategies: Thinking like a Warrior

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of New product development and product launch strategies<p>Yeni ürün geliştirme ve lansman stratejileri

International Journal of Human Sciences, 2016

In today’s highly competitive environment, a balanced product portfolio, success in new product d... more In today’s highly competitive environment, a balanced product portfolio, success in new product development and product launch are important factors for the sustainability of organizations. The aim of the study is to reveal the right product launch steps for the companies through theory and case study. In the study, new product development and product launch strategies are first investigated theoretically. Afterwards, a successful product series launch case from cosmetics sector is analyzed. In this exploratory research, the secondary data is collected via literature review. Primary data is collected via in-depth interview. It is found that marketing research and market test can be evaluated as critical success factors in new product launch. Özet Dengeli bir ürün portföyü, yeni ürün geliştirme ve lansman başarısı artan rekabet ortamında işletmelerin devamlılığını sağlayan önemli faktörlerdir. Çalışmanın amacı lansmanda firmaları başarıya götüren adımları teori ve vaka üzerinden orta...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Attitude, Consumer Innovativeness and Interpersonal Influence on Functional Food Consumption

International Business Research, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of materialism and environmental knowledge on environmental consciousness among high school students: A study conducted in Istanbul province

International Journal of Human Sciences, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of SDGs in the European Region

Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives

Today, cities are growing rapidly, and many have become places that are unplanned, are overcrowde... more Today, cities are growing rapidly, and many have become places that are unplanned, are overcrowded, lack adequate infrastructure, and are vulnerable to disasters and other risks. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide common principles and standards to enable cities to cope with realization of the rights of individuals to shelter; provision of access to affordable, healthy housing; and resilience to disasters. In Turkey, urban renewal is being implemented as a solution to these problems, entailing legal and administrative structures for housing needs of low-income groups and protection of cities and citizens from disaster damage and increasing urban resilience. This chapter aims to evaluate the contributions of urban renewal to solving housing problems of low-income group citizens and enable resilience. To achieve these aims, legal, administrative, and technical aspects of urban renewal in Turkish cities were evaluated to understand the source of problems and support future policies in Turkey and other countries. This chapter concludes that urban renewal practices carried out in Turkey through the organization Housing Development Administration of Turkey, a central government-facilitated housing agency with a focus on social housing and urban renewal, are in line with SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and its targets. In this context, targets include providing safe and affordable housing especially for low-income groups, citizen participation in urban decisions, supporting resilience, providing citizens access to facilities, protecting natural and cultural heritage, and environmental protection that are substantially met via urban renewal projects. Moreover, the national willingness to reduce disaster risks and ensure resource efficiency is being developed, and international cooperation is also being increased by providing support to developing countries with cross-border projects.

Research paper thumbnail of Views regarding dietary supplements in Turkey and a research to profile the consumers

Bozkurt Bekoğlu, Filiz (Dogus Author)Türkiye’de besin destek ürünü pazarı büyümektedir. Yerli ve ... more Bozkurt Bekoğlu, Filiz (Dogus Author)Türkiye’de besin destek ürünü pazarı büyümektedir. Yerli ve uluslararası üreticiler Türkiye pazarına her geçen gün yeni besin destek ürünleri sunmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, Türkiye’de pazarlama alanında bu ürünlerin tüketimini konu alan araştırma son derece azdır. Besin destek ürünlerini tüketenlerin demografik özelliklerini, ürünlerin bilinirlik ve kullanım oranlarını anlamak üreticiler, devlet ve ilgili sivil toplum kuruluşları için strateji tayin etme noktasında önem taşımaktadır. Bu keşifsel araştırma İstanbul’da yaşayan 18 yaş ve üzeri 673 kişiyle yapılmıştır. Veriler anket formu ile toplanmış, çalışmada cevaplayıcıların demografik özellikleri, besin destek ürünlerini kullanma nedenleri, tanıma ve tüketme oranları araştırılmıştır. Cevaplayıcıların besin destek ürünlerini kullanma nedenlerinin başında bağışıklık güçlendirme, halsizliği önleme, fiziksel ve zihinsel performansın geldiği bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. C, B, D vitaminlerinin ve kalsi...


Aurum Journal of Social Sciences, Dec 26, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Si̇ber Uzayda Yeteri̇nce Güvenli̇ Davraniyor Muyuz? İstanbul İli̇nde Yürütülen Ni̇cel Bi̇r Araştirma

Siber uzay ortami; bankacilik, sulama, enerji uretimi, ulasim finans, saglik, haberlesme, ulusal ... more Siber uzay ortami; bankacilik, sulama, enerji uretimi, ulasim finans, saglik, haberlesme, ulusal savunma sistemleri gibi farkli alanlarda olusturulan ve yayilan bilgi yiginlarindan olusmaktadir. Boylesine etkili bir ortamda yer alan bilgiyi her tur etkiden koruyabilmek ve surdurulebilirligini saglamak onemli bir problem olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu problemin cozumu ise “Siber Guvenlik”ten gecmektedir. Bu calisma ile bireylerin, siber uzay ortaminda gerceklestirdikleri faaliyetler esnasinda siber guvenlikle ilgili davranislari olculmustur. Arastirmada kolayda ornekleme yontemi kullanilmis, Istanbul’da yasayan 18 yas ve uzeri 335 bireyden internet ortaminda anket yoluyla veriler toplanmistir. Siber guvenlik davranisinin demografik faktorlere gore farklilasip farklilasmadigi T-Test ve ANOVA ile analiz edilmistir. Kadinlarin yazilim guncelleme sikliginin erkeklerden yuksek oldugu, ozel sektor calisanlarinda cihaz guvenligi davranisi sikliginin kamu calisanlarindan yuksek oldugu, int...

Research paper thumbnail of Maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi, çevre bilgisi: sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışı açısından bir araştırma

Günümüzde, sürdürülebilir pazarlama anlayışını benimseyen işletmelerin ve sürdürülebilir tüketimi... more Günümüzde, sürdürülebilir pazarlama anlayışını benimseyen işletmelerin ve sürdürülebilir tüketimi tercih eden bireylerden oluşan pazar bölümlerinin arttığı görülmektedir. Bu değişim, sürdürülebilir tüketim ve onu etkileyen faktörlere yönelik çalışmaların sayısını da artırmaya başlamıştır. Sürdürülebilir pazarlamayı benimseyen firmalar, STK’lar ve aktivistler için bu alandaki araştırmaların bulguları önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada sürdürülebilir tüketim; değerler, yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisi konuları araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel amacı; maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisinin sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışı üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın ikincil amacı ise; İstanbul’da yaşayan 18 yaş ve üzerindeki tüketicileri sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışlarına göre kümelere ayırmak ve belirlenen her küme için maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisinin sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışı üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını araştırmaktır.Çalışmanın uygulama kısmında 601 cevaplayıcı sürdürülebilir tüketim davranışlarına göre üç kümeye ayrılmış, kümeler isimlendirilmiş daha sonra ise maddi değerler, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi ve çevre bilgisinin sürdürülebilir tüketim üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Hazırlanan anketteki veriler bilgisayar destekli telefon görüşmesi yöntemiyle toplanmış, ardından faktör analizi, kümeleme ve ayırma analizi, çoklu regresyon, tek yönlü varyans analizi ve t-test kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde ise, elde edilen bulgular değerlendirilip, araştırmacılara, kamuya ve sürdürülebilir pazarlama yapan firmalara önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma, sürdürülebilir pazarlama içinde tüketici davranışını konu edinmiştir. Sürdürülebilir tüketimin son dönemde pazarlamada önemi artan yaşam biçimi ve değerler boyutlarıyla incelenmesinin, literatüre ve uygulamacılara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: sürdürülebilir pazarlama, gönüllü sade yaşam biçimi, maddi değerler, sürdürülebilir tüketim, kümeleme analizi ABSTRACT Nowadays, it is observed that the number of companies choosing sustainable marketing and the number of market segments that consume sustainably are increasing. This change has caused to raise the number of studies in sustainable consumption and factors affecting it. For the companies, NGO’s and activists who adopt sustainable marketing, the implications of the research in this area has become more important than the past. In this study, sustainable consumption, life style and environmental knowledge subjects are investigated. The main goal of the study is to analyse the effects of material values, voluntary simplicity and environmental knowledge on sustainable consumption. The secondary goal of the study is to cluster the consumers, over 18 years old in Istanbul and research the effects of material values, voluntary simplicity and environmental knowledge on their sustainable consumption. In the research part of the study, 601 respondents are clustered in three groups and each cluster has been given a name. Then, the effects of material values, voluntary simplicity and environmental knowledge on sustainable consumption are analysed. The data were collected via CATI and the results of the study were further analyzed with factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, multiple regression, ANOVA, and t-tests. In conclusion, the implications are evaluated and suggestions for researchers, government and sustainable marketers are presented. The study focuses on consumer behaviour in sustainable marketing. It is expected that researching sustainable consumption together with important factors such as life styles and values will contribute to the theory and the practice. Key words: sustainable marketing, voluntary simplicity, material values, sustainable consumption, cluster analysi

Research paper thumbnail of Mindfulness and Sustainable Consumption: Evidence from Students in Istanbul

Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022

We are consuming more resources than ever, exceeding the planet’s capacity for coming generations... more We are consuming more resources than ever, exceeding the planet’s capacity for coming generations. This shows the important role of sustainable consumption for the planet. To understand consumption patterns mindfulness may be regarded as an indicator that helps people gain insight into their true selves, which leads them to stay away from materialistic tendencies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore the effects of mindfulness training on the sustainable consumption perceptions of university students. In this qualitative study, a two-month mindfulness training is given and two focus group studies are conducted. Results suggest that mindfulness training has an impact on people’s perceptions related to consumption. The findings of this study can serve as proof for the transformational effect of mindfulness on people’s overall mood and subjective wellbeing. Received: 23 September 2021 / Accepted: 22 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Pazarlama İleti̇şi̇mi̇nde Yeni̇ Bi̇r Mobi̇l Pazarlama Araci: 2 Boyutlu Barkodlar

Research paper thumbnail of Strateji̇k Düşünce Yaratma: Mavi̇ Okyanusa Yelken Açmak

ÖZET Strateji, stratejik düşünce yaratma ve stratejik planlama birbirleriyle yakın ilişki içinde ... more ÖZET Strateji, stratejik düşünce yaratma ve stratejik planlama birbirleriyle yakın ilişki içinde olmalarına rağmen farklı kavramlardır. Derleme türündeki çalışmada öncelikle bu kavramlar irdelenmiş, ardından Türkiye'de henüz hakkında az araştırma yapılmış güncel bir strateji geliştirme aracı olan "Mavi Okyanus Stratejisi" kapsamlı şekilde ince-lenmiştir. Çalışmada, MOS'un örgütlerde stratejik düşünce yaratmada nasıl kullanıldı-ğını ortaya koymak ve MOS'un temel araçlarından biri olan "dörtlü faaliyet çerçevesi" yardımıyla MOS'u pazarlama yönetimi açısından ele almak amaçlanmıştır. MOS'un, yaratıcı düşünceyi ortaya çıkarma ve dağınık fikirleri, raporları, analizleri toplayarak sistematik hale getirme konusunda faydalı ve kullanımı kolay araçlara sahip olduğu ve bu araçlardan "dörtlü faaliyet çerçevesi" kullanılarak yapılan uygulamalarda pazarla-ma karması unsurlarından "ürün" ün en fazla odaklanılan karar alanı olduğu çalışm...

Research paper thumbnail of Dietary Supplements in Turkey and a Research to Profile the Consumers Ahu ERGEN

Dietary supplement market is growing in Turkey. Local and multinational companies develop and int... more Dietary supplement market is growing in Turkey. Local and multinational companies develop and introduce many new products for Turkish dietary supplements market. However, in marketing literature few academic research could be found regarding Turkish consumers’ behavior about dietary supplements. The study involved 673 Turkish consumers from Istanbul, over eighteen years of age. The study examines the characteristics of the respondents regarding demographics, reasons for using 1 Bu çalışma 9-10 Mart 2014 tarihlerinde Monaco’da düzenlenmiş olan The Macrotheme International Conference on Business and Social Science konferansında sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. A. Ergen – F. Bozkurt Bekoğlu 8/1 (2016) 323-341 İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi Journal of Business Research-Türk 324 dietary supplements, dietary supplements recognition and consumption rates. It is found that top three reasons to consume dietary supplements are immunization, prevention of exhaustion and increasing physical and...

Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Life Satisfaction of Students and Staff in a University

Proceedings of the 23rd International Academic Conference, Venice, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Engelli̇ Bi̇reyleri̇n İsti̇hdamina Yöneli̇k Bi̇r Vaka Çalişmasi: “Engelsi̇z Eği̇ti̇m” - a Case Study to the Employment of Disabled People: “Education Without Obstacles”

Ozet: Ulkemizde resmi rakamlara gore dokuz milyon engelli yasamaktadir. Engelli bireylerin sosyal... more Ozet: Ulkemizde resmi rakamlara gore dokuz milyon engelli yasamaktadir. Engelli bireylerin sosyal hayatta karsilastiklari sorunlarin yani sira egitim ve istihdama yonelik sorunlarinin da oldugu bir gercektir. Engelli bireylerin gerek fiziki kosullar gerekse egitim sisteminden kaynaklanan nedenlerden dolayi yeterli egitim alamamalari, onlarin arzu ettikleri islere kavusmalarini engelleyen nedenlerden biridir. Bu calismada; bir vakif universitesi, bir sivil toplum kurulusu ve istihdam konusunda yetkili devlet kurumu isbirligiyle uygulanmis “Engelsiz Egitim” projesi vaka analizi yontemiyle irdelenmis ve ileride bu alanda calisma yapacak diger kurumlara bir model olusturabilmesi icin yontem ve sonuclarin ortaya konmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirma kesifseldir, derinlemesine mulakat ve uzman gorusleri ile veri toplanmistir. Sonuclar; engellilerin egitim ve istihdamina yonelik olarak; engelli ihtiyaclari, istekleri ve yetkinliklerine dayali testler, bilimsel yaklasim ve akademisyenlerin egitm...

Research paper thumbnail of Profiling the dietary supplement users in Turkey

It is observed that the number of health conscious individuals in the society is increasing. This... more It is observed that the number of health conscious individuals in the society is increasing. This is mostly due to the promotion of healthy lifestyle by media, the awareness campaigns held by governments and the global trend of LOHAS. Parallel to that, the dietary supplements market in Turkey is also growing. So, understanding the demographic profiles, awareness and user profiles of these consumers is important for companies, governments and also media to define their strategies accordingly. The study involved 666 (66,5% women and 33,3% men) Turkish consumers from Istanbul, over eighteen years of age. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires. The study examines the characteristics of the respondents regarding demographics, dietary supplements recognition and consumption. This research presents the opportunity for further casual research in healthy lifestyle products market.

Research paper thumbnail of Who Lives Healthier in a University?

Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies, 2020

Being healthy is an important aspect in life satisfaction. The factors that affect the health sta... more Being healthy is an important aspect in life satisfaction. The factors that affect the health status of an individual are environmental, economic, socio-cultural and genetic factors, access to health services, and lifestyle. Since it can be controlled by the individual, lifestyle is a topic with great importance. Understanding the healthy lifestyle behaviors of individuals is important for health and education institutions, companies, and governments to define their strategies accordingly. This quantitative study involves 205 respondents from a university in Istanbul. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires with 27 questions. The chapter examines the characteristics of the respondents regarding demographics and healthy lifestyle behaviors. Differences in the sample's healthy lifestyle dimensions were determined according to demographic variables after T-test and ANOVA analysis. This research presents the opportunity for further qualitative research in healthy li...

Research paper thumbnail of Role of location-based mobile apps in city marketing: Beşiktaş as a student-friendly district

Journal of Location Based Services, 2020

ABSTRACT In the age of globalisation and high competition among destinations, cities are empowere... more ABSTRACT In the age of globalisation and high competition among destinations, cities are empowered with new marketing tools to attract new residents and visitors while keeping their existing communities satisfied. Therefore, the main objective of the paper is to understand the role of location-based mobile applications among university students, who as members of the wired generation tend to use technology more than older generations. The secondary objective is to explore the most preferred location-based apps with their benefits and how they are used by the students to link themselves to the city and its services. Two focus groups are conducted with university students in Besiktas, which is claimed to be one of the most student-friendly environments in Istanbul. The findings reveal students’ preferences and reasoning for the use of location-based mobile apps. Apart from their satisfaction with the diversity of shopping, wayfinding, and geosocial networking apps, their concerns for digital privacy and personal data protection have become apparent. Further research is recommended for understanding the satisfaction and expectations of different user segments in the city since their evaluations might contribute to further develop and improve location-based services, and promote the city in the local and global markets.

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye de Besin Destek Ürünlerine Yönelik Görüşler ve Tüketici Profilini Tanımlamaya Yönelik Bir Araştırma (Views Regarding Dietary Supplements in Turkey and a Research to Profile the Consumers)

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Değişen Tüketici Eğilimleri ve Teknolojik Gelişmelerin Perakendeciliğe Yansımaları(Reflections of Changing Consumer Trends and Technological Developments on Retailing)

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Art of War and Its Implications on Marketing Strategies: Thinking like a Warrior

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of New product development and product launch strategies<p>Yeni ürün geliştirme ve lansman stratejileri

International Journal of Human Sciences, 2016

In today’s highly competitive environment, a balanced product portfolio, success in new product d... more In today’s highly competitive environment, a balanced product portfolio, success in new product development and product launch are important factors for the sustainability of organizations. The aim of the study is to reveal the right product launch steps for the companies through theory and case study. In the study, new product development and product launch strategies are first investigated theoretically. Afterwards, a successful product series launch case from cosmetics sector is analyzed. In this exploratory research, the secondary data is collected via literature review. Primary data is collected via in-depth interview. It is found that marketing research and market test can be evaluated as critical success factors in new product launch. Özet Dengeli bir ürün portföyü, yeni ürün geliştirme ve lansman başarısı artan rekabet ortamında işletmelerin devamlılığını sağlayan önemli faktörlerdir. Çalışmanın amacı lansmanda firmaları başarıya götüren adımları teori ve vaka üzerinden orta...

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Attitude, Consumer Innovativeness and Interpersonal Influence on Functional Food Consumption

International Business Research, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of materialism and environmental knowledge on environmental consciousness among high school students: A study conducted in Istanbul province

International Journal of Human Sciences, 2015