best_of_hpslash - Profile (original) (raw)
on 12 February 2008 (#14931078)
Select Members , Moderated
The Best of HP Slash is a community dedicated to finding best completed HP Slash fics of any pairings. Hopefully to help those new to the fandom find all the 'shiny' ones first, but for 'veterans' who have forgotten or missed a few along the way. Any pairing, any kink, hopefully we'll have something for everyone. This is why we have a team of readers here and are still looking for more. Not all of us are up for the rare pairings or the Voldemort pairings and what have you. Sure we can find and read a few fics that feature pairings we don't necessarily like and rec them anyway if they're written well, but it works better if the we actually have someone around that actually likes the pairing/kink/etc. It's been done before; we're doing it again. This community aims to be the place to find something for everyone of all shapes sizes and tastes.
By 'best', we mean the ones that we've read and liked, obviously. We don't claim to have read them all and won't say that there aren't good fics that have been left off the list.
Seven people banned together and exchanged whopping reclists, hard up for something to read and...bored. After making their way through the lists, they combined the fics that they all liked into one massive list and this community was made to post their findings. It's all very scientific, I assure you. Or not.
How does this work? Your guess is as good as mine. Kidding.
We read, we put our lives on hold (those of us that, you know, have them) and we voted. Special attention was paid to grammar, characterization (we're going more for consistancy than IC. Your Draco doesn't have to be a mirror image of Canon Draco as long as he's consistantly that way), plot flow, and things like that. And, you know, whether or not it was at all enjoyable. The kink fics were harder to agree on and we're still working out a way to get some of them up here (some of our prudes aren't cooperating) and they will be up eventually. Even if we have to make our prudes shut the fuck up and vote on grammar and such alone.
Best of luck. Hope you enjoy.
Looking for more than what's available here at best_of_hpslash? Here's a list of other HP reclists that you can find on LJ.
Authors that made the lists are given posting access to, if they choose, post their current works-in-progress. That will (hopefully) start after the lists are all finished and this community is all shiny.
Authors: When posting, be sure to tag your entry with your username (or the name you're credited with on the list). Please and thanks.
If you're not on the best of lists, and you think you should be, Feel free to let us know here. However, there is a possibility that your fic will be turned down. We can't guarantee that your fic will make the list but we will read all of the recs (self recced or others) posted on the thread. If you ARE on the Best Of Lists and still don't have posting access, contact one of us and we'll fix it right away. Send a message to the mod journal, or any one of the mods individually, I suppose.
Jason [jase_t]
Know of an amazing fic that you think was overlooked by the team? Let us know!
best_of_hpslash needs new team members to read and rate fics for the lists. Volunteer Here
We try not to avoid any pairings... at all, but there are a certain few kinks that won't ever be on these lists. Scat, golden showers, necro, see where I'm going with this, right? You won't find it here. There aren't many kinks that make us all squeamish but those are a few that do. This list is subject to change, but pretty much all else, is fair game.
Note: Bolded text is a Future Link. I'll be changing the text to links, as I get things up.
(Note that these are authors who have given permission to have their fics listed here. Authors will be added as permission is recieved)
kerryblaze |
calanthe_fics |
charlotteschaos |
dragon_charmer |
emmagrant01 |
furiosity |
shes_gone |
inell |
jillin |
maxine_chan |
sarahtales |
ravenna_c_tan |
shadowfiction |
silentauror |
Harry/Draco | Harry/Ron | Harry/Snape | Harry/Blaise | Harry/Theodore | Draco/Blaise | Blaise/Theodore Nott | Draco/Theodore | Snape/Lupin | James/Sirius | Remus/James | Remus/Sirius | Theodore/Neville | Seamus/Dean | Lucius/OMC | Bill/Draco | Marcus/Oliver | Draco/Snape | Charlie/Oliver | Viktor/Cedric | Cedric/Oliver | Blaise/Seamus | Threesome | Other
[This list subject to change]
Coming Soon: Fics by Rating, Fics by Genre, Fics by Length, and Author Pages (wherein you can find links to all of that authors fanfiction). And...a ways in the future, I think, A List of ALL the fics here and the reviews/ratings that the 'team' here gave them.
Once more with feeling, this is a work in progress. As teh newest Moderator and the one with the seriously pathetic lack of a life outside teh internetz, I'll try and have something new up once a week.
Text graphics like the one used here ^ created by jase_t
Layout by gossymer
adrian/marcus, anal, ass, bill/draco, bill/harry, bill/neville, blaise/draco, blaise/harry, blaise/theodore, boys, cedric/viktor, charlie/blaise, charlie/theo, crabbe/goyle, dean/draco, draco/bill, draco/blaise, draco/neville, draco/ron, draco/theo, draco/theodore, fanfiction, fred/george, fred/marcus flint, fred/oliver, frottage, gay sex, george/marcus flint, george/oliver, harry potter, harry potter slash, harry potter smut, harry/bill, harry/blaise, harry/cedric, harry/cedric/viktor, harry/charlie, harry/dean, harry/draco, harry/fred/george, harry/james, harry/neville, harry/oliver, harry/ron, harry/ron/draco, harry/seamus, harry/seamus/dean, harry/snape, harry/snape/draco, harry/twins, harry/viktor, harry/weasleys, james/lucius, james/regulus, james/remus, james/snape, lucius/severus, m/m slash, marcus flint/oliver wood, men, michael corner/blaise, michael/draco, michael/harry, nc-17, neville/dean, neville/seamus, oliver/blaise, oliver/draco, oliver/fred, oliver/george, oliver/harry, oliver/marcus flint, oliver/ron, oliver/snape, oliver/viktor, oral, percy/malfoy, percy/oliver, r, rareslash, reading, remus/draco, remus/harry, remus/james, remus/sirius, remus/sirius/james, remus/snape, rimming, ron/blaise, ron/dean, ron/draco, ron/harry, ron/neville, ron/oliver, ron/seamus, ron/viktor, seamus/blaise, seamus/dean, seamus/draco, sex, sirius/james, sirius/lucius, sirius/remus, sirius/remus/james, slash, smut, snape/draco, snape/harry, snape/harry/draco, snape/james, snape/lucius, snape/lupin, snape/sirius, snape/sirius/lupin, snape/tom, theo/blaise, theo/harry