beyond_memory - Profile (original) (raw)
on 8 July 2005 (#7668633)
What this is all about:
Hullo, this is a community for Christian young ladies to get together. If you are not a Christian, feel free to look around and read the entries as you please.:) I mainly started this community so that I could have somewhere online to go to that served as a Bible study/Christian fellowship place where prayer, worship, Bible reading, and conversations could happen freely. I try to talk about my faith in my personal journal a little, but sometimes you need a place where you can grow in your faith with people on common ground.
Anyhow, I plan on posting Bible verses, thoughts, and devotion type things often, along with a few swell songs, and general talks and prayers of the Christian life. Please feel free to post here whenever you feel like it to talk or share anything you please (within the boundaries of the things mentioned above, of course)!
As for rules for this community:
-Let's try not to get into controversial doctrinal conversations... Remind me if I happen to bring up anything.
-Before you join, if I don't know you, I will look over your userinfo just to be sure that you'd enjoy it here, and we'd all get along.:)
The name of this community:
It comes from a quote in the Appendices of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, when Aragorn is dying and comforting Arwen. He says, “In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! We are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory. Farewell!”
apologetics, bible study, biblical parallels in literature, biblical parallels in movies, c.s. lewis, charlotte bronte, christianity, devotionals, george macdonald, god, j.r.r. tolkien, jesus christ, joy, life, literature, living, prayer, quotes, scripture, the bible, worship
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