Irena Aleksic-Hajdukovic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)

Papers by Irena Aleksic-Hajdukovic

Research paper thumbnail of (2021). Case Reports in Dental Medicine: A Genre Analysis

The Other in English for Medical Purposes [Special Issue]. ESP Today: Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level., 2021

FULL PAPER:\_2021/7\_Stevan\_Mijomanovic-Irena\_Aleksic-Da...[ more ](;)FULL PAPER:
This paper aims to explore the communicative purposes and move structure of Case
Reports in Dental Medicine (CRDMs) and to determine the similarities and differences
between them and Medical Case Reports (MCRs). The corpus for this study consisted of 20
CRDMs published in the following peer-reviewed journals: Clinical Case Reports and Case
Reports in Dentistry in the period between 2016 and 2019. The structural move analysis
method developed by Swales (1981, 1990, 2004) was applied to identify the moves and
steps in Case Presentation sections, as well as the communicative purposes of whole
CRDMs. The Lancsbox 4.5. concordance tool was used to explore the concepts of NOVELTY
and RARITY associated with the communicative purposes of MCRs to investigate whether
they are associated with CRDMs as well. The correlation between the text length and the
communicative purposes of CRDMs is also examined. This study contributes to genre
research by providing a detailed analysis of the communicative purposes of CRDMs and by
presenting the findings of the structural move analysis of their Case Presentation sections.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2020). Doctor-patient communication in medicine and dental medicine

Serbian Dental Journal, 2020

FULL PAPER: Doctor-patien... more FULL PAPER:
Doctor-patient communication is a type of institutional communication whose distinct linguistic features can significantly affect patient satisfaction and treatment outcome. A medical encounter has a clearly defined structure that has been shifting from clinician-centred to patient-centred. Therefore, it is of utter importance for prospective doctors and dentists to be aware of the role of language when communicating with their patients. Given the fact that working in a medical/dental practice has become increasingly international, the paper focuses on the role of the English language. New communicative models and environments such as Computer-Mediated Medical Communication (CMMC) and Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) are also presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019). Deontic Modality as an Indicator of Asymmetry in Doctor-Patient Communication.

Languages and Cultures in Time and Space 9 (JIKUVIP9). Book of Abstracts. Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy., 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019). Case Reports in Dental Medicine: Genre Analysis.

4th English for Healthcare Conference. Book of Abstracts. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I., 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019). Self-scaffolding and the role of new technologies in ESP teacher education.

Papadima-Sophocleous, S. Kakoulli Constantinou, E. Giannikas, C.N. (eds). ESP teaching and teacher education: current theories and practices., 2019

This research aims to explore how English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers and practitioners ... more This research aims to explore how English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers and practitioners utilise new technologies, e.g. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), webinars, online platforms, etc. as a means of self-scaffolding in order to exceed their threshold in pedagogical, linguistic, and discoursal competencies in various ESP domains. The current study analyses the data provided by ESP teachers and practitioners from various educational backgrounds. The findings obtained via a questionnaire show to what extent ESP teachers and practitioners exploit new technologies as a means of self-scaffolding, but also offer a classification of the tools, strategies, and opportunities available for their self-directed professional development. Furthermore, various electronic self-scaffolding resources are discussed and evaluated according to their accessibility, applicability, and popularity among teachers. While this research is not concerned with cross-cultural differences in ESP teacher education, broadly speaking, it is concerned with gathering data from various teaching environments with a view to providing a universal representation of current trends in ESP teacher education. Offering an up-to-date model for ESP teacher education is an important implication of this research whose findings could serve as guidelines and contribute to material development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić-Hajduković, I. & Đorđević, D. (2019). The Mood and Modality of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Agriculture and Dental Medicine

Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies (BELLS90) 6th International Conference. Book of Abstracts., 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (2018). Life-changing Multimodality: A Fusion of Modes in NHS Health Promotion Materials.

Applied Linguistics Today 6. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksic-Hajdukovic, I. (2018). Multimodal Pedagogy in Teaching English for Dental Purposes. Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: Languages for digital lives and cultures. Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Éditions universitaires européennes. pp.177-186.

Under the auspices of a theoretical framework concerned with multimodal pedagogy, this paper aims... more Under the auspices of a theoretical framework concerned with multimodal pedagogy, this paper aims to offer practical implications for teaching English for Dental Purposes (EDP). Multimodal pedagogy is a term that pertains to developing curricula, pedagogical approaches and assessment methods that enable creating multimodal learning environments. With incessant technological advancements purely linguistic approaches to teaching and learning languages are far surpassed, whereas multimodal learning environments abound with various modes of representation such as images, moving images, speech, gestures etc. This is to say that combining different modes of representation contributes to establishing interactive multimodal learning environments which are considered indispensable in language learning settings. Due to the fact that teaching English for Dental Purposes invariably implies relying on authentic materials, this paper illustrates how a Massive Open Online Course can be integrated into teaching English for Dental Purposes at tertiary level. For instance, Discover Dentistry is a MOOC developed by the University of Sheffield and offers a multitude of authentic video materials, images and texts that provide insights into the history of dental medicine, tooth morphology, dental specialities, research and treatment. The paper describes how these contents have been further developed and adapted in order to meet students' needs and facilitate the process of acquiring complex medical terminology while improving students' listening, reading, speaking and analytical skills in a multimodal learning environment at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Belgrade. This paper argues that teaching Languages for Special Purposes at tertiary level should make use of incorporating MOOCs that may not originally be targeted at foreign language learners while analysing some instances of such practices within the domain of English for Dental Purposes.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2018). Instructional Scaffolding in English for Medical Purposes: Towards Enhancing Student-Centred Approach in Large Classes.

3rd International Conference: From Theory to Practice in Language for Specific Purposes. Conference Proceedings. Zagreb: Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić-Hajduković, I. (2018). A Multimodal Approach to Teaching and Learning Medical Academic English: A Case Study. 4th International Conference Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksic, I. (2017).The Multimodality of Advertising Discourse in English and Serbian. Doctoral Dissertation. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology.

Leaning on previous works on the multimodality of contemporary discourse, pragmatics and discours... more Leaning on previous works on the multimodality of contemporary discourse, pragmatics and discourse analysis, this dissertation aims to explore the role of language and other elements contributing to the successfulness of advertising discourse, as well as its impact on the society. The prevailing goal of this research, therefore, is to establish the
similarities and differences in American, British and Serbian advertising discourses from the perspective of discourse analysis and sociopragmatics. ELAN Annotation Software developed by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics has been used for creating the complex multimodal corpora that represent the core of the research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Алексић, И. (2017). Мултимодалност рекламног дискурса на енглеском и српском језику. Докторска дисертација. Београд: Филолошки факултет.

У дисертацији се под окриљем литературе посвећене мултимодалности савременог дискурса, прагматичк... more У дисертацији се под окриљем литературе посвећене мултимодалности савременог дискурса, прагматичким теоријама и анализи дискурса разматра и испитује улога језика, али и осталих елемената који доприносе успешности рекламног дискурса, као и утицај рекламног дискурса на друштво. Дакле, посматрано превасходно са становишта анализе дискурса и социопрагматике, предмет овог истраживања јесу сличности и разлике између три рекламна дискурса (америчког, британског и српског). Појам мултимодалност у науци о језику односи се на проучавање језика у комбинацији са другим елементима попут музике, слика, покрета, симбола итд. Захваљујући чињеници да једну телевизијску рекламу можемо посматрати као калеидоскоп наведених елемената, рекламни дискурс пружа велики број могућности за мултимодалну социопрагматичку анализу. Када је реч о методолошком поступку, треба истаћи да он подразумева комбиновани приступ, тј. примену квалитативних и квантитативних метода са циљем да се што подробније анализирају и интерпретирају добијени подаци. Истраживање се састоји из две фазе. За прибављање корпусне грађе примењен је ELAN – софтвер за мултимодалну анотацију " Макс Планк " Института за психолингвистику. Овај софтвер омогућио је мултимодалну анотацију коју смо у раду представили у виду мултимодалних транскрипата одабраних телевизијских реклама. Приликом анализе транскрипата посебна пажња је посвећена језичким порукама које смо анализирали кроз призму прагматичких теорија.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2016). On Exploring the Source and (Un)reliability: Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in English Journalistic Discourse

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksic, I. (2015). How Spin Doctors Spin Their Yarns: Modal Hedges in Political Discourse in English and Serbian. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE STUDIES: TRADITION AND TRANSFORMATION (ELLSTAT). Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology.

This paper has been inspired by the term spin doctor, which usually refers to a political figure ... more This paper has been inspired by the term spin doctor, which usually refers to a political figure whose task is to make the truth more appealing than it is in reality. Assuming that modal hedges play an important role when it comes to obfuscation, this paper aims to compare and contrast instances of epistemic modality in political discourse in English and Serbian. This is to be achieved by a quantitative and qualitative analysis of three political interviews with the focus being on modal and non-factual verbs, semi-modal expressions and epistemic nouns, adjectives and adverbs. The interviews have been broadcast on BBC, CNN and Prva; which is to say that the corpus is comprised of interviews broadcast in the United Kingdom, the USA and Serbia. Finally, such analysis shall provide insights into political discourses of the three countries, as well as in how covert messages are conveyed in order to make the truth seem less excruciating.

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Research paper thumbnail of Алексић, И. (2014). Појмовна метонимија у српском журналистичком дискурсу. Речи: часопис за језик, књижевност и културу. Година VI, бр.7, 13-25.

Примарни циљ овог рада јесте да укаже на заступљеност појмовне метонимије у српском журналистичко... more Примарни циљ овог рада јесте да укаже на заступљеност појмовне метонимије у српском журналистичком дискурсу, али и да илуструје различите метонимијске реализације на основу типичних односа који се срећу у оквиру појмовног система. Анализа је спроведена на корпусу који обухвата 36 чланака из српских дневних новина (Блиц, Политика и Данас) објављених током августа, септембра и октобра 2013. године. У корпусу од 20.754 речи уочено је чак 159 случајева метонимије. Овим радом се скреће пажња на значај појмовне метонимије, која је, у поређењу са метафором, у знатно мањој мери у жижи интересовања савремених проучавалаца језика. Важно је истаћи да нам појмовна метонимија, посебно када је реч о журналистичком дискурсу, може помоћи да читамо између редова, што је и показала анализа претходно описаног корпуса.
Кључне речи: дискурс дневне штампе, журналистички дискурс, појмовна метонимија, референцијална метонимија, антропоцентрична метонимија, српски језик

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić, I. (2014). (Un)reliable Advertising: An Insight into the Art of Hedging in English Print Media. B.A.S. Journal (British and American Studies). Timisoara: Editura Universitatii de Vest

The paper analyses the extent to which advertisements in English print media exploit hedging wit... more The paper analyses the extent to which advertisements in English print
media exploit hedging with a view to making a product more appealing than it really
is. The research is corpus-based and it provides quantitative results, i.e. the
percentage of advertisements in the corpus that contain hedges. However, it also
provides an analysis of certain examples for the sake of illustration.
Keywords: advertisements, English, hedging, print media

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić, I. (2014). The Pragmatics of Serbian Television Commercials, Zbornik radova sa V naučnog skupa mladih filologa Srbije, Kragujevac: FILUM

This research’s aim is to show how the Serbian language can be exploited in order to convey a par... more This research’s aim is to show how the Serbian language can be exploited in order to convey a particular message via television commercials. Furthermore, it also examines how cultural and social contexts affect the perception of the messages sent. This has been carried out by a close examination of those television commercials which apply particular pragmatic devices such as implicature and hedges. To serve the purposes of this study, forty commercials have been used as part of the corpus-based research. It is necessary to point out that the commercials were broadcast on television stations which have high ratings in Serbia (RTS1, Prva, B92 and Studio B) from March until July 2012. Commercials containing straightforward messages were not taken into account whilst collecting the corpus material, since the main objective is to point to different layers of meanings achieved by applying various pragmatic devices.
Key words: entailment, hedges, implicature, Serbian, television commercials

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Conference Presentations by Irena Aleksic-Hajdukovic

Research paper thumbnail of Vekarić, G., Aleksić-Hajduković, I. & Sinadinović, D. (2021). Synchronous vs. Asynchronous: Teaching ESP During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

5th International Conference LANGUAGE – PROFESSION – SCIENCE – 2.1. Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Teacher Education Faculty. ISBN 978-86-81018-07-1

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Research paper thumbnail of (2021). Case Reports in Dental Medicine: A Genre Analysis

The Other in English for Medical Purposes [Special Issue]. ESP Today: Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level., 2021

FULL PAPER:\_2021/7\_Stevan\_Mijomanovic-Irena\_Aleksic-Da...[ more ](;)FULL PAPER:
This paper aims to explore the communicative purposes and move structure of Case
Reports in Dental Medicine (CRDMs) and to determine the similarities and differences
between them and Medical Case Reports (MCRs). The corpus for this study consisted of 20
CRDMs published in the following peer-reviewed journals: Clinical Case Reports and Case
Reports in Dentistry in the period between 2016 and 2019. The structural move analysis
method developed by Swales (1981, 1990, 2004) was applied to identify the moves and
steps in Case Presentation sections, as well as the communicative purposes of whole
CRDMs. The Lancsbox 4.5. concordance tool was used to explore the concepts of NOVELTY
and RARITY associated with the communicative purposes of MCRs to investigate whether
they are associated with CRDMs as well. The correlation between the text length and the
communicative purposes of CRDMs is also examined. This study contributes to genre
research by providing a detailed analysis of the communicative purposes of CRDMs and by
presenting the findings of the structural move analysis of their Case Presentation sections.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2020). Doctor-patient communication in medicine and dental medicine

Serbian Dental Journal, 2020

FULL PAPER: Doctor-patien... more FULL PAPER:
Doctor-patient communication is a type of institutional communication whose distinct linguistic features can significantly affect patient satisfaction and treatment outcome. A medical encounter has a clearly defined structure that has been shifting from clinician-centred to patient-centred. Therefore, it is of utter importance for prospective doctors and dentists to be aware of the role of language when communicating with their patients. Given the fact that working in a medical/dental practice has become increasingly international, the paper focuses on the role of the English language. New communicative models and environments such as Computer-Mediated Medical Communication (CMMC) and Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) are also presented.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019). Deontic Modality as an Indicator of Asymmetry in Doctor-Patient Communication.

Languages and Cultures in Time and Space 9 (JIKUVIP9). Book of Abstracts. Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy., 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019). Case Reports in Dental Medicine: Genre Analysis.

4th English for Healthcare Conference. Book of Abstracts. Castellón de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I., 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (2019). Self-scaffolding and the role of new technologies in ESP teacher education.

Papadima-Sophocleous, S. Kakoulli Constantinou, E. Giannikas, C.N. (eds). ESP teaching and teacher education: current theories and practices., 2019

This research aims to explore how English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers and practitioners ... more This research aims to explore how English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers and practitioners utilise new technologies, e.g. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), webinars, online platforms, etc. as a means of self-scaffolding in order to exceed their threshold in pedagogical, linguistic, and discoursal competencies in various ESP domains. The current study analyses the data provided by ESP teachers and practitioners from various educational backgrounds. The findings obtained via a questionnaire show to what extent ESP teachers and practitioners exploit new technologies as a means of self-scaffolding, but also offer a classification of the tools, strategies, and opportunities available for their self-directed professional development. Furthermore, various electronic self-scaffolding resources are discussed and evaluated according to their accessibility, applicability, and popularity among teachers. While this research is not concerned with cross-cultural differences in ESP teacher education, broadly speaking, it is concerned with gathering data from various teaching environments with a view to providing a universal representation of current trends in ESP teacher education. Offering an up-to-date model for ESP teacher education is an important implication of this research whose findings could serve as guidelines and contribute to material development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić-Hajduković, I. & Đorđević, D. (2019). The Mood and Modality of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Agriculture and Dental Medicine

Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies (BELLS90) 6th International Conference. Book of Abstracts., 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of (2018). Life-changing Multimodality: A Fusion of Modes in NHS Health Promotion Materials.

Applied Linguistics Today 6. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksic-Hajdukovic, I. (2018). Multimodal Pedagogy in Teaching English for Dental Purposes. Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: Languages for digital lives and cultures. Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Éditions universitaires européennes. pp.177-186.

Under the auspices of a theoretical framework concerned with multimodal pedagogy, this paper aims... more Under the auspices of a theoretical framework concerned with multimodal pedagogy, this paper aims to offer practical implications for teaching English for Dental Purposes (EDP). Multimodal pedagogy is a term that pertains to developing curricula, pedagogical approaches and assessment methods that enable creating multimodal learning environments. With incessant technological advancements purely linguistic approaches to teaching and learning languages are far surpassed, whereas multimodal learning environments abound with various modes of representation such as images, moving images, speech, gestures etc. This is to say that combining different modes of representation contributes to establishing interactive multimodal learning environments which are considered indispensable in language learning settings. Due to the fact that teaching English for Dental Purposes invariably implies relying on authentic materials, this paper illustrates how a Massive Open Online Course can be integrated into teaching English for Dental Purposes at tertiary level. For instance, Discover Dentistry is a MOOC developed by the University of Sheffield and offers a multitude of authentic video materials, images and texts that provide insights into the history of dental medicine, tooth morphology, dental specialities, research and treatment. The paper describes how these contents have been further developed and adapted in order to meet students' needs and facilitate the process of acquiring complex medical terminology while improving students' listening, reading, speaking and analytical skills in a multimodal learning environment at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Belgrade. This paper argues that teaching Languages for Special Purposes at tertiary level should make use of incorporating MOOCs that may not originally be targeted at foreign language learners while analysing some instances of such practices within the domain of English for Dental Purposes.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2018). Instructional Scaffolding in English for Medical Purposes: Towards Enhancing Student-Centred Approach in Large Classes.

3rd International Conference: From Theory to Practice in Language for Specific Purposes. Conference Proceedings. Zagreb: Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić-Hajduković, I. (2018). A Multimodal Approach to Teaching and Learning Medical Academic English: A Case Study. 4th International Conference Language for Specific Purposes and Professional Identity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksic, I. (2017).The Multimodality of Advertising Discourse in English and Serbian. Doctoral Dissertation. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology.

Leaning on previous works on the multimodality of contemporary discourse, pragmatics and discours... more Leaning on previous works on the multimodality of contemporary discourse, pragmatics and discourse analysis, this dissertation aims to explore the role of language and other elements contributing to the successfulness of advertising discourse, as well as its impact on the society. The prevailing goal of this research, therefore, is to establish the
similarities and differences in American, British and Serbian advertising discourses from the perspective of discourse analysis and sociopragmatics. ELAN Annotation Software developed by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics has been used for creating the complex multimodal corpora that represent the core of the research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Алексић, И. (2017). Мултимодалност рекламног дискурса на енглеском и српском језику. Докторска дисертација. Београд: Филолошки факултет.

У дисертацији се под окриљем литературе посвећене мултимодалности савременог дискурса, прагматичк... more У дисертацији се под окриљем литературе посвећене мултимодалности савременог дискурса, прагматичким теоријама и анализи дискурса разматра и испитује улога језика, али и осталих елемената који доприносе успешности рекламног дискурса, као и утицај рекламног дискурса на друштво. Дакле, посматрано превасходно са становишта анализе дискурса и социопрагматике, предмет овог истраживања јесу сличности и разлике између три рекламна дискурса (америчког, британског и српског). Појам мултимодалност у науци о језику односи се на проучавање језика у комбинацији са другим елементима попут музике, слика, покрета, симбола итд. Захваљујући чињеници да једну телевизијску рекламу можемо посматрати као калеидоскоп наведених елемената, рекламни дискурс пружа велики број могућности за мултимодалну социопрагматичку анализу. Када је реч о методолошком поступку, треба истаћи да он подразумева комбиновани приступ, тј. примену квалитативних и квантитативних метода са циљем да се што подробније анализирају и интерпретирају добијени подаци. Истраживање се састоји из две фазе. За прибављање корпусне грађе примењен је ELAN – софтвер за мултимодалну анотацију " Макс Планк " Института за психолингвистику. Овај софтвер омогућио је мултимодалну анотацију коју смо у раду представили у виду мултимодалних транскрипата одабраних телевизијских реклама. Приликом анализе транскрипата посебна пажња је посвећена језичким порукама које смо анализирали кроз призму прагматичких теорија.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2016). On Exploring the Source and (Un)reliability: Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in English Journalistic Discourse

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksic, I. (2015). How Spin Doctors Spin Their Yarns: Modal Hedges in Political Discourse in English and Serbian. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE STUDIES: TRADITION AND TRANSFORMATION (ELLSTAT). Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Faculty of Philology.

This paper has been inspired by the term spin doctor, which usually refers to a political figure ... more This paper has been inspired by the term spin doctor, which usually refers to a political figure whose task is to make the truth more appealing than it is in reality. Assuming that modal hedges play an important role when it comes to obfuscation, this paper aims to compare and contrast instances of epistemic modality in political discourse in English and Serbian. This is to be achieved by a quantitative and qualitative analysis of three political interviews with the focus being on modal and non-factual verbs, semi-modal expressions and epistemic nouns, adjectives and adverbs. The interviews have been broadcast on BBC, CNN and Prva; which is to say that the corpus is comprised of interviews broadcast in the United Kingdom, the USA and Serbia. Finally, such analysis shall provide insights into political discourses of the three countries, as well as in how covert messages are conveyed in order to make the truth seem less excruciating.

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Research paper thumbnail of Алексић, И. (2014). Појмовна метонимија у српском журналистичком дискурсу. Речи: часопис за језик, књижевност и културу. Година VI, бр.7, 13-25.

Примарни циљ овог рада јесте да укаже на заступљеност појмовне метонимије у српском журналистичко... more Примарни циљ овог рада јесте да укаже на заступљеност појмовне метонимије у српском журналистичком дискурсу, али и да илуструје различите метонимијске реализације на основу типичних односа који се срећу у оквиру појмовног система. Анализа је спроведена на корпусу који обухвата 36 чланака из српских дневних новина (Блиц, Политика и Данас) објављених током августа, септембра и октобра 2013. године. У корпусу од 20.754 речи уочено је чак 159 случајева метонимије. Овим радом се скреће пажња на значај појмовне метонимије, која је, у поређењу са метафором, у знатно мањој мери у жижи интересовања савремених проучавалаца језика. Важно је истаћи да нам појмовна метонимија, посебно када је реч о журналистичком дискурсу, може помоћи да читамо између редова, што је и показала анализа претходно описаног корпуса.
Кључне речи: дискурс дневне штампе, журналистички дискурс, појмовна метонимија, референцијална метонимија, антропоцентрична метонимија, српски језик

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić, I. (2014). (Un)reliable Advertising: An Insight into the Art of Hedging in English Print Media. B.A.S. Journal (British and American Studies). Timisoara: Editura Universitatii de Vest

The paper analyses the extent to which advertisements in English print media exploit hedging wit... more The paper analyses the extent to which advertisements in English print
media exploit hedging with a view to making a product more appealing than it really
is. The research is corpus-based and it provides quantitative results, i.e. the
percentage of advertisements in the corpus that contain hedges. However, it also
provides an analysis of certain examples for the sake of illustration.
Keywords: advertisements, English, hedging, print media

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Research paper thumbnail of Aleksić, I. (2014). The Pragmatics of Serbian Television Commercials, Zbornik radova sa V naučnog skupa mladih filologa Srbije, Kragujevac: FILUM

This research’s aim is to show how the Serbian language can be exploited in order to convey a par... more This research’s aim is to show how the Serbian language can be exploited in order to convey a particular message via television commercials. Furthermore, it also examines how cultural and social contexts affect the perception of the messages sent. This has been carried out by a close examination of those television commercials which apply particular pragmatic devices such as implicature and hedges. To serve the purposes of this study, forty commercials have been used as part of the corpus-based research. It is necessary to point out that the commercials were broadcast on television stations which have high ratings in Serbia (RTS1, Prva, B92 and Studio B) from March until July 2012. Commercials containing straightforward messages were not taken into account whilst collecting the corpus material, since the main objective is to point to different layers of meanings achieved by applying various pragmatic devices.
Key words: entailment, hedges, implicature, Serbian, television commercials

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Research paper thumbnail of Vekarić, G., Aleksić-Hajduković, I. & Sinadinović, D. (2021). Synchronous vs. Asynchronous: Teaching ESP During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

5th International Conference LANGUAGE – PROFESSION – SCIENCE – 2.1. Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Teacher Education Faculty. ISBN 978-86-81018-07-1

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