muhammad muin | Universitas Diponegoro (original) (raw)
Papers by muhammad muin
Holistic Nursing and Health Science
Introduction: Stigma and discrimination are more common among women and affect the development of... more Introduction: Stigma and discrimination are more common among women and affect the development of coping skills for women with HIV. Research related to coping strategies for prisoners with HIV in prisons is still very limited. This study aimed to identify the positive coping methods used and the reasons for using these coping strategies in dealing with stigma and discrimination against female inmates with HIV.Methods: This research method is a qualitative descriptive phenomenological design. The population of this study was female inmates living with HIV with a total of eight participants. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using the Colaizzi technique.Results: The results of the study found two themes: (1) don't care and stay away from people who cause stigma to avoid problems; (2) attract sympathy and be honest with others to lighten the burden on the mind.Conclusion: Indifference certainly does not al...
Extracurricular activities or student union is a means for students to develop their interests, t... more Extracurricular activities or student union is a means for students to develop their interests, talents, and potentials. Student involvement in the student union can cause stress such as pressure to accomplish tasks and responsibilities within the limited time period, besides stressors from curricular tasks. Aim of this study was to describe stress and coping strategies Among students engaged in student union. This study used a cross-sectional descriptive method using accidental sampling Consist of 87 respondents. Data Collected used DASS stress levels and Brief COPE for coping strategies. Result Showed that most of respondents experience stress in a normal stress level by 44.8%. Religious was the highest average value (6:06) of coping strategies used by students. Its needed for student engaged in student union to learn and practice effective coping strategies to deal with high stressors as multiple tasking student. Keywords: Level of Stress, Coping Strategies, Student Union
Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan
Situasi yang cukup sulit dan menegangkan dari adanya pandemi COVID-19 membuat perawat merasa taku... more Situasi yang cukup sulit dan menegangkan dari adanya pandemi COVID-19 membuat perawat merasa takut dan sedih. Untuk mengurangi efek negatif dari situasi yang sulit dan menegangkan dibutuhkanlah kemampuan untuk bertahan, beradaptasi, dan bangkit kembali dari situasi sulit yang disebut dengan resiliensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat resiliensi perawat yang bekerja selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif survei. Analisis penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk mengukur tingkat resiliensi dan karakteristik perawat. Pengambilan data dilakukan kepada 126 perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit di kota Semarang menggunakan kuesioner Connor Davidson Resilience Scale-25 (CD-RISC 25). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 80% perawat perempuan, 96% perawat berada pada kategori usia dewasa awal, dan 37% perawat sudah bekerja selama 3-5 tahun. Pada penelitian ini 70% perawat memiliki tingkat ...
Holistic Nursing and Health Science
Introduction: The rapid growth of number of COVID-19 cases every day has made the condition of he... more Introduction: The rapid growth of number of COVID-19 cases every day has made the condition of health workers increasingly depressed. These conditions can affect the level of anxiety and work stress. A study involving health workers caring for Covid-19 patient showed anxiety symptoms and work stress experience. The existence of anxiety and work stress can have an impact on increasing work errors, deteriorating physical and mental conditions, reducing productivity and decreasing service’s quality. This study aims to describe the anxiety level and work stress of health workers during Covid-19 pandemic at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas). Methods: This research was a descriptive survey study with 156 respondents from nine Puskesmas obtained through cluster and quota sampling calculation. Data was taken using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-42) and workplace Stress Scale (WSS) questionnaires which distributed via google form. Results: The results of this study obtained 16.7% ...
Complaints Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are a complaint on the skeletal muscle sections felt ... more Complaints Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are a complaint on the skeletal muscle sections felt by a person ranging from very mild to very painful complaints. These complaints occur when the muscles receive static load repeatedly and for a long time, can cause complaints of damage to joints, ligaments, and tendons. Risk factors that influence musculoskeletal complaints include age, years of work, work attitudes, exercise habits, and smoking habits. This study aims to determine the picture of work posture related to MSDs complaints on tile maker workers in Kelusan Village. This research is a cross sectional study. Sampling was done by cluster sampling method of 205 respondents. Risk assessment of work posture using REBA method and complaint rate of MSDs using Nordic Body Map questionnaire. The results showed that the majority (81.8%) of the working posture of workers at the tile factory were at a moderate risk level which required inspection and changes in hazardous conditions. Spea...
Populasi ojek online yang semakin meningkat membuat persaingan antar ojek online menjadi semakin ... more Populasi ojek online yang semakin meningkat membuat persaingan antar ojek online menjadi semakin ketat. Pengemudi ojek online harus bekerja lebih ekstra dalam mencari konsumen guna mengejar bonus. Persaingan dan sistem kerja tersebut membuat beban kerja pengemudi ojek online menjadi berat. Beban kerja yang berat merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya kelelahan kerja. Kelelahan yang dialami oleh pengemudi ojek online dapat menyebabkan rasa kantuk dan menurunnya konsentrasi yang dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kelelahan kerja pada pengemudi ojek online di wilayah Tembalang, Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif survei, dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner Sweedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI). Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 96 pengemudi ojek online yang bekerja di wilayah Tem...
Rahma Nur Hasanah1 An Overview of Knowledge, Attitude, Self-efficacy, and the Practice of Exclusi... more Rahma Nur Hasanah1 An Overview of Knowledge, Attitude, Self-efficacy, and the Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding by Working Mothers in PT. Politama Pakindo Ungaran xvi + 94 pages + 16 Appendix + 9 tables¬+ 2 pictures Breast milk is the best nutrition for baby that has many benefits for both mother and children. Works often become obstacles to give exclusive breastfeeding. For mothers who are actively working, giving exclusive breastfeeding become so difficult because of the short duration of pregnancy and child bearing’s absence. Good knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy that owned by mother will support the success of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and the practice of exclusive breastfeeding that given by working mothers. This is a quantitative research design with non-experimental descriptive cross sectional survey. The data was taken using simple random sampling technique, with 134 re...
Nurse ethic is one of the most important for nurse to the good relationship with all parties duri... more Nurse ethic is one of the most important for nurse to the good relationship with all parties during nursing service. One of them is the behavior of nurse ethics to the patient. Nurses in carrying out nursing practice must provide services in accordance with service standards and professional ethics in order to create comfort, satisfaction, trust and establish a good relationship. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of ethical behavior of nurses to patients at Diponegoro National Hospital. This research is a non experimental quantitative research, and the total sample of this research is 100 respondents. The data were collected using questionnaires, namely nurse behavior ethic questionnaires to patients. Univariate analysis using descriptive statistical test was conducted to obtain the description of nurse ethical behavior to the patient. The results of this study indicate that the behavior of nurse ethic to the patient is generally found to be very good were 1...
Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University May 2019 ABSTRACK Noviana Rohmah ... more Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University May 2019 ABSTRACK Noviana Rohmah The Description of safety riding of Vigilance in Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Tembalang, Semarang xvii + 157 pages + 11 tables + 3 figures + 9 appendixes Background : Traffuc accident are health problem that tend to be high every year. Vigilance is the main factor that can prevent accidents and ensure safety for both the driver and the passenger. One of the tasks of occupational health nurses is to coordinate and supervise the implementation of vigilance in the work area. However, limited studies regarding the vigilance for online motorcycle taxi drivers. Aim : The aimed of this study is to describe the level of vigilance found in online motorcycle taxi driver. Methods : A descriptive survey research design was utilized, that used Situational Awareness (SA) Questionnaire. The population in this study was online motorcycle taxi drivers in Tembalang, Semarang area. The sample size in ...
Kelompok anak dengan developmental disability merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan mengalami... more Kelompok anak dengan developmental disability merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan mengalami masalah kesehatan karena kondisi yang dialaminya. Kondisi ini mnyebabkan kelompok anak dengan developmental disability mempunyai ketergantungan yang lebih besar dari pada anak lain khususnya otrang tua yang berperan sebagai cargiver.
Indonesian Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR), 2021
Ibu bekerja merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap masalah kesehatan. Tingginya angka partisipas... more Ibu bekerja merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap masalah kesehatan. Tingginya angka partisipasi wanita bekerja harus diimbangi dengan pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai sehingga ibu bekerja dapat terhindar dari masalah kesehatan kerja termasuk stres kerja. Data stres kerja pada wanita cukup tinggi yaitu 1.880 kasus dimana perawat merupakan salah satu pekerja yang mengalami stres paling tinggi. Terapi mindfulness dikembangkan sebagai terapi supportive educative untuk menurunkan tingkat stres. Terapi ini merupakan latihan kesadaran diri untuk meningkatkan hubungan sosial dan kepuasan hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mindfulness terhadap tingkat stres pada ibu yang bekerja sebagai perawat critical care. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan quasi-experiment dengan pre-post with control group. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah responden untuk masing-masing kelompok intervensi dan kontrol adalah 23 responden. ...
Holistic Nursing and Health Science, 2020
Introduction: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health of students. Stud... more Introduction: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health of students. Students feel stressed and sad, anxious, frustrated, confused and do not know how to overcome their conditions. Depression occurs because of negative thinking about oneself and others, so special management is needed in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the depression levels of students in the pandemic.Methods: The method in this study was a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. Descriptive analysis is used to provide a description of the level of depression that occurs in students. Data collection used the Beck Deperession Inventory II (BDI II), sampling used a total sample of 148 respondents (students with an average age of 18-20 years old). The process of collecting data is done by using the google form survey method.Results: Students experienced mild mood disorders (25.7%), severe depression (12.2%), low depression (8.1%)...
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices), 2019
Background: Mothers who work as nurses are one of the vulnerable groups and are at risk of imbala... more Background: Mothers who work as nurses are one of the vulnerable groups and are at risk of imbalance of roles in work and family due to multiple roles. The dual role requires working mothers to carry out their duties as mothers and wives at home, while at work can carry out duties as nurses. This is a stressor for mothers who work as nurses in adapting to their roles. This condition can reduce family well-being by decreasing the relationship of family structure, the ability of the role and function of the mother in the family, and the ability to prevent family vulnerability. Interventions that can be carried out to improve the family well-being are Mindfulness STOP (Stop, Take a Breath, Observed, Proceed). Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of mindfulness on family well-being in mothers who work as nurses at X Hospital Semarang. Method: The design of this study was a quasi-experiment pre-post test with a control group, involving 52 respondents obtained by purposive sampling technique based on the results of inclusion criteria screening, consisting of 26 respondents in the intervention group (given Mindfulness exercises) and 26 respondents in the control group (without treatment). Mindfulness STOP is given for 4 sessions totaling 4 meetings in 1 month. Data analysis used Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The results of this study are mindfulness effect on improving family well-being in the intervention group of mothers who work as nurses with a p-value of 0.000. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is mindfulness can improve family well-being in mothers who work as nurses. Mindfulness is recommended as an intervention to improve employee well-being, especially in carrying out roles in the family and as a basis for further research
Latar Belakang. DM dan komplikasinya berdampak pada penurunan kualitas hidup penderita. Upaya mem... more Latar Belakang. DM dan komplikasinya berdampak pada penurunan kualitas hidup penderita. Upaya mempertahankan kualitas hidup dilakukan dengan menginternalisasi, menerima kondisi serta melaksanakan perawatan DM secara disiplin. Spiritualitas yang adekuat menunjang manajemen perawatan yang adekuat yang akan berdampak pada kualitas hidup yang baik. Tujuan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara spiritua;itas dengan kualitas hidup penderita DM. Metoda. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang bertujuan mengetahui hubungan spiritualitas dengan kualitas hidup pada penderita DM. Penelitian dilakukan pada 51 penderita DM di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Padangsari Kota Semarang. Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata skor spiritualitas 76,43, rata-rata skor kualitas hidup dimensi fisik 22.23, dimensi psikologis 19.52, dimensi sosial 10.21, dan dimensi lingkungan 27.64. Hasil uji korelasi Pearson menunjukkan ada hubungan antara spiritualita...
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNDIP 2020, Dec 11, 2020
Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan hampir seluruh kegiatan yang melibatkan kerumunan orang ditunda, ter... more Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan hampir seluruh kegiatan yang melibatkan kerumunan orang ditunda, termasuk kegiatan yang melibatkan kader misalnya Posyandu dan berbagai forum pertemuan antar kader atau koordinasi dengan Puskesmas. Di sisi lain perkembangan kasus Covid-19 meningkat tajam diakibatkan salah satunya karena sudah melibatkan local transmission pada keluarga, kerabat, maupun kolega di tempat kerja. Hal ini menuntut keterlibatan seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk bahu membahu mengatasinya. Kader sebagai salah satu komponen penting dalam pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat juga perlu terlibat di dalam upaya tersebut. Keterlibatan kader dalam upaya mengatasi pandemi covid-19 harus menyesuaikan dengan kompetensi serta ruang lingkup tugas dan fungsi mereka. Di lain pihak sebagai pribadi maupun relawan bidang kesehatan, kader juga rentan tertular covid-19 dari kolega maupun maupun masyarakat yang dilayani. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan orientasi kembali peran kader dalam masa pandemi sekaligus kewaspadaan yang harus diperhatikan oleh kader untuk mencegah penularan covid-19 pada mereka. Reorientasi peran dan kewaspadaan kader dilakukan dengan penyuluhan dan diskusi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap kader tentang peran dan kewaspadaan dalam masa pandemi covid-19.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan, 2022
AbstrakRisiko bunuh diri merupakan kedaruratan psikiatri yang harus segera ditangani, hal ini unt... more AbstrakRisiko bunuh diri merupakan kedaruratan psikiatri yang harus segera ditangani, hal ini untuk mencegah kemungkinan terjadinya bunuh diri. Adapun cara terbaik untuk mengetahui apakah individu mempunyai ide untuk bunuh diri adalah dengan menanyakan langsung. Ide bunuh diri individu disebabkan karena stresor dengan beberapa perspektif diantaranya: kemampuan berfikir (kognitif), sikap dan nilai (afektif), fisiologis, perilaku dan sosial atau kemasyarakatan. Kepekaan terhadap kondisi yang dialami oleh individu yang memiliki risiko bunuh diri adalah dengan memberikan motivasi dan keyakinan yang berarti. Salah satu intervensi terapi non farmakologi yang dapat diberikan adalah Cognitive Behavior Therapy Suicide Prevention. Tujuan review untuk memberikan deskripsi tahapan CBT-SP dalam penelitian yang berfokus pada intervensi yang dilakukan untuk pencegahan bunuh diri. Metode pencarian artikel yang relevan bersumber dari Science Direct, Google Scholar, dan PubMed. Lima artikel yang dib...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNSIQ, 2022
Mindfulness merupakan kesadaran individu terhadap pengalaman yang dialami, dengan memberi perhati... more Mindfulness merupakan kesadaran individu terhadap pengalaman yang dialami, dengan memberi perhatian yang penuh, dan menerima tanpa memberikan penilaian. Hanya berfokus terhadap apa yang sedang di kerjakan oleh individu sebagai upaya untuk dapat menolong dan menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri secara mandiri (selfcare). Mindfulness sehat mandiri ini dapat dilakukan oleh pasien dengan masalah Kesehatan yang kronis, seprti pasien kanker dan leukemi. Pasien dirumah Singgah IZI merupakan pasien yang sebagian terdiagnosis cancer dan leukemia yang tidak mempunyai biaya dalam pengobatan dirumah sakit.. Target sehat mandiri adalah keterampilan atau skill yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh pasien misalnya cara mengatasi rasa sakit, cara mengatasi rasa marah, cara mengatasi kesedihan, cara mengatasi gangguan makan dan tidur termasuk cara bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Diperlukan ketrampilan tambahan bagi pegawai /caregiver di rumah singgah dalam menghadapi pasien di rumah singgah IZI, sehingga dap...
Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. In this ... more Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. In this case caregiver ability is needed because merupakn one important factor management of Diabetes Mellitus disease. Methods : This study aims to determine the effect of psychoeducation on the ability of caregiver in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus patients.This research uses quasi experimental research design with pre post with control group method in treatment group and control group.The sample consisted of 46 caregivers corresponding to the inclusion criteria and divided into 2 groups of psychoeducation treatments (n = 23) and control (n = 23).The variables measured in this study support caregiver.Results :This research uses paired t test statistic, independent test with level (p value 0.05).From the statistical test obtained results (p value 0.001 <0, .05) so it is concluded that statistically shows there are differences in treatment groups and control after psychoeducation interven...
Master Program in Nursing Community Nursing Concentration Department of Nursing Faculty of Medici... more Master Program in Nursing Community Nursing Concentration Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University July 2019 ABSTRACT Veronika Nitsae The Copings of Female Inmates with HIV in Dealing with Stigma and Discrimination: A Phenomenological Study xix + 116 pages + 6 figures + 3 tables + 13 appendixes Stigma and discrimination are factors which cause complexity in the management of HIV/AIDS at correctional settings. Stigma and discrimination are more common in women and affect coping development among female inmates with HIV. Previous research has focused on the types of coping and does not yet explore the reasons, impacts, and meaning of the used copings. This study aimed to identify the copings among female inmates with HIV in dealing with stigma and discrimination. This research was a qualitative study with a descriptive phenomenological design. The population was female inmates with HIV and ten were purposively recruited as the participants. The data were collect...
Nurse has duties and functions in care of patient, of execution of duties of nursing function mus... more Nurse has duties and functions in care of patient, of execution of duties of nursing function must be in good quality of work life to be able to provide optimal nursing care. Quality of Work Life (QWL) is employee's perception of employee’s mental and physical well-being in the workplace which refers to the pleasant or unpleasant condition of the environment. The purpose of this research is to know the description of Quality of Work Life on the nurses in one of the hospitals in Surakarta with a balanced compensation component of communication, workplace safety, problem solving, employee engagement, facilities available, career development, a sense of pride in the institution and a sense of security for the job. This research is descriptive quantitative research using method cross sectional approach. Sampling sample amounted to 208 respondents, with proportionate random sampling. Research respondents are nurses with a working period of ≥ 1 year and not head of space. Data analysi...
Holistic Nursing and Health Science
Introduction: Stigma and discrimination are more common among women and affect the development of... more Introduction: Stigma and discrimination are more common among women and affect the development of coping skills for women with HIV. Research related to coping strategies for prisoners with HIV in prisons is still very limited. This study aimed to identify the positive coping methods used and the reasons for using these coping strategies in dealing with stigma and discrimination against female inmates with HIV.Methods: This research method is a qualitative descriptive phenomenological design. The population of this study was female inmates living with HIV with a total of eight participants. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed using the Colaizzi technique.Results: The results of the study found two themes: (1) don't care and stay away from people who cause stigma to avoid problems; (2) attract sympathy and be honest with others to lighten the burden on the mind.Conclusion: Indifference certainly does not al...
Extracurricular activities or student union is a means for students to develop their interests, t... more Extracurricular activities or student union is a means for students to develop their interests, talents, and potentials. Student involvement in the student union can cause stress such as pressure to accomplish tasks and responsibilities within the limited time period, besides stressors from curricular tasks. Aim of this study was to describe stress and coping strategies Among students engaged in student union. This study used a cross-sectional descriptive method using accidental sampling Consist of 87 respondents. Data Collected used DASS stress levels and Brief COPE for coping strategies. Result Showed that most of respondents experience stress in a normal stress level by 44.8%. Religious was the highest average value (6:06) of coping strategies used by students. Its needed for student engaged in student union to learn and practice effective coping strategies to deal with high stressors as multiple tasking student. Keywords: Level of Stress, Coping Strategies, Student Union
Jurnal Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan
Situasi yang cukup sulit dan menegangkan dari adanya pandemi COVID-19 membuat perawat merasa taku... more Situasi yang cukup sulit dan menegangkan dari adanya pandemi COVID-19 membuat perawat merasa takut dan sedih. Untuk mengurangi efek negatif dari situasi yang sulit dan menegangkan dibutuhkanlah kemampuan untuk bertahan, beradaptasi, dan bangkit kembali dari situasi sulit yang disebut dengan resiliensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat resiliensi perawat yang bekerja selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif survei. Analisis penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk mengukur tingkat resiliensi dan karakteristik perawat. Pengambilan data dilakukan kepada 126 perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit di kota Semarang menggunakan kuesioner Connor Davidson Resilience Scale-25 (CD-RISC 25). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 80% perawat perempuan, 96% perawat berada pada kategori usia dewasa awal, dan 37% perawat sudah bekerja selama 3-5 tahun. Pada penelitian ini 70% perawat memiliki tingkat ...
Holistic Nursing and Health Science
Introduction: The rapid growth of number of COVID-19 cases every day has made the condition of he... more Introduction: The rapid growth of number of COVID-19 cases every day has made the condition of health workers increasingly depressed. These conditions can affect the level of anxiety and work stress. A study involving health workers caring for Covid-19 patient showed anxiety symptoms and work stress experience. The existence of anxiety and work stress can have an impact on increasing work errors, deteriorating physical and mental conditions, reducing productivity and decreasing service’s quality. This study aims to describe the anxiety level and work stress of health workers during Covid-19 pandemic at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas). Methods: This research was a descriptive survey study with 156 respondents from nine Puskesmas obtained through cluster and quota sampling calculation. Data was taken using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-42) and workplace Stress Scale (WSS) questionnaires which distributed via google form. Results: The results of this study obtained 16.7% ...
Complaints Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are a complaint on the skeletal muscle sections felt ... more Complaints Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are a complaint on the skeletal muscle sections felt by a person ranging from very mild to very painful complaints. These complaints occur when the muscles receive static load repeatedly and for a long time, can cause complaints of damage to joints, ligaments, and tendons. Risk factors that influence musculoskeletal complaints include age, years of work, work attitudes, exercise habits, and smoking habits. This study aims to determine the picture of work posture related to MSDs complaints on tile maker workers in Kelusan Village. This research is a cross sectional study. Sampling was done by cluster sampling method of 205 respondents. Risk assessment of work posture using REBA method and complaint rate of MSDs using Nordic Body Map questionnaire. The results showed that the majority (81.8%) of the working posture of workers at the tile factory were at a moderate risk level which required inspection and changes in hazardous conditions. Spea...
Populasi ojek online yang semakin meningkat membuat persaingan antar ojek online menjadi semakin ... more Populasi ojek online yang semakin meningkat membuat persaingan antar ojek online menjadi semakin ketat. Pengemudi ojek online harus bekerja lebih ekstra dalam mencari konsumen guna mengejar bonus. Persaingan dan sistem kerja tersebut membuat beban kerja pengemudi ojek online menjadi berat. Beban kerja yang berat merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat menimbulkan terjadinya kelelahan kerja. Kelelahan yang dialami oleh pengemudi ojek online dapat menyebabkan rasa kantuk dan menurunnya konsentrasi yang dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kelelahan kerja pada pengemudi ojek online di wilayah Tembalang, Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif survei, dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner Sweedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI). Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 96 pengemudi ojek online yang bekerja di wilayah Tem...
Rahma Nur Hasanah1 An Overview of Knowledge, Attitude, Self-efficacy, and the Practice of Exclusi... more Rahma Nur Hasanah1 An Overview of Knowledge, Attitude, Self-efficacy, and the Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding by Working Mothers in PT. Politama Pakindo Ungaran xvi + 94 pages + 16 Appendix + 9 tables¬+ 2 pictures Breast milk is the best nutrition for baby that has many benefits for both mother and children. Works often become obstacles to give exclusive breastfeeding. For mothers who are actively working, giving exclusive breastfeeding become so difficult because of the short duration of pregnancy and child bearing’s absence. Good knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy that owned by mother will support the success of exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, and the practice of exclusive breastfeeding that given by working mothers. This is a quantitative research design with non-experimental descriptive cross sectional survey. The data was taken using simple random sampling technique, with 134 re...
Nurse ethic is one of the most important for nurse to the good relationship with all parties duri... more Nurse ethic is one of the most important for nurse to the good relationship with all parties during nursing service. One of them is the behavior of nurse ethics to the patient. Nurses in carrying out nursing practice must provide services in accordance with service standards and professional ethics in order to create comfort, satisfaction, trust and establish a good relationship. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of ethical behavior of nurses to patients at Diponegoro National Hospital. This research is a non experimental quantitative research, and the total sample of this research is 100 respondents. The data were collected using questionnaires, namely nurse behavior ethic questionnaires to patients. Univariate analysis using descriptive statistical test was conducted to obtain the description of nurse ethical behavior to the patient. The results of this study indicate that the behavior of nurse ethic to the patient is generally found to be very good were 1...
Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University May 2019 ABSTRACK Noviana Rohmah ... more Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University May 2019 ABSTRACK Noviana Rohmah The Description of safety riding of Vigilance in Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Tembalang, Semarang xvii + 157 pages + 11 tables + 3 figures + 9 appendixes Background : Traffuc accident are health problem that tend to be high every year. Vigilance is the main factor that can prevent accidents and ensure safety for both the driver and the passenger. One of the tasks of occupational health nurses is to coordinate and supervise the implementation of vigilance in the work area. However, limited studies regarding the vigilance for online motorcycle taxi drivers. Aim : The aimed of this study is to describe the level of vigilance found in online motorcycle taxi driver. Methods : A descriptive survey research design was utilized, that used Situational Awareness (SA) Questionnaire. The population in this study was online motorcycle taxi drivers in Tembalang, Semarang area. The sample size in ...
Kelompok anak dengan developmental disability merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan mengalami... more Kelompok anak dengan developmental disability merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan mengalami masalah kesehatan karena kondisi yang dialaminya. Kondisi ini mnyebabkan kelompok anak dengan developmental disability mempunyai ketergantungan yang lebih besar dari pada anak lain khususnya otrang tua yang berperan sebagai cargiver.
Indonesian Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR), 2021
Ibu bekerja merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap masalah kesehatan. Tingginya angka partisipas... more Ibu bekerja merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap masalah kesehatan. Tingginya angka partisipasi wanita bekerja harus diimbangi dengan pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai sehingga ibu bekerja dapat terhindar dari masalah kesehatan kerja termasuk stres kerja. Data stres kerja pada wanita cukup tinggi yaitu 1.880 kasus dimana perawat merupakan salah satu pekerja yang mengalami stres paling tinggi. Terapi mindfulness dikembangkan sebagai terapi supportive educative untuk menurunkan tingkat stres. Terapi ini merupakan latihan kesadaran diri untuk meningkatkan hubungan sosial dan kepuasan hidup. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mindfulness terhadap tingkat stres pada ibu yang bekerja sebagai perawat critical care. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan quasi-experiment dengan pre-post with control group. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah responden untuk masing-masing kelompok intervensi dan kontrol adalah 23 responden. ...
Holistic Nursing and Health Science, 2020
Introduction: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health of students. Stud... more Introduction: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the mental health of students. Students feel stressed and sad, anxious, frustrated, confused and do not know how to overcome their conditions. Depression occurs because of negative thinking about oneself and others, so special management is needed in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the depression levels of students in the pandemic.Methods: The method in this study was a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. Descriptive analysis is used to provide a description of the level of depression that occurs in students. Data collection used the Beck Deperession Inventory II (BDI II), sampling used a total sample of 148 respondents (students with an average age of 18-20 years old). The process of collecting data is done by using the google form survey method.Results: Students experienced mild mood disorders (25.7%), severe depression (12.2%), low depression (8.1%)...
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices), 2019
Background: Mothers who work as nurses are one of the vulnerable groups and are at risk of imbala... more Background: Mothers who work as nurses are one of the vulnerable groups and are at risk of imbalance of roles in work and family due to multiple roles. The dual role requires working mothers to carry out their duties as mothers and wives at home, while at work can carry out duties as nurses. This is a stressor for mothers who work as nurses in adapting to their roles. This condition can reduce family well-being by decreasing the relationship of family structure, the ability of the role and function of the mother in the family, and the ability to prevent family vulnerability. Interventions that can be carried out to improve the family well-being are Mindfulness STOP (Stop, Take a Breath, Observed, Proceed). Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of mindfulness on family well-being in mothers who work as nurses at X Hospital Semarang. Method: The design of this study was a quasi-experiment pre-post test with a control group, involving 52 respondents obtained by purposive sampling technique based on the results of inclusion criteria screening, consisting of 26 respondents in the intervention group (given Mindfulness exercises) and 26 respondents in the control group (without treatment). Mindfulness STOP is given for 4 sessions totaling 4 meetings in 1 month. Data analysis used Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The results of this study are mindfulness effect on improving family well-being in the intervention group of mothers who work as nurses with a p-value of 0.000. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is mindfulness can improve family well-being in mothers who work as nurses. Mindfulness is recommended as an intervention to improve employee well-being, especially in carrying out roles in the family and as a basis for further research
Latar Belakang. DM dan komplikasinya berdampak pada penurunan kualitas hidup penderita. Upaya mem... more Latar Belakang. DM dan komplikasinya berdampak pada penurunan kualitas hidup penderita. Upaya mempertahankan kualitas hidup dilakukan dengan menginternalisasi, menerima kondisi serta melaksanakan perawatan DM secara disiplin. Spiritualitas yang adekuat menunjang manajemen perawatan yang adekuat yang akan berdampak pada kualitas hidup yang baik. Tujuan. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara spiritua;itas dengan kualitas hidup penderita DM. Metoda. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang bertujuan mengetahui hubungan spiritualitas dengan kualitas hidup pada penderita DM. Penelitian dilakukan pada 51 penderita DM di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Padangsari Kota Semarang. Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata skor spiritualitas 76,43, rata-rata skor kualitas hidup dimensi fisik 22.23, dimensi psikologis 19.52, dimensi sosial 10.21, dan dimensi lingkungan 27.64. Hasil uji korelasi Pearson menunjukkan ada hubungan antara spiritualita...
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNDIP 2020, Dec 11, 2020
Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan hampir seluruh kegiatan yang melibatkan kerumunan orang ditunda, ter... more Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan hampir seluruh kegiatan yang melibatkan kerumunan orang ditunda, termasuk kegiatan yang melibatkan kader misalnya Posyandu dan berbagai forum pertemuan antar kader atau koordinasi dengan Puskesmas. Di sisi lain perkembangan kasus Covid-19 meningkat tajam diakibatkan salah satunya karena sudah melibatkan local transmission pada keluarga, kerabat, maupun kolega di tempat kerja. Hal ini menuntut keterlibatan seluruh elemen masyarakat untuk bahu membahu mengatasinya. Kader sebagai salah satu komponen penting dalam pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat juga perlu terlibat di dalam upaya tersebut. Keterlibatan kader dalam upaya mengatasi pandemi covid-19 harus menyesuaikan dengan kompetensi serta ruang lingkup tugas dan fungsi mereka. Di lain pihak sebagai pribadi maupun relawan bidang kesehatan, kader juga rentan tertular covid-19 dari kolega maupun maupun masyarakat yang dilayani. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan orientasi kembali peran kader dalam masa pandemi sekaligus kewaspadaan yang harus diperhatikan oleh kader untuk mencegah penularan covid-19 pada mereka. Reorientasi peran dan kewaspadaan kader dilakukan dengan penyuluhan dan diskusi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap kader tentang peran dan kewaspadaan dalam masa pandemi covid-19.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan, 2022
AbstrakRisiko bunuh diri merupakan kedaruratan psikiatri yang harus segera ditangani, hal ini unt... more AbstrakRisiko bunuh diri merupakan kedaruratan psikiatri yang harus segera ditangani, hal ini untuk mencegah kemungkinan terjadinya bunuh diri. Adapun cara terbaik untuk mengetahui apakah individu mempunyai ide untuk bunuh diri adalah dengan menanyakan langsung. Ide bunuh diri individu disebabkan karena stresor dengan beberapa perspektif diantaranya: kemampuan berfikir (kognitif), sikap dan nilai (afektif), fisiologis, perilaku dan sosial atau kemasyarakatan. Kepekaan terhadap kondisi yang dialami oleh individu yang memiliki risiko bunuh diri adalah dengan memberikan motivasi dan keyakinan yang berarti. Salah satu intervensi terapi non farmakologi yang dapat diberikan adalah Cognitive Behavior Therapy Suicide Prevention. Tujuan review untuk memberikan deskripsi tahapan CBT-SP dalam penelitian yang berfokus pada intervensi yang dilakukan untuk pencegahan bunuh diri. Metode pencarian artikel yang relevan bersumber dari Science Direct, Google Scholar, dan PubMed. Lima artikel yang dib...
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNSIQ, 2022
Mindfulness merupakan kesadaran individu terhadap pengalaman yang dialami, dengan memberi perhati... more Mindfulness merupakan kesadaran individu terhadap pengalaman yang dialami, dengan memberi perhatian yang penuh, dan menerima tanpa memberikan penilaian. Hanya berfokus terhadap apa yang sedang di kerjakan oleh individu sebagai upaya untuk dapat menolong dan menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri secara mandiri (selfcare). Mindfulness sehat mandiri ini dapat dilakukan oleh pasien dengan masalah Kesehatan yang kronis, seprti pasien kanker dan leukemi. Pasien dirumah Singgah IZI merupakan pasien yang sebagian terdiagnosis cancer dan leukemia yang tidak mempunyai biaya dalam pengobatan dirumah sakit.. Target sehat mandiri adalah keterampilan atau skill yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh pasien misalnya cara mengatasi rasa sakit, cara mengatasi rasa marah, cara mengatasi kesedihan, cara mengatasi gangguan makan dan tidur termasuk cara bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Diperlukan ketrampilan tambahan bagi pegawai /caregiver di rumah singgah dalam menghadapi pasien di rumah singgah IZI, sehingga dap...
Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. In this ... more Introduction : Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. In this case caregiver ability is needed because merupakn one important factor management of Diabetes Mellitus disease. Methods : This study aims to determine the effect of psychoeducation on the ability of caregiver in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus patients.This research uses quasi experimental research design with pre post with control group method in treatment group and control group.The sample consisted of 46 caregivers corresponding to the inclusion criteria and divided into 2 groups of psychoeducation treatments (n = 23) and control (n = 23).The variables measured in this study support caregiver.Results :This research uses paired t test statistic, independent test with level (p value 0.05).From the statistical test obtained results (p value 0.001 <0, .05) so it is concluded that statistically shows there are differences in treatment groups and control after psychoeducation interven...
Master Program in Nursing Community Nursing Concentration Department of Nursing Faculty of Medici... more Master Program in Nursing Community Nursing Concentration Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University July 2019 ABSTRACT Veronika Nitsae The Copings of Female Inmates with HIV in Dealing with Stigma and Discrimination: A Phenomenological Study xix + 116 pages + 6 figures + 3 tables + 13 appendixes Stigma and discrimination are factors which cause complexity in the management of HIV/AIDS at correctional settings. Stigma and discrimination are more common in women and affect coping development among female inmates with HIV. Previous research has focused on the types of coping and does not yet explore the reasons, impacts, and meaning of the used copings. This study aimed to identify the copings among female inmates with HIV in dealing with stigma and discrimination. This research was a qualitative study with a descriptive phenomenological design. The population was female inmates with HIV and ten were purposively recruited as the participants. The data were collect...
Nurse has duties and functions in care of patient, of execution of duties of nursing function mus... more Nurse has duties and functions in care of patient, of execution of duties of nursing function must be in good quality of work life to be able to provide optimal nursing care. Quality of Work Life (QWL) is employee's perception of employee’s mental and physical well-being in the workplace which refers to the pleasant or unpleasant condition of the environment. The purpose of this research is to know the description of Quality of Work Life on the nurses in one of the hospitals in Surakarta with a balanced compensation component of communication, workplace safety, problem solving, employee engagement, facilities available, career development, a sense of pride in the institution and a sense of security for the job. This research is descriptive quantitative research using method cross sectional approach. Sampling sample amounted to 208 respondents, with proportionate random sampling. Research respondents are nurses with a working period of ≥ 1 year and not head of space. Data analysi...