Munirul Abidin | Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (original) (raw)
Papers by Munirul Abidin
Al-Falah : journal of islamic economics, May 31, 2024
Deleted Journal, Jun 14, 2024
Jurnal Sustainable, Dec 11, 2023
This research is a library research study aimed at examining the development of an Arabic languag... more This research is a library research study aimed at examining the development of an Arabic language education curriculum with an integration-interconnection paradigm referring to KKNI and SN-DIKTI with several problem formulations, namely, (1) What is the profile of the curriculum referring to KKNI and SN-DIKTI with an interconnection integration paradigm in the Language Education Masters program Arabic (PBA) UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, (2) Has the curriculum structure been prepared based on the needs of students who will face challenges in society as the goals formulated by the KKNI? Methods of data analysis using descriptive-analytical. This study's result is that the curriculum profile refers to KKNI and SN-DIKTI with the paradigm of interconnection integration. The curriculum structure that has been prepared according to the objectives formulated by the KKNI is grouped into introductory competency courses, methodology competency courses, general competency courses and supporting competency courses with a total of 53 credits.
Jurnal ekonomi pembangunan, Dec 30, 2023
The purpose is To examine the role of MSMEs in overcoming poverty caused by unemployment in West ... more The purpose is To examine the role of MSMEs in overcoming poverty caused by unemployment in West Java. The data used is secondary data taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The analytical method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The sample selection in this study was determined using the census method. The census method is a method that takes a sample of all districts and cities in West Java. The sample data used are districts and towns in East Java, namely 27 districts/cities. The results of the R-Square test show that the independent variable (unemployment) affects poverty by 68%, while other factors outside the model influence the additional 32%. The unemployment variable can increase MSMEs by 30%, while other factors outside the research model influence the other 70%. The MSME variable can reduce poverty by 67%, while other factors outside the model affect the additional 33%; the results of the significance level test show that unemployment has a direct and significant positive relationship with poverty. Unemployment has a direct and consequential positive relationship with MSMEs. MSMEs have a direct and consequential positive relationship to poverty. Moreover, MSMEs can moderate the relationship between unemployment and poverty.
Jesya, Jan 4, 2024
Kewirausahaan atau entrepreneursip telah banyak dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan formal hingga p... more Kewirausahaan atau entrepreneursip telah banyak dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan formal hingga pondok pesantren. Banyak pesantren yang menjalankan program entrepreneur bagi para santrinya untuk membekali soft skill atau kemampuan berwirausaha setelah pulang kampung atau hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan usaha para alumni setelah pulang kampung, apakah terjadi perkembangan atau justru berhenti, serta terbentuknya persepsi tentang kewirausahaan.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, sedangkan informan penelitian sejumlah 4 orang alumni Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Kanzun Najah Kota Batu, dengan kriteria alumni yang sangat aktif berwirausaha ketika menjadi santri dengan pendapatan per bulan rata-rata Rp 2 juta atau lebih. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program atau kegiatan entrepreneur yang dilaksanakan di Pondok Pesantren Kanzun Najah Kota Batu telah membentuk karakteristik dan jiwa entrepreneur pada santrinya dan alumni. Para alumni yang telah pulang dan tinggal di kampung halamannya mengalami stagnanisasi atau bahkan berhentinya kegiatan usaha anggrek yang telah dijalankannya, sedangkan untuk alumni yang memilih tinggal di Kota Malang dan Kota Batu mengalami peningkatan yang positif dan signifikan pada perkembangan usahanya. Beberapa faktor yang menjadi penghambat antara lain: keterbatasan akses ekspedisi, jauh dari produsen anggrek yang berpusat di Kota Malang dan Batu, tidak ada tambahan motivasi atau penyemangat komunitas atau petani anggrek, dan keterbatasan pada sarana-prasana. Sedangkan dalam paradigm (cara pandang atau persepsi santri dan alumni pesantren Kanzun Najah telah tertanam dengan kuat bahwa, kekuatan pondasi atau kemandirian ekonomi merupakan keharusan bagi santri sebagai modal dalam berdakwah.
A sequence of radicalism movements in Indonesia have drawn international attention, especially th... more A sequence of radicalism movements in Indonesia have drawn international attention, especially the Ambon-Poso conflict and the Bali bombings, due to the fact that the perpetrators have established Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation (YLP) in Lamongan. YLP was established to protect society from extremist organizations and to promote love for the Republic of Indonesia. What becomes the main concern of this study is the implementation of religious moderation in YLP. Therefore, this article aims at finding out: (1) The strategies implemented by YLP to internalize religious moderation values, (2) The internalization process of moderation values in YLP and (3) The impacts obtained from the process. The research implemented descriptive qualitative design through field observations at YLP, interviews with YLP founder and
Teacher discipline and creativity are things that must exist in teachers. Teachers are always req... more Teacher discipline and creativity are things that must exist in teachers. Teachers are always required to always be able to keep abreast of existing developments. Discipline and having high creativity will have an impact on students. According to several articles, creativity is needed in the world of education to support success. This study aims to determine the effect of teacher creativity and discipline on the learning motivation of class VIII students. This research uses quantitative research methods with correlational research types. with a research sample of 78 respondents who are students of MTsN 1 Malang City. Based on the results of partial and simultaneous testing, it was found that there was a positive influence between teacher creativity and discipline on student learning motivation. There is 20.4% teacher creativity affects student learning motivation and 25.5% teacher discipline affects student learning motivation. Abstrak: Kedisiplinan dan kreativitas guru merupakan suatu hal yang harus ada pada guru. Guru selalu dituntut untuk selalu bisa mengikuti perkembangan yang ada. Sikap disiplin dan mempunyai kreativitas yang tinggi akan berdampak pada peserta didik. Menurut beberapa artikel, kreativitas sangat dibutuhkan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk menunjang keberhasilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kreativitas dan kedisiplinan guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 78 responden yang merupakan siswa MTSN 1 Kota Malang. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian secara parsial maupun simultan ditemukan pengaruh positif antara kreativitas dan kedisiplinan guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Terdapat 20,4% kreativitas guru mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa dan 25,5% kedisiplinan guru mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa.
Inovasi: Jurnal Diklat Keagamaan, Dec 20, 2023
Al-fahim, Sep 29, 2023
This research aims to analyze curriculum evaluation management in the implementation of the Merde... more This research aims to analyze curriculum evaluation management in the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar program at Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 2 Kedungkandang Malang. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the quality of learning through the independent learning curriculum carried out by Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 2 Kedungkandang Malang has been implemented well and in accordance with the principles of good evaluation. Evaluations are carried out periodically involving various stakeholders and the evaluation results are used to make curriculum improvements.
TADRIS AL-ARABIYAT: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Research related to learning nahwu science using the ihfadz method at madrasah diniyyah al amiriy... more Research related to learning nahwu science using the ihfadz method at madrasah diniyyah al amiriyyah Darussalam Blok Agung Banyuwangi aims to provide a stimulus to students so that it is easy and fast to understand the yellow book by previous scholars. This research is also used to eliminate the perspective of the general public who think that reading and understanding the yellow book is difficult. The research method used by researchers is in the form of a qualitative descriptive method, namely research conducted to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes and thoughts of people either in groups or individually. The data analysis technique used is the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are the implementation of the nahwu curriculum using the ihfadz method, which among its applications is memorizing and understanding texts and their understanding which will then be practiced in application books according to the...
SUSTAINABLE Jurnal Kajian Mutu Pendidikan, Jun 30, 2023
Problem-based learning is a learning model that uses real-life problems that require authentic in... more Problem-based learning is a learning model that uses real-life problems that require authentic investigations to construct knowledge actively and collaboratively. The aim of this study was to capture the research landscape related to problembased learning applied to students at the middle school level from 1998 to 2023. A descriptive bibliometric analysis method was used in this study. The data obtained was taken from the Scopus database. The results of the study show that publications related to problem-based learning, especially in middle schools, go up and down every year. Publications in 2003 have been cited more than any other year. The United States of America is the most influential country in this field. publications in journals related to problem-based learning research applied to middle school students are mostly at the Q1 rank, namely 45 journals. The research focus is divided into 3 namely, 1) knowledge, skills and development; 2) effect, self-efficacy, achievement and effectiveness; 3) middle school students, environment and abilities. These three research focuses can be used as a reference for future researchers to determine the focus of their research related to problem-based learning.
The Galwan clash is one of the most unforgettable clashes between India and China, which involves... more The Galwan clash is one of the most unforgettable clashes between India and China, which involves the death of the soldiers of both countries. The matter of dispute between China and India is for territories in addition to the disputes of China with all its neighbors. From this it is evaluated that China is greedy of regions. After the Galwan disputes the government of India has ordered that stop the use of made in China products and enhance the use of country originated products. China is the biggest supplier of all different industry oriented goods in the entire world. In addition to this, other countries also decline the use of China goods.
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Apr 5, 2023
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovaniâ, Mar 1, 2023
Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Pro... more Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Problem and aim. In providing services to students, universities often get complaints from students as customers. Universities must respond to and resolve complaints wisely and fairly to satisfy students with the services provided. The article aims to measure student complaint-handling strategies and their effect on satisfaction and loyalty as customers. The study will examine whether justice in addressing students' complaints, interactional justice, procedural justice, and distributive justice affect student satisfaction and does student satisfaction mediate the relationship between complaint-handling strategies and student loyalty. Research methods. The study involved 328 students from several universities in Indonesia. Samples selected using the purposes sampling method. Data were analysed quantitatively using SmarPLS version 3.3.3. Results. The study resulted that interactional justice significantly affected student satisfaction with a value of 0.019 < 0.05. Procedural justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.000 < 0.05, and distributive justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.014 < 0.05. This study also found that student satisfaction mediated the relationship between interactional justice, procedural justice, distributive justice and student loyalty with a significance level of value < 0.05. Conclusion. This study confirms that the fair and wise handling of student complaints affects student satisfaction with higher education services and can potentially increase student loyalty. This study strengthens several previous studies, emphasizing that fair complaint handling at companies and other institutions affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, universities should care for student satisfaction and loyalty by continuously improving service handling student complaints, both interactional, procedural, and distributive.
Jurnal teknologi, Jan 20, 2012
Elektrodialisis merupakan suatu proses yang mengunakan perbezaan keupayaan elektrik sebagai daya ... more Elektrodialisis merupakan suatu proses yang mengunakan perbezaan keupayaan elektrik sebagai daya penggerak yang menyebabkan pergerakan ion-ion dalam sesuatu elektrolit. Membran yang digunakan dalam proses ini akan membenarkan sama ada cas-cas positif atau negatif sahaja melaluinya bergantung kepada kumpulan berfungsi yang terikat pada membran. Objektif projek penyelidikan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan membran pertukaran kation yang digunakan dalam proses elektrodialisis. Membran-membran pertukaran kation yang dihasilkan terbahagi kepada lima jenis, dan diberi nama sebagai BERL-30, 40, 50, 60, dan 70. Kelima-lima jenis membran ini berbeza dari segi kandungan resin yang berfungsi sebagai vektor pertukaran cas kation. Di samping penyediaan membran, penyelidikan ini juga meliputi aspek pencirian membran tersebut serta perbandingan dengan membran komersil. Kriteria yang dikaji adalah ketebalan membran, sifat kebolehtelapan membran, kapasiti pertukaran ion, kapasiti kepekatan ion kumpulan berfungsi, morfologi struktur membran, ujian kestabilan kimia dan kandungan air membran. Secara keseluruhannya, didapati peratus kandungan resin yang tinggi boleh meningkatkan kapasiti pertukaran ion, peratus kebolehtelapan membran serta kapasiti kepekatan ion kumpulan berfungsi. Antara membran yang dihasilkan, membran pertukaran kation jenis BERL-70 merupakan membran yang berpotensi dalam penggunaan proses elektrodialisis.
Not everyone has an entrepreneurial spirit, but it can be cultivated through various means. Many ... more Not everyone has an entrepreneurial spirit, but it can be cultivated through various means. Many institutions strive to find solutions for instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in students, one of which is Nurul Izzah Islamic Elementary School in Malang City. This research method is qualitative, employing a case study approach, in which the researcher will delve deeper into information regarding the school's efforts to instill entrepreneurship in students through Market Day activities at Nurul Izzah Islamic Elementary School in Malang City. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) To explain the efforts in instilling an entrepreneurial spirit. 2) To understand the cultivation of an entrepreneurial spirit through Market Day. 3) To analyze the efforts in instilling an entrepreneurial spirit through Market Day at Nurul Izzah Islamic Elementary School in Malang City. The findings of the research are as follows: 1) The cultivation of an entrepreneurial spirit can be achieved t...
Al-Af'idah, Sep 23, 2022
Metode pembelajaran memegang peran yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran, terutama pembelajaran ... more Metode pembelajaran memegang peran yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran, terutama pembelajaran bahasa arab. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh peer teaching terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi alternatif pengembangan kualitas pembelajaran yang telah ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Eksperiment adapun desainnya ialah The Static Pretest-posttest Design. Kelas XI SMA Modern Al-Rifa'ie Malang sebagai populasi dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah sebanyak 64 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik seadanya. Perlakuannya dengan frekuensi 1 minggu 2 kali dengan jumlah pertemuannya 10 kali berjalan selama 6 minggu. Ujian soal adalah instrumen yang dipilih peneliti untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan model pembelajaran peer teaching terhadap hasil belajar siswa di bandingkan model konvensional.
Al-Falah : journal of islamic economics, May 31, 2024
Deleted Journal, Jun 14, 2024
Jurnal Sustainable, Dec 11, 2023
This research is a library research study aimed at examining the development of an Arabic languag... more This research is a library research study aimed at examining the development of an Arabic language education curriculum with an integration-interconnection paradigm referring to KKNI and SN-DIKTI with several problem formulations, namely, (1) What is the profile of the curriculum referring to KKNI and SN-DIKTI with an interconnection integration paradigm in the Language Education Masters program Arabic (PBA) UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, (2) Has the curriculum structure been prepared based on the needs of students who will face challenges in society as the goals formulated by the KKNI? Methods of data analysis using descriptive-analytical. This study's result is that the curriculum profile refers to KKNI and SN-DIKTI with the paradigm of interconnection integration. The curriculum structure that has been prepared according to the objectives formulated by the KKNI is grouped into introductory competency courses, methodology competency courses, general competency courses and supporting competency courses with a total of 53 credits.
Jurnal ekonomi pembangunan, Dec 30, 2023
The purpose is To examine the role of MSMEs in overcoming poverty caused by unemployment in West ... more The purpose is To examine the role of MSMEs in overcoming poverty caused by unemployment in West Java. The data used is secondary data taken from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The analytical method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The sample selection in this study was determined using the census method. The census method is a method that takes a sample of all districts and cities in West Java. The sample data used are districts and towns in East Java, namely 27 districts/cities. The results of the R-Square test show that the independent variable (unemployment) affects poverty by 68%, while other factors outside the model influence the additional 32%. The unemployment variable can increase MSMEs by 30%, while other factors outside the research model influence the other 70%. The MSME variable can reduce poverty by 67%, while other factors outside the model affect the additional 33%; the results of the significance level test show that unemployment has a direct and significant positive relationship with poverty. Unemployment has a direct and consequential positive relationship with MSMEs. MSMEs have a direct and consequential positive relationship to poverty. Moreover, MSMEs can moderate the relationship between unemployment and poverty.
Jesya, Jan 4, 2024
Kewirausahaan atau entrepreneursip telah banyak dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan formal hingga p... more Kewirausahaan atau entrepreneursip telah banyak dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan formal hingga pondok pesantren. Banyak pesantren yang menjalankan program entrepreneur bagi para santrinya untuk membekali soft skill atau kemampuan berwirausaha setelah pulang kampung atau hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan usaha para alumni setelah pulang kampung, apakah terjadi perkembangan atau justru berhenti, serta terbentuknya persepsi tentang kewirausahaan.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, sedangkan informan penelitian sejumlah 4 orang alumni Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Kanzun Najah Kota Batu, dengan kriteria alumni yang sangat aktif berwirausaha ketika menjadi santri dengan pendapatan per bulan rata-rata Rp 2 juta atau lebih. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa program atau kegiatan entrepreneur yang dilaksanakan di Pondok Pesantren Kanzun Najah Kota Batu telah membentuk karakteristik dan jiwa entrepreneur pada santrinya dan alumni. Para alumni yang telah pulang dan tinggal di kampung halamannya mengalami stagnanisasi atau bahkan berhentinya kegiatan usaha anggrek yang telah dijalankannya, sedangkan untuk alumni yang memilih tinggal di Kota Malang dan Kota Batu mengalami peningkatan yang positif dan signifikan pada perkembangan usahanya. Beberapa faktor yang menjadi penghambat antara lain: keterbatasan akses ekspedisi, jauh dari produsen anggrek yang berpusat di Kota Malang dan Batu, tidak ada tambahan motivasi atau penyemangat komunitas atau petani anggrek, dan keterbatasan pada sarana-prasana. Sedangkan dalam paradigm (cara pandang atau persepsi santri dan alumni pesantren Kanzun Najah telah tertanam dengan kuat bahwa, kekuatan pondasi atau kemandirian ekonomi merupakan keharusan bagi santri sebagai modal dalam berdakwah.
A sequence of radicalism movements in Indonesia have drawn international attention, especially th... more A sequence of radicalism movements in Indonesia have drawn international attention, especially the Ambon-Poso conflict and the Bali bombings, due to the fact that the perpetrators have established Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation (YLP) in Lamongan. YLP was established to protect society from extremist organizations and to promote love for the Republic of Indonesia. What becomes the main concern of this study is the implementation of religious moderation in YLP. Therefore, this article aims at finding out: (1) The strategies implemented by YLP to internalize religious moderation values, (2) The internalization process of moderation values in YLP and (3) The impacts obtained from the process. The research implemented descriptive qualitative design through field observations at YLP, interviews with YLP founder and
Teacher discipline and creativity are things that must exist in teachers. Teachers are always req... more Teacher discipline and creativity are things that must exist in teachers. Teachers are always required to always be able to keep abreast of existing developments. Discipline and having high creativity will have an impact on students. According to several articles, creativity is needed in the world of education to support success. This study aims to determine the effect of teacher creativity and discipline on the learning motivation of class VIII students. This research uses quantitative research methods with correlational research types. with a research sample of 78 respondents who are students of MTsN 1 Malang City. Based on the results of partial and simultaneous testing, it was found that there was a positive influence between teacher creativity and discipline on student learning motivation. There is 20.4% teacher creativity affects student learning motivation and 25.5% teacher discipline affects student learning motivation. Abstrak: Kedisiplinan dan kreativitas guru merupakan suatu hal yang harus ada pada guru. Guru selalu dituntut untuk selalu bisa mengikuti perkembangan yang ada. Sikap disiplin dan mempunyai kreativitas yang tinggi akan berdampak pada peserta didik. Menurut beberapa artikel, kreativitas sangat dibutuhkan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk menunjang keberhasilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kreativitas dan kedisiplinan guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 78 responden yang merupakan siswa MTSN 1 Kota Malang. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian secara parsial maupun simultan ditemukan pengaruh positif antara kreativitas dan kedisiplinan guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Terdapat 20,4% kreativitas guru mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa dan 25,5% kedisiplinan guru mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa.
Inovasi: Jurnal Diklat Keagamaan, Dec 20, 2023
Al-fahim, Sep 29, 2023
This research aims to analyze curriculum evaluation management in the implementation of the Merde... more This research aims to analyze curriculum evaluation management in the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar program at Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 2 Kedungkandang Malang. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the quality of learning through the independent learning curriculum carried out by Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 2 Kedungkandang Malang has been implemented well and in accordance with the principles of good evaluation. Evaluations are carried out periodically involving various stakeholders and the evaluation results are used to make curriculum improvements.
TADRIS AL-ARABIYAT: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Research related to learning nahwu science using the ihfadz method at madrasah diniyyah al amiriy... more Research related to learning nahwu science using the ihfadz method at madrasah diniyyah al amiriyyah Darussalam Blok Agung Banyuwangi aims to provide a stimulus to students so that it is easy and fast to understand the yellow book by previous scholars. This research is also used to eliminate the perspective of the general public who think that reading and understanding the yellow book is difficult. The research method used by researchers is in the form of a qualitative descriptive method, namely research conducted to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes and thoughts of people either in groups or individually. The data analysis technique used is the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are the implementation of the nahwu curriculum using the ihfadz method, which among its applications is memorizing and understanding texts and their understanding which will then be practiced in application books according to the...
SUSTAINABLE Jurnal Kajian Mutu Pendidikan, Jun 30, 2023
Problem-based learning is a learning model that uses real-life problems that require authentic in... more Problem-based learning is a learning model that uses real-life problems that require authentic investigations to construct knowledge actively and collaboratively. The aim of this study was to capture the research landscape related to problembased learning applied to students at the middle school level from 1998 to 2023. A descriptive bibliometric analysis method was used in this study. The data obtained was taken from the Scopus database. The results of the study show that publications related to problem-based learning, especially in middle schools, go up and down every year. Publications in 2003 have been cited more than any other year. The United States of America is the most influential country in this field. publications in journals related to problem-based learning research applied to middle school students are mostly at the Q1 rank, namely 45 journals. The research focus is divided into 3 namely, 1) knowledge, skills and development; 2) effect, self-efficacy, achievement and effectiveness; 3) middle school students, environment and abilities. These three research focuses can be used as a reference for future researchers to determine the focus of their research related to problem-based learning.
The Galwan clash is one of the most unforgettable clashes between India and China, which involves... more The Galwan clash is one of the most unforgettable clashes between India and China, which involves the death of the soldiers of both countries. The matter of dispute between China and India is for territories in addition to the disputes of China with all its neighbors. From this it is evaluated that China is greedy of regions. After the Galwan disputes the government of India has ordered that stop the use of made in China products and enhance the use of country originated products. China is the biggest supplier of all different industry oriented goods in the entire world. In addition to this, other countries also decline the use of China goods.
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan), Apr 5, 2023
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovaniâ, Mar 1, 2023
Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Pro... more Justice in handling complaints and its impact on satisfaction and loyalty in higher education Problem and aim. In providing services to students, universities often get complaints from students as customers. Universities must respond to and resolve complaints wisely and fairly to satisfy students with the services provided. The article aims to measure student complaint-handling strategies and their effect on satisfaction and loyalty as customers. The study will examine whether justice in addressing students' complaints, interactional justice, procedural justice, and distributive justice affect student satisfaction and does student satisfaction mediate the relationship between complaint-handling strategies and student loyalty. Research methods. The study involved 328 students from several universities in Indonesia. Samples selected using the purposes sampling method. Data were analysed quantitatively using SmarPLS version 3.3.3. Results. The study resulted that interactional justice significantly affected student satisfaction with a value of 0.019 < 0.05. Procedural justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.000 < 0.05, and distributive justice significantly affects student satisfaction with a value of 0.014 < 0.05. This study also found that student satisfaction mediated the relationship between interactional justice, procedural justice, distributive justice and student loyalty with a significance level of value < 0.05. Conclusion. This study confirms that the fair and wise handling of student complaints affects student satisfaction with higher education services and can potentially increase student loyalty. This study strengthens several previous studies, emphasizing that fair complaint handling at companies and other institutions affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, universities should care for student satisfaction and loyalty by continuously improving service handling student complaints, both interactional, procedural, and distributive.
Jurnal teknologi, Jan 20, 2012
Elektrodialisis merupakan suatu proses yang mengunakan perbezaan keupayaan elektrik sebagai daya ... more Elektrodialisis merupakan suatu proses yang mengunakan perbezaan keupayaan elektrik sebagai daya penggerak yang menyebabkan pergerakan ion-ion dalam sesuatu elektrolit. Membran yang digunakan dalam proses ini akan membenarkan sama ada cas-cas positif atau negatif sahaja melaluinya bergantung kepada kumpulan berfungsi yang terikat pada membran. Objektif projek penyelidikan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan membran pertukaran kation yang digunakan dalam proses elektrodialisis. Membran-membran pertukaran kation yang dihasilkan terbahagi kepada lima jenis, dan diberi nama sebagai BERL-30, 40, 50, 60, dan 70. Kelima-lima jenis membran ini berbeza dari segi kandungan resin yang berfungsi sebagai vektor pertukaran cas kation. Di samping penyediaan membran, penyelidikan ini juga meliputi aspek pencirian membran tersebut serta perbandingan dengan membran komersil. Kriteria yang dikaji adalah ketebalan membran, sifat kebolehtelapan membran, kapasiti pertukaran ion, kapasiti kepekatan ion kumpulan berfungsi, morfologi struktur membran, ujian kestabilan kimia dan kandungan air membran. Secara keseluruhannya, didapati peratus kandungan resin yang tinggi boleh meningkatkan kapasiti pertukaran ion, peratus kebolehtelapan membran serta kapasiti kepekatan ion kumpulan berfungsi. Antara membran yang dihasilkan, membran pertukaran kation jenis BERL-70 merupakan membran yang berpotensi dalam penggunaan proses elektrodialisis.
Not everyone has an entrepreneurial spirit, but it can be cultivated through various means. Many ... more Not everyone has an entrepreneurial spirit, but it can be cultivated through various means. Many institutions strive to find solutions for instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in students, one of which is Nurul Izzah Islamic Elementary School in Malang City. This research method is qualitative, employing a case study approach, in which the researcher will delve deeper into information regarding the school's efforts to instill entrepreneurship in students through Market Day activities at Nurul Izzah Islamic Elementary School in Malang City. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) To explain the efforts in instilling an entrepreneurial spirit. 2) To understand the cultivation of an entrepreneurial spirit through Market Day. 3) To analyze the efforts in instilling an entrepreneurial spirit through Market Day at Nurul Izzah Islamic Elementary School in Malang City. The findings of the research are as follows: 1) The cultivation of an entrepreneurial spirit can be achieved t...
Al-Af'idah, Sep 23, 2022
Metode pembelajaran memegang peran yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran, terutama pembelajaran ... more Metode pembelajaran memegang peran yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran, terutama pembelajaran bahasa arab. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh peer teaching terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai solusi alternatif pengembangan kualitas pembelajaran yang telah ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Eksperiment adapun desainnya ialah The Static Pretest-posttest Design. Kelas XI SMA Modern Al-Rifa'ie Malang sebagai populasi dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah sebanyak 64 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik seadanya. Perlakuannya dengan frekuensi 1 minggu 2 kali dengan jumlah pertemuannya 10 kali berjalan selama 6 minggu. Ujian soal adalah instrumen yang dipilih peneliti untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan model pembelajaran peer teaching terhadap hasil belajar siswa di bandingkan model konvensional.
PSCR, 2014
This research is to describe the strategies for cultivating the organizational cultures in Hi... more This research is to describe the strategies for cultivating the organizational cultures in Higher Education and the role of leader on it. The main purpose of research is to describe the leadership strategies in cultivating organizational culture and values to member of organization. The research adopts the qualitative
approach through interview and observation. Research is conducted
at State Islamic Malang University in Malang Indonesia. The findings showed the leader has important role to promote the organizational cultures in organization. Although the organizational culture may be conceptualized as something emerging from social
interaction and shared cognition of knowledge and belief, but the
role of leader is more important aspect on it. The leader willingness
to create, promote and control organizational values has positive
impact on the existing of organizational cultures.