Little Turkey Day update.... (original) (raw)

November 25th, 2004

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11:04 pm - Little Turkey Day update....
I know it's nearly over, but I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there. Today was actaully a lot of fun...I spent the day cooking(go figure) at my Mom and Dad's house...We don't do the traditional turkey as my father is not a big fan of yard-bird of any kind. So it's ham for us and everyone seems to enjoy it that way...we had my mom and dad, Troy, Trish, Zach, Beven, Hope and Britty came by inbetween her family things. I still have to go to my aunt and uncle's house on Sunday...ugh...that's the only part I hate about the holidays but that is another story all together. Watched the Colts stomp the hell out of the Lions WOO GO COLTS!!!! Slept through the end of the cowboy/bears game...still don't know who won. Good food, great people, laughs, football, and Troy beating the crap out of me....yeah, it was a good day:) Hope all of yours were as well.

Now all I have to do is get through the wedding this weekend and all will be well. I'll be so glad when it's over...I've been dreaming about the damn wedding cake for three weeks and I'm ready for it to go away. I just want it done. So, if the wedding goes well and I get my job situation straightened out then I will feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. So, here's hoping that tomorrow I'll have some answers, Saturday the wedding will go off without a hitch, and saturday night Brittany and I get drunk off our asses and make complete fools of ourselves celebrating victory! Now, that will be a good time:)
Current Mood: nervousnervous, but hopeful

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[User Picture] From:brittanygrace Date:November 26th, 2004 02:33 pm (UTC) A few things...(Link)

Number 1, my foot hurst like hell. Blast Troy and his hard shins

Number 2, You'll get through the wedding just fine. I knw this...

Number three, I duno about getting drunk Saturday night, I do have to drive to work at 4:30. I think we should get drunk tonight and decorate! Jimmy said he wants to come and that he'll even bring booze! LOL. He and I had a good laugh about that today.

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[User Picture] From:bombshell1 Date:November 26th, 2004 04:12 pm (UTC) Re: A few things...(Link)

#1: I'm sorry that your foot really just shouldn't kick's just bad news all the way around.
#2: I think this wedding is going to give me a coronary....
#3: I was hoping that you had to work Saturday and not could deal with being a little drunk tonight...and bring Jimmy right on over, the more the merrier.

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[User Picture] From:brittanygrace Date:November 26th, 2004 04:23 pm (UTC) Re: A few things...(Link)

Number 1, Kevin's been calling me gimpy all day cause every now and then I'll do a little limp thing. Him saying "AH! Hey, you kicked me!" main the bruise worth while.

Number 2, You will BE FINE! PROMISE! You know your shit honey. All will be well.

Number 3, There's no way I'm bringing Jimmy cause then we'd risk him bringing Lacey. *ECK!! SPIT SPIT*

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