Snowed In (original) (raw)

December 22nd, 2004

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09:57 am - Snowed In
Well, it's snowing. A LOT. And from what I hear it's going to keep snowing. Joy of all joys. Chef told me to stay home today. I wish he would have thought to tell me earlier because when I talked to him I was knee deep in a drift cleaning off my car and I had already been out there for 15 minutes. However, I'm glad he told me before I got to work cuz that would have just sucked and been so like him. He's a bastard afterall. So, now what do I do? I got up early and made coffee and fixed breakfast(which I NEVER EVER do), Britty is at work and from the looks of things won't be home until tomorrow, and my entire family is at home eating a Dad's breakfast...It's just me and Cracker. Now our landlord is scraping our driveway as I type this...he's been out there all morning with his big tractor thing. He's a good landlord. I should probably use this time wisely and productively...hmmm....I don't know. I'm not complaining mind you. I'm really glad that I don't have to get out in this, but it's no fun being snowed in if you're snowed in all by yourself. I hope everyone is safe and warm out there. Be careful if you have to go out today.

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[User Picture] From:brittanygrace Date:December 22nd, 2004 03:21 pm (UTC) (Link)

This is awful... at least you're snowed in at home. I'm snowed in the station. :(

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[User Picture] From:bombshell1 Date:December 22nd, 2004 03:34 pm (UTC) (Link)

I know. It's freakin terrible...remind me of this when I get around to buying a new car...Say "Michelle, buy a freakin 4x4" so we won't have to worry so much about this shit.

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