booksforsale - Profile (original) (raw)

on 14 November 2004 (#5145400)

Welcome to the Books for Sale Community where you can buy or sell used books.

You may also post EBay auctions and ads

for books only

. Any other items other than books will quickly be deleted.

If you would like to donate books to others where they would pay for shipping then please do not hesitate to contact me and I will post available books in the first post-dated post for all to see.


  1. Feel free to post pictures of your book(s) which is preferred. Include the price including shipping and handling and a link to your payment source such as PayPal.
  2. No advertising other communities here.
  3. Racism will not be tolerated.
  4. Do not harass other members.
  5. Do not violate the LJTOS.

Violators of these rules will be banned.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for unfulfilled orders or for bad communication between buyer and seller. Use at your own risk.

The moderator of this community is haolegirl.

To contact her send email to:

authors, barnes & noble, biographies, books, books for sale, bookstores, borders, college, commentaries, culture, fiction, foreign language books, history, history books, language, libraries, literature, medical books, mystery novels, non-fiction, nonfiction, novels, old books, philosophy, poems, poetry, rare books, read, reading, reading books, reviews, romance novels, sci-fi, science, science fiction, second hand books, sell book, sell books, selling books, short stories, stories, textbooks, trading books, used book.