B. Chimier | University of Bordeaux (France) (original) (raw)

Papers by B. Chimier

Research paper thumbnail of Femtosecond laser pulse train interaction with dielectric materials

Applied Physics Letters, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Damage and ablation thresholds of fused silica in femtosecond regime: relevant physical criteria and mechanisms

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultra-short laser induced electron excitation/relaxation kinetics

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of burst mode on transparent materials processing

Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing IX, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of An interferometric diagnostic for the experimental study of dynamics of solids exposed to intense and ultrashort radiation

Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics IV; and EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space III, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Femtosecond laser damage and ablation of dielectrics: determinism, selectivity, and nanometric resolution</title>

Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2010, 2010

We present a coupled study of laser-induced damage and ablation of fused silica in the femtosecon... more We present a coupled study of laser-induced damage and ablation of fused silica in the femtosecond regime. Both thresholds are essentially different and investigations under a wide excursion of pulse duration (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 10 fs to 300 fs) and applied fluence (Fth &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; F &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 10 Fth) provide quantitative knowledge on i) the strength of the so-called &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;deterministic&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; character of femtosecond

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Absorption of femtosecond laser pulse in fused silica: experiments and modelling</title>

Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XVI, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Microjet formation and hard x-ray production from a liquid metal target irradiated by intense femtosecond laser pulses

Physics of Plasmas, 2014

ABSTRACT By using a liquid metal as a target one may significantly enhance the yield of hard x-ra... more ABSTRACT By using a liquid metal as a target one may significantly enhance the yield of hard x-rays with a sequence of two intense femtosecond laser pulses. The influence of the time delay between the two pulses is studied experimentally and interpreted with numerical simulations. It was suggested that the first arbitrary weak pulse produces microjets from the target surface, while the second intense pulse provides an efficient electron heating and acceleration along the jet surface. These energetic electrons are the source of x-ray emission while striking the target surface. The microjet formation is explained based on the results given by both optical diagnostics and hydrodynamic modeling by a collision of shocks originated from two distinct zones of laser energy deposition. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Endommagement et ablation de la silice en régime femtoseconde: expérience et modélisation

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Research paper thumbnail of Laser damage and ablation thresholds of fused silica in femtosecond regime: gathering experiments and comprehensive model

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamique ultra-rapide de la transition de phase solide-liquide-vapeur par spectroscopie XANES résolue en temps

UVX 2012 - 11e Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X ; Applications et Développements Récents, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultrafast laser interaction with fused silica: from damage threshold to nanomachining

Nonlinear Optics, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Formation of nanocavities in dielectrics: A self-consistent modeling

Physics of Plasmas, 2008

Tight focusing of a subpicosecond laser pulse in transparent dielectrics is an efficient way to r... more Tight focusing of a subpicosecond laser pulse in transparent dielectrics is an efficient way to release laser energy and to produce plasma. A micro-explosion results in a submicrometer cavity formation if the deposited laser energy exceeds a threshold. A self-consistent model is developed that describes this process. The energy deposition is described by a full set of Maxwell&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s equations in

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental observations and modeling of nanoparticle formation in laser-produced expanding plasma

Physics of Plasmas, 2008

Interaction of a laser beam with a target may generate a high velocity expanding plasma plume, so... more Interaction of a laser beam with a target may generate a high velocity expanding plasma plume, solid debris, and liquid nano- and microparticles. They can be produced from plasma recombination, vapor condensation or by a direct expulsion of the heated liquid phase. Two distinct sizes of particles are observed depending on the temperature achieved in the plasma plume: Micrometer-size fragments

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultrafast Short-Range Disordering of Femtosecond-Laser-Heated Warm Dense Aluminum

Physical Review Letters, 2013

We have probed, with time-resolved x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), a femtosecond... more We have probed, with time-resolved x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), a femtosecond-laser-heated aluminum foil with fluences up to 1 J/cm2. The spectra reveal a loss of the short-range order in a few picoseconds. This time scale is compared with the electron-ion equilibration time, calculated with a two-temperature model. Hydrodynamic simulations shed light on complex features that affect the foil dynamics, including progressive density change from solid to liquid (∼10 ps). In this density range, quantum molecular dynamics simulations indicate that XANES is a relevant probe of the ionic temperature.

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Research paper thumbnail of Damage and ablation thresholds of fused-silica in femtosecond regime

Physical Review B, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Liquid-vapor phase transition and droplet formation by subpicosecond laser heating

Physical Review B, 2009

The expansion of a thin metallic layer isochorically heated by a subpicosecond laser pulse is stu... more The expansion of a thin metallic layer isochorically heated by a subpicosecond laser pulse is studied theoretically and numerically. An analytical model that accounts for the liquid-vapor phase transition in expanding flow is developed. Numerical simulations performed for an aluminum target that is described by a multiphase equation of state confirm the analytical model. A repartition of the liquid and

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Research paper thumbnail of Solid-liquid phase transition induced by fast heating of a thin metal film

EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2010

For fast heating, solid-liquid phase transition is generally assumed to be an isochoric process r... more For fast heating, solid-liquid phase transition is generally assumed to be an isochoric process related to the ion temperature. However, the experimental studies of fast melting process do not completely agree with the theory. We discuss the validity of the isochoric assumption for fast heating by considering the fast melting of aluminum and gold thin films. The results show that solid-liquid phase transition can occur due to the foil expansion in a picosecond time scale, without significant ion heating, for deposited energies of the order of the melting enthalpy. The estimated melting time for gold thin film irradiated by a short laser pulse is in agreement with experimental measurements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Particles formation in an expanding plasma

The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2009

Interaction of a laser beam with a target generates a high velocity expanding plasma plume, solid... more Interaction of a laser beam with a target generates a high velocity expanding plasma plume, solid debris and liquid nano- and microparticles. They are produced from plasma recombination and vapor condensation and can be deposited on optical elements located nearby the target. Two distinct kinds of particles were observed depending on the temperature achieved in the plasma plume: large micrometer-size

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Research paper thumbnail of Laser-matter structuration of optical and biological materials

Applied Surface Science, 2012

ABSTRACT Interaction of ultrafast laser, i.e. from the femtosecond (fs) to the nanosecond (ns) re... more ABSTRACT Interaction of ultrafast laser, i.e. from the femtosecond (fs) to the nanosecond (ns) regime, with initially transparent matter may produce very high energy density hot spots in the bulk as well as at the material surface, depending on focusing conditions. In the fs regime, absorption is due to ionisation of the dielectric, which enables absorption process to begin, and then hydrodynamic to take place. In the ns regime both absorption and hydrodynamic are coupled to each other, which complexifies considerably the comprehension but matter structuration looks similar. A numerical tool including solution of 3D Maxwell equations and a rate equation for free electrons is first compared to some available simple models of laser energy absorption. Then, subsequent material deformation, i.e. structuration, is determined by solving hydrodynamic equations, including or not solid behaviour. We show that nature of the final structures strongly depends on the amount of deposited energy and on the shape of the absorption zone. Then we address some problems related to laser-matter structuration of optical and biological materials in the fs, ps and ns regimes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Femtosecond laser pulse train interaction with dielectric materials

Applied Physics Letters, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Damage and ablation thresholds of fused silica in femtosecond regime: relevant physical criteria and mechanisms

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultra-short laser induced electron excitation/relaxation kinetics

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of burst mode on transparent materials processing

Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing IX, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of An interferometric diagnostic for the experimental study of dynamics of solids exposed to intense and ultrashort radiation

Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics IV; and EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space III, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Femtosecond laser damage and ablation of dielectrics: determinism, selectivity, and nanometric resolution</title>

Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2010, 2010

We present a coupled study of laser-induced damage and ablation of fused silica in the femtosecon... more We present a coupled study of laser-induced damage and ablation of fused silica in the femtosecond regime. Both thresholds are essentially different and investigations under a wide excursion of pulse duration (&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 10 fs to 300 fs) and applied fluence (Fth &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; F &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 10 Fth) provide quantitative knowledge on i) the strength of the so-called &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;deterministic&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; character of femtosecond

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Research paper thumbnail of <title>Absorption of femtosecond laser pulse in fused silica: experiments and modelling</title>

Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XVI, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Microjet formation and hard x-ray production from a liquid metal target irradiated by intense femtosecond laser pulses

Physics of Plasmas, 2014

ABSTRACT By using a liquid metal as a target one may significantly enhance the yield of hard x-ra... more ABSTRACT By using a liquid metal as a target one may significantly enhance the yield of hard x-rays with a sequence of two intense femtosecond laser pulses. The influence of the time delay between the two pulses is studied experimentally and interpreted with numerical simulations. It was suggested that the first arbitrary weak pulse produces microjets from the target surface, while the second intense pulse provides an efficient electron heating and acceleration along the jet surface. These energetic electrons are the source of x-ray emission while striking the target surface. The microjet formation is explained based on the results given by both optical diagnostics and hydrodynamic modeling by a collision of shocks originated from two distinct zones of laser energy deposition. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Endommagement et ablation de la silice en régime femtoseconde: expérience et modélisation

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Research paper thumbnail of Laser damage and ablation thresholds of fused silica in femtosecond regime: gathering experiments and comprehensive model

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamique ultra-rapide de la transition de phase solide-liquide-vapeur par spectroscopie XANES résolue en temps

UVX 2012 - 11e Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X ; Applications et Développements Récents, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultrafast laser interaction with fused silica: from damage threshold to nanomachining

Nonlinear Optics, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Formation of nanocavities in dielectrics: A self-consistent modeling

Physics of Plasmas, 2008

Tight focusing of a subpicosecond laser pulse in transparent dielectrics is an efficient way to r... more Tight focusing of a subpicosecond laser pulse in transparent dielectrics is an efficient way to release laser energy and to produce plasma. A micro-explosion results in a submicrometer cavity formation if the deposited laser energy exceeds a threshold. A self-consistent model is developed that describes this process. The energy deposition is described by a full set of Maxwell&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s equations in

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental observations and modeling of nanoparticle formation in laser-produced expanding plasma

Physics of Plasmas, 2008

Interaction of a laser beam with a target may generate a high velocity expanding plasma plume, so... more Interaction of a laser beam with a target may generate a high velocity expanding plasma plume, solid debris, and liquid nano- and microparticles. They can be produced from plasma recombination, vapor condensation or by a direct expulsion of the heated liquid phase. Two distinct sizes of particles are observed depending on the temperature achieved in the plasma plume: Micrometer-size fragments

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Research paper thumbnail of Ultrafast Short-Range Disordering of Femtosecond-Laser-Heated Warm Dense Aluminum

Physical Review Letters, 2013

We have probed, with time-resolved x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), a femtosecond... more We have probed, with time-resolved x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), a femtosecond-laser-heated aluminum foil with fluences up to 1 J/cm2. The spectra reveal a loss of the short-range order in a few picoseconds. This time scale is compared with the electron-ion equilibration time, calculated with a two-temperature model. Hydrodynamic simulations shed light on complex features that affect the foil dynamics, including progressive density change from solid to liquid (∼10 ps). In this density range, quantum molecular dynamics simulations indicate that XANES is a relevant probe of the ionic temperature.

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Research paper thumbnail of Damage and ablation thresholds of fused-silica in femtosecond regime

Physical Review B, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Liquid-vapor phase transition and droplet formation by subpicosecond laser heating

Physical Review B, 2009

The expansion of a thin metallic layer isochorically heated by a subpicosecond laser pulse is stu... more The expansion of a thin metallic layer isochorically heated by a subpicosecond laser pulse is studied theoretically and numerically. An analytical model that accounts for the liquid-vapor phase transition in expanding flow is developed. Numerical simulations performed for an aluminum target that is described by a multiphase equation of state confirm the analytical model. A repartition of the liquid and

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Research paper thumbnail of Solid-liquid phase transition induced by fast heating of a thin metal film

EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2010

For fast heating, solid-liquid phase transition is generally assumed to be an isochoric process r... more For fast heating, solid-liquid phase transition is generally assumed to be an isochoric process related to the ion temperature. However, the experimental studies of fast melting process do not completely agree with the theory. We discuss the validity of the isochoric assumption for fast heating by considering the fast melting of aluminum and gold thin films. The results show that solid-liquid phase transition can occur due to the foil expansion in a picosecond time scale, without significant ion heating, for deposited energies of the order of the melting enthalpy. The estimated melting time for gold thin film irradiated by a short laser pulse is in agreement with experimental measurements.

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Research paper thumbnail of Particles formation in an expanding plasma

The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2009

Interaction of a laser beam with a target generates a high velocity expanding plasma plume, solid... more Interaction of a laser beam with a target generates a high velocity expanding plasma plume, solid debris and liquid nano- and microparticles. They are produced from plasma recombination and vapor condensation and can be deposited on optical elements located nearby the target. Two distinct kinds of particles were observed depending on the temperature achieved in the plasma plume: large micrometer-size

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Research paper thumbnail of Laser-matter structuration of optical and biological materials

Applied Surface Science, 2012

ABSTRACT Interaction of ultrafast laser, i.e. from the femtosecond (fs) to the nanosecond (ns) re... more ABSTRACT Interaction of ultrafast laser, i.e. from the femtosecond (fs) to the nanosecond (ns) regime, with initially transparent matter may produce very high energy density hot spots in the bulk as well as at the material surface, depending on focusing conditions. In the fs regime, absorption is due to ionisation of the dielectric, which enables absorption process to begin, and then hydrodynamic to take place. In the ns regime both absorption and hydrodynamic are coupled to each other, which complexifies considerably the comprehension but matter structuration looks similar. A numerical tool including solution of 3D Maxwell equations and a rate equation for free electrons is first compared to some available simple models of laser energy absorption. Then, subsequent material deformation, i.e. structuration, is determined by solving hydrodynamic equations, including or not solid behaviour. We show that nature of the final structures strongly depends on the amount of deposited energy and on the shape of the absorption zone. Then we address some problems related to laser-matter structuration of optical and biological materials in the fs, ps and ns regimes.

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