firsa bahari | Brawijaya University (original) (raw)
Papers by firsa bahari
Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility
This paper issuing a Corporate Social Responsibility report. The term CSR report is often used in... more This paper issuing a Corporate Social Responsibility report. The term CSR report is often used instead of a triple bottom line report. The theory behind the triple bottom line is that it is in the interests of a business to act as a steward of the environment, society and the economy. The triple bottom line (abbreviated as "TBL" or "3BL") also known as "people, planet, profit" or "the three pillars. There are some controversies in CSR. (1) While many people agree with the importance of good social conditions and preservation of the environment, there are also many who disagree with the triple bottom line as the way to enhance these conditions (2) There are no operational definition and specific rules about CSR.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Jun 20, 2013
Implementation of Roof System Convergence (SAMSAT) Drive-Thru to Improve Public Service Quality. ... more Implementation of Roof System Convergence (SAMSAT) Drive-Thru to Improve Public Service Quality. Implementation of best service quality to customer is not only adopted by private companies, but also by government institutions (state owned enterprises) that facing increasing demand to provide best service. One of government institutions that implemented innovation to improve its service quality is Samsat in the district of Lamongan. Innovation that is implemented by Lamongan's Samsat is Samsat Drive thru. The objective of the innovation is to solve the problem of underperformance of Lamongan's Samsat that is caused by complicated procedures, cost uncertainty, and plenty of brokers. Generally, this research is aimed to measure how far the impacts of the implementation of Samsat Drive thru to improve the public service quality. This research use qualitative method approach by observation and interview methods. The result of research reveal that Samsat drive thru's service quality is directly proportional with customer satisfaction.
Government's role to created livable housing. This research is motivated by the increasing amount... more Government's role to created livable housing. This research is motivated by the increasing amount of residential development as the the impact of the increasing population in Sidoarjo Regency. In a residential area there must be facilities that support daily activities it aims to ensure the feasibility of inhabited housing so that provide a sense of comfort, security, peace and prosperity for its residents. The research method that used is descriptive qualitative research approach that uses analytical methods Milles Huberman. The background of this research was appointed to see how the government's role in creating livable housing for the general welfare of society purpose. The results of this research are good enough, it is manifested, among others, in setting standards of housing construction, supervision and control of housing construction and improvement of the quality of housing. The role has been in accordance with the government's role as a stabilizer, an innovator and catalyst.Contributing factor in creating livable housing, among others, the assistance of the government in the form of physical development, the awards and the support of competent human resources. Inhibiting factor is the lack of human resources.
Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Mig... more Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) is still a lot going on, one of which is sending TKI illegally. Recruitment strategy has an important role in preparing for sending workers abroad. This research uses descriptive research with qualitative approach, focusing on how the recruitment strategy of TKI that Abstrak: Strategi Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ke Luar Negeri di Kota Surabaya. Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja ke luar negeri masih banyak terjadi, salah satunya ialah pengiriman TKI secara ilegal. Strategi rekrutmen memiliki peran penting dalam mempersiapkan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, fokus pada bagaimana strategi rekrutmen TKI yang dilakukan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (UPT P3TKI) Surabaya. Strategi rekrutmen TKI ke luar negeri yang dilakukan oleh UPT P3TKI Surabaya, berupa program penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Program antar-Pemerintah (Government to Government) ke Korea Selatan, sosialisasi Program Penempatan dan Perlindungan TKI ke Luar Negeri (PPTKLN), Bimbingan Teknis (BIMTEK) Petugas Antar Kerja Antar Negara (AKAN). Saran untuk UPT P3TKI Surabaya, membuka cabang dari UPT P3TKI di daerah-daerah di Jawa Timur agar mempermudah dan memperlancar proses penempatan TKI. Kata kunci: Strategi rekrutmen, Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Rekrutmen
Partnership is a relationship between SMEs (and cooperation that put each other on the same level... more Partnership is a relationship between SMEs (and cooperation that put each other on the same level or equivalent and need each other to the principle of mutual benefit. Social capital in this case is seen to have the same concept with the partnership. Thus it will be explained further how Diskoperindag's role in fostering social capital for SMEs partnership facilitation activities in Pasuruan. In this study the role of Diskoperindag explored by the shapes of relationship and social capital indicators were adapted from literature related to social capital. This study is organized into two research focus. First, the role of Diskoperindag described into four social capital indicators, namely: trust, rules, participation and reciprocity networks. Secondly, to describe the conditions in more detail in the context of social capital for SMEs partnership Pasuruan used indicators that focus on relational properties, which relates to the frequency of relationship, the intensity of the relationship and spatial proximity. Kecil Dan Menengah). Kemitraan antar UMKM merupakan hubungan (relationship) dan kerjasama (cooperation) yang menempatkan satu dengan yang lainnya dalam posisi sejajar atau setara serta saling membutuhkan dengan prinsip saling menguntungkan. Modal sosial dalam hal ini dipandang memiliki konsep yang sama dengan kemitraan. Maka dari itu lebih lanjut akan dijelaskan bagaimana peran Diskoperindag dalam menumbuhkan modal sosial bagi fasilitasi kegiatan kemitraan UMKM Kota Pasuruan. Dalam penelitian ini peran Diskoperindag ditelusuri dari bentuk relasi serta indikator modal sosial yang diadaptasi dari literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dengan modal sosial. Penelitian ini disusun kedalam dua fokus penelitian. Pertama, peran Diskoperindag dijelaskan kedalam empat indikator modal sosial yaitu: trust, aturan, partisipasi jaringan dan resiprositas. Kedua, untuk lebih rinci menggambarkan kondisi modal sosial dalam konteks kemitraan bagi UMKM Kota Pasuruan digunakan indikator yang lebih fokus terhadap relational properties, yaitu berkaitan dengan frekwensi hubungan, intensitas hubungan serta jarak geografis hubungan.
Implementation of the financial management Parlements of the good governance perspective. Due to ... more Implementation of the financial management Parlements of the good governance perspective. Due to weak financial governance of parlements implementation which do not meet the elements of good Governence, the values of accountability, transparent, efficient, and effective, as well as abiding by the rules of law. the research aims to describe and analyze the 1) the implementation of parlements financial in the perspective of good Governence 2) describes and analyzes the factors that become supporters and restricting financial implementation of parlements in the perspective of good Governence. The financial governance covers several stages of the planning phase, stage, stage, stage of administering accountability and monitoring stages. This research uses qualitative descriptive method developed by straus and corbin through three phases namely open cording, axial coding, and selective coding. The results of this research is to 1
The Optimization And Obstacles Of Employees Placement In Banyuwangi. One of the policies taken by... more The Optimization And Obstacles Of Employees Placement In Banyuwangi. One of the policies taken by the government as an attempt was made to Civil Servants structuring with the enactment of the moratorium CPNS. However, with the enactment of the moratorium policy employess, Banyuwangi experiencing short-staffed. It is based on the same time a wave of retiring civil servants continue. So the need for optimizing employee in Banyuwangi. To know the optimization and obstacles of employee placement the research conducted on the Staffing and Training Agency Banyuwangi. The research method used is descriptive qualitative the research data is divided into two kinds: primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that optimization of employee placement in Banyuwangi has done well, namely by determining job analysis, workload analysis and determination of the qualifications position in accordance to the PP 13 of 2002. Results of job analysis conducted to improve the productivity of employees. The implementation of workload analysis, it is known that not all areas in the district of Banyuwangi get briefed and benefits. Further qualifications of each employee is in conformity with the position carried, but there needs to be increased in accordance. Factors that influence the course of the placement of employees in Banyuwangi, namely situational factors, education and employee competencies, and qualifications of job analysis team. So that the improvement of the need for re-analysis or evaluation of the results of the job descriptions and workload analysis. Further, each officer shall be selected on the basis of qualifications professionalism through competitive examinations. Reduction of structural training accompanied by the implementation of the training of skilled workers, as well as the need for transparency of qualifications job analysis and workload analysis team.
Regent Leadership in Increase Development. This research was conducted to performan exposure rela... more Regent Leadership in Increase Development. This research was conducted to performan exposure related to leadership styles about his ability to lead, on the other hand there are people who have excess capacity to lead. This when the emergence of the need forleaders and leadership. The problem of this research is how Regional Head Bangkalan leadership in promoting development and the factors that influence whether Regional Head Bangkalan leadership in promoting development. This research used qualitative approach, where qualitative research is are search procedure that produces descriptive. This research results conclusions that in the decision-making process, Regent done it in a transparent manner tomeet the aspirations of all forms submitted by the community. Indetermining of Regents policy is always open to criticism, and also gives awards to those who havea good performance. Based on the results of the study also showed in the conclusion that the Regents adopts a democratic leadership. It can be seen from the decision-making procedure,determination of activity, assignment, awards and critism that involves the community and subordinates.
Excellent service by implementing many innovations, one of which is by using information technolo... more Excellent service by implementing many innovations, one of which is by using information technology is one of the requirements of good governance and clean governance and the creation of transparency and accountability. Embodiment coveted service is the ease in handling interests with fast service within the meaning without the barriers created by bureaucrats, get a reasonable service, receive the same treatment and receive treatment which is fair and forthright. One of the most important indicators of the success of local government service delivery is to implement policies excellent service to the community is to provide the maximum range of innovative services to the community, one of which is the use of information technology. World of information technology is always evolving in real time among the major banks and companies an alternative to develop service improvement synergized to provide ease of access, simplicity, clarity, certainty of time, the accuracy of the data to the public.
The partnership is between public and private. Public sector is represented by breeder community,... more The partnership is between public and private. Public sector is represented by breeder community, while the private is cooperative. Both develop mutual cooperation to increase the quality of milk purchase and to improve the economic of dairy cow breeders. The community is producer of milk, and the milk is processed by the cooperative by determining milk standard before further processing at third party, which is Nestle milk factory. Result of research indicates that the partnership is successful because the partnership is benefiting the community and KUD "BATU". The community can stabilize their economic, improve their education degree and develop their houses and roads. Moreover, KUD "BATU" can increase the population of dairy cow, improve milk production, and invite additional investment to improve the service to breeders. There are factors constraining and supporting the economic of dairy cow breeders. The constraining factors include relatively traditional livestock management, the difficulty of feeding during dry season, and lack of awareness among breeders about the importance of stall cleanliness because of the less empowered human resource of breeders.
). Local governments will try to increase revenue by maximizing local tax, motor vehicle tax that... more ). Local governments will try to increase revenue by maximizing local tax, motor vehicle tax that is like (MVT). Governor of East Java Governor issued Regulation No. 32 Year 2012 on Pemutihan MVT. This study aims to describe the implementation of the pemutihan and obstacles encountered in the SAMSAT Office Nganjuk. This study uses qualitative methods. Data analysis method includes data reduction, data display, conclusion. This study suggests that MVT voting system performed SAMSAT Office Nganjuk based provisions MVT is 0.2% -1.5% for tax, 2% -3.5% for progressive and 0.75% -15% for transfer tax name withheld based procedures. Realization MVT through Pemutihan was effective, as shown by the receipt MVT has exceeded the target. The constraints are the internal factors and external factors. Recommendations to solve the problems that occur is to optimize collective voting through with other places like call centers paid Featured and with reward for taxpayers exemplary. Abstrak: Implementasi Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur No. 32 Tahun 2012 tentang Pemutihan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (Studi di Kantor Bersama SAMSAT Kabupaten Nganjuk). Pemerintah daerah akan berusaha meningkatkan pendapatan dengan memaksimalkan pajak daerah, yaitu seperti Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB). Gubernur Jawa Timur mengeluarkan Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 32
Poverty is one of fundamental problems in any developing countries. Indonesia as one of developin... more Poverty is one of fundamental problems in any developing countries. Indonesia as one of developing countries attemp to address the problems of poverty through empowerment programs. Basic skills training is one of empowerment programs which aims to improve people's skills as a preparation to work and increase public welfare. This research aims to describe and analyzing the implementation process of society empowerment programs through basic skills training in Tambaksari District of Surabaya and the factors that influence the process of this implementation program. This research used qualitative approach method. Basic skills training which was held in Tambaksari District by government basiccally has been able to help improving people's skills and increasing poor people's life. However, in the implementation, this program was not get appreciate enough from the that the ralization from the achievement of this program got less optimal results. Abstrak: Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Pelatihan Keterampilan Dasar. Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu permasalahan mendasar yang terdapat pada setiap negara berkembang. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang berupaya menanggulangi permasalahan kemiskinan salah satunya melalui kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan berbasis pemberdayaan. Pelatihan keterampilan dasar adalah salah satu program berbasis pemberdayaan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat sebagai bekal usaha bekerja dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis proses implementasi program pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan keterampilan dasar di Kecamatan Tambaksari serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dari proses implementasi program. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pelatihan keterampilan dasar yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah di Kecamatan Tambaksari pada dasarnya dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan dan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat keluarga miskin. Namun, dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut kurang mendapatkan apresiasi yang baik dari para penerima manfaat sehingga realisasi dari capaian program tersebut kurang mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.
Malang regency with total population 2,8 million peoples, as many 155.745 poor families are class... more Malang regency with total population 2,8 million peoples, as many 155.745 poor families are classified as poor household who need to be empowered. It could be work program East Java Province Government about poor household alleviation. The purpose of this study is to explain and describe Community Empowering Improvement Program of policy bases on poor household East Java Province Government that the implementation in Malang Regency, and beside it to know support and inhibiting factors from that policy especially in Pandansari Village Poncokusumo Sub-District. Methode Research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The technique used in data analysis model Spradley. The result of this research is summarize that Program Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat (Community Empowering Improvement Program) of policy implementation bases on poor household althought activity in the program consists of Usaha Ekonomi Produktif-Simpan Pinjam (Productive Economic Unit-Saving and loan), Sarpras (infrastructure) activity, and Peningkatan SDM (Increase Human Relation). But, in implementation the program was less optimally because less understanding society to program and complicated system for Unit Pengelola Keuangan Usaha (UPKu) Organizer. Abstrak: Kabupaten Malang dengan jumlah penduduk 2,8 juta jiwa, sebanyak 155.745 keluarga miskin adalah tergolong rumah tangga miskin yang perlu diberdayakan. Hal tersebut menjadi program kerja Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur tentang pengentasan rumah tangga miskin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan kebijakan Program Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat berbasis rumah tangga miskin Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur yang pelaksanaannya di Kabupaten Malang, dan disamping itu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya dari kebijakan tersebut khususnya di Desa Pandansari Kecamatan Poncokusumo. Jenis penelitiannya menggunakan penelitian dekskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis datanya menggunakan model Spradley. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan Program Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat berbasis rumah tangga miskin walaupun kegiatan programnya meliputi Usaha Ekonomi Produktif-Simpan Pinjam, kegiatan Sarpras (Sarana dan Prasarana), dan Peningkatan SDM. Akan tetapi, dalam pelaksanaannya kurang optimal dikarenakan kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap program dan sistem yang dianggap rumit bagi pengurus Unit Pengelola Keuangan Usaha (UPKu).
Nganjuk Regency is one of the most potential regency in East Java to develop its tourism. Nganjuk... more Nganjuk Regency is one of the most potential regency in East Java to develop its tourism. Nganjuk Regency has four local tourism objects governed by local Department of Tourism and Culture: Sedudo Waterfall, Air Merambat Roro Kuning, Taman Rekreasi Anjuk Ladang (TRAL) , Margo Tresno Cave. Tourism of Nganjuk offers many tourism objects whose attraction and feature are distinctive in those places. Nonetheless, the lack of attention given by the government particularly in term of promotion that has become a hurdle to the advancement of tourism in Nganjuk. Therefore, it is essential that relevant authorities must have awareness and introduce several regulations to advance the tourism development. Developing tourism sector requires strategies which equipped by well-arranged tourism developing plan in order to optimize the tourism potential. The role of local government is therefore important as the main generator and afterwards, giving the Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department full authority to create and implement tourism developing strategies. In this thesis, the writer is encouraged to acknowledge and review the role of Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department in improving the tourism potential. It is acquired by settling the statement of problem on first, the strategies of Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department to develop its tourism sector and second, the factors affecting the improvement of tourism in Nganjuk Regency. This research applied descriptive research method in nature by employing qualitative approach. The resources were grouped into two, primary data and secondary data.
Good Corporate Governance Implementation to Increase the Quality of Service Good Corporate Govern... more Good Corporate Governance Implementation to Increase the Quality of Service Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in PT Telkom has become necessity, because when it applied, companies must have good service quality. This study was conducted to analyze and determine Good Corporate Governance Implementation to Increase the Quality of Service in PT Telkom Banyuwangi. Based on the aims of study, it using descriptive method in qualitative approach. The results of this research showed that PT Telkom divide the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in five groups which based on the five principles of Good Corporate Governance, that is: Transparency, Independence, Accountability, Responsibility, and Fairness. Furthermore, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance, Telkom show efforts to improve quality of service to satisfying their customers with SLG (Service Level Guarantee) system, competency management and development of human resources, Developing Distribution of service and Product, and the development of facilities and infrastructure, governance of TI that already good. However, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in PT Telkom Banyuwangi depends of the competence of human resources availability and lack of information about the importance of Good Corporate Governance for PT Telkom Banyuwangi. From these results, the authors can draw the conclusion that good corporate governance has been implemented properly in accordance strengthening the application of the principles of Corporate Value (corporate values) and the authors provide suggestions for PT Telkom Banyuwangi that have implemented good corporate governance is necessary in order to better socialization and development of employee knowledge about GCG evenly on employees.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an Effort to Empower Society Around a Sugar Manufactory.... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an Effort to Empower Society Around a Sugar Manufactory. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the obligations to be performed by company in accordance with the contents of the limited liability company law No. 40 year 2007 article 74. CSR the form of BUMN is a Partnership and Community Development Program (Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan/PKBL). Kremboong Sugar Manufactory as a sugar industry that just as other industries do not escape the environmental impact that is felt detrimental to surrounding communities. External responsibility the shared obligation to bring about the well-being of the community by means of community empowerment in the surrounding environment. The study aimed to find out and analyze CSR on the company as empowering communities around the Kremboong Sugar Manufactory. The result of this research showed that Kremboong Sugar Factory have been trying to implemented CSR in accordance with the concept of PKBL where Kremboong Sugar Manufactory doing activities that show a sense of concern social as well as to try to empower people around a sugar manufactory. But in practice, CSR programs in Kremboong Sugar Manufactory through partnership and community development program that includes a partnership with farmers around the sugar factory, empowerment of small and medium enterprises, the granting of the welding skills to the youth around the sugar factory, and social service programs not running optimally because this programs has not been well socialized.
Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Mig... more Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) is still a lot going on, one of which is sending TKI illegally. Recruitment strategy has an important role in preparing for sending workers abroad. This research uses descriptive research with qualitative approach, focusing on how the recruitment strategy of TKI that Abstrak: Strategi Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ke Luar Negeri di Kota Surabaya. Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja ke luar negeri masih banyak terjadi, salah satunya ialah pengiriman TKI secara ilegal. Strategi rekrutmen memiliki peran penting dalam mempersiapkan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, fokus pada bagaimana strategi rekrutmen TKI yang dilakukan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (UPT P3TKI) Surabaya. Strategi rekrutmen TKI ke luar negeri yang dilakukan oleh UPT P3TKI Surabaya, berupa program penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Program antar-Pemerintah (Government to Government) ke Korea Selatan, sosialisasi Program Penempatan dan Perlindungan TKI ke Luar Negeri (PPTKLN), Bimbingan Teknis (BIMTEK) Petugas Antar Kerja Antar Negara (AKAN). Saran untuk UPT P3TKI Surabaya, membuka cabang dari UPT P3TKI di daerah-daerah di Jawa Timur agar mempermudah dan memperlancar proses penempatan TKI. Kata kunci: Strategi rekrutmen, Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Rekrutmen
Employee has a major role in any organization's activities, as employees become planners, perpetr... more Employee has a major role in any organization's activities, as employees become planners, perpetrators, and determining the realization of organizational goals system. Organizational goals will be more easily achieved if the employee is placed at a position corresponding to its competence. But the competence and ability alone is not enough to improve the performance of the employee, is also required accuracy in placing the employee in accordance with its competence and capabilities. This research uses explanatory research with quantitative approach.The independent variables used in this study is the suitability of knowledge (X1) with indicators of knowledge of formal and non-formal, fitness ability (X2) with indicators of physical and intellectual abilities, and suitability of expertise (X3) with indicators of technical expertise, social relationships and conceptual. The dependent variable in this study is the performance indicator of the quantity, quality, and time. This study has also found that of the three independent variables, the most influential variable is the compliance capabilities significantly, whereas the smallest effect is given by the compliance expertise.
Budidaya ikan membutuhkan adanya teknik-teknik pembenihan yang menunjang pengembangan pemuliaan i... more Budidaya ikan membutuhkan adanya teknik-teknik pembenihan yang menunjang pengembangan pemuliaan ikan (breeding program) baik dengan teknik reproduksi alami maupun teknik reproduksi buatan yang merupakan alternatif langkah dalam menyediakan benih ikan yang memadai, dengan demikian kesinambungan penyediaan induk matang gonad yang sehat dan berkualitas mutlak diperlukan.
Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility
This paper issuing a Corporate Social Responsibility report. The term CSR report is often used in... more This paper issuing a Corporate Social Responsibility report. The term CSR report is often used instead of a triple bottom line report. The theory behind the triple bottom line is that it is in the interests of a business to act as a steward of the environment, society and the economy. The triple bottom line (abbreviated as "TBL" or "3BL") also known as "people, planet, profit" or "the three pillars. There are some controversies in CSR. (1) While many people agree with the importance of good social conditions and preservation of the environment, there are also many who disagree with the triple bottom line as the way to enhance these conditions (2) There are no operational definition and specific rules about CSR.
Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Jun 20, 2013
Implementation of Roof System Convergence (SAMSAT) Drive-Thru to Improve Public Service Quality. ... more Implementation of Roof System Convergence (SAMSAT) Drive-Thru to Improve Public Service Quality. Implementation of best service quality to customer is not only adopted by private companies, but also by government institutions (state owned enterprises) that facing increasing demand to provide best service. One of government institutions that implemented innovation to improve its service quality is Samsat in the district of Lamongan. Innovation that is implemented by Lamongan's Samsat is Samsat Drive thru. The objective of the innovation is to solve the problem of underperformance of Lamongan's Samsat that is caused by complicated procedures, cost uncertainty, and plenty of brokers. Generally, this research is aimed to measure how far the impacts of the implementation of Samsat Drive thru to improve the public service quality. This research use qualitative method approach by observation and interview methods. The result of research reveal that Samsat drive thru's service quality is directly proportional with customer satisfaction.
Government's role to created livable housing. This research is motivated by the increasing amount... more Government's role to created livable housing. This research is motivated by the increasing amount of residential development as the the impact of the increasing population in Sidoarjo Regency. In a residential area there must be facilities that support daily activities it aims to ensure the feasibility of inhabited housing so that provide a sense of comfort, security, peace and prosperity for its residents. The research method that used is descriptive qualitative research approach that uses analytical methods Milles Huberman. The background of this research was appointed to see how the government's role in creating livable housing for the general welfare of society purpose. The results of this research are good enough, it is manifested, among others, in setting standards of housing construction, supervision and control of housing construction and improvement of the quality of housing. The role has been in accordance with the government's role as a stabilizer, an innovator and catalyst.Contributing factor in creating livable housing, among others, the assistance of the government in the form of physical development, the awards and the support of competent human resources. Inhibiting factor is the lack of human resources.
Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Mig... more Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) is still a lot going on, one of which is sending TKI illegally. Recruitment strategy has an important role in preparing for sending workers abroad. This research uses descriptive research with qualitative approach, focusing on how the recruitment strategy of TKI that Abstrak: Strategi Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ke Luar Negeri di Kota Surabaya. Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja ke luar negeri masih banyak terjadi, salah satunya ialah pengiriman TKI secara ilegal. Strategi rekrutmen memiliki peran penting dalam mempersiapkan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, fokus pada bagaimana strategi rekrutmen TKI yang dilakukan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (UPT P3TKI) Surabaya. Strategi rekrutmen TKI ke luar negeri yang dilakukan oleh UPT P3TKI Surabaya, berupa program penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Program antar-Pemerintah (Government to Government) ke Korea Selatan, sosialisasi Program Penempatan dan Perlindungan TKI ke Luar Negeri (PPTKLN), Bimbingan Teknis (BIMTEK) Petugas Antar Kerja Antar Negara (AKAN). Saran untuk UPT P3TKI Surabaya, membuka cabang dari UPT P3TKI di daerah-daerah di Jawa Timur agar mempermudah dan memperlancar proses penempatan TKI. Kata kunci: Strategi rekrutmen, Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Rekrutmen
Partnership is a relationship between SMEs (and cooperation that put each other on the same level... more Partnership is a relationship between SMEs (and cooperation that put each other on the same level or equivalent and need each other to the principle of mutual benefit. Social capital in this case is seen to have the same concept with the partnership. Thus it will be explained further how Diskoperindag's role in fostering social capital for SMEs partnership facilitation activities in Pasuruan. In this study the role of Diskoperindag explored by the shapes of relationship and social capital indicators were adapted from literature related to social capital. This study is organized into two research focus. First, the role of Diskoperindag described into four social capital indicators, namely: trust, rules, participation and reciprocity networks. Secondly, to describe the conditions in more detail in the context of social capital for SMEs partnership Pasuruan used indicators that focus on relational properties, which relates to the frequency of relationship, the intensity of the relationship and spatial proximity. Kecil Dan Menengah). Kemitraan antar UMKM merupakan hubungan (relationship) dan kerjasama (cooperation) yang menempatkan satu dengan yang lainnya dalam posisi sejajar atau setara serta saling membutuhkan dengan prinsip saling menguntungkan. Modal sosial dalam hal ini dipandang memiliki konsep yang sama dengan kemitraan. Maka dari itu lebih lanjut akan dijelaskan bagaimana peran Diskoperindag dalam menumbuhkan modal sosial bagi fasilitasi kegiatan kemitraan UMKM Kota Pasuruan. Dalam penelitian ini peran Diskoperindag ditelusuri dari bentuk relasi serta indikator modal sosial yang diadaptasi dari literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dengan modal sosial. Penelitian ini disusun kedalam dua fokus penelitian. Pertama, peran Diskoperindag dijelaskan kedalam empat indikator modal sosial yaitu: trust, aturan, partisipasi jaringan dan resiprositas. Kedua, untuk lebih rinci menggambarkan kondisi modal sosial dalam konteks kemitraan bagi UMKM Kota Pasuruan digunakan indikator yang lebih fokus terhadap relational properties, yaitu berkaitan dengan frekwensi hubungan, intensitas hubungan serta jarak geografis hubungan.
Implementation of the financial management Parlements of the good governance perspective. Due to ... more Implementation of the financial management Parlements of the good governance perspective. Due to weak financial governance of parlements implementation which do not meet the elements of good Governence, the values of accountability, transparent, efficient, and effective, as well as abiding by the rules of law. the research aims to describe and analyze the 1) the implementation of parlements financial in the perspective of good Governence 2) describes and analyzes the factors that become supporters and restricting financial implementation of parlements in the perspective of good Governence. The financial governance covers several stages of the planning phase, stage, stage, stage of administering accountability and monitoring stages. This research uses qualitative descriptive method developed by straus and corbin through three phases namely open cording, axial coding, and selective coding. The results of this research is to 1
The Optimization And Obstacles Of Employees Placement In Banyuwangi. One of the policies taken by... more The Optimization And Obstacles Of Employees Placement In Banyuwangi. One of the policies taken by the government as an attempt was made to Civil Servants structuring with the enactment of the moratorium CPNS. However, with the enactment of the moratorium policy employess, Banyuwangi experiencing short-staffed. It is based on the same time a wave of retiring civil servants continue. So the need for optimizing employee in Banyuwangi. To know the optimization and obstacles of employee placement the research conducted on the Staffing and Training Agency Banyuwangi. The research method used is descriptive qualitative the research data is divided into two kinds: primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that optimization of employee placement in Banyuwangi has done well, namely by determining job analysis, workload analysis and determination of the qualifications position in accordance to the PP 13 of 2002. Results of job analysis conducted to improve the productivity of employees. The implementation of workload analysis, it is known that not all areas in the district of Banyuwangi get briefed and benefits. Further qualifications of each employee is in conformity with the position carried, but there needs to be increased in accordance. Factors that influence the course of the placement of employees in Banyuwangi, namely situational factors, education and employee competencies, and qualifications of job analysis team. So that the improvement of the need for re-analysis or evaluation of the results of the job descriptions and workload analysis. Further, each officer shall be selected on the basis of qualifications professionalism through competitive examinations. Reduction of structural training accompanied by the implementation of the training of skilled workers, as well as the need for transparency of qualifications job analysis and workload analysis team.
Regent Leadership in Increase Development. This research was conducted to performan exposure rela... more Regent Leadership in Increase Development. This research was conducted to performan exposure related to leadership styles about his ability to lead, on the other hand there are people who have excess capacity to lead. This when the emergence of the need forleaders and leadership. The problem of this research is how Regional Head Bangkalan leadership in promoting development and the factors that influence whether Regional Head Bangkalan leadership in promoting development. This research used qualitative approach, where qualitative research is are search procedure that produces descriptive. This research results conclusions that in the decision-making process, Regent done it in a transparent manner tomeet the aspirations of all forms submitted by the community. Indetermining of Regents policy is always open to criticism, and also gives awards to those who havea good performance. Based on the results of the study also showed in the conclusion that the Regents adopts a democratic leadership. It can be seen from the decision-making procedure,determination of activity, assignment, awards and critism that involves the community and subordinates.
Excellent service by implementing many innovations, one of which is by using information technolo... more Excellent service by implementing many innovations, one of which is by using information technology is one of the requirements of good governance and clean governance and the creation of transparency and accountability. Embodiment coveted service is the ease in handling interests with fast service within the meaning without the barriers created by bureaucrats, get a reasonable service, receive the same treatment and receive treatment which is fair and forthright. One of the most important indicators of the success of local government service delivery is to implement policies excellent service to the community is to provide the maximum range of innovative services to the community, one of which is the use of information technology. World of information technology is always evolving in real time among the major banks and companies an alternative to develop service improvement synergized to provide ease of access, simplicity, clarity, certainty of time, the accuracy of the data to the public.
The partnership is between public and private. Public sector is represented by breeder community,... more The partnership is between public and private. Public sector is represented by breeder community, while the private is cooperative. Both develop mutual cooperation to increase the quality of milk purchase and to improve the economic of dairy cow breeders. The community is producer of milk, and the milk is processed by the cooperative by determining milk standard before further processing at third party, which is Nestle milk factory. Result of research indicates that the partnership is successful because the partnership is benefiting the community and KUD "BATU". The community can stabilize their economic, improve their education degree and develop their houses and roads. Moreover, KUD "BATU" can increase the population of dairy cow, improve milk production, and invite additional investment to improve the service to breeders. There are factors constraining and supporting the economic of dairy cow breeders. The constraining factors include relatively traditional livestock management, the difficulty of feeding during dry season, and lack of awareness among breeders about the importance of stall cleanliness because of the less empowered human resource of breeders.
). Local governments will try to increase revenue by maximizing local tax, motor vehicle tax that... more ). Local governments will try to increase revenue by maximizing local tax, motor vehicle tax that is like (MVT). Governor of East Java Governor issued Regulation No. 32 Year 2012 on Pemutihan MVT. This study aims to describe the implementation of the pemutihan and obstacles encountered in the SAMSAT Office Nganjuk. This study uses qualitative methods. Data analysis method includes data reduction, data display, conclusion. This study suggests that MVT voting system performed SAMSAT Office Nganjuk based provisions MVT is 0.2% -1.5% for tax, 2% -3.5% for progressive and 0.75% -15% for transfer tax name withheld based procedures. Realization MVT through Pemutihan was effective, as shown by the receipt MVT has exceeded the target. The constraints are the internal factors and external factors. Recommendations to solve the problems that occur is to optimize collective voting through with other places like call centers paid Featured and with reward for taxpayers exemplary. Abstrak: Implementasi Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur No. 32 Tahun 2012 tentang Pemutihan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (Studi di Kantor Bersama SAMSAT Kabupaten Nganjuk). Pemerintah daerah akan berusaha meningkatkan pendapatan dengan memaksimalkan pajak daerah, yaitu seperti Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB). Gubernur Jawa Timur mengeluarkan Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 32
Poverty is one of fundamental problems in any developing countries. Indonesia as one of developin... more Poverty is one of fundamental problems in any developing countries. Indonesia as one of developing countries attemp to address the problems of poverty through empowerment programs. Basic skills training is one of empowerment programs which aims to improve people's skills as a preparation to work and increase public welfare. This research aims to describe and analyzing the implementation process of society empowerment programs through basic skills training in Tambaksari District of Surabaya and the factors that influence the process of this implementation program. This research used qualitative approach method. Basic skills training which was held in Tambaksari District by government basiccally has been able to help improving people's skills and increasing poor people's life. However, in the implementation, this program was not get appreciate enough from the that the ralization from the achievement of this program got less optimal results. Abstrak: Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Pelatihan Keterampilan Dasar. Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu permasalahan mendasar yang terdapat pada setiap negara berkembang. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang berupaya menanggulangi permasalahan kemiskinan salah satunya melalui kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan berbasis pemberdayaan. Pelatihan keterampilan dasar adalah salah satu program berbasis pemberdayaan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat sebagai bekal usaha bekerja dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis proses implementasi program pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan keterampilan dasar di Kecamatan Tambaksari serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dari proses implementasi program. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pelatihan keterampilan dasar yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah di Kecamatan Tambaksari pada dasarnya dapat membantu meningkatkan keterampilan dan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat keluarga miskin. Namun, dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut kurang mendapatkan apresiasi yang baik dari para penerima manfaat sehingga realisasi dari capaian program tersebut kurang mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.
Malang regency with total population 2,8 million peoples, as many 155.745 poor families are class... more Malang regency with total population 2,8 million peoples, as many 155.745 poor families are classified as poor household who need to be empowered. It could be work program East Java Province Government about poor household alleviation. The purpose of this study is to explain and describe Community Empowering Improvement Program of policy bases on poor household East Java Province Government that the implementation in Malang Regency, and beside it to know support and inhibiting factors from that policy especially in Pandansari Village Poncokusumo Sub-District. Methode Research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The technique used in data analysis model Spradley. The result of this research is summarize that Program Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat (Community Empowering Improvement Program) of policy implementation bases on poor household althought activity in the program consists of Usaha Ekonomi Produktif-Simpan Pinjam (Productive Economic Unit-Saving and loan), Sarpras (infrastructure) activity, and Peningkatan SDM (Increase Human Relation). But, in implementation the program was less optimally because less understanding society to program and complicated system for Unit Pengelola Keuangan Usaha (UPKu) Organizer. Abstrak: Kabupaten Malang dengan jumlah penduduk 2,8 juta jiwa, sebanyak 155.745 keluarga miskin adalah tergolong rumah tangga miskin yang perlu diberdayakan. Hal tersebut menjadi program kerja Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur tentang pengentasan rumah tangga miskin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan kebijakan Program Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat berbasis rumah tangga miskin Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur yang pelaksanaannya di Kabupaten Malang, dan disamping itu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya dari kebijakan tersebut khususnya di Desa Pandansari Kecamatan Poncokusumo. Jenis penelitiannya menggunakan penelitian dekskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis datanya menggunakan model Spradley. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan Program Peningkatan Keberdayaan Masyarakat berbasis rumah tangga miskin walaupun kegiatan programnya meliputi Usaha Ekonomi Produktif-Simpan Pinjam, kegiatan Sarpras (Sarana dan Prasarana), dan Peningkatan SDM. Akan tetapi, dalam pelaksanaannya kurang optimal dikarenakan kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terhadap program dan sistem yang dianggap rumit bagi pengurus Unit Pengelola Keuangan Usaha (UPKu).
Nganjuk Regency is one of the most potential regency in East Java to develop its tourism. Nganjuk... more Nganjuk Regency is one of the most potential regency in East Java to develop its tourism. Nganjuk Regency has four local tourism objects governed by local Department of Tourism and Culture: Sedudo Waterfall, Air Merambat Roro Kuning, Taman Rekreasi Anjuk Ladang (TRAL) , Margo Tresno Cave. Tourism of Nganjuk offers many tourism objects whose attraction and feature are distinctive in those places. Nonetheless, the lack of attention given by the government particularly in term of promotion that has become a hurdle to the advancement of tourism in Nganjuk. Therefore, it is essential that relevant authorities must have awareness and introduce several regulations to advance the tourism development. Developing tourism sector requires strategies which equipped by well-arranged tourism developing plan in order to optimize the tourism potential. The role of local government is therefore important as the main generator and afterwards, giving the Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department full authority to create and implement tourism developing strategies. In this thesis, the writer is encouraged to acknowledge and review the role of Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department in improving the tourism potential. It is acquired by settling the statement of problem on first, the strategies of Nganjuk Regency Tourism and Culture Department to develop its tourism sector and second, the factors affecting the improvement of tourism in Nganjuk Regency. This research applied descriptive research method in nature by employing qualitative approach. The resources were grouped into two, primary data and secondary data.
Good Corporate Governance Implementation to Increase the Quality of Service Good Corporate Govern... more Good Corporate Governance Implementation to Increase the Quality of Service Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in PT Telkom has become necessity, because when it applied, companies must have good service quality. This study was conducted to analyze and determine Good Corporate Governance Implementation to Increase the Quality of Service in PT Telkom Banyuwangi. Based on the aims of study, it using descriptive method in qualitative approach. The results of this research showed that PT Telkom divide the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in five groups which based on the five principles of Good Corporate Governance, that is: Transparency, Independence, Accountability, Responsibility, and Fairness. Furthermore, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance, Telkom show efforts to improve quality of service to satisfying their customers with SLG (Service Level Guarantee) system, competency management and development of human resources, Developing Distribution of service and Product, and the development of facilities and infrastructure, governance of TI that already good. However, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance in PT Telkom Banyuwangi depends of the competence of human resources availability and lack of information about the importance of Good Corporate Governance for PT Telkom Banyuwangi. From these results, the authors can draw the conclusion that good corporate governance has been implemented properly in accordance strengthening the application of the principles of Corporate Value (corporate values) and the authors provide suggestions for PT Telkom Banyuwangi that have implemented good corporate governance is necessary in order to better socialization and development of employee knowledge about GCG evenly on employees.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an Effort to Empower Society Around a Sugar Manufactory.... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an Effort to Empower Society Around a Sugar Manufactory. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the obligations to be performed by company in accordance with the contents of the limited liability company law No. 40 year 2007 article 74. CSR the form of BUMN is a Partnership and Community Development Program (Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan/PKBL). Kremboong Sugar Manufactory as a sugar industry that just as other industries do not escape the environmental impact that is felt detrimental to surrounding communities. External responsibility the shared obligation to bring about the well-being of the community by means of community empowerment in the surrounding environment. The study aimed to find out and analyze CSR on the company as empowering communities around the Kremboong Sugar Manufactory. The result of this research showed that Kremboong Sugar Factory have been trying to implemented CSR in accordance with the concept of PKBL where Kremboong Sugar Manufactory doing activities that show a sense of concern social as well as to try to empower people around a sugar manufactory. But in practice, CSR programs in Kremboong Sugar Manufactory through partnership and community development program that includes a partnership with farmers around the sugar factory, empowerment of small and medium enterprises, the granting of the welding skills to the youth around the sugar factory, and social service programs not running optimally because this programs has not been well socialized.
Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Mig... more Strategy Recruitment of Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad in Surabaya. Problems of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) is still a lot going on, one of which is sending TKI illegally. Recruitment strategy has an important role in preparing for sending workers abroad. This research uses descriptive research with qualitative approach, focusing on how the recruitment strategy of TKI that Abstrak: Strategi Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ke Luar Negeri di Kota Surabaya. Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) yang bekerja ke luar negeri masih banyak terjadi, salah satunya ialah pengiriman TKI secara ilegal. Strategi rekrutmen memiliki peran penting dalam mempersiapkan pengiriman TKI ke luar negeri. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, fokus pada bagaimana strategi rekrutmen TKI yang dilakukan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (UPT P3TKI) Surabaya. Strategi rekrutmen TKI ke luar negeri yang dilakukan oleh UPT P3TKI Surabaya, berupa program penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Program antar-Pemerintah (Government to Government) ke Korea Selatan, sosialisasi Program Penempatan dan Perlindungan TKI ke Luar Negeri (PPTKLN), Bimbingan Teknis (BIMTEK) Petugas Antar Kerja Antar Negara (AKAN). Saran untuk UPT P3TKI Surabaya, membuka cabang dari UPT P3TKI di daerah-daerah di Jawa Timur agar mempermudah dan memperlancar proses penempatan TKI. Kata kunci: Strategi rekrutmen, Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, Rekrutmen
Employee has a major role in any organization's activities, as employees become planners, perpetr... more Employee has a major role in any organization's activities, as employees become planners, perpetrators, and determining the realization of organizational goals system. Organizational goals will be more easily achieved if the employee is placed at a position corresponding to its competence. But the competence and ability alone is not enough to improve the performance of the employee, is also required accuracy in placing the employee in accordance with its competence and capabilities. This research uses explanatory research with quantitative approach.The independent variables used in this study is the suitability of knowledge (X1) with indicators of knowledge of formal and non-formal, fitness ability (X2) with indicators of physical and intellectual abilities, and suitability of expertise (X3) with indicators of technical expertise, social relationships and conceptual. The dependent variable in this study is the performance indicator of the quantity, quality, and time. This study has also found that of the three independent variables, the most influential variable is the compliance capabilities significantly, whereas the smallest effect is given by the compliance expertise.
Budidaya ikan membutuhkan adanya teknik-teknik pembenihan yang menunjang pengembangan pemuliaan i... more Budidaya ikan membutuhkan adanya teknik-teknik pembenihan yang menunjang pengembangan pemuliaan ikan (breeding program) baik dengan teknik reproduksi alami maupun teknik reproduksi buatan yang merupakan alternatif langkah dalam menyediakan benih ikan yang memadai, dengan demikian kesinambungan penyediaan induk matang gonad yang sehat dan berkualitas mutlak diperlukan.